
How to grow a beard for a man. How to quickly grow a beard at home

How to grow a beard for a man. How to quickly grow a beard at home
The reasons for the slow growth of the beard. How to properly grow a beard and give it the desired shape.

Why do young people grow a beard, in principle, everyone understands. The strong half of humanity is sure that thick vegetation on the face looks very courageous, and women add that men with a well -groomed beard are also incredibly sexy. The question is different: how to grow this very beard and properly care for it? Let's talk about this next.

Having caught fire with the desire to get a beard and make it the subject of your individuality, it is important to immediately take into account several factors.

How to grow a beard: an amendment for age

If you are less than 22 years old, it is too early to dream of a luxurious beard, although no one, of course, canceled the exceptions of the rule. When asked how to grow a full beard at 15 - 16 years old, any endocrinologist tactfully replies that this is impossible. And the reason lies not in genetic disorders or improper care, just a teenage body does not yet have sufficient resources for the appearance of abundant vegetation on the face. The sex hormones during the puberty already at the peak of their activity, but the result will be only modest bundles of hair above the upper lip, on the cheeks and chin of the young man. So is it worth growing a beard, if it is difficult to name a beard?

In the absence of health problems, uniform hair growth on the face of a man is observed during hormonal stability, after 20 - 22 years.

How to grow a beautiful beard: an amendment to heredity

The ability to have a dressing beard is laid at the genetic level. For example, if his grandfather did not have thick vegetation on his face, and his son did not grow a beard for the same reason, then his grandson is unlikely to get such a luxury.

How to grow a thick beard: an amendment to nationality

The growth rate and the thickness of the hairline on the face and body of a man largely depends on his ethnicity. The indicators of the nation are not only language and traditions, but also appearance. So, the male population of the Caucasus acquires a beard chic in its density very early, while representatives of the Mongoloid race have any signs of hair on the face at 30 years old. And these men never have a thick beard.

Why does a beard grow slowly

If a man has perfect hereditary data to become an attractive bearded man, but the hair on the chin is very reluctant, there is a definition of this. The reasons are different:

  • testosterone deficiency. The degree of manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics in a man depends on the amount of this specific hormone. Wickeding in the hair and slowing down their growth just indicates a lack of testosterone in the body. An endocrinologist will help to understand the situation and put in order the hormonal background;
  • deficiency of the main vitamins. The imperfections of nutrition deprive our body of a good part of vital vitamins, and this immediately affects the condition of the hair. Is it possible to grow a beard in a chronic lack of vitamins A, B3, B5? Of course not! Vitamin A takes care of the moisture of hair follicles, and B3 and B5 are responsible for satisfying the nutrient function of the hair. In a word, there are no vitamins - there is no beautiful beard;
  • incorrect shaving. Damage to the surface layer of the skin of the face while shaving hair leads to the fact that the hairs grow, change the direction of their growth or even stop growing. Ideally, all the basics of this responsible procedure of the boy, who first picked up a razor, should teach an older brother or father;

  • incorrect lifestyle. The presence of fast food and other harmful food in the daily diet, alcohol abuse, smoking and excess weight on the basis of a complete lack of physical activity-at least one of these shortcomings overshadows the life of any man. Bad habits disrupt healthy metabolism in the body, and hair follicles, which already feed on the residual principle, do not get useful components for active growth;
  • delay of puberty. Without timely treatment, pathology progresses and leads to a disorder of sexual behavior and impaired reproductive function. The boy at the age of 13 - 14 does not add in height, his voice does not grumble, there is no hair under the armpits and above the upper lip, testicles do not develop. The prerequisites for the appearance of a beard in the future, respectively, are also absent. The problem is solved with the help of qualified specialists in a medical institution.

And this is a video for those who have already acquired a beautiful beard and are dissatisfied with her slow growth:

How to grow a beard at home

Take these simple recommendations to note, and the process of hair extension on the face will go like clockwork.

Council No. 1. Take a hurry to grow a beard

Remember, if you approach the matter with the question of how to grow a beard quickly, then this is fundamentally the wrong approach! Growing hair on the chin for the first time, a man is inclined to spend a lot of time in front of the mirror: as soon as bristles appear, he immediately wants to correct and trim something, but it is still early to intervene in the process. As a result, efforts to adjust the shape of a beard, which, in fact, has not yet had time to grow, may end with the complete shaving of unusual hairs.

Council No. 2. Do not pay attention to others when growing a beard

Often relatives, friends and colleagues of a man who decided to become a bearded man, are immediately accepted to convince him of the opposite. Instead of elementary words, support the guy hears how beautiful he was when he was cleaned, and how sorry these shreds of hair on his face look. Now it is very important not to succumb to the persuasion of advisers and not put yourself in order with the help of a razor. How much will you have to grow a beard? This will take at least 4 weeks, and it is best to coincide this event for a vacation in order to create your new image in a calm informal setting.

Council No. 3. Contact the beard when growing carefully

A month after a voluntary refusal of shaving, the reflection in the mirror will definitely please - a natural line of hair will appear, which can already be trimmed. It is important not to overdo it and not break firewood - the beard is corrected taking into account its future shape. If you doubt it, correctly determine the optimal type of beard that is suitable for your face, the master of men's haircuts will help. Taking advantage of the services of a specialist a couple of times, you can get a trimmer and boldly care for the beard of the house.

