
Lipofilling - what is it, price, reviews, photos. Lipofilling of the chest glands, buttocks, faces, lips, eyes, bodies - how the procedure, result, consequences, rehabilitation is carried out

Lipofilling - what is it, price, reviews, photos. Lipofilling of the chest glands, buttocks, faces, lips, eyes, bodies - how the procedure, result, consequences, rehabilitation is carried out
How lipofilling is carried out. Features of the operation on the face and other parts of the body.

The desire to like and others in the blood of every woman. And if advertised creams and gels, coupled with hardware cosmetology, do not give the expected effect, “heavy artillery” is used. This, as you already guessed, is plastic surgery. One of the operational ways of exterior correction today is lipofilling. What is the essence of the methodology and to whom it will do, you will learn in the article.

Lipofilling is an operation during which the patient’s own fatty tissue is extracted from one area to transfer it to another, “problematic” area. Most often, women resort to transplantation of excess tissue from the abdomen, buttocks or the inside of the hips. In these areas, adipose tissue is very loose and is perfectly supplied with blood. To extract a fat auto -transplant, a syringe equipped with a special cannula with a rounded end is used. So hated fat becomes an excellent building material for rejuvenation, strengthening the expressiveness of the face or correcting the deficiencies of the figure. Before transplantation, a special technique evaluates the resulting material and leaves only healthy viable adipocytes (fat cells), thanks to which adipose tissue will quickly take root in a new place.

The popularity of an interesting technique is growing every day also because you can transform not only eyes and lips in this way, but also more “outstanding” zones (chest, buttocks). Body lipofilling today is definitely in trend.

Advantages of lipofilling procedure

Those who made lipofiling are convinced that the positive aspects of this way of improving the appearance are obvious and are not in doubt:

  1. The patient is guaranteed to be insured from the development of an allergic reaction, since his own fabrics are used as transplanted material.
  2. In most cases, adipose tissue, wherever it is placed, takes root well. The rejection occurs quite rarely, which cannot be said about artificial implants.
  3. The area that has undergone correction is beyond praise - after the recovery period, it looks very natural.
  4. The use of lipofilling allows you to kill two birds with one stone: an excessively most part of the body is noticeably “losing weight” due to the extracted fat, and the other, where this fabric is placed, on the contrary, is pleasantly pouring.
  5. The adipose tissue implanted in the problem area remains in one place and subsequently does not move anywhere.
  6. The lipofilling procedure belongs to low -traumatic types of surgical intervention.
  7. Most often, general anesthesia for lipofilling is not used.

Lipofilling: how much the result is

Most plastic surgery clinics that provide lipofiling service assure that the effect of the operation is lifelong, but this is quite controversial information. First of all, the stability of the result depends on the individual ability of the patient’s body to process fat. That is why the Internet of the Internet is full of positive and negative reviews of lipofilling. Some do not last the result for a year, others have a renewed look for a period of 3 to 5 years, and some lucky ones can indeed enjoy a positive result for life.

Lipofilling: Price

Mentally trying on the image updated with plasticity, many women immediately ask the question, but can they afford such a pleasure? The cost of the procedure is different, and depends primarily on the complexity of surgical intervention, the size of the area that needs correction, and the authority of the clinic itself. The average price of anti -aging technique varies from 15 to 35 thousand rubles, and this, of course, is not the limit. So, the correction of hands or legs will devastate a wallet by 50 - 70 thousand, and in order to become the owner of the delicious rounded buttocks, about 100 thousand rubles will have to be laid out.

Lipophiling: Specifications of operations in different zones

The procedure has certain features depending on what the woman wants to fix.

Facial lipofilling

The operation transforms the patient almost beyond recognition: the contours sagging and losing shape disappear, any asymmetry disappears, and the sunken eyes “open”. In addition, the general condition of the skin improves: it acquires the missing moisture, elasticity and is noticeably smoothed in places of clusters of wrinkles. Impressive facial lipofilling results can be evaluated in the photo:

A tool for operation on the face is a special syringe with a thin needle. The surgeon makes an injection of a clearly dosed portion of fat to the problem area. This sparing technology eliminates the use of anesthesia when the patient wants to “correct” the area of \u200b\u200bnasolabial folds, foreheads or a tear groove.

Lipofilling of the lips

Women mainly resort to lipofilling of the lips if they are dissatisfied with their insufficient volume. However, with the help of this procedure, you can solve a number of other cosmetic problems: for example, adjust the shape and make the contours of the mouth more clear, raise the corners of the lips that have lowered from time to time or give them a natural color if they are discolored. Fat is inserted along the outer line of the lip to get a beautiful even circuit. Typically, about 1 - 3 ml of adipose tissue is consumed in one operation. The procedure is carried out using a very thin needle with a rounded tip, which will not hurt the cell. Surgical intervention of this kind involves the use of local anesthesia, and it lasts no more than 1 hour.

