
Cat eye makeup technique. How to make a cat's eye makeup step by step, photo

Cat eye makeup technique. How to make a cat's eye makeup step by step, photo
The article is devoted to all tricks of creating makeup cats. With the help of a special eye makeup technique, you can make your image incredibly seductive and sexy.

Modern makeup can be called a real art. With the help of a variety of cosmetics, you can change your appearance beyond recognition, most emphasize the advantages and make all the shortcomings of the face invisible to others. Creating the effect of cat eyes in makeup is very popular. After all, it is with the help of such makeup that you can create a sexual and sensual image, change the eye section, make them more large and expressive. Cat eyes will be appropriate not only in evening makeup. How can you make a daily version of such a makeup in the style of “cat eye”, you will learn from this article. 

Makeup "Cat Eye". Peculiarities

The effect of cat eyes in makeup is far from a new trend. Already in the middle of the 20th century, many famous divas began to appear in public with bright and expressive makeup of the eye, which instantly attracted attention. Among these beauties were Sophie Loren, Bridget Bardo. Modern actresses and simply well -known personalities whose photos adorn the covers of glossy magazines, also often choose a cat's eye in makeup. Do not think that “cat” makeup will not suit you. A huge number of varieties of techniques of this makeup allows you to choose the optimal length, thickness, brightness and shade of the arrow for your cut of the eyes and shape of the face. Among the main features of the "cat" eye makeup is distinguished:

  • the presence of clear lines. “Cat” makeup is sometimes confused with Smoky Eyes makeup. But the last option is characterized by more smooth, estroused lines, the presence of a “haze” around the eye. "Cat" makeup is usually associated with a clear arrow;
  • cat Eyes makeup should “pull out” the eyes to the temple and make it more narrowed;
  • the classic “cat” makeup involves coloring eyelashes with their twisting to the side to make the eye more elongated.

To imagine how an image with a “cat” eye makeup should look like, just look at the photo of a tiger, lion, panther or cats. Your appearance will instantly become impudent, predatory, incredibly sexy and defiant. Undoubtedly, you should feel confident and relaxed with such a make -up of your eyes and be prepared for increased attention.

Makeup of the eye "Cat look." What is combined with

When performing any eye makeup, you need to be able to correctly combine it with the color of the lips, with clothes, even with hairstyle. What does eye makeup in the style of a cat combine?

  • transparent lips shade, shine. Few people decide to combine “cat” eyes with bright shades of lipstick. For daytime makeup, this is simple unacceptable. But for a night party, going to the dance club you can make lips very brightly;
  • daring style in clothes and accessories. Foast arrows are excellently combined with a leather jacket with a kosukha, high laces on lacing, unusual headdresses. If the Cat Eyes makeup is quite restrained, then it is quite possible to combine it with a romantic dress or any other evening outfit;
  • cats arrows can be not only black, which is considered classic for this makeup. You can draw an additional line of contrasting color, which will create a fashionable accent in the image.

Makeup "Cat Eye". Photo

On the Internet, you can find a huge number of photos of eye makeup in a "cat" technique. It can be either quite simple in one color, and quite complicated. You can choose the best option for such makeup for yourself, modify it for your facial features.

What do you need to create a "cat" eye

If you are not a beginner in creating makeup, then in your cosmetic bag there will certainly be the minimum of the means that is needed to create the effect of cat eyes. Of course, the amount of funds may vary depending on the level of complexity of makeup. The following cosmetic products will come in handy:

  • classiel for the eyes. This tool will save you if your eyelids have not quite perfect color or texture. You need to resort to the concealer when there are bruises that instantly give fatigue to the image. Choose the softest and minimally dried products, because The skin around the eyes is very delicate and sensitive;

  • eyeliner. This tool is needed to draw clear shooters. If the makeup is evening, then use a waterproof eyelin, which will last much longer in your eyes;

  • contour pencil. Eye pencils are also often used in the creation of “cat” makeup. They can be both solid and rather soft;

  • mascara for eyelashes. Cat eyes style makeup is simply impossible without thick and voluminous eyelashes. This is just the case when you can not be afraid to apply mascara in several layers. It is better to give preference to a voluminous carcass with a twisting effect of coal-black color;

  • primer for the eyes. In order not to worry about the resistance of your makeup, not to constantly look in the mirror, afraid to see that the shooter has “slid”, it is better to use a special eyelid. This product will increase makeup resistance.

