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Properties and use of peach oil. How to use peach oil for the face, body, hair. Treatment with peach oil. Is it possible for peach oil to newborn. Persian oil masks at home

Properties and use of peach oil. How to use peach oil for the face, body, hair. Treatment with peach oil. Is it possible for peach oil to newborn. Persian oil masks at home
The article tells about the properties of peach oil, as well as the methodology of its application.

Cosmetic peach oil is usually extracted from fresh fruits of peach and its seeds. It can be trees of various varieties. To date, there are several methods of producing peach seed oil - by steam distillation or using the extraction of solvent. Whatever the way it is extracted, as a result, it will have an excellent aroma and many useful qualities. Next, we will talk about the properties of peach oil, as well as the methodology of its use.

Persian oil: benefit

Consider the beneficial properties and methodology of the use of peach oil:

  • Peach oil has antispasmodic properties. Thanks to this, you can eliminate problems such as muscle cramps, convulsions. It is possible to relieve muscles pain, which stretches the pain that occurs in the respiratory system, as well as pain in the intestinal tract. With the help of such oil, you can cope with nausea and migraine.
  • The composition of the peach fruits contains various trace elements that affect the nerve cells. Therefore, peach oil has soothing and bactericidal properties. It is considered a good antidepressant. In particular, inhalations or aromatic lamps are used for this. With this, you can cope with a sense of mental anxiety, depression and anxiety. Respiratory procedures with apricot and peach oil are useful for patients who suffer from an acute form of a depressive state.
  • It is also worth noting the content of vitamin E in this product. Therefore, peach oil is very useful for the skin. This vitamin helps to reduce cholesterol levels, normalizes blood coagulation, and helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels. He still plays a rather important role in the work of the reproductive system.
  • In addition, with the help of peach oil used inward, you can remove harmful toxins from the body and cleanse the blood. Thanks to this, it is possible to prevent the development of skin diseases, for example, boils, ulcers, allergic smallpox.

  • Persian oil extract has good bactericidal properties. Therefore, the product can be used, for example, for the treatment of food poisoning, diarrhea and some other diseases. If inflammation of the ear shells, inflammation of the eyes has developed, then peach oil will be in handy here. In addition, you can use peach oil for rinsing the throat. To do this, a few drops of iodine, a pinch of baking soda and 2-3 drops of oil are added to the purified water.
  • Peach oil has good astringent properties. Thanks to this, you can strengthen the roots of the hair, tighten and tone the skin, muscles, intestinal mucosa and blood vessels. This, in turn, strengthens the teeth and hair, prevents the early appearance of wrinkles, and also minimizes the age -related loss of elasticity of the limbs and abdominal muscles.
  • Persian oil helps to improve the overall nutrient function of the stomach. It has choleretic properties, which helps the outflow of bile from the gall bladder, and also regulates the acid level in the stomach. In addition, this oil can adjust the acidity of the blood, which allows you to get rid of a problem such as acidosis.
  • Essential peach oil can be used to flavor air, linen. In addition, it can be used for compresses, applications, rubbing, massage. It is successfully used to care for the oral cavity and teeth, for intimate hygiene, as well as for caring for mucous membranes. You can drip peach oil into the nose with 1 drop with a cold.
  • Persian oil is effective for the treatment of joint diseases. It contains substances that have a relaxing effect, which, in turn, leads to an improvement in blood circulation in this place. In addition, this oil is used as anesthetic, decongestant, bactericidal and antitumor agent.

Persian oil for women's health

  • Massage using essential oil helps women with frigidity, nervous tension. Such procedures relieve stress well, improves sleep, relax. For massage, the following mixture will be needed: add 2 drops of peach essential oil, 3 droplets of basil essential oil, 2 droplets of bergamot oil, roses and ylang-ylang oil on 60 ml of the base. It is advisable to carry out such massage all over the stomach, on the hips and along the diaphragm and solar plexus. This type of massage with peach oil from stretch marks is also used.
  • Essential peach oil can increase the ability to conceive. It regulates and normalizes the menstrual cycle. For this purpose, sedentary baths are best suited, in which 2 drops of oil and pink water are added. Also, this bath is considered a good tool for relaxation. It calms well, has antiseptic effects and tones the skin.
  • Peach oil is useful for various female diseases. In particular, it can help with an irregular menstrual cycle. With it, you can “delay” the onset of menopause.

Persian oil: Instructions for use in various diseases

  • With thrush and vaginitis, you can do douching using this oil. To do this, you need to add 1 tsp to 600 ml of boiled water. soda dining room and 2 drops of peach oil.
  • With toothache, for example, you can attach a cotton swab, which is impregnated with a mixture of base oil with peach oil in a ratio of 4: 1, to the sore tooth.
  • It is possible to rinse the oral cavity. To do this, add 1/3 tsp to 120 ml of water. soda or salt. It needs to dilute 1 drop of peach oil.
  • With gum inflammation, gauze applications moistened in peach oil diluted with water (5 parts of water and 1 part of the oil) are performed. Apply to sore gums.
  • Persian oil for periodontal disease is used as follows: you need to add 2 drops of oil on 800 ml of water and rinse your mouth 2 times a day.