Lipofilling of nasolabial folds

As doctors assure, the woman’s nasolabial triangle is corrected through a minimally invasive operation even more often than the lips. The thing is that the nasolabial fold begins to obviously sink after 30-35 years, and in most cases this does not happen because of the age, but because of the high facial activity of the face.

Other indications for the correction of this area are:

  • distortion of the line of the nasolabial triangle after an injury;
  • an individual feature or disease, as a result of which nasolabial folds are arbitrarily located.

Lipofilling cheekbones

Indications for the correction of the cheekbones in lipofilling are:

  • flat, narrow or asymmetric average face zone;
  • insufficient elasticity of the skin in this area;
  • the appearance of a pronounced nasolabial furrow;
  • manifestation of a clear nasolacial furrow;
  • poorly expressed line of cheekbones;
  • too sharp the transition from the lower eyelid to the cheekbone;
  • "Tired" face;
  • branded cheeks.

The operation on the cheekbones lasts an average of 30 minutes. 15 days after lipofilling, operated cheekbones will braid the net of new blood vessels that will supply oil tissue with oxygen and nutrients.

Lipophiling chin

The following problems are the following problems:

  • the dimensions and shape of the chin are “knocked out” from the general anatomical picture of the face, making it disproportionate;
  • the fabrics of the chin are underdeveloped. This congenital defect deprives the face of attractiveness;
  • jaw injury in the area of \u200b\u200bthe chin in the past, having unaesthetic consequences in the form of a clear deepening;
  • a change in the shape and outlines of the chin due to age;
  • congenital or acquired deformation of the bones and muscles of the chin due to an infectious disease;
  • the subjective desire of a woman to change his chin if something does not suit her in him.

On the eve of the operation, the doctor talks with the patient and, using 3D modeling technology, finds out how much volume needs to be added to the lower part of the face. The procedure itself takes about 1 hour, and the recovery period - from 2 to 4 days.

Lipophiling of the eye

The woman looks young until her gaze retains openness and clarity. And this requires tone and good condition of the skin of the eyelids. Lipophiling, which, incidentally, is not as painful as blepharoplasty, allows you to solve this problem. According to the surgeons, it is worth deciding to decide for lipofilling if:

  • the eyelids are disproportionate from birth or steel with age;
  • the skin around the eyes was entangled by a grill of wrinkles;
  • the upper eyelid was strongly sunk;
  • the outline of the eyelids was distorted;
  • bruises and dark circles appeared under the eyes;
  • the consequences of unsuccessful plastic surgery are evident.

The contour plastic of the eyelids with the fat tissue of the patient himself fully returns the missing volume without violating their integrity, and lipofilling conducted under the eyes levels the skin tone and completely eliminates the first age -related changes. Perhaps for a painless procedure that takes from 30 to 60 minutes, these are impressive results. When the surgeon adjusts both eyes at once, the duration of the operation can drag on to 2 hours. The rehabilitation period for this delicate region is about 10 - 14 days. According to happy patients, the face after lipofilling of the eye looks younger for a good ten years.

Lipofilling of the chest glands

Every woman at least once in her life thought about the possibility of changing the shape and size of her chest, resorting to the services of a plastic surgeon. The contour plastic by lipofilling also applies to breast augmentation with one condition - the patient should have his own fat reserves in a sufficient volume. The testimony for the operation is as follows:

  • significant asymmetry of the mammary glands;
  • the need to correct the errors of past operations in the form of empty areas and irregularities;
  • the need to additionally adjust the breast dictated by endoprosthetics.

With chest lipofilling, the mammary glands increase by no more than 1 size.

Due to its minimally, the procedure is completely simple, but some contraindications are still available:

  • insufficient amount of fat for transplantation;
  • tumors of any origin;
  • critical days;
  • a short period after the end of breastfeeding.

In general, breast lipofilling is a completely safe operation. Before the procedure, the woman has to undergo fluorography, ultrasound of the breast, mammography, donate urine and blood for analysis. On the day of lipofilling, it is forbidden to drink or eat anything. The operating woman should go without cosmetics (it is forbidden to use nail polish, creams, gels, deodorants).

After increasing the mammary glands by lipofilling, pronounced swelling will remain for some time. For 2 days after surgery, the patient showed analgesic therapy, for 7 days - antibacterial. A woman will be able to evaluate a new shape of her chest no earlier than after 2 weeks. An important condition for consolidating the result is to carry a special corset within 1 month after lipofilling.