How to draw "cat eyes." Makeup

"Cat's Eye." Makeup step by step No. 1

Do not despair if you are an absolute beginner in performing eye makeup. The simplest "cat" eye makeup will not require you to many skills. The “cat eye” makeup technique consists of one, but very accurately and correctly drawn arrow of a rich black color. Choose the most convenient materials for yourself. It’s easier for someone to work with a workaster's shape, and it is easier for someone to learn how to draw an arrow using a thin brush and gel eyeliner.

  1. Start drawing an arrow from the "tail". It should be very subtle and be a natural “continuation” of the lower eyelid.
  2. Draw a second line that will smoothly switch to the growth line of the upper eyelashes.
  3. Paint the resulting space between the two lines.
  4. Gently extend the arrow to the inner corner of the eye. The line must narrow in the corner.
  5. The cat makeup is ready. If the arrow is not very bright, then you can add a second layer of the product.

The main secret of the success of such a simple eye makeup “cat look” in the properly prepared skin of the eyelids. If your eyelids do not differ in color uniformity, you have bruises, red vessels are visible, then be sure to use the concealer for the skin around the eyes. After this step, fad the eyelids well in order to fix the product.

"Cat's Eye." Makeup step by step No. 2

The next version of the "cat" makeup is perfect for an evening event, for shooting a photo or video. The key to successful makeup is carefully prepared skin. The main emphasis in makeup will carry precisely the “cat” eyes, so the design of the eyebrows also needs to be paid special attention. There are a huge amount of cosmetics that can create an ideal eyebrow. You can choose an eyebrow pencil, eyebrow shadows, lipstick or eyebrow gels. After you drew the contour of the eyebrows, do not forget to use the fixing agent that will fix the hairs. So, let's start creating a spectacular makeup in the style of Cat Eyes.

  1. On the diluted eyelid, we apply the lightest shadows of a pearl shade. Select a wide and flat brush with a short pile for applying.
  2. The shades of light gray color out the outer corner of the eye. We draw the famous “triangle”, which visually pulls the eye to the temple.
  3. With the help of the darkest shadows, which can be black, and dark blue and dark gray, darken the outer corner of the eye. The line should be quite thick and a natural visual continuation of the line of growth of the upper eyelashes.
  4. Using a beveled brush with a short pile, we apply the same dark shadows to the line of growth of the upper eyelashes and into the space between the eyelashes on the mucous membrane.
  5. With the same brush with a beveled and short pile, apply the darkest shadows on the lower eyelid. Try to draw a line as close to eyelashes as possible.
  6. We make a rather bright accent in eye makeup, which will make them truly cat. In the inner corner of the eye, draw a pointed “tail”, which will connect the lines on the upper and lower eyelids. If your eyes are planted very close to each other, then this step should be abandoned, because The eyes will seem even closer.
  7. Eye makeup will not be finished without applying a carcass for eyelashes. For a larger volume of eyelashes, you can use the following cunning reception. Before applying the mascara, powder the eyelashes. Then apply the first layer of the carcass, wait for its drying, apply the second layer of mascara. If the eyelashes glued a little, then comb them with a special brush for eyelashes. Spectacular and expressive makeup of the "cat" is ready.

"Cat's Eye." Phasedly makeup No. 3

Beginners in the performance of eye makeup may think that only professionals can draw “cat” arrows. But in fact, everything is much simpler. Of course, you may need more than one attempt to get neat makeup. But over time, you will have automatism and drawing the arrows will not cause difficulties. In addition, there are many special [devices and cunning techniques to create beautiful eye makeup. The next instruction will be based on the use of one of these funds.

  1. To create a neat “tail” of the arrow, you can use a cunning technique. Stick a thin strip of tape near the outer corner of the eye. It should be glued at an angle repeating the corner of the future arrow. Now you can start creating makeup. On the whole mobile eyelid, apply dense shadows of white. In order for the color to be as intense as possible, apply a special primer for the eyes to the eyelid before using the shadows.
  2. With the help of a fluffy brush, thoroughly blend the shadows.
  3. With the help of black shadows, draw a “checkmark” in the outer corner of the eye. The upper line of the "box" should pass through the entire fold over the mobile age.
  4. Using a clean hand, gently blend a dark line in the fold up. Try not to “stain” the black shadows in the mobile eyelid to “stain” in black. The highlight of the makeup will be the contrast between the maximum tint of the shadows and the most light as possible.
  5. Make a line in the outer corner of the eye thicker and voluminous. Also budge it up.
  6. Using a beveled brush with a short pile, apply dark shadows along the entire eyelash growth line on the upper eyelid. Draw the line as close as possible to the eyelashes. Do not forget to paint in dark shadows and the space between the cilia on the mucous membrane of the upper eyelid.
  7. Using light shadows, highlight the inner corner of the eye.
  8. Apply shadows of the same dark shade as on the upper eyelid along the lower eyelashes. Gently remove the tape and you will see how spectacular makeup turned out.
  9. Such expressive cat makeup of the eye is simply impossible without thick and long eyelashes. You can make an eyelash of 2 or even 3 layers of black volumetric mascara. Makeup is ready.

