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It is possible to rinse chlorhexidine's mouth. The use of chlorhexidine for rinsing the mouth - instruction. How to breed chlorhexidine Bigluconat for rinsing mouth

It is possible to rinse chlorhexidine's mouth. The use of chlorhexidine for rinsing the mouth - instruction. How to breed chlorhexidine Bigluconat for rinsing mouth
It is possible to rinse chlorhexidine's mouth. How to breed chlorhexidine and how to rinse your mouth. Treatment and instruction of rinse in chlorhexidine at inflammation.

Oral diseases often deliver many problems - cause a lot of unpleasant pain, seriously do our health. Therefore, if failed to prevent the occurrence of the ailment, then the struggle should immediately begin with him until the disease is still at an early stage.

It is worth saying that a large number of LOR-pathologies arises due to the penetration of various kinds of infection into the body. Most often, pathogenic microorganisms fall to us through the oral cavity. You can get rid of them not only with the help of regular cleaning of teeth, but also due to the timely rinse of the mouth. In addition, modern toothpastes can not always cope with harmful bacteria that are in the oral cavity. To do this, cleaning the teeth are combined with rinse. There are many solutions intended for these purposes, among them most often chlorhexidine is used to rinse the mouth. Next, consider the mechanism of action of this dental medication, as well as how to apply chlorhexidine to rinse the mouth.

Chlorhexidine for oral cavity: characteristics and application

Chlorhexidine - elixir-antiseptic, designed to combat pathogens, focused in the oral cavity. This agent is possible to apply for the treatment of many dental problems and LOR pathologies. You can purchase this drug in the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, but it is impossible to engage in self-treatment, in any case.

According to the chlorhexidine instructions for rinsing the mouth, the solution is already sold in the finished form at a concentration of 0.05%, so before applying, it is not necessary to breed with water. Babies up to 3 years to use this tool is not recommended. Sometimes pediatricians prescribe the use of chlorhexidine in the form of a spray.

The characteristics of chlorhexidine are as follows:

  • This remedy, as mentioned above, is used to treat diseases of the oral cavity. Appointed dental physicians or an ENT doctor. Produced in the form of a solution intended for rinsing. The dosage and duration of rinsing should be prescribed by the doctor, because if you abuse this tool, you can get a mucosa of the mouth.
  • It is worth saying that chlorhexidine is a strong drug, so it is not applied in preventive purposes, but only solely for the treatment of dental diseases. In addition, it is not recommended to carry out the rinse of the oral cavity with this means too often.
  • Sometimes chlorhexidine is applied not only in dental care purposes, but also used to treat gynecological diseases, because this drug has excellent antiseptic properties.
  • This preparation has a relatively low price, so treatment with chlorhexidine can be called economical.
  • The tool has a local antiseptic effect, while without affecting the rest of the body.
  • This preparation is used in dental practice for quite a long time, for more than 50 years.
  • The active ingredient of the drug - chlorhexidine Bigluconat. It can eliminate various pathogens, bacteria, viruses from the oral cavity.

Diseases in which the use of the drug is shown:

  • Stomatitis.
  • Gingivitis.
  • Inflammation of the gums (after the removal of the teeth).
  • Perodontitis.
  • Treatment of the well (after the removal of the tooth of wisdom).
  • Disinfection of dentures.
  • Inflammation of the tooth of wisdom.
  • Diseases of the throat, angina (not having an infectious nature of the occurrence).

Form of release chlorhexidine

Chlorhexidine is produced in two forms:

  • Fluid in bottles with a concentration of 0.05%.
  • Spray with dispenser.

The last package is very convenient for processing wounds, as well as the irrigation of the oral cavity in children. Analogs this antiseptic has no. Others similar to the action of drugs simply have another chemical basis, therefore it is impossible to consider it a complete analogue. One of these antiseptics is Miramistin.

Chlorhexidine refers to antimicrobial means:

  • The drug successfully struggles with most pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity.
  • Successfully treats diseases caused by the action of both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. Treats disease caused by the action of viruses.

For the treatment and prevention of diseases of the oral cavity, only aqueous solution of chlorhexidine is used. There is also an alcohol solution, but it is used only for antiseptic processing of premises in medical institutions.

Advantages and disadvantages of the application of chlorhexidine Bigluconata for rinsing mouth

As a rule, bad results from the treatment of diseases using chlorhexidine are a consequence of errors in its application.

So, in the treatment of inflammation of the gums, many patients complain about the short-term effect. However, in this case, in addition to the treatment of the inflammation itself, which is already due to the consequence, it is necessary to make prevention and elimination of the main reason for the illness. But often the cause of gum disease is plaque. If it does not get rid of it, the meaning of the treatment of inflammation disappears.