Persian oil for the face and body

Thanks to the positive reviews of customers, peach oil is often used in cosmetology:

  • It can improve the function of the epithelium of the mucous membranes and skin.
  • It has bactericidal properties. Thanks to this, it is successfully used as an effective remedy for the treatment of pustular lesions of the skin. It helps with psoriasis, mycosis and eczema.
  • Useful peach oil from wrinkles. When applying to the skin, it is quite quickly and deeply absorbed, therefore it actively nourishes, moisturizes and cleanses. In addition, it protects the skin well from premature aging and facial wrinkles.
  • Peach oil is used for tanning, as it can minimize the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.
  • Persian oil is used to strengthen nails. To do this, a cotton swab moistened in oil should be processed the base of the nail plate.
  • Due to the content of the whole “bouquet” of vitamins, peach oil is used to strengthen eyelashes. To do this, apply only 2-3 drops of oil at night. Person oil is also used in similar way to eyebrows.

Persian oil masks

There are several effective recipes, which include peach oil:

  • To moisten the overdled skin, a mixture of peach and pink oil (2 drops), 1 tsp, is used. honey. The mixture is applied no more than 10 minutes, since honey can cause allergic reactions.
  • To eliminate facial and age-related wrinkles, peach oil is mixed with olive (1 to 5) and applied for 10-15 minutes every other day in the evening.
  • You can remove excessive oily skin using a mixture of blue clay and 2-3 drops of peach oil. Apply locally to the "problem" zones.
  • You can tint the skin, give them radiance and “charge of vigor” using the following mixture-cottage cheese (10 g), honey (1/2 tsp), 4-5 drops of peach oil. Apply for 10 minutes, gently wash off.
  • It is possible to remove annoying pustular rashes thanks to a healing agent, which contains 5 drops of lemon juice, 3 drops of peach oil, 1 tsp. Blue clay. Mix well. When applying to the skin, we avoid delicate areas (around the eyes and lips).

Persian oil masks

If you regularly rub peach oil into the scalp and apply it to the hair, then this strengthens the curls, and also prevents their premature graying.

From peach oils you can prepare special hair products:

  • It is best combined with various essential oils (2-3 drops of each). Moreover, it can be used as the main component or when washing hair (together with the available balm-steamer).
  • In order to avoid the premature loss of curls, it is recommended to rub the oil into their base. This procedure is usually performed 10-12 minutes before washing the hair.
  • Mask for increased growth based on peach oil. For its preparation, in addition to peach oils, an olive, as well as a solution of dimexide, will be required. 1 tbsp. The oils are thoroughly mixed with each other and 1 tsp should be added to the resulting mixture. Dimexida. It is used to enhance the effect of oils. The resulting mask is thoroughly rubbed into the hair roots, after which it is insulated with a towel or a plastic bag. After 35-40 minutes, the mask must be washed off with warm water with conventional shampoo.
  • To preserve brittle and weak hair, a mask based on a mixture of peach oil and one of the essential oils is used. Two tablespoons of peach seeds oil and 2-3 drops of the ethereal are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, after which they are thoroughly rubbed into the scalp. Then the mask is left for a quarter of an hour and washed off. Thanks to this composition, the hair becomes more durable, thick and looks great.

Persian oil can be used for quite some time - from 6 months to 1.5 years. This period is due to the fact that it is not oxidized. It must be remembered that after the oil is first used, it is recommended to be kept in the refrigerator, and in hermetic packaging, so that it is stored for a maximum period. Just do not forget to close the jar after first use.

Persian oil: harm, contraindications

Is it possible to use peach oil without fear for your health? Not in all cases, since the product has its contraindications:

  • So, for example, if a person suffers from diseases of myocardium and liver, then before the use of peach oil inward it is best to consult with the attending physician.
  • Persian oil should be used with caution to people with gastritis, as well as with peptic ulcer of the stomach and enterocolites.
  • In addition, it must be said that the external use of this oil can cause burns and even allergic reactions.
  • It is not recommended to use mustard oil for people who have a pronounced individual intolerance to this product.
  • In addition, it should not be used externally to those who have very sensitive skin. This also applies to the use of peach oil for children.

Is it possible to use peach oil for newborns?

Persian oil with great success is used to care for the skin of newborn. Pediatricians advise using it to treat diaper rash, redness and exfoliation of the baby's skin. It is especially worth paying attention to the processing of skin folds. They are most often prone to dialects and irritations.

This tool should be used carefully, although peach oil is considered absolutely safe. The fact is that the baby’s delicate skin is subject to allergic reactions. This is due to the unstable immune system of newborns. Therefore, it should be tested first. To do this, a small amount of oil is applied to one small area, after which the skin reaction is monitored. If there is no redness, you can begin to constant use. It will help not only remove the irritation of the skin, but also improve the general condition of the baby.

Persian oil: video tutorial



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