
Beauty 694 0

Elos face rejuvenation - indications, contraindications, reviews, photos before and after. How Elos is the rejuvenation of the face and body, the consequences of the procedure

Elos face rejuvenation - indications, contraindications, reviews, photos before and after. How Elos is the rejuvenation of the face and body, the consequences of the procedure
The article tells how the rejuvenation Elos procedure is carried out, and what results should be calculated on patients.

Beauty requires sacrifice. This expression becomes relevant when years are already beginning to take their own, but I want to look just dazzling. The first section of the body, which is affected by aging, is the face. Modern cosmetic techniques allow, if you do not turn the time back, then it is noticeable to slow down the natural process. Often, when the face of the skin occurs without surgical intervention, it can be quite difficult to fix them, and the result can be unstable. Creams against wrinkles, masks and other products help only until a certain point. However, not many resolve the “lie under the knife” of the surgeon. Any operation, even the simplest, is often associated with risk, and anesthesia certainly does not add health. The rehabilitation period after surgical intervention can drag on for several days, which in a modern working pace are always difficult to find.

Fortunately, modern non -invasive methods of rejuvenation of facial skin, which give an excellent result without surgical intervention, appeared in modern cosmetology. One of these methods is the elosomation. We will tell you about how this procedure is done and what results should be calculated on patients.

What is an eloso union

The effect of this technique lies in the complex simultaneous use of the light flow and the action of radio frequency radiation. The balance of two active factors provides a persistent and well -visible result.

The name Elos in English sounds-Electro-Optical Synergy and literally translates as the interaction of radio frequency (electrical) effects with fluctuations in light pulses. Initially, such a mix was developed as one of the new methods of hair removal. Thanks to this exposure to electric and light energy, it became possible to remove not only dense hair, but also fluffy, which provided a persistent and visible effect. However, cosmetologists noticed that after exposure to the hair areas, the skin that adjoins them showed a very good reaction. After the course of the procedures, it became more elastic, fit, wet, had a healthy shade. The severity of wrinkles was significantly reduced, the vascular mesh disappeared, which indicates a favorable effect on the vascular system. Also, pigment spots disappeared from the skin, and in some cases even acne. All this led to the fact that cosmetologists began to use elos therapy to rejuvenate the face.

Who shows the ELOS-ON procedure

The elosonization procedure can begin at the first signs of skin aging. Naturally, the time frame of the beginning of this process depends on the characteristics of the body. As a rule, for help, cosmetologists are addressed at the age of 30-40 years. Also, the indication for the ELOS-ONECHENT is:

  • The presence of acne on the skin or the recovery period after their removal.
  • Too expanded pores.
  • Skin pigmentation.
  • Singing the skin on the face, neck, neckline.
  • Folds on the face after a sharp drop in body weight.
  • The presence of small scars and stretch marks.
  • A vascular mesh and illnice problems with vessels on the face.
  • Dull complexion, violation of its evenness.
  • Reduced skin tone, its dehydration.

New eloso-related devices can be programmed for a particular patient, namely, his age, the presence of certain diseases, skin color, etc. Thanks to this, a more persistent effect is achieved.

Preparation for the Elos-Ocomatic Procedure

Despite the fact that the elo-nomination is one of the simplest cosmetic procedures for the human body, it is necessary to prepare for it. This should be treated very seriously, because the result of the impact depends on the degree of preparation:

  • A few weeks before the start of the elos of the face, the tan should be excluded (both in the open, the sun, and in the solarium). The effect of ultraviolet radiation can strengthen the protective function of the epidermis, which in turn will reduce the effectiveness of the procedure.
  • Injections should not be carried out in an area that will be exposed to the apparatus.
  • It is worth excluding the conduct of treatment procedures, peeling, grinding the skin of the face.
  • A few days before the procedure, any effect on the rejuvenated area of \u200b\u200bthe skin of the face, which can cause its irritation, is necessarily excluded. This is a visit to a bath, sauna, bathing in hot water, the use of scrubs.
  • It is also worth abandoning the use of hyperallergenic products, such as citrus fruits, some types of fruits and berries.