Also, many are used chlorhexidine for the treatment of stomatitis, although it is not intended for this. It can only help for the prevention of stomatitis complications, but he does not treat the disease itself. That is why the effect of the treatment of this pathology chlorhexidine can simply not wait.

The chlorhexidine solution for rinsing the mouth has its explicit advantages and disadvantages. To the first one can attribute:

  • Long action. A single rinse allows you to form a thin film on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and teeth.
  • High antibacterial activity.
  • Low price.

The disadvantages of chlorhexidine are:

  • Unpleasant bitter taste.
  • Zero antiviral activity. This is true, it can be considered a disadvantage of the disease with a herpetic form of stomatitis, which is caused by herpes virus.
  • Tooth coloring in dark color. With prolonged use of chlorhexidine, a raid is formed on the teeth, which stains them.

How to rinse the mouth chlorhexidine

The main rules of rinse of the mouth chlorhexidine

  • Before starting processing the mouth, chlorhexidine does not need to be breeded with water. It is already fully prepared for use.
  • Conduct the treatment of the throat or oral cavity must be minimal twice a day. Do it after eating and cleaning teeth.
  • Rinse the oral cavity is required at least 1-2 minutes. It is at the expiration of this time on the surface of the oral cavity, a necessary microscopic film is formed, which will be saved for several hours.
  • In the treatment of most oral cavity diseases, chlorhexidine rinsing rate lasts at least 10 days, when ringed the throat - from 7 to 10 days.

How to breed chlorhexidine for rinsing mouth

Dilution of chlorhexidine solution 0.05% for the occasion of the oral cavity is not necessary. He is ready for use.

The drug is stored 2 years, after which loses its properties. Storage Conditions: The temperature is not more than + 25 ° C, a place protected from direct sunlight, away from children.

Use the drug after the expiration date is prohibited.

Chlorhexidine - Rinsing of the mouth after the removal of the tooth

When removing the tooth, chlorhexidine rinsing is often used in the following cases:

  • If the removal process passed with complications.
  • If the tooth is removed against the background of the inflammatory process.
  • If in the oral cavity there is teeth with caries or other problems that can cause the blood clots at the place of removal.

After removing the tooth, the rinse is carried out 2-3 times a day for one minute. You need to do it calmly. The active rinse can lead to the removal of the blood clots, which is guaranteed to lead to an inflammatory process.

If the alveolit \u200b\u200bof the tooth's wells for any reason was still formed, chlorhexidine can act as an additional therapy. The main treatment of this inflammation is to clean the hole of the tooth and bookmarks in it drugs. Rinse chlorhexidine will help speed up the healing process.

How to rinse chlorhexidine's mouth when the hood is inflammation over the tooth of wisdom

In the teething of the tooth of wisdom, it forms the so-called hood. Between the last and surface of the tooth, the cavity is formed, in which bacteria develop very well. Their activity leads to the beginning of the inflammatory process, which is expressed in the edema of the mucous membrane, the accumulation of pus. The treatment of inflammation of the hood should be carried out under conditions of dentistry, and rinse with chlorhexidine is additional therapy.

Conduct a rinse 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening for 1 minute.

Is it possible to rinse the mouth chlorhexidine during stomatitis

Chlorhexidine is not used for the treatment of stomatitis, but for the prevention of bacterial complications of the viral disease. To combat viruses, this drug is useless. In the herpetic form of stomatitis, it is better to use Miramistin.

How to rinse the mouth chlorhexidine when inflammation of the gums

Chlorhexidine is very well used to remove the inflammation of the gums. However, it should be understood that the problems with the gums arise due to the following dental ailments - the dented stone, the dental flare. Rinsing with an antibacterial agent can be reduced symptoms, but the effect will be short-term. Without removing the deposit on the teeth, the treatment of gum inflammation by any means, including chlorhexidine, will not be effective. After removing the plaque or stones, the rinse of chlorhexidine is carried out for 1 week twice a day. For the prevention of inflammation, a toothpaste can be used, which includes this preparation.

Chlorhexidine - Rinsing of the mouth with an angina

Chlorhexidine is used not to treat directly angina, but for the prevention of inflammation of the oral cavity, which can begin against the background of the main disease. Rinse spend up to 3 times a day. For young children use spraying. However, it is worth remembering that it is impossible to spray the almonds to children up to 3 years old chlorhexidine.

Chlorhexidine for rinsing mouth children and pregnant

There are no contraindications to the use of chlorhexidine during pregnancy and children. The only conditions of therapy is time limit up to 10 days. The use of chlorhexidine longer can lead to the dysbacteriosis of the oral cavity and the appearance of candida mushrooms. In the absence of treatment results, you can taste other drugs.

For children, it is possible to use chlorhexidine spray. Dosage appoints a doctor.

Chlorhexidine for rinsing mouth: video


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