
Applying hair tonic. Choose a hair tonic - what better, review. How to paint your hair with tonic. How to wash off tonic with hair

Applying hair tonic. Choose a hair tonic - what better, review. How to paint your hair with tonic. How to wash off tonic with hair
Bright and stylish hairstyle is a dream of every girl. In order to be changed, it is not necessary to drastically repaint enough, it is enough to choose a good tonic with the touch you need and your image will play differently.

Each woman has its own unique beauty, but despite all this, we strive to find something new. Change your appearance is the usual state of a girl or a woman. This uses a variety of means and methods. All over the world, a finest representative use paint to change their image, but this is not a completely safe and useful way. If you have not yet decided on your hair color and way in general, you can use the special satellite tonic hair.

With the help of such tools you can experiment with different colors, staining techniques, without fear that the unsuccessful experiment will decorate your head for a long time. Tonic hair coloring has many advantages, the most important of which is that you do not have to think how much the tonic on the hair is holding is a very short period of time, from about 2-3 weeks to 1.5 months.

In this article, we consider how to use the tonic for hair of a different shade. We present an overview of the most popular tonics, as well as note all the stages of hair coloring with this means at home.

What is hair tonic, its main properties

According to its definition, the tonic is a cosmetic tool that is used to dye the hair for 2-3 tones. That is why the remedy and carries such a name, because it is capable of making hair a little different tone, but cannot completely change the color. After using tonic, the hair is painted very quickly, while absolutely not destroying and does not damage the structure of the hair. The various tonic includes natural components that give your hair shine and a healthy look. Contained in these oils, envelop hair and protect it, facilitating laying and combing. Many hair tonic manufacturers add aromatic components into their composition, why your hair acquire a pleasant fragrance.

It must be borne in mind that the tonic is used for hair dye within the original color. You will not succeed with tonic on dark hair get a shining blonde. Today there is a huge color palette of hair tonic, from which you can pick up something bright and unusual for your image. If you want something to radically change in your appearance, the hair must first clarify, and then use the balsam, hair tonic.

To understand how to dye hair tonic, it is first necessary to understand the operating principle of the staining agent. Our hair is a hair shaft, consisting of a cuticle and cortex. All tonics - a semipermanent dyes that have a surface action. After being hit on the hair tonic, its molecules cling to the cuticle and settle on them. Deep into the hair, they do not penetrate, which explains the rapid flushing of the paint.

Unlike tonic for hair dye

Tonic for hair dye - a completely different cosmetics. They have different characteristics.

  • Tonic for hair and paint a completely different effect on the hair structure. Tonic has an effect only on the surface of the hair shaft, and the paint penetrates deep into the hair and completely changes its color. Hair color after tonic does not change dramatically, but only gets a little different hue.
  • Lighten the hair tonic is not possible due to lack in its composition ammonia and other strong chemicals. Paint the hair for the most part contains ammonia in different concentrations.
  • Hair dye has a fairly aggressive effect on the hair, while the tonic takes care of them. Therefore, you can use the tonic for hair growth, healthy and strong with a natural shine and silkiness.
  • If the hair coloring paint, the result does not suit you, you have to put up with the resulting color or reuse ammonia paint to change it. And this is very bad for the hair. In turn, the tonic is very quickly washed off. If you do not like the resulting color, there are many ways in which to wash off the hair tonic with very quickly.
  • All shades of tonic for the hair quickly washed off after several trips to the shower. On average, this period ranges from 2 to 8 weeks.
  • Tonic can color my hair every 2 weeks, and then use the paint can not be re-painted for a long time.

Types of Hair Tonic

Today there is a huge number of hair tonic manufacturers, which differ in the composition and color palette. European women are most trying to use a tonic for hair coloring due to its gentle influence. Therefore, it is safe to say that tonic and tint balsam are still very popular. Before you understand how to paint your hair with tonic, it is necessary to clearly understand what kinds of this means exist. After all, the final result of hair coloring will depend on the specific type.

All tonic can be divided into several groups according to the degree of impact on hair:

  • Splashing tonic. These are the safest tools that have a slight impact on the hair rod. Usually such tonic hold on the hair of about 1-2 weeks.
  • Light tonic. The tonic of this species possess the composition that allows you to hold the shades of about 2-3 weeks, but not more than one month.
  • Tonic deep exposure. Hair painted with such tonic holds color up to 8 weeks. This is achieved due to the deeper penetration of the tonic molecules inside the hair. Often a small amount of ammonia is added to these tonic.

Tonics of different manufacturers have a completely different composition. Some may contain a small amount of ammonia, vitamins, natural components and dyes. After applying a tonic film with coloring pigments, covered the entire length of the hair rod, due to which staining is performed.