How to carry out an eloso procedure

The procedure is carried out using a special apparatus and is conditionally divided into two parts:

  1. First, a pulsating light is directed to the face of the face, which was determined to influence, which is designed to heat it and start the thermalization. Due to this, the skin resistance threshold for greater efficiency of the procedure is reduced.
  2. After that, two electrodes are laid on the skin area through which an electric current passes, which continues to increase the skin temperature. Thanks to this, qualitative changes are held inside the skin:
  • pigment spots begin to bleach;
  • hair follicles are destroyed, which has the effect of hair removal;
  • the amount of fat cells is reduced;
  • a spike of the vessels of the skin occurs, as a result of which the vascular mesh disappears;
  • the production of collagen, hyaluronic acid, as well as elastin is stimulated. This helps to achieve the effect of lifting and a type of healthy skin.

Compared to phototherapy, which is similarly used to correct defects in the face of the face, the elosomation is considered more sparing. The fact is that the effect of light is delayed by the upper layers of the skin, which leads to its overheating. This can cause burns of facial tissue, which is the reason that the photograph has a large number of contraindications. The use of electrical impulses has a more gentle effect due to the fact that the electric current easily passes the resistance of the epidermis, adversely without affecting it.

Elos-modeling for men and women is carried out with the same efficiency.

The procedure in absolutely every case is preceded by a conversation with the doctor and a thorough examination of the patient. Only after that, the doctor will be able to assess the degree of readiness to conduct an elos-educational. When talking with a specialist, you should not hide any facts from the anamnesis, because this can only harm yourself. If the patient is ready, the doctor begins the procedure.

The session takes place in several stages:

  1. First of all, the skin of the face is cleansed of pollution. For this, special compositions are used.
  2. After that, special protective glasses are laid on the patient’s eyes that protect them from infrared radiation harmful to them. A special gel is applied to the skin area that will be directly subject to the device. It is designed to improve the susceptibility of the skin to infrared radiation, and its ability to conduct electric current.
  3. Next, the skin area is heated using infrared radiation. After that, two electrodes are connected, through which an electric current of low intensity is carried out.
  4. In time, one procedure can occupy from half an hour to two hours. The time of its implementation depends on the volume of work. So for a small part of the face can take about 20 minutes. If exposure to persons, neck and neckline is provided, then the procedure can take up to two hours. The price of eloso-union also depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe processed area and its condition.
  5. Basically, the Elos therapy course contains 4-6 procedures. Between them, the interval of 4-6 weeks is without fail to fully restore the epidermis and enhance the thermal effect in the deep layers of the skin. The first results after the elons of the organization appear after the first session of therapy. After passing the entire course, the established effect can last up to 2 years, depending on the general condition of the patient. Most often, patient reviews about the eloso union procedure are positive.

Contraindications to the ELOS-ON of the Person

Like any other exposure, elos therapy is a kind of stress factor for the human body. That is why there are several pathological conditions of both general and a specific skin area in which this type of rejuvenation is not desirable. These include:

  • The presence of a patient in diabetes, problems with blood coagulation.
  • Chronic diseases of the system organs, especially during the exacerbation.
  • The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • The presence of a pacemaker or metal implants in the patient.
  • The tendency to hyperpigmentation and the formation of keloid scars.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • It is also worth noting that the treatment of the skin of the face according to Elos methodology is not carried out by persons who have not reached adulthood.

As for cancer of the skin, a large number of rumors walk around this procedure. Some reviews about the elo-novation come down to the fact that it can cause melanoma. This is fundamentally wrong. The fact is that one of the causes of the oncological disease of the skin is the effect of ultraviolet radiation. When conducting an eloso-canal, an infrared spectrum of light is used, which does not have a negative effect on the condition of the skin, and even more so cannot cause cancer. So the procedure can be considered absolutely safe.

Nevertheless, the procedure is not carried out by patients with melanoma, since any effect on cancer cells can provoke their growth.

ELOS-ONE: Reviews

Patients about this procedure were divided. Positive reviews include the following:

  • The procedure helped get rid of large pigment spots.
  • “Gone” small facial wrinkles.
  • The skin began to look more moisturized and radiant.
  • The face cleared of unpleasant oily sheen.

Negative opinions:

  • The procedure has a very high price.
  • To obtain a good effect, you will need to pass at least 5-6 procedures.
  • The presence of allergic reactions after the procedure was noted.
  • The skin after the session became too sensitive.

ELOS-ONE: Photo "BO" and "after"

The effect of the procedure can be seen in the photo:

Elos therapy: video



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