
Why roll in chest. What can prick in the chest. Diagnosis and treatment of chilling pain in the chest

Why roll in chest. What can prick in the chest. Diagnosis and treatment of chilling pain in the chest
What tells the pricking chest pain, how to find the cause and when treatment is needed. What to do if the breasts roll in women and in men. Colitis in the baby's chest, what to do.

Each of us at a certain moment of life faces painful sensations in the chest area. Sometimes it is very difficult to understand what causes pain and where it comes from: from the heart, muscle or bone tissue. Medicine is known a lot of reasons why roll in the chest. Therefore, let's find out what the reasons for tingling in the chest and what to do with the appearance of pain discomfort.

What is the pain in the chest

Paints arising in the chest are divided into types:

  • Sudden stuffing and sharp pain.
  • Pain syndrome associated with cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Muscular chest pain.
  • Pains caused by the pathologies of the respiratory system.
  • Psychoic pains.

Advice! A detailed description of the character of pain will help the doctor to correctly establish their cause.

Cooling in the chest area - the causes of pathology

Painfulness in the chest can be of different nature. