
Saws on the lips are the causes of the appearance of what is missing. How to treat snags on lips in adult and baby

Saws on the lips are the causes of the appearance of what is missing. How to treat snags on lips in adult and baby
Sounds on the lips: the causes of the appearance, diagnosis. How to get rid of the problem? Methods of treatment, folk methods. What ointments help in the fight against stairs. Prevention measures.

Saves on the lips - the phenomenon is common and very unpleasant. Who will like, when bubbles appear in the corners of the mouth? They are inflamed, itch and deliver a lot of inconveniences. Such rashes not only spoil the appearance, it is impossible to make lips, talk normally and even laugh. Not everyone will be perfected to go to the party, because everyone will pay attention to the problem.

Singles in the corners of the lips are found at about a third of the population. In medicine, the word "Zap" can be found rarely, because it is called this disease "Angular Stomatitis", "Haylit" or "Angulit". The disease is manifested as follows: cracks appear in the corners of the lips, which are inflated and covered with small bubbles. The process is rapid and painful. Treatment will depend on the cause of rash.

What are the snags in the corners of the lips appear?

The causative agents of this unpleasant disease are the candlecom and candidate fungus. If it is streptococci, then the problem is called respectively, and if the candids, doctors can refer to the phenomenon like a yeast and candidomic.

Embankments and cracks appear in the corners of the mouth can at any age, most often children suffer from this ailment, because they still have a weak immunity, but adults are also not insured against this problem. The rashes appear more often during the cold season, the inflammatory process is activated in the spring.

Why jump snags in the corners of the lips? There are a lot of reasons, the most important is a decrease in immunity, incorrect intestinal operation and stomach. If you have been driving at least once, this is the bell of the body, then you need to take more attention to yourself. Perhaps you still bothered something or worried, but you did not pay attention to it.

Sound on the lips. Causes:

  1. Sounds and crack cracks are a fungal disease, an infection can be transmitted from a sick person healthy through public items. For example, through dishes and cutlery, towels, with kisses.
  2. Frequent cause of rashes in the corners of the mouth, these are malfunction in the work of immunity, lack of basic vitamins and acute shortage of vitamins of group V.
  3. Due to the body's allergic reaction to some food, allergies in dental powder or paste and due to improper bite and oral hygiene.
  4. If you are exactly sure that you have enough vitamins, you eat balanced, maybe the reason in the rebupping of vitamin B2. It is contained in milk products, liver and beef. If you often eat these products, it can provoke the appearance of pimples.
  5. Appeared snabs on the lips? Not enough in the body of zinc and iron. You need to lean on buckwheat and oatmeal, there is asparagus, fresh parsley, there are more peaches, grenades, nuts and mushrooms, as well as potatoes, beef and lamb. Zinc a lot in seafood, greenery, eggs, beer yeast, seedlings of wheat and liver grains. Let's sum up: what vitamins are missing if there are snags on the lips? Experts recommend putting the course a vitamin complex so that the pharmacy preparation is present: vitamin C, group vitamins in (especially B2 and B6), iron, zinc.
  6. Chronic diseases and malfunctions in the work of the endocrine system. Diseases such as gastritis, colitis, hepatitis, as well as diabetes, can cause aggravation.
  7. Stresses, unbalanced nutrition, overwork, excessive physical exertion, lacking also lead to racks on lips and in the corners of the mouth.
  8. Long or uncontrollable antibiotics, disruption of intestinal microflora.
  9. Transferred inflammatory diseases: pneumonia (especially bilateral), sepsis.
  10. Poisoning to toxins and poisons.
  11. Damage to the mucous: For example, if children often lick her lips on the street, touch the face with dirty hands, as well as at the reception at the dentist, when you need to keep your mouth open for a long time (cracks may appear and the inflammation can develop), wearing a removable denture, not suitable to size.

Singles in the corners of the lips in the child appear more often than the older people. Mostly due to the fact that the child does not control his actions, he can take toys in the mouth, objects from the sandbox, lick the lips. To cure the Haylit in children is more difficult, since they still do not understand what you need to abide by hygiene and constantly touch your mouth.

