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Scalp fungus: symptoms and treatment

Scalp fungus: symptoms and treatment
What is a head fungus? Is it possible to cure it?

Humanity familiar with fungal diseases with ancients times. TO unfortunately, swift development society, urbanization, deterioration ecology, change image life people provoked also and swift development and improvement fungal diseases.

Development fungal diseases promotes and insufficient job with population v countries, where common diseases cordiallyvascular systems, immunodeficiency states, diseases blood, malignant education. Often doctors and yourself contribute development fungal infectionsassign patients antibacterial drugs, hormones. People, under influence advertising, thoughtlessly buy antimicous drugs, those most provoking sustainability to him fungal infections.
On present day medicine known more one and a half millions species fungal infections. The most dangerous for human organism counts all only near 500 species mycose. IN ours latitudes potentially dangerous counted yeast, molds mushrooms, dermatomets and more order several dozens dangerous mikozov.

Practically every from us i came across with itching heads. U whom that appeared dandruff, whothat suffers excessive falling out hair. All this delivers certain troubles v ours life. Often reason all these troubles is the appearance fungus  skin hair cover. How understand, there is lee u you fungus skin heads or no? We recommend at first turn directly to specialistdoctortrichologist, which after hearing all complaints on discomfort and after spending necessary examinations, can put accurate diagnosis and pick up correct treatment. Practically all fungal diseases on today day can effective cure. Is it true, not all they fast treated.

Mycosis (that most fungus), lazing hair cover skin yours heads maybe be different species. Identify, which exactly fungus u you, it will help examination. Very often disease has infectious nature. Her easily pick up directly contacting with sick already man, use his things (v given case this can be brushes for hair, comb, towels for heads and not only).  Prevention (maybe most effective) allthe same is thorough compliance before all yours personal hygiene.

Fungus skin heads: symptoms

Horrified Young Woman Looking in the Mirror

Method treatment mycose heads depends from varieties fungus. However there is general symptoms, which they can identify availability fungus u you.

So, if u you:

  • General state hair it became worse (appeared dryness, they lost mine shine, fall out more ordinary);
  • leather heads i became strongly peel off, appeared separate sites with peeling rounded forms;
  • hair on certain areas heads fall out stronger, steel visible baldnesses;
  • u grounds follicle hair breaking;
  • at strigeous lichen on skin cover heads there are purulent defeat.

The most common fungal lesions skin pokov heads doctors called strigeous lichen (superficial or deep trichophytosis) and microsporia (microsporosis). IN medicine exists more and common v Average Asia and on Neighbor East diseasescab (called more favus).

Fungus skin heads maybe flow asymptomatic. This hare difficult during identify infection skin. IN case if you noticed excessive the appearance dandruff headswe advise turn to dermatologist. This first sign togo, what maybe, u you appeared fungus.

Scalp fungus: cutting lichen


Trichophytosis (v people his called strigeous we are depriving) is one from most heavy diseases skin heads. If during not detect this view fungussoon on head can appear plets. Very distributed u children from 3 to 12 years. Disease contagious, that's why try isolate children or protect their from direct contact with sick man. Accustom with childhood use exclusively your own personal things (especially what concerns hygiene). Children can pick up strigeous lichen and from animals.

Exists superficial and deep form diseases.
At superficial form diseases fungus, through 56 days infection appear the first signs diseases.

Symptoms fungus:

  • peeling certain sites on head;
  • brittleness hair directly u follicle;
  • grey plaque on skin heads;
  • Itching, redness, swelling.

Deep form defeat (infiltrativepurulent) maybe manifest through two months after infection. Through two months can be the following symptoms:

  1. General malaise.
  2. Weakness.
  3. Swelling lymph nodes. At palpation it is noted their pain.
  4. Increase temperatures bodies.
  5. The appearance allergic rash.

Most deep form diseases maybe call the appearance on head tumor -shaped spots. Contours spots have clear borders red colors. Strongly peeling. Can have bubbles (so called vesicula) and crusts. At pressing purulent content maybe go out out. Together with those worsens state nailsappears deformation, color maybe change.

If you noticed u myself similar symptomscontact to doctor. This will allow timely pick up correct treatment and not give fungus spread on other sites, a also call more vast inflammation.

Scalp fungus: microsporia or microsporosis


More often all this view fungus can detect u children, a also u members their families. Source: sick people, which infected rusty microsporum, a also animals, infected fluffy microsporum. Fungus can pick up and from items general use infected man. This fungus determine on first place among others mycous diseases skin and hair cover heads. IN connection with those, what this fungus it spreads so fast, his necessary treat straightaway the same, at appearance the first symptoms, to this not overgrown v epidemic.