In its composition, tonic can be divided into two groups:

  • Flek, balsams, shampoos, tonic. This cosmetics, which sometimes include a small proportion of ammonia. With the help of such tonic, staining is obtained the most gentle and keeps on the hair of about 2-4 weeks, but not more than a month. These funds are considered the most popular, among which can be distinguished by such manufacturers as "Estel", "L Oreal Professional", "Tonic Rocolor", "Irida".
  • The second group includes special means, paints and tonic without ammonia. They are able to have a pretty deep effect on their hair and give very bright shades. They are as close as possible on the effects of conventional paints, but the hair is less damaged. Such colors of hair tonic can hold up to 2 months, and sometimes longer.

Today, you can find a variety of funds that have one goal, but different names. You can select tonic, skeleton shampoo and balm. Consider the features of each type.

  • Tonic. This is a shade, which allows you to paint the hair into several tones. They do not change completely hair color. The color is gradually washed off while washing head shampoo.
  • Shampoo. These funds include not only detergent components, flavors, but also chemical components, such as hydrogen peroxide or ammonia. Also, there are chemical dyes in small quantities that help a little change the hair color during head washing.
  • Sanding balm. It is the most gentle tool that helps not only give a shade of her hair, but also makes them soft and silky. The molecules of the shadowing balm do not penetrate the bulk of the hair and quickly wash off. Paining the hair with such a means and getting under the rain, you risks dirt paint.

Advantages and disadvantages of hair tonic

Like any other cosmetics of hair tonic tools have positive and negative sides that need to be considered, if desired, experiment with bright colors.

Advantages of tonic:

  • First of all, hair tonic gently affect the hair without destroying it and does not penetrate deeply inside the rod.
  • Hair tonic can be used very often, about once every 2 weeks.
  • Most often, tonic does not contain ammonia in its composition, or contain in small quantities, which has a beneficial effect on her hair. They become smooth, shiny and well-groomed without split tips.
  • Often, a large number of natural components and vitamins are included in the composition, which take care of hair and moisturize them.
  • You can buy a hair tonic in any cosmetics store at a fairly low cost in comparison with paints.
  • Palette shades tonic for hair is very extensive. You can choose bright pink or yellow shades or stop your choice on blond shades and blonde.
  • The process of hair coloring Tonic takes a minimum of time, approximately 15-30 minutes.
  • Due to the fact that the tonic is quickly washed off, you can often change your appearance. In addition, it is possible to wash off tonic from the hair at home with various means, if it is urgently needed.
  • Modern good hair tonic can even discolor strands of hair, while not damaging their hair themselves.
  • Created tonic, which contribute to the growth of hair and prevent their falling out.
  • Tonic can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, without fearing to harm yourself or the child.

Disadvantages of Tonic:

  • The most important disadvantage of hair tonic is considered to be its inability to completely change the color of the hair. It can only slightly change the shade.
  • Tonic staining is not resistant. With each wash, the hair color of the hair will become even poorer until it disappears at all.
  • Hair tonic is practically not able to paint gray.
  • Very frequent use of tonic may still harm hair, make them lifeless and dull.

Hair tonic is a safe view of staining, but even in these means there are several contraindications that must be taken into account before using them.

  • You should not use hair tint tonic if you have just made hair clarification. It is better to withstand some time.
  • It is also not recommended to paint the hair with tonic immediately after curling. The result may not be completely predictable.
  • It is impossible to use hair tonic in the presence of allergic reactions and individual intolerance to the ingredients of the means.

Popular Hair Tonic - Overview

On the shelves of cosmetics stores, you can find tonic for hair of various manufacturers who have different features and compositions. Consider the most popular manufacturers of hair tonic and their means.

Tonic "L Oreal Professional"

These are the tonic of the French manufacturer who are very popular in many countries of the world. Their main advantage is that their composition includes a large number of natural components that make hair beautiful and healthy, moisturize them and give shine. The company has released several lines of tint tonic. Among them, you can select tonic for light hair "Silver" and "Gray", which give hair smooth and pleasant shades without a pronounced gray or purple color. They also have a "Gloss Color" line, created for dark hair.

Tonic esthel

This is a popular domestic producer of hair cosmetics, which is located in St. Petersburg. They produce a huge number of items that are used not only by ordinary cosmetics buyers, but also professional stylists. The largest linen of tonic hair tonics is Solo Ton, which has a huge amount of shades. The composition of these tonic includes a large amount of oils and natural extracts, for example, mango extract. All this nourishes the hair, makes them soft and moistened. Tonics of this line do not contain hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, so do not damage the hair. Solo Ton products are designed on the principle of air conditioners, so they make hair strong and strong. They also contain filters that allow you to protect your hair from sun rays. An additional advantage to all these characteristics is the cost available.

Towing Balsam Concept

Also a very popular manufacturer of hassle hair, which contain a large number of natural components and vitamins. Such a balm not only gives the hair the required shade, but also makes them strong, moistened and shiny. For example, Balm Concept The Arctic blonde perfectly removes the yellowness and gives light hair a cold shade. Balm is very thick, therefore it is consumed economically. The agent also has a very pleasant sweet aroma.

