
Face masks with honey

Face masks with honey
Masks at home with honey

Honey is one of the most unique products in its properties that nature presented to us. The wonderful ability of the bees to take from plants is the best of the best, put it with excellent healing properties that humanity learned how to use in all directions of medicine, including in cosmetology. A face mask using honey is one of the most popular cosmetology products. In comparison with the compositions of the other most popular ingredients, a face mask from honey has a huge advantage in terms of nutrients included in its composition. In addition, many leading cosmetologists put this means in one row with leading cosmetic drugs.

Masks for face with honey: choose honey for procedure


In order to properly choose honey for the procedure of face masks with honey, let's get acquainted with the varieties of this product. So, it happens different. Depending on the variety can be more dense or, on the contrary, liquid. The color of honey also depends on this. The main indicator in which it is customary to share this product is its origin. For example, it happens a fall and floral. Sometimes there is a mixed type. Floral honey, in turn, is also clean and mixed. It turns out when nectars colors are collected and processed. If honey is obtained from the processing of nectar of flowers of one plant, it is called monoflorine, and if from several plants, then - polyflore. The first one is made to determine the type of plants, from whose nectar it was obtained.

In general, the taste of any honey depends on the site of obtaining nectar. There are some other nuances that affect the fragrance, the taste and utility of this product in cosmetology. These include the composition of the soil, where the culture, bees breed, nectar is growing. It is believed that the land and hotter the weather, the harder it turns out in the end of honey, and the faster it can suprate. Consequently, in regions with a more humid climate, the product will be softer and drum.

The color and shade of honey depends on the bees breed. In addition, bees of different breeds, as a rule, produce honey of different chemical composition. Consequently, each of them useful properties can be a little different. For example, honey, which was assembled by Ukrainian bees, has a darker shade than the color of Caucasian honey, as it is almost white or water-transparent. Russian honey is usually greenish-sparkling. At the same time, bees in different regions can collect it from the same plants, but the color and properties of the product will be different.

Honey is still separated by the method of obtaining on centrifugal, pressed and cellular. The first of them is a liquid composition that was obtained from cells with the help of the so-called medogonka, which, in fact, is a conventional centrifuge. This honey is considered the most common. The pressed is usually mined by pressing. An example is heather honey. The difficulty of removing it with a honeycon is that it has an increased wax content and some wax-like substances. As for cellular honey, it is usually represented in the form of a frame or individual pieces. Such a product is very highly appreciated both for nutrition and for use for cosmetics purposes.

Face masks with honey: Bucky honey


It can have a dark yellow or bright brown color palette with a reddish tint. It is inherent in a special aroma and a pleasant islant specific taste. After the crystallization process, this product becomes brown. Its consistency consists of small or large grains. This naked is considered useful for the treatment of anemia or anemia. For cosmetic purposes, suitable for conducting masks for face with honey in the treatment of excessive skin fat.

Face masks with honey: Honey from sunflower flowers

It usually has a bright golden color. The shade is visually enhanced by honey on honey sunlight. The product is enjoyable and with a few tart taste. During crystallization, this variety acquires a light yellow or greenish tint. This honey has various terpene compounds, and in particular, alpha-tolenen, Farnezol and Alpha Pinen. It is useful for carrying out masks with honey as a feeding and invigorating agent.

Face masks with honey: honey from linden


It is characterized by bright yellow or light orange color. At the same time, it has a very gentle and pleasant fragrance inherent in linden flowers. Their composition has important useful compounds, for example, such as Farnesol. If nectar is going from the flowers of a linden of a mellite variety, then such honey is characterized by a strong aroma, but there is a spicy bitterness. Honey from the nectar of flowers of trees growing in the east, without bitterness. Such a product has even more gentle smell. Linden honey is usually at room temperature undergoing crystallization within 2 months.

This variety of honey is useful in that it has good expectorant properties. Therefore, with the help of it, fights with various respiratory facilities. In cosmetology, it is used to conduct anti-cellulite wraps and face masks with honey.