Symptoms microsporosis similar on symptoms superficial strigeous lichen, not damaged only nails. For accurate resolution diagnosis necessary turn for consultation to doctortrichologist, which except visual inspection and survey, speak all necessary examinations. Only doctortrichologist can during put correct diagnosis and appoint effective treatment.

Scalp fungus: steam or favus


Sources diseasesanimals or already sick people. On hair parts heads appear crusts yellowish shade. Can have pressing by center, from whom grow hairs. If given fungus not treateducation will grow and hit all big sites skin. At defeat skin heads, hair they become weak, dull, fall out. Often externally similar on old wig.

Reasons defeat fungus skin heads can be diverse viruses, fungi and bacteria.
For accurate diagnosis and definitions, which exactly view fungus struck yours skin, necessary conduct  except visual inspection, more and micro -study broken hair, take samples skin, which peeling.

For togo  to detect fungus, broken hair, necessary research under lamp Wood. IN case positive result, doctor appoint client cultural analyzes, a also take bacteriological sowing.

How treat fungus  skin  heads


If you noticed u myself itching, the appearance dandruff without reasons (you not changed means care for hair and skin heads, not painted hair v last time, if u you not was heavy stressful situations recently and other) – contact immediately to doctor. Only only after timely consultations and diagnostics can  cure certain varieties mycose.

Treatment fungus skin cover heads directs on usage antimicose drugs. At use such drugs costs remember about their high toxicity. TO contraindications to their use relate: diseases blood systems, oncopaema, renal failure, broken exchange substances, vascular pathology limbs and other.

For treatment fungus specialist maybe appoint the following drugs:

  1. Clotrimazole, Mikonazole, Grisoofulvin.
  2. Keratolic funds, to which relate pills and ointments.
  3. Local meansshampoos for treatment fungus, balms antifungal actions.

Be ready to that, what treatment maybe last not one month. IN especially heavy cases we'll have to drink well antibiotics.

Scalp fungus: folk recipes treatment mikozov


Can lee treat folk means fungus? At lungs forms leakage diseases  specialist maybe appoint masks and infusions, which can prepare v home conditions. Oil eucalyptus, for example, it will help get rid from annoying itching skin. For this necessary distribute pair drops oils on brush for hair and comb hair, trying not injured skin.

For removal unpleasant redness skin and excessive itching heads take it v equal proportions: juice garlic, almond or olive oil, juice lemon. Mix all ingredients. IN obtained mixtures moisten sponzhik and rub carefully v skin heads. Wrap head v film, a then v towel on one hour. Maybe sensation light tricking. Through 1 hour wash head with shampoo, rinse hair vinegar infusion (on 1 liter water add 2 art.  l.  vinegar).  TO disadvantages use such means can take it only unpleasant smell wet hair.

Therapeutic shampoos from scalp fungus

Difference therapeutic shampoos from ordinary is formula, basic which they make up active components, which suppress propagation appearance fungal manifestations (itching, dandruff, swelling). Most common components such shampoos are:

  1. Ketokonazoleon today day most effective means (i didn’t). Great copes with struggle against fungal infections and dandruff. Is most common remedy at treatment fungus.
  2. Cyclopirx olamin. Available v form cream or lotion. Use for treatment mycous infections skin pokov. Used v quality one from components v shampoos for treatment dandruff.
  3. Pyroctonolamine. Found v quality one from components many shampoos from dandruff and mycose. Is one from least harmful for human organism antifungal drug.
  4. Pirition zinc. Enters v compound many shampoos from dandruff, which can meet v anyone cosmetic store.
  5. Sulfad villages. Common ingredient, which often can detect v composition most therapeutic shampoos. By his own properties similar on pirition zinc.

Recipes from fungus skin heads


From mycose skin cover heads maybe help get rid the next mixture:

  • 30 gr.  shishka hops;
  • 30 gr.  root burdock;
  •   10 gr.  flowers calendulas.

Necessary do decoction, mix his with vaselin (proportion decoctions and vaselina 1:2). Mixture necessary apply on affected fungus sites (hands, head).

Decoction onion husks:

  1. Take it 4 big bulbs.
  2. Pour shell boiling water (you will need it 1 liter).
  3. Tomach on weak fire not bringing to boiling 1 hour.
  4. Give it decoction cool.
  5. Strain.
  6. Rinse skin heads after everyone washing hair.

TO disadvantages given way can take it cutting smell luke.

Scalp fungus prevention

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We already examined some options treatment fungus skin heads: how folk means so and medical. Can lee warn the appearance fungus? Not only on hair parts ours skin, but all bodies?

Can! Try avoid contacts with sick already man. Remember o personal hygiene and use exclusively your own personal things. Strengthen immunity: accept vitamins, engage sports, try avoid stress, not behanced.



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