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Rosehip oil: beneficial properties and areas of application

Rosehip oil: beneficial properties and areas of application
Rosehip oil ((rose hips - Rosa Majalis Herrm., Rosa Cinnamomea L.), the pink family - Rosaceae) has antimicrobial, anti -inflammatory, mitigating, tonic effect.

Since ancient times, we know about rosehip oil, its beneficial properties and areas of application. How exactly does it affect the body? Those who regularly take infusions or a broth from rosehips are less susceptible to colds. To date, it is used in medicine (in the treatment of burns, scars, stomach problems, etc.), in cosmetology (moisturizes the skin, pulls wrinkles, removes stretch marks, etc.).


How to cook rosehip oil

Rosehip oil is obtained by hot extraction or cold pressing. When using the method of hot extraction, the liquid of a dark green or bright orange shade is obtained. Despite the specific smell and a slightly bitter taste, the oil has almost magical cosmetics and healing properties.


You will need to prepare rosehip oil from seeds at home:

  • coffee grinder,
  • vegetable oil,
  • rosehip seeds.

The crushed rosehip seeds must be poured with pure vegetable oil (1:10 ratio). You need to insist one week in a dark place. After that, it is necessary to boil over low heat for 15 minutes and let it brew for 6-7 hours. Strain.

With cold pressing, dried rosehip seeds are used. But this method of production is much more expensive than hot extraction.

To prepare an oil extract from rosehip fruits at home, you will need:

  • vegetable oil,
  • rosehip fruits (dried or fresh).

Do not use frozen rosehips - it has few vitamins and nutrients that we need. Grind the fruits of rosehips in a coffee grinder, pour oil (1: 3 ratio) and let it brew for 7-10 days in a dark place. To obtain a few drops of oil, you will need a handful of rosehip fruits.

Remember that oil and extract (both prepared on an industrial scale, and at home) have its own shelf life - from 3 to 6 months. If there is oil vitamin E in rosehip oil - shelf life increases to 2 years. Keep the oil correctly - in a dark and cool place.

The oil extract, which is obtained from rosehip fruits, is called carotilin.

Rosehip oil: application

What is magical in rosehip oil? Due to the presence of glycerol in it, as well as saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (oleic, stearin, palmitic and other acids), tocopherols, carotenoids and other fat -soluble vitamins (A, E, C, K, PP, E), oil is known for its excellent regenerating property.

  1. It helps to quickly recover fabrics.
  2. Promotes the production of hormones.
  3. It has an anti -inflammatory effect. To heal burns of mild severity, scars, scars, oil must be applied with cotton wool to the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe skin for 5 days.
  4. Cleans the body of toxins.
  5. Improves metabolism in the body.
  6. Eliminates chronic fatigue and irritability syndrome.
  7. Reduces the level of chill in the blood. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  8. Fights overweight.
  9. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels. It is considered the prevention of atherosclerotic plaques.

Three Jars of Rose Hip Jam

Contraindications - open wounds and cuts.

In dermatology, it is used to treat various skin diseases (for example, psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis and others), as well as for healing even trophic ulcers and pressure sores. For the treatment of dry eczema, add 5 drops of lavender oil per 10 ml of rosehip oil.

Used to treat rhinitis, pharyngitis and sinusitis. For treatment, it is necessary to moisten gauze in oil and insert into the nasal passes for 5-10 minutes. Treatment should be carried out at least 3-5 times a day.

Rosehip oil receives different reviews, but there are no negative ones among them. The most famous fans of rosehip oil include such Hollywood stars as Hugh Jackman, Gwyneth Paltrow, Justin Timberlake.

Rosehip oil in medicine

If you have hepatitis, cholecystitis, stomach ulcers, patients with kidneys and liver, as well as diseases that reduce bilepel - use rosehip oil. Regular use of rosehip oil inside helps to reduce blood cholesterol. Due to its ability to act directly at the cellular level, it helps to produce the amount of hormones you need, and increases the performance of metabolic processes. It has an anti -inflammatory effect.

For the treatment of non -specific ulcerative colitis, rosehip oil is used as an enema (no more than 50 ml daily or once every 2 days).

