
What is a chemical curling of eyelashes. Sets for chemical curls of eyelashes at home - a review. What are the eyelashes after a chemical curling - photos before and after, reviews

What is a chemical curling of eyelashes. Sets for chemical curls of eyelashes at home - a review. What are the eyelashes after a chemical curling - photos before and after, reviews
The modern beauty industry has long stepped forward and represents a huge list of services to fashionistas. Chemical curling of eyelashes, which allows you to quickly and safely purchase long twisted eyelashes, is especially popular.

Every woman always wants to look beautiful and well -groomed, and for this it is necessary to constantly keep abreast of the modern new products of the beauty industry. Today there are simply a huge number of procedures that allow you to improve the natural condition of the hair, lips, skin and eyelashes. One of the latest novelties is a chemical curling of eyelashes, which allows you to quickly and absolutely safely get beautiful, lush and twisted eyelashes.

A chemical curling of eyelashes is an ideal way for each woman to get always well -groomed and chic eyelashes without the need to use forceps or permanent curls regularly. In addition, such a procedure in recent years can be carried out not only in the salon with a professional master, but also at home using special cosmetic sets.

In this article, we consider what a chemical curling of eyelashes is, we will give a description of the sets for a chemical curling of eyelashes and the stages of the procedure at home.

Popular ways to curl eyelashes

Since ancient times, women tried to curl their eyelashes, making them longer and magnificent. Nothing has changed today. Women strive to give their eyes greater expressiveness and effectiveness, and the natural state of the eyelashes is not always enough. Therefore, in cosmetology there are a large number of ways that allow you to hide their shortcomings and make eyelashes elegant and beautiful.

There are several ways to help you make your eyelashes if you are not a happy owner of luxurious and thick cilia. First of all, twisting mascara will help you. Do not purchase carcasses of cheap brands, since you will not get any effect. In this case, you need to give preference to high -quality and expensive carcasses. But do not hope for a stunning and long -term effect. In this way, your eyelashes will have to be twisted every day.

There is another affordable way of curling eyelashes - these are special forceps that can be purchased in any cosmetic department. Spear for curling eyelashes have always been popular, even now, when there are many more modern ways. However, you will have to use tongs every day. At the same time, there is a great risk of eyelash injury and even their tear out.

In addition to the above methods, there is also a thermal curling of eyelashes, but it also has not a very long effect. It is precisely because of the fragility of such methods of curling eyelashes, in recent years, a chemical curling of eyelashes has gained great popularity, which will quickly and safely give expressiveness and such a desired length. In addition, the price of a chemical curling of eyelashes is quite acceptable, especially since the result lasts a long time-1-2 months.

What is a chemical curling eyelash

All the girls want to have beautiful and lush eyelashes, but not all representatives of the fair sex have such wealth. To improve the natural state of the cilia, they have to resort to salon procedures, the most popular of which include chemical curls of eyelashes and lamination with keratin. Although after the chemical curling procedure, the cilia themselves become thicker, longer and more beautiful.

What is a chemical curling of eyelashes? At its core, this is a salon procedure that uses special compositions to give eyelashes volume, density and graceful bend. All this describes the eyelashes of the dreams that any girl is striving for. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the beauty industry has been developing at a great pace. More recently, we got used to permanent makeup and eyelash extensions, and today can use a chemical curl.

This procedure quickly and safely gives the eyelashes a beautiful and well -groomed look, allows you to adjust the natural shape and give them volume. Special compounds for chemical curls of eyelashes are suitable for both long cilia and short ones. You can also turn to this procedure if your cilia grows unevenly or you do not like their nondescence. It is also worth considering that the chemical curls slightly change the eye section, so if you do not like, for example, an overhanging eyelid, then you can try to fill the cilia with 45 degrees. This will make the eyes more expressive and brighter.

Types of chemical curls of eyelashes

The chemical curling of the eyelashes is very reminiscent of the habitual curling of hair or bio -war. All these procedures have a similar principle of action, only compositions and tools differ. The salon procedure of hair curls can be carried out in several ways, the choice of which depends on the condition of your eyelashes and the desired result.

  • Procoronal chemical curl of eyelashes. This method is ideal for owners of long eyelashes. In this case, the roller or special curlers are located as close as possible to the ciliary edge. After such a procedure, you will receive very magnificent cilia with a smooth elegant bend.
  • Chemical curling of eyelashes "on a curl." This method of curling is absolutely opposite to the previous one. A special roller is located on the very ends of the eyelashes, which allows you to get the most open eyelashes and beautiful bend.
  • Combined method of chemical curls of eyelashes. This method combines a basal curling and curling “on a curl”. This allows you to raise the eyelashes at the base and twist them at the tips. This method gives the most beautiful and spectacular result. The combined method is the most popular, since with its help you can get the most expressive look. The method is recommended for girls with narrow and widely planted eyes.

The choice of a specific method will directly depend on the length of your eyelashes and their condition. The recommendations are given directly by the cosmetologist before the procedure in the cabin.

Advantages and disadvantages of chemical curling eyelashes

Like any other cosmetic procedure, a chemical curl has a number of positive and negative sides, which must be taken into account before going to the salon.

Advantages of a chemical curling:

  • Thanks to a chemical curl, you will receive such a desired bend of eyelashes, the level of which will depend on your preferences and eyelashes. Using various curls, you can get a barely noticeable bend, medium or very deep bend.
  • This procedure is safe, your eyelashes do not suffer in the process of chemical curls, they do not fall out and do not break. Representatives of perfect sore thugs are often faced with these problems.
  • Very often, the chemical curl of eyelashes is recommended to be done before increasing. Thus, you can get the most beautiful and spectacular result.
  • A big plus of this procedure is that it can be used for eyelashes of any length. Especially pronounced on long eyelashes.
  • After a chemical curling of eyelashes, it is not necessary to use mascara, as the eyelashes acquire beautiful curved outlines that no longer need to be highlighted and emphasized.
  • The chemical curling of eyelashes has a long effect. You do not need to worry about their condition for three months, which is much longer compared to other methods. On average, the effect will last one month, and in some cases four. It depends on the growth rate of your eyelashes and their length.

Disadvantages of chemical curls:

  • Despite the safety of the procedure, it is worth all the same to highlight a number of shortcomings that may affect the choice of this service.
  • First of all, it must be borne in mind that after the eyelashes after this procedure can be discolored by about 1-2 tones. In this case, it is recommended to tint them a couple of days after the chemical curling.
  • Negative consequences may occur during such a procedure in an inexperienced master. You run the risk of being left without eyelashes.
  • Also, with the inexperience of the master, there is a possibility of a chemical composition in the eye and forever, which causes burning and itching.
  • If you have very sensitive eyes, then you should also not use this method, the slightest hit in the eyes can cause a strong allergic reaction.
  • This method of curling and girls with individual intolerance to the components of the composition for chemical curls is contraindicated.

Is chemical curls safe

Many girls are primarily concerned about the question of whether the procedure of chemical curling of eyelashes is safe for their health and the general condition of the eyes and eyelashes. The whole procedure is performed with a soft and gentle composition, which does not have a strong effect on the eyelashes. Therefore, do not be afraid that your eyelashes will fall out or will break. In addition, it is worth noting that at the end of the procedure, your eyelashes are covered with a special composition that prevents their brittleness. In this regard, we can conclude that a chemical curl not only makes your eyelashes beautiful, but also heals them.

Do not be afraid of the ingress of a chemical composition into the eyes or on the eyelid, because it is applied strictly along the central part of the eyelashes and does not concern their base. After such a procedure, you can safely wear contact lenses, use cosmetics and take a bath, go to a sauna or pool. The shape of your cilia does not change at all and will be the same curved and beautiful.

In matters of security, it is necessary to take care of the selection of a salon and a master with great care. After all, the quality of the work performed and the complete safety of the procedure will depend on his professionalism. Choose salons where an allergy test is carried out without fail.

Chemical curling of eyelashes in the cabin - description

A chemical curling of eyelashes can be carried out at home, but the first time it is best to contact a specialist. After all, you are unlikely to know which drugs to apply in the first place, and which later.

  • Before the procedure in a normal salon, cosmetologists should advise you. At the same stage, an allergic test to the reaction to a special chemical composition is necessarily made. To do this, you can apply a small amount of the product to the bend of the elbow and hold it for a while. If there is no reaction, then you can safely carry out the procedure.
  • Further, the specialist will determine the necessary tools and compositions for your eyelashes.
  • The most important component of the chemical curl of eyelashes are curlers that are divided into groups depending on their diameter.
  • Further, the cosmetologist applies to your eyelashes, to the central part of them, the main composition, which contributes to the curl of eyelashes. Typically, components such as monoethanolamine, thioglycolic acid, propylene glycol and other components are included.
  • After that, a cotton swab is placed on the lower eyelid, which protects your eyes from reagents.
  • At the next stage, the specialist applies the fixing composition, on which it depends on how long the effect of a chemical curling will last. The components of such a composition are most often glycerol, sodium bromate, glycerin Monostorata, atolein, hydroxyethyl cellulose, sodium carbonate, sodium phosphate, methylyzotiazolinone. All these components record your eyelashes in the desired position and keep them like that for 1-3 months.
  • The third remedy is a neutralizer that gently affects the eyelashes, nourishes them and restores them.
  • At the end of the procedure, the master processes your eyelashes with a cleaner, which completely removes the remaining chemical composition.

Sets for chemical curls of eyelashes at home - review

Today on sale there are a huge number of kits for chemical curls that can be used at home. Here is a review of the most popular sets and compositions.

