
The technique of plucking eyebrows with a thread. How to pluck eyebrows with thread at home correctly

The technique of plucking eyebrows with a thread. How to pluck eyebrows with thread at home correctly
What are the pros and cons of plucking eyebrows with thread. How to prepare for the procedure and conduct it at home. Useful tips

Pipping eyebrows with a thread is a quick way to get rid of excess hairs. In a similar way, you can give a beautiful correct shape not only to eyebrows, but also to the mustache and beard, if we are talking about men. Women are just as capable of removing unnecessary vegetation above the upper lip. We will talk about this popular technique today in our article.

Pros and cons of the technology of plucking eyebrows with thread

The removal of hairs with a cotton thread has now become very popular, although this technique itself has arisen for a long time. In this way, the beauty was given to the eyebrows in ancient times the fair sex in Central Asia and in the east. They say that this method almost does not cause uncomfortable and pain, and the procedure itself is carried out much faster than when using tweezers or wax.

Punling eyebrows by thread is called threading. How to implement this technique on your own, we will tell you further, and first we’ll figure out what it is so good:

  1. When using threads, the risk of wounds and infections in them is minimized.
  2. With regular plucking, the hairs over time become softer and thinner, which further facilitates the process of removal even more.
  3. Irritation with such methodological eyebrow modeling also occurs infrequently.
  4. Since the use of thread often does not give any inflammation, the problem of ingrown hairs is solved by itself.
  5. Punling eyebrows with thread at home is an easy -to -execution and a cheap procedure that does not require a visit to a beauty salon.

The only disadvantage of such a technique is perhaps the painful sensations that can occur in women with a low pain threshold. But if you get used to making such a pluck regularly, the feeling of discomfort is noticeably reduced. In addition, you can use the thread not only for eyebrow correction, but also to remove vegetation in any other areas of the body.

Who can not pluck the eyebrows with a thread

The technique of plucking eyebrows by thread is simple and available, but, unfortunately, the procedure has some contraindications:

  1. You can not use the thread if in the immediate vicinity of the eyebrows there are any skin formations like warts, papillomas or convex moles. Their random anguish can lead to very unpleasant and even dangerous consequences.
  2. Do not use such a technique for sunburn or herpes.
  3. If you suffer from some kind of chronic or infectious skin diseases, then you should also not resort to this method of correction.
  4. Women during pregnancy or menstruation may seem very painful.

How to properly plucking eyebrows with a thread

It is worth noting that with the help of a thread you can give a beautiful shape not only to eyebrows, but also to the mustache and beard. Therefore, the technique may be interesting and useful even to representatives of the stronger sex.

For the procedure, exclusively cotton thread is used, any other material will not give the desired result. Silk thread, for example, will slide too much, and in the case of synthetic it will be difficult to achieve the necessary tension. The process itself can be represented in the form of actions:

  1. Proper preparation is the key to success. The preparatory stage includes steaming skin so that the hairs are easier to pull out from it, as well as disinfection, which minimizes the risk of infections in the epidermis.
  2. For ease of work, it is recommended to comb the hairs towards the forehead.
  3. Then you need to prepare a thread for plucking eyebrows. How to do it? Very simple - take a piece of thin cotton thread about 60 cm long and combine its free ends with a non -slip knot.
  4. Now we will tell you how to properly take a thread for plucking the eyebrows with a thread: you need to put the resulting ring on both hands, taking 4 fingers on each. Hands should be scattered as much as possible and make from 3 to 5 revolutions so that the ring from the thread will turn into a kind of sand clock or an infinity sign.
  5. Then the thread must be grabbed with the thumb and index fingers on both sides and moved them, repeating the movement of the scissors. The movements should be alternately, that is, spreading the fingers to the sides on one hand, on the other they need to be reduced together. In the process of such manipulations, the junction of the threads should be moved.
  6. By training a little, you can proceed to correction. The twisted middle must be pressed to the skin in the place where the hairs will be removed. Then you should repeat the movements with the thumb and forefinger so as to tear the hair against their growth.
  7. Having treated all the necessary areas, the skin must be disinfected with alcohol.

Pucking eyebrows with thread - useful recommendations

  1. The eyebrows before plucking need to be outlined by highlighting their future contour. You can use light powder or outline the boundaries with a pencil.
  2. To make it easier to adjust the eyebrows, the first time you can use the services of a master in a beauty salon. In the future, you will only have to remove the younger hairs.
  3. It is most convenient to carry out the procedure in front of a large mirror, but only without increasing effect.
  4. Before starting correction, it is desirable to steam the skin, and it is best to pluck the eyebrows even after taking a bath or shower.
  5. Regular manipulations will allow hairs over time to become thinner and inconspicuous.
  6. Redness may appear in the processed zone. There is nothing wrong with this, redness will fall in itself a maximum of half an hour.
  7. Using cosmetics immediately after eyebrow correction is not desirable. It is better to carry out the procedure in general before bedtime, so that the skin has time to relax.

Pipping eyebrows with thread. Video



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