Honey masks: Cylet honey

It usually has a light color with a small characteristic greenish tint. In a liquid state, it is transparent, practically like water. Crystallizes pretty quickly. At the same time, it becomes white and acquires the type of dense mass. In cosmetology practically does not apply.

Face masks with honey: honey from acacia flowers


This honey usually has a white color with a green tint. It concentrated volatile oils. It usually has a very subtle taste. Unlike other types of product, it is capable of not crystallized for quite a long time. With long-term storage, the hardening of the mass can occur only after 2-4 years. At the same time honey acquires a beautiful yellow color. In this form, it usually has a dense form. Used in the cosmetic industry in the preparation of means and masks for the face with honey for the owner of the problematic skin of the face.

Honey masks: Cotton flowers

It is transparent or matte white. It has a pleasant taste, spicy fragrance. Crystallizes usually for 2 months or more. Fresh honey has a taste that is characterized by the plant itself. After some time, this taste disappears. Mature honey usually delicate taste and gentle aroma.

Face masks with honey: Clover honey

There are two types of this product. For example, honey from white clover in liquid form usually has a transparent white color with some greenish tint. In this case, he has a thin and gentle odor, excellent taste. For crystallization, he usually has enough one or two months. At the same time, it acquires the species of white dense mass. The second appearance of this product is honey from red clover. It usually has a red-yellow color. At the same time, in contrast to another variety, it is crystallized long enough. To taste, it is almost the same as the white. This product grade is recommended to be used in the treatment of increased blood pressure and colds. In cosmetology is used to conduct anti-cellulite massages and wraps, as well as as the active ingredient of peelings and face masks with honey.

Face masks with honey: Espartzet honey

Usually has a stable white color, sometimes greenish hue is possible. At the same time it gentle and delicate aroma and flavor is moderately sweet. Crystallization it usually enough to one to two months. Thus it is a fine-grained mass.

Face mask with honey: heather honey


Usually has a reddish or bright amber color. It has a relatively strong specific aroma. The product differs from others in that it is very viscous. Because of this, of the cells it is usually very difficult or evacuated, in general, is not pumped out. It is noteworthy that with shaking or stirring it becomes a liquid. However, during storage thickens quickly. Another worth noting that this honey is usually slowly crystallized. Unlike other heathy honeys absorbs less moisture and thus more viscous. The fact that it has useful chemical composition, particularly rich in minerals and protein, making this it is very valuable product in the cooking and in cosmetology.

Benefits of honey masks for face

Benefits of facial skin by the use of masks, which include all kinds of honey, is huge:

  1. The composition of this product are replete with all the necessary for the delicate facial skin with vitamins and microelements. Thanks to the molecular structure of honey, useful substances can easily penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, providing a revitalizing effect.
  2. During use of masks with honey content on facial skin is formed a kind of film that retards moisture, however, does not clog the pores, allowing integuments "breathe", and still maintain elasticity.
  3. Masks of honey have a phenomenal lifting effect and can tighten the skin, betraying its elasticity and beauty.
  4. This kind of cosmetic products are suitable for virtually any skin type.
  5. Masks at home with honey made very easily, which reduces the cost of the procedures. In this case, the effect of which is simply stunning.

The only drawback is its allergenicity of honey, so before using this product as a cosmetic agent, it is necessary to ensure the absence of predisposition to allergy for honey.

How to make a mask with honey facial


Recipes for various cosmetic products for the face based on honey has a large number. In this article, we present some of them that you can easily make at home.

Mask based on honey and oatmeal

Honey and oatmeal is one of the most popular combinations of products that provide a good result. Oatmeal is clearly cleaned and moisturized the skin, and honey supplies it with nutrients, vitamins and microelements. Make this mask is quite easy. We will need it: 2.5 tbsp. l oat flakes and 1.5 tbsp. l honey. Oatmeal boil on 5 tbsp. l water for 3-4 min. And let it cool to room temperature. Then add a naked and mix to obtain a homogeneous mass. The face before the procedure must be cleaned with a peeling or scrub. After that, we apply the composition and keep it for 15 minutes, after which we wash with warm water.