  • Set of Wave Professional Lash Perm Kit. This is a set of American production that has high quality. It includes the eyelashes curls, a neutralizer and a latch, a liquid for removing residues, air conditioning, curls for curling and stickers on the lower eyelid. There is also an instruction in which the entire process of the procedure is clearly described and where it is clearly stated that only the masters can use it. The set is considered one of the most effective. Its approximate cost is 1200 rubles.

  • Set of Perfect Silk Lashes. A fairly large set, which is enough for you for almost 90 procedures. Here you will find three bottles of curling, fixing and nutrient compositions, as well as a set of bigDs for eyelashes.

  • Irisk set for a chemical eyebrow curl. This set is also very popular, especially its average equipment. In addition, it is more affordable. It includes 3 bottles of curling, 3 bottles of fixation lotion, 2 bottles of power oil, rollers for eyelashes. Using such a set, you can get a beautiful bend of eyelashes at home, while they rise at the roots and look longer.

  • Set for chemical curl of eyelash MEISHENG. The set of this kit includes three bottles of curling and fixing fluids, 2 nutrient fluid bottles and remnants to relieve residues. The manufacturer indicates that the effect will last about 2 months. The only negative, you will have to buy glue for fixing the rollers and silicone forms to protect the lower eyelid.

  • Kodi eyelashes set. This set is most often recommended for home use. There is a harmonious price-quality ratio. All bottles are presented in a small number, and this is very important when teaching eyelashes curls. It contains small bottles of 1.5 ml of curling and fixing composition, 5 ml of glue and 1.5 ml of the nutrient composition. The set includes three -sized curlers and detailed instructions, which is very important to follow in order to avoid injury. Here, the manufacturer also indicates that this kit for a chemical curl is intended only for professional use.

Technology for chemical curls of eyelashes at home

  • If you decide to make a chemical curling of eyelashes yourself, it is important to carefully understand this process and purchase a high -quality set.
  • Next, it is important to remove makeup using cosmetic milk, as well as wipe the eyelashes with a low -fat tonic. After that, remove the remains of the tonic with a dry napkin.
  • Gently apply a thin strip of glue at the roots of the eyelashes and wait 30 seconds, then attach a roller to it and fix it. In this case, the roller must be bent in the fireplace of the letter U.
  • After fixing the roller at the roots of the eyelashes, you need to apply a little glue on it and wait 30 seconds to grasp. And only after that you need to tighten the cilia with a wooden stick on a roller. It is necessary to carefully check that all the eyelashes are twisted onto the roller.
  • Next, it is recommended to apply a little petroleum jelly on the lower eyelashes and close them with a cotton pad or a special silicone lining. Make sure that the lower eyelashes do not stick to the roller.
  • After that, take a cotton swab and apply the main curling composition on the eyelashes at the place of fixation with the roller. It is necessary to withstand the time specified in the instructions-usually it is 10-12 minutes.
  • After this stage, it is necessary to apply a fixing composition, which fixes the eyelashes in a twisted position.
  • Next, remove the remains of this composition and apply a neutralizer, which is withstanding for about 10 minutes. This composition will help restore and strengthen eyelashes.
  • The remains of glue and the neutralizer are removed using a special composition, during which rollers are carefully pushed.
  • After drying the eyelashes, the procedure is considered complete.

Eyelash care after a chemical curling procedure

The chemical curling of the eyelashes is considered a very convenient and comfortable procedure, since after it is practically no care is required. The first day after the cabin or home use of the set is not recommended to wet the eyes of water and use decorative cosmetics. In the future, you can easily visit pools, solariums, baths, paint and wash yourself.

The maximum effect of chemical curls lasts about 3 months, after which these cilia disappear, and your natural eyelashes grow instead.

Each person can have an individual reaction to the procedure of chemical curls of eyelashes, so it is very difficult to predict how eyelashes will behave. It is important to treat them carefully, do not rub or touch their hands. The first week or two can use castor oil. To do this, heat the castor oil in a water bath to a comfortable temperature, then moisten a cotton pad in it and apply to the eyelashes. Hold for 2 hours, then remove the oil with a napkin.

Reviews about the chemical curling of eyelashes from photo before and after

If you still do not dare to use the cosmetologist’s service and make your eyelashes, you can familiarize yourself with a large number of reviews about the chemical curling of eyelashes, which will describe in detail the whole procedure and the final result.

  • Catherine. All the time I used forceps for curling eyelashes, but every day to repeat the same thing is very tiring. Somehow a friend advised me to try a chemical curl. I was looking for a suitable salon for a long time, but after the procedure it was completely delighted. The eyelashes are simply gorgeous, long and voluminous with a beautiful bend.

  • Snezhanna. All my life I had a problem with eyelashes - they stuck in different directions. Neither tongs nor carcasses helped. Until I stumbled on the Internet to discuss a new twisting method - a chemical curl. I decided to try and do not regret it. I have done the procedure three times and I can’t get enough. On my eyelashes, the effect lasts about 2 months.

A chemical curling of eyelashes is an alternative way to obtain beautiful and well -groomed eyelashes that will save you from daily torment with forceps.



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