Lipofilling of the buttocks

The operation is shown in the following cases:

  • deformation of the buttocks on the basis of diseases or injuries;
  • asymmetry;
  • lack of a pronounced shape (flat buttocks);
  • the patient’s subjective desire to change the shape of the buttocks or raise them.

During the operation, the surgeon cuts the buttocks in several places and inserts special tools into these holes, according to which fat enters the fabric and is evenly distributed there. Fiber can take no more than 65% of third -party adipose tissue, and a large gluteal muscle - at least 35%. At the end of the operation, the holes are sewn with threads from the material, which over time is absorbed without a trace. There are no scars on the site of the cuts.

The recovery period after surgery takes up to 60 days. At this time, it is important to comply with a number of recommendations, including diet, taking medications, wearing a special tightening linen, night vacation exclusively on the stomach, etc. The final results of lipofilling of the buttocks will become noticeable 3 months after the operation, and the full implantation of the saturated adipose tissue can be spoke after 9 months (only then the inconvenience will disappear during the seat).

Lipophiling of arms and legs

Hands - the third region after the neck and the décolleté zone, which eloquently hints at the age of the woman. Nevertheless, our eternal workers often do not receive care and lose their natural beauty prematurely. The harmful effects of the external environment, very modest water reserves in the skin of the hands, insufficient sebaceous glands on the back of the hands and the complete absence of them on the palms make this area completely defenseless.

The lipofilling technique allows you to increase the vital fat layer in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hands. Possible plastic should be thought about when the skin in the hands looks excessively dried and wrinkled, all “glows” with vessels. Thanks to surgical intervention, a bluish tint disappears, protruding contouring tendons “hide” due to additional volume. The skin acquires a natural color and healthy tone. Evaluate the effect of lipofilling in the photo (before and after):

After the procedure, operated places on the brushes are pulled with a special ribbon for a while from 3 to 5 days to prevent the displacement of the new fat layer under the skin. For 14 days after the operation, it is not recommended to massage hands in the field of fat transplantation, as well as put brushes under the head during rest. The consequences of the operation - swelling and redness - will remain on the hands for up to 2 - 4 weeks. Finally, brushes are restored on average after 4 to 6 months.

The grounds for conducting the lowering lipofilling are true and false curvature of the legs: the technique successfully replenishes the deficiency of soft tissues in problem areas and masks defects in the development of bones. The necessary volume of fat per lower leg is determined by the degree of curvature of the lower extremities - usually 50 - 250 ml. The operation lasts about 1.5 - 2 hours, and the patient goes home after 1 day. The final result can be judged only six months after the lipofilling procedure.

Lipofilling: Features of rehabilitation

Even after such sparing surgery, swelling always occurs and often hematomas. Experts regard this as a norm, defects disappear 7 to 10 days after the procedure. That is how much time it takes a partial or complete healing of punctures and cuts through which they extracted or pumped fatty tissue.

No matter what area or body is an operation, for 2 months after the procedure, patients are required to comply with the doctor’s recommendations so that the recovery period is successful:

  1. Undergo a course of antibacterial therapy (will take 1 week).
  2. Within 1 month, refrain from wearing tight shoes and high -heeled shoes.
  3. Observe moderation in food and drink.
  4. If possible, do not drive the car for 10 days after lipofilling.
  5. For some time, do not perform physical exercises and wear compression linen.
  6. Avoid swimming in open ponds and pool, do not visit baths.

Lipofilling: negative consequences

With side effects and complications after lipofilling procedure, patients face in isolated cases. If something has already gone wrong, then the reason is often connected with the unprofessional actions of the surgeon or the individual reaction of the body to such “innovations”. We list the most likely complications after the operation:

  1. The appearance of tuberous areas on the surface of the operated area. This usually happens after incomplete resorption of transplanted fat, which happens mainly if the patient is an avid smoker.
  2. Asymmetry. Over time, only 70 - 80% of fatty tissue is completely implanted. To avoid unpleasant consequences, competent experts always increase the volume of the injected biomaterial.
  3. Infection of fatty tissue. For prevention, the patient takes antibiotics after surgery.
  4. Strong pain.
  5. The disappearance of sensitivity in operated areas.

Sometimes the culprit of the manifested complications is the patient himself, who, out of ignorance or deliberately, did not deliberate all comprehensive information about his health.

Lipophiling: Contraindications

Unfortunately, the transformation methodology due to their own fat deposits is not suitable for everyone. People with such diseases in the history of diseases will not be able to use the service:

  1. Violations regarding blood coagulation.
  2. Acute and chronic diseases of the connective tissue.
  3. Congenital and acquired heart disease or blood vessels.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Oncological diseases.
  6. Mental disorders.
  7. General and local infectious process.

Lipofilling: Frequently asked questions. Video



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