Mask with honey and olive oil


This wonderful mask is great for superscript dry skin. It nourishes the skin with the necessary trace elements, eliminates the peeling, fills moisture. To prepare the composition, you need to mix 1 tbsp. l olive oil, honey and sour cream to homogeneous mass. After cooking, we neatly apply the tool and leave for about 20 minutes, after which we wash off. Next, we moisturize protective cream. Spend a small course of such treatment for 3 weeks (2 masks per week) and you are guaranteed to get a good result.

Face Mask "Lemon and Honey"

This tool will become indispensable if the skin of the face suffers with rashes or eels. Such a mask is tightened by pores, reducing their pollution, and also gives the skin a slightly matte tint. To prepare this fund you will need 1 tbsp. l. The juice of lemon, liquid acacia honey (canurea) and soda. All ingredients mix before receiving a homogeneous mass and apply to the skin, pre-breaking it. The mask must be kept no more than 10 minutes, then rinse with water room temperature.

Be careful, with uncomfortable sensations in the form of burning, tingling, or itching the mask from acne with honey must be strained immediately, and the skin is treated with protective cream. You can repeat the procedure only to reduce the concentration of juice to 1-2 droplets.

Face mask with cinnamon

This tool perfectly exfoliates the dead areas of the skin, and with the help of honey feeds it the necessary amount of vitamins and nutrients. For a different type of skin as a comprehensive material, it is better to use different products. For example, for dry skin, a cinnamon will become the most optimal choice, for fatty - salt, and for normal - sugar. Scrasting material interfere with honey in equal shares before the formation of a homogeneous mass and rub with light circular motions into the skin of the face for 6-7 minutes. Then leave for 18-19 minutes and wash off.

Mask with brandy and honey


To prepare this fund, we will need 1.5 hours l. Cognac, honey and juice from the halves of lemon (small size), as well as 1 egg yolk. In a slightly preheated honey, add the remaining ingredients and a rascal egg yolk. All thoroughly mix and apply a mixture on the face. Hold 17-18 minutes and wash off with a tampon. Such a mask tones the skin of the face, improves nutrition and can eliminate redness and peeling.


Of these two ingredients, you can easily do two kinds of healthy faces. If you mix the whipped egg protein from 1.5 tbsp. l. Honey, then such a mask will become an excellent means for oily skin, having relived it from flaws. And if you are the owner of dry skin, then a whipped egg yolk with 1.5 tbsp. l. Flower honey will make it elastic and tightened, ensuring beautiful color and silkiness. Yolk and honey mask is one of the most popular among women.

Money and coffee mixture

One of the most popular masks. It has a tonic, invigorating and rejuvenating effect. For her preparation it is necessary to mix 1.5 tbsp. l. Buckwheat honey, saved on a water bath with residues of coffee welding. The mask is held 25-35 minutes, after which they wash off. The procedure can be repeated after 3-4 days.

Musk from honey and potatoes

The recipe of this mask is quite simple. We take one potato of medium sizes and boil it. When it cools down slightly, we rub it with a shallow grater and mix with 1.5 tbsp. l. Honey of any variety. We apply on the face and keep about 18-19 minutes, after which we wash warm water. This tool makes the skin soft, healthy, without traces of peeling, besides, as a result of its use, small wrinkles smoothed. Reviews of this mask from honey are just beautiful.

How to check the quality of honey


Before conducting the procedure, be sure to check the quality and purity of honey. To do this, just tilt the container with the product. At the same time, for some time he should stay in place and not to flow for a while. A distinctive feature of heather and acacia honey are small bubbles. Therefore, when they acquire them, first of all, you need to pay attention to it. It is believed that the longer honey will flow out of the tilted packaging, the cleaner.

Clean honey at least 1 minute should remain motionless. When it pumped out, then the smallest bubbles that attach characteristic flicker are usually formed. When warming up honey, these bubbles usually climb up. If there are no, it means that this product is bad quality and use it for the procedure.

Masks with honey: video


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