Sound on the lips. Photo:

Suggestions on lips: treatment and diagnosis

Before proceeding with treatment, it is necessary to understand the cause of the problem. It will not hurt to pass the analysis (scraping) to identify the causative agent of the disease. Doctor needs to be understood, infection or viruses are caused by fungi. In addition, it is necessary to pass the blood test to eliminate the inflammatory process in the body, determine hemoglobin and it is also desirable to pass blood on sugar.

If you need to put an accurate diagnosis, the analysis of vasserman is given in order to identify streptococcal and exclusion of syphilis.

Streptococcal Haleitis most often pops up in children. Normally, each person has these bacteria, under certain conditions (decrease in immunity, improper power, supercooling, etc.), they are activated. First, cracks may appear in the corners of the mouth or barely noticeable bubbles that are strong. After some time, they open and remains an open wound, which may not be extended for a long time due to the fact that it is constantly injured (when conversing, during food, etc.).

If the problem is caused by fungi (candidates), then red erosion coated with thin white film appear in the corners of the mouth. It is easily removed, but the wound can not be delayed for a long time. Treatment by the corners of the lips caused by the candidate candidate, can delay due to permanent microcracks.

How to treat snags in the corners of the lips

Independent treatment can only harm, so it is desirable to pass tests and get advice from a specialist, since the snags can be a consequence of a serious illness.

How to remove snags in the corners of the lips:

  • viral Angultitis is treated with antiviral agents. Perfectly helps to get rid of the problem of ointment from snacks on the lips "Acyclovir" and "Herpevir";
  • the fungal form of the disease - will help such funds from snacks in the corners of the lips: Miramistin or Stomatidine;
  • bacterial shape will be cured by the drugs of the tetracycline group (strictly by appointment of the doctor!), Miramistin tablets;
  • if after the examination is unknown, because of what the pimples jumped out, then you should try universal funds, it is all the famous antiseptic "Fuccin", you can handle the wounds and rash "Miramistin" or "stomatidine". The last drug softens perfectly, relieves pain and itching, quickly heals the wounds.

What else can you treat snags on the lips:

  1. To crack cracks faster, buy a vitamin E bubble, lubricate them wounds. Ideal fit sea buckthorn, olives and linen. Before leaving outside, use hygienic lipstick.
  2. The tincture of the bark of oak and tincture of coys of alder will help to get rid of itching and pain. You need to lubricate the affected areas of the skin with these means.
  3. Tea tree oil heals well and softens. Take advantage of a cotton wand to moisten dry areas, wounds and cracks in the corners of the lips. Lubricate the oil of the wounds 2 times a day: immediately after sleep and before bedtime.
  4. How to get rid of snakes in the corners of the lips by folk remedies: take any vegetable oil, but best, if it is oil olive fruit oil. It will take 2 spoons of warm oil (warm on a water bath or in a bowl with hot water). Lips and rashes need to be lubricated 1-2 times a day.
  5. Make an ointment from snacks in the corners of the lips from the butter and a nonxid apple. Ripe fruit must be grate in a children's grater, add soft oil, mix. Such an ointment can be lubricated not only cracks and wounds, but lips - they will become soft. With oil you can mix propolis (in equal amounts).
  6. Herbal grades will help get rid of unpleasant toide. You need to take a spoonful of sage and chamomile (dry components), pour boiling water with a glass, bring to a boil, pecking no more than a minute. The decoction must be left for half an hour, then strain and apply cotton swabs, moistened in the brave several times a day.
  7. Kalanchoe - the flesh and juice of this medicinal plant will help at any stage of the disease. Freshly squeezed juice helps, they need to wipe the affected areas 2-3 times a day.
  8. Thermal water is also a good remedy for inflammation when nothing else turned out at hand.
  9. Warm green tea bag attach to the inflamed area, leave for a few minutes.

Now you know how to get rid of snacks in the corners of the lips. Do not forget that if the disease is caused by fungi, then you need to stick to the diet. Four is balanced, there are more vegetables and fruits, eliminate sweets and flour, canned food, sweet carbonated drinks alcohol, oily and fried food. Also, do not forget to monitor the state of the teeth, and if there is a caries and there are other problems (for example, a dental flare), then you need to eliminate them in a timely manner. Also follow the hygiene and face, change the towel on time and do not allow other family members to use your face towel.

Remember that this disease is easier to prevent, so lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, take vitamins in the offseason, observe hygiene. We wish you health!


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