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What is brushing face brushing. How to make brashing at home

What is brushing face brushing. How to make brashing at home
What is face brawing, effectiveness. To whom the procedure is recommended. What are the indications and contraindications. Bracing brushes, carrying out the procedure in the beauty salon and at home.

Human skin is a unique organ that is independently updated and freed from keratinized particles. The upper layer exfoliates in a natural way, and the skin becomes more fresh. But at present, it is difficult to ensure that it is cleaned independently, because we live in a glued city, we have little rest and eat it wrong. You have to help the skin and the best, as well as a safe way - this is face brawing.

Cosmetologists are heard by another name for this manipulation, the procedure for cleansing the skin “Broscage” is called. And the name "Bracing" is more found in everyday life and came from the English name of the apparatus itself for skin cleansing. That is, the work uses a special brush or “Brush”.

Facial Bracing brush, how the procedure is performed

It is believed that cleansing the skin using a special brush refers to hardware piging, as a result of which the skin is freed from dead cells, and the pores are cleansed. The work uses different brushes to achieve the maximum effect.

Bracing is a procedure for cleaning the skin of the face with a special brush. The opinion is erroneous that this is a peeling, because in this procedure products with abrasive particles and acids are not used. All the work is performed by bristles and a skin cleansing tool.

What are the pluses of the procedure:

  1. Cleaning of skin cells occurs softly and not traumatic.
  2. At the same time, the skin is freed from sebum and keratinized particles, plus a delicate massage is performed. It turns out that the procedures are combined: cleansing and massage.
  3. There is no need for special training and purchase of expensive equipment, as well as care products after the procedure. You can perform brashing yourself at home, bypassing the cabinet of a cosmetologist.
  4. The session lasts a few minutes, the procedure is absolutely painless and, moreover, even pleasant.
  5. With a properly selected brush (given the type of skin, the problem), you can achieve good results.

Brushes are different, with thin and more rigid bristles. Each brush for manual skin cleansing looks as follows: it has a long handle. The working area is small in order to correctly work out all areas of the skin.

This is how a brush brushwood looks like:

Cosmetologists in the beauty salons in work use special apparatus for Bracing. This is a block with a handle and interchangeable nozzles to ensure a more thorough cleansing of the skin of the face without injuring it.

A professional apparatus can have several nozzles: at least 2, a maximum of 6, but most often experts use 4 nozzles in the work:

  • this is the brush itself, consisting of thin and very soft bristles, which delicately release all pollution from the pores;
  • grinding stone for aligning the upper layer;
  • polishing video to calm the skin and smooth out;
  • a special nozzle intended for especially sensitive skin, which simultaneously cleanses and polishes the surface.

This is what the device for the Bracing of the face looks like:

The pluses of the Bracing of the face

After the first use of even a regular handle brush, you can see the following results:

  • the skin brightens noticeably, gets rid of a gray shade, becomes radiant and smooth;
  • pores are cleaned and narrowed;
  • small wrinkles are smoothed;
  • vascular work improves;
  • the skin becomes more fit and elastic;
  • spots from pimples, freckles and pigmentation are smoothed out and noticeably light up;
  • comedones and scars are significantly reduced;
  • new rashes are reduced;
  • the skin after the procedure begins to be cleaned in a natural way.

Indications and prohibitions on the face of the Bracing Person

Each, even at first glance of harmless manipulation, has not only evidence, but also contraindications. Let's find out to whom this procedure is recommended, and who is better to choose another method of skin cleaning.

Bracing is necessary for such problems:

  • in the presence of open and hidden comedones on the skin;
  • if the pores are expanded;
  • if the skin looks tired, there is a gray complexion;
  • with age wrinkles and small, as well as dry skin;
  • in the presence of age spots;
  • if the skin is flabby or vice versa, too rough.

To whom this procedure is undesirable:

  • women in position and lactating breasts;
  • with pronounced rosacea;
  • if the skin has inflammatory processes: acne, wounds, as well as herpes pimples;
  • if demodicosis of the skin is detected, the procedure can be performed only after the problem is eliminated.

In any case, if you want to try braving even at home, you need a specialist consultation.

Bracing - facial cleaning, what is it and how it is performed

If this procedure is done in a cabin, then the cosmetologist will perform the procedure in stages:

  1. The session always begins with preparation, namely, thorough and competent cleansing of the skin from makeup residues. Then the specialist will apply a special tool to open the pores and complete the purification as necessary, with light peeling.
  2. The skin is ready, the specialist selects the nozzle, taking into account the features of each client, goes through the brush along the massage lines. It works softly, without pressure, without linger in one place more than half a minute.
  3. The completion of the procedure is always applying a nutrient mask and cream to the exit.
  4. The duration of one session is usually no more than 5 minutes, with certain problems - up to 15 minutes.
  5. During the procedure, there are no unpleasant sensations, except that a light rush of blood, because blood circulation is increased, it should be so.

What are the results after the face of the face?

If you perform brashing with a cosmetologist, then the number of procedures will depend on the condition of the skin. The specialist will determine all this for consultations and immediately after the first procedure, based on the results, you can make an assessment.

What to expect? The skin will become fresh, small wrinkles will be angry, irregularities are burned, pigmentation and pimples will not become so noticeable. All this can be seen immediately after the procedure, and after a few days many girls notice that the number of rashes has decreased, the skin has become more elastic and tightened.

Bracing face. Reviews:

Inna, 18 years old: "" I didn’t think that I would have to fight pimples like that. They became more and more every day. She herself could not cope, I had to contact a cosmetologist. It is good that the treatment was prescribed in a timely manner, everything was performed correctly and did not miss the visits to the salon. Now I don’t get enough, rashes are gradually passing, single pimples remain, it is especially pleased that after Brashing the spots are leaving, otherwise I was embarrassed to go out without a tonal remedy».

Marina, 48 years old: "" I always had problematic skin, then rashes, then small wrinkles, and recently found that the complexion became somehow dull, grayish. I used the tonal base and powder, but such a disguise does not relieve the problem. I bought a brush brush brush, I make skin cleansing myself, since there is no extra time on a visit to the cosmetologist yet. Glad at least small, but the result!»

Anton, 24 years old: "" My face is not very good, then rashes, then spots remain from acne. He was shy to go to the salon, but the girl persuaded me. We started with cleansing the skin, and I am very pleased with the result. Already after the first procedure, it is noticeable how the skin began to literally breathe and the head. I am very pleased, now we go to the cosmetologist with the girl».

How many Bracing sessions do you need?

After the Bracing using the device, the results are better than with home care. Therefore, if possible, we recommend that you make an appointment with a specialist and take into account that:

  • if the skin is normal, then one procedure is enough every 4 weeks;
  • if dry and dehydrated - then once every 8 weeks;
  • with oily skin or mixed type, you can try braving 2 or even 3 times a month;
  • and if the skin is problematic, then at first - every week.

The requirements for brushing for the face are not stringent, many people like that there are no restrictions. After the procedure, you can go to the sauna, play sports and swim in the pool.

As for combining with other cosmetic procedures, combination with:

  • vacuum cleaning to improve the relief and delicately cleanse the pollution;
  • ozone therapy - to improve the production of elastin and collagen;
  • deep cleansing of the skin (dezicrusting method).

But these methods are selected by a specialist in each case.

How to perform brushing for the face at home

You can perform a qualitatively procedure at home, if you purchase a good device. Currently, semi -professional electrical brushes are available on sale, but if the funds are not enough for this, then an ordinary brush with a long handle and natural bristles is suitable. Then the cost of the procedure is noticeably reduced. The main thing is to learn how to do everything right, study massage lines and prevent skin stretching when performing the procedure at home.

For a cleansing procedure, it is necessary to allocate only 15 minutes:

  1. Prepare the skin, remove the remains of contaminants and makeup. Use the usual skin cleansing tools.
  2. Put a warm compress on peeled skin (brew a chamomile, use a gauze cut or a clean cotton towel). Put a wet hot compress on the face, leave for 5 minutes. During this time, the pores will open, which will additionally provide the best skin cleansing.
  3. Use a special tool and a brush or apparatus to free the skin from the keratinized layer and pollution along the massage lines.
  4. Rinse the product, apply a nutrient mask or cream to the skin. After manipulation, the skin will acquire a pink shade, this is the norm. After some time, everything will pass and there will be no trace from the redness.

The result is beautiful, smooth and radiant skin. Now you know another secret how to become more attractive, good luck!



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