For the treatment of a fetid cold (lake), it is necessary to moisten tampons and insert into the nasal sinuses. The procedure should be carried out at least 2 times a day.

In dentistry, it is used to treat stomatitis, gingivites and other things. Used for desquamative lesions of the mucous membrane of the mouth, in the presence of erosion or ulcers in the mouth, discoses. They are used locally in the form of applications that must be applied to the mucous membrane 1-2 times a day. Can be used as a basis for dressings on the gum.

In the case of hypovitaminosis A, rosehip oil must be taken inside 1 teaspoon 2 times a day. It is an excellent antidepressant - relieves fatigue, helps to feel more vigorous and more confident.

Fish oil with rosehip oil is prescribed as an additional source of acids of the Omega-3 family.

To treat a cold by non -drug method, take in equal number the leaves of nettles, thyme. Pour cold water (2 cups of water). Add 50 ml of oil there. Bring all this to a boil and boil about 3 minutes. Let it brew for 1 hour. The infusion must be drunk with honey after lunch and dinner half a glass.

Rosehip oil in cosmetology


To obtain rosehip oil for cosmetology, cold squeezing of fruit seeds or low -temperature extraction is used. Thanks to these technologies, all useful and unique substances remain in oil.

  • used to relieve irritated skin syndrome;
  • for massage (for example, massage from obesity will help to save a mixture of oils (equal amounts of oils from rosehips, olives, St. John's wort and cedar). If you massage problem areas twice a day - after a few months you will notice that there are fewer stretch marks);
  • sun protection.

If you have dry or wilting skin, there are bruises under the eyes, wrinkles, pigment spots - use rosehip oil. Due to its wonderful ability to stimulate tissue regeneration, oil will help slow down the aging of your skin. It fights perfectly with stretch marks of the skin: it helps to prevent their appearance, and if you already have them, it will help make them invisible and reduce their number.

Rosehip oil for the face is used only for very dry, almost dehydrated skin. The oil will saturate and moisturize your skin, thus preventing aging. Apply a little oil to the area around the eyes and lips - and you will provide your skin with delicate care. You can use in pure form, as well as in the preparation of a variety of face masks.


To prevent the appearance of wrinkles (or to remove the already emerging, but shallow wrinkles), it is necessary to lightly “drive” a couple of drops of oil into the skin. Easy to patting your fingertips on the skin, do a little massage near the eyes. In a couple of weeks you will already notice the result.

With mixed or combined skin, oil should be applied to areas that are prone to dryness: the area around the lips, cheeks. Do not forget that you do not need to apply a chin, forehead and nose.

Add rosehip oil to your favorite masks and lotions - and your skin will be moistened and elastic.

A mixture of rosehip oil, sea buckthorn oil, castor oil and carrot juice are used for the growth and beauty of eyelashes. To do this, take the above ingredients in equal proportions and mix. Apply daily on eyelashes before bedtime.

Nursing mothers are useful for healing cracks on the nipples.

Contraindications to use are: oily skin prone to acne and eels, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, individual intolerance.

Hair rosehip oil

Used to restore and treatment. Due to the presence of vitamins, oil will help to return your hair energy, strength. Do not be afraid to use it for damaged hair (with dry and split ends), which are daily exposed to negative factors (hair dryer, hair irons, varnishes, etc. harmful effects). Apply rosehip oil to the hair as a hair mask, and you will see how they will become beautiful, shiny and strong. You can rub your hair or add oil to your favorite shampoo or hair balm (1:10).

To prepare a mask from rosehips, pour rosehip fruits (about 20 pieces) with boiling water. Smuck them in a steam bath for about half an hour. Let me cool. Squeeze the decoction. Add lemon juice (1 tbsp) and honey (1 tbsp). The mask should turn out to be thick, like sour cream. Apply to unwashed hair. Leave for 20 minutes. Wash your head well with warm water with shampoo.

Rosehip oil is effective in the fight against brittle and split hair.

For a miracle mask, you will need: 0.5 cups of beer, 1 egg yolk, 2 tbsp. l. rosehip oils. Mix and apply to dirty hair for 20-25 minutes. Then rinse with ordinary water with shampoo.


Using rosehip oil. Video



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