Makeup "Cat Eye". Video

If it is difficult for you to present the process of creating makeup with the effect of a cat's look according to verbal instructions, then you can watch detailed videos with the creation of makeup in such a technique.

"Cat" makeup of green eyes

Correctly selecting the colors for makeup green eyes, you can make a natural shade even brighter and more spectacular. Do not be afraid to experiment with different shades of shadows and pencils for the eyes. In the uniqueness of the "cat" eye makeup, you can see yourself with fairly bright colors yourself.

  • Carefully prepare the skin of the face, align the tone. On the whole mobile eyelid, apply a special primer or just fad the eyelid.
  • Using a wide flat brush on the entire mobile eyelid and in the inner corner, apply shadows of a pearl shade. Focus on highlighting the inner corner of the eye, which will give openness to the look.
  • The shadows of a light brown shade, darken the outer corner of the eye and a fold over the upper age. To do this, select smaller brushes and with a short pile.
  • The highlight of the eye will give the highlight of the eye, the shadows of a mustard shade, which must be applied to the central part of the mobile eyelid. This shade goes well with the green eye. Thoroughly blend the transitions between the flowers so that there are no boundaries.
  • Using black eyeliner, draw a long arrow overlooking the boundaries of the eye. The arrow should “strive” to the temple, visually stretching the eye.
  • Unusualness for such cat makeup for green eyes will give additional color accents. Using a contour pencil for the eyes of a rich emerald color, emphasize the lower eyelid. And the beginning of the arrow on the upper eyelid can be distinguished by a pencil of a bronze hue.

This combination of colors is perfect for green eyes. A bright and clear arrow will create the effect of the "cat" eye. Instead of contour pencils, you can use liquid colored eyeliners.

Makeup "Cat Eye" for brown eyes

With brown eyes, a huge variety of colors of shadows is combined. The dark brown eyes look great with the shadows of an even darker shade. Light brown eyes “friends” with light shadows. You need to not be afraid to try to do eye makeup and with complex colors. Brown eyes will acquire an alluring and sexy image with shades of chocolate color, olives, sapphire or turquoise. The next example of eye makeup is made using Cat Eyes technique.

  1. Carefully prepare the skin of the face before applying makeup. Clean your face with a tonic or lotion, apply a day cream or makeup base. Using a tonal cream, create an even and velvety appearance of the skin. Do not neglect the use of the concealer. With it, you can remove bruises under the eyes, make pimples invisible, post -acne. Be sure to fad your face with a wide and soft brush to fix the tone. On the whole mobile eyelid, apply light shadows of a pearl shade.
  2. Bronze shade shadows darken the fold over the mobile age. This cunning technique will allow you to give volume and expressiveness to the eye.
  3. For an even larger volume of the eye, add gray shadows to the fold over the mobile age. Bend the transitions between the shades well.
  4. Now it's time to make a bright color accent in makeup. On the central part of the mobile eyelid, apply iridescent shadows of a pearl shade. Creamy or liquid shadows are perfect.
  5. Using a white pencil for the eyes, highlight the “water” line on the lower eyelid. To create an unusual shape of the arrow, also draw the “tail” of the arrow in white, which will be a visual continuation of the lower eyelid.
  6. Using the black contour pencil for the eyes, circle the lower eyelid and upper. The “tail” of the shooter should turn out so that the white line is in the middle. In the inner corner of the eye of the line on the upper and lower eyelids, they must be connected, going beyond the boundaries of the eye. This technique allows you to give a particularly strong effect of the "cat" eye.
  7. At the end of eye makeup, it remains only to densely paint the eyelashes. In such makeup, glued eyelashes or bundles will look appropriate. Spectacular makeup in the style of Cat Eyes is ready.

Now you know all the secrets of how to make “cat eyes”. Makeup is useful for all occasions. Do not be afraid to experiment with images. Always be irresistible!



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