Council No. 4. Full fully to grow a beard correctly

Starting an experiment, many men dream of beautiful and thick vegetation on their faces. But how to grow a beard if it turns out rare? First of all, you need to pay attention to the diet. Products that a person used to eat largely determine the condition of his skin and hair. In order for the beard to grow more evenly, protein foods should appear on the plate as often as possible: meat and dairy products, fish, eggs and nuts. Well, of course, nowhere without vegetables and fruits. It is also worth paying attention to polyvitamin additives. For example, the biotin complex is designed specifically to accelerate hair growth. However, all pharmacy products should be used taking into account their systemic action: they stimulate the operation of hair follicles throughout the body.

Council No. 5. Do not forget about sports when growing a beard

Physical activity helps to increase the level of testosterone in the blood. It is this substance that is involved in the formation of a dense hairline on the chin of representatives of the strong half of humanity. It turns out that a regular visit to the gym will help to increase not only muscles, but also the desired beard.

Complete the program to grow a beard with several more simple tips:

  • sleep at least 6 hours a day. During this time, the body will fully rest and direct the energy obtained from the breakdown of food, to ripen and active growth of hair follicles;
  • stress situations do not benefit the bearded people. Sports, yoga, sex and many other relaxation techniques help to fight tension;
  • pay attention to the skin of the face every day. Complete your arsenal of care products moisturizing, nutrient creams and exfoliating scrubs. These drugs enhance blood circulation in the skin, which will undoubtedly benefit the hair follicles to the benefit. Facial steam baths will prevent hair in the skin.

How to grow a beard correctly

The “right” beard is the result of painstaking chin care. Even if the hairs are not fully industry, they need regular attention. The program for the care of the beard is as follows:

  1. From time to time, trim the lower contour of the beard about 2 cm above the kadyka. Do not touch the top line of hair growth.
  2. Cut the length of the hairs once every 3 weeks, then the general view of the beard will be neat and well -groomed.
  3. Using manicure scissors once a week, get rid of individual hairs that are knocked out of the main vegetation.
  4. If the bristles on the face are already thick enough so that it can be considered a full -fledged beard, do not wash it every day. Shampoo dissolves a natural oily hair coating and tightens them, making them completely uncontrollable. To maintain the normal operation of the coaxilive system of beard in order, arrange hygiene procedures at least every other day.
  5.   Lubricate the hair with an air conditioner once a week: if the hair on the chin and neck is already quite long, but not difficult enough, this tool will correct the situation. Active components of the air conditioner weight hairs, make them more controlled. By the way, if in the store you are persistently offered a special air conditioner “For a beard” exac lot, know that they are trying to sell a dummy.

What beard to grow

In order for the overgrown beard to be “in its place”, that is, it looks organic on your face, when it is adjusted, be sure to consider the type of face:

  1. The oval face accepts absolutely any shape of the beard.
  2. Round face. Visually reducing the width of the cheekbones will help a beard-trapping. But the bacenbards will only aggravate the position, since they visually make the cheeks more round.
  3. Triangular face. The sharp chin is successfully hidden under the volumetric vegetation of medium length. It is easy to guess that the goor is completely contraindicated in this case.
  4. Square face. A round -shaped beard will help to smooth out the angularity of outlines, its length can be any.
  5. Elongated face. Too long beard is not suitable here. The shorter the hair will be decorated, the better. You can try on bacenbards and experiment with Espanyolka.

How to grow a beard if it does not grow

Too impatient young people would like to speed up the process of growing a beard, which, in their opinion, grows “turtle” pace. Well, there are several ways to spur this process with the help of traditional medicine.

Here are what means will help to quickly grow a beard:

  1. Massage your fingers of the hair growth areas on the face with circular, longitudinal and pathetic movements. When the hair becomes long enough, use a comb during massage.
  2. Rub the oil. The active components of the oils moisturize the hairs, make them more elastic and make them grow faster. The girls often use castor and burdock oils in the hair care program on her head, so why not use them for hair on the chin, because the effect will be the same. Lubricate the chin and cheeks with oil abundantly. The minimum duration of the procedure is 1 hour, but in general the mask can be kept on the face at least all night, having previously spread a towel on the pillow.
  3. We regularly drink vitamins, which include retinol acetate and tocopherol acetate.
  4. Be sure to try a mustard mask. To do this, combine the same portions of honey, kefir and mustard powder. Cover with this mixture for 15 minutes.
  5. To stimulate hair growth, there are means more serious: for example, finsteride and minoxidil, various hormonal drugs. However, be sure to use them without consulting a doctor, as they have a number of side effects.

How to grow a mustache and beard: little tricks

If despite all your titanic efforts to grow a lush beard, the hair on the face grows uneven areas, various cosmetics will help to fix the situation to correct the form of vegetation. Try to invite individual sticking hairs and set the right direction to them with wax and oil. A little practice, and even a beard with obvious sap will look worthy.

Even in specialized professional cosmetics stores, a dye-based spray is sold. Having sprayed them “empty” areas on the chin and cheeks, you will get the effect of uniform and thick vegetation. However, the product must be approached very responsibly: the color of the spray should perfectly coincide with the color of the natural hair pigment.



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