Tonic Irida

Very gentle tonic, which absolutely not harm the structure of the hair, as they do not penetrate the hair rod. Tonic does not contain ammonia in themselves, but there are many natural components in the composition. The tool paints well by seeding, can withstand up to 14 flushing.

Tonic Tonic Rocolor

This is perhaps the most popular and budget tonic for hair that has its own fans and opponents, because some of this tonic goes, and some are not. The last line tonic contains white flax extract and exclusive pigments that are able to give hair a bright and resistant shade. Especially carefully you need to use a blue and purple tonic. Violet tonic hair can be obtained, if you do not completely flush the tool, but only slightly rinse. The most popular is a tonic for blond hair that allows you to give natural color unusual shades.

Correct hair tonic

If you decide to try hair tonic, it is important to take carefully to choose the choice of money and shade suitable for you. The shops today presents a huge selection of tonic, among which something bright and interesting can be exactly.

  • First of all, carefully read the composition of the tonic. There must be natural ingredients and extracts that have a beneficial effect on the hair.
  • It is also important to familiarize yourself with the table of hair tonic colors. On it you can see what color you get when using a specific shade of the tool.
  • You can only purchase a probe and try to paint one strand in case the result can be unpredictable.
  • Today, it is popular to use bright shades for staining, especially for pink color. For this, it is important to purchase high-quality tonic and pre-determine whether such a color will suit you. Ideal to use Pink Hair Tonic La Riche, Crazy Color. To get a beautiful pink color, it is necessary to brighten the hair strands at the beginning, and then paint with tonic. In the future, you can only illuminate roots.
  • You can paint your hair in bright blue, however, it will also have to brighten your hair several times. For dark-haired girls, getting blue hair will affect their condition. You can get blue hair with Tonic Rocolor Wild plum, which is a lot of positive feedback.
  • If you are constantly repainted in a blonde, then you can choose a tonic in order to remove the yellowness. You can pay your attention to Tonic Rocolor.
  • Tint tonic is recommended to use at the first signs of seeds. If you correctly pick up the color, gray hair will become lighter and will be similar to the strained strands. However, if there are a lot of gray hair, then the tonic will no longer help.
  • With the help of tonic, you can make complex dyeing of the type of ombre. To do this, you need to choose three shades from one color row, further divide the hair into three parts and gradually paint the hair.

How to paint your hair with tonic at home - instruction

  • If you decide to experiment with your hair color and have already bought a squeeze tonic, then you can start directly to staining the hair.
  • First of all, it is necessary to prepare all the necessary materials. You will definitely need gloves so that the paint does not hit the hands. Also need plastic or glass container, as some sample preparations need to be stirred. Do not forget to find the houses an old towel to throw on your shoulders and wipe your hair. The tonic itself is best distributed to a special tassel for staining.
  • Before staining the area of \u200b\u200bthe cheeks, forehead and ears, you can smear with a fat cream so that the skin is not painted.
  • Tonic is recommended to apply on a slightly wet hair. It is not necessary to wash them before the procedure. But it is necessary to moisten, since the tonic molecules instantly give the hair color. Therefore, the place where the tonic is applied before, will become darker. And water prevents the instant spread of the dye.
  • Carefully stir the scene tonic in the container and moisten to it with a brush, then start painting.
  • Crab hair with tonic need from roots and before the tips, evenly distributing the tonic comb.
  • It is necessary to withstand tonic on the hair strictly according to the instructions. Each manufacturer exposes its time.
  • If you used bright shades, for example, pink or blue, it is not necessary to fully wash your hair for several days so that the pigment is fixed.
  • If the shade does not suit you after staining, the procedure can be repeated.

Hair tonic - Photo

Photos Tonic for hair before and after will show how boldly you can use this tool for hair coloring.

How to wash the hair tonic

Tint tonic, balsam or shampoo have the most important advantage - they are quickly and easily washed away. If you urgently need to wash off the resulting result of staining, you can try several ways to clean.

  • First of all, the easiest way to washing the tonic from the hair is the frequent washing of the head with shampoo. Usually for flushing the tonic is enough 8-14 times. However, in this way it is better to use special shampoos with herbs champs, since ordinary shampoos can damage hair.
  • You can also use chamomile decoction. To do this, type in the water container, put it on fire and bring to a boil. After that, add chamomile to the water and leave to strengthen within 30 minutes.
  • You can take a dip and lemon juice in equal combinations and evenly distribute on strands of hair. After that, put on the hat on the hair and leave for 1 hour, but not more.
  • A kefir mask is also suitable. To do this, you can buy a fat kefir and apply it on your hair, after which it is left to be absorbed by 1 hour. Kefir forms a sour Wednesday on her hair and removes the pigment. After such a mask, rinse the hair with acidic water in order to remove the milk smell.
  • There is also a large number of special means for washing the tonic, for example, "Retonika".

Hair tonic is an excellent tool to change your image without having to spoil your hair. With the help of modern tint tonic, balms and shampoos, you can create bright and creative hairstyles that can be easily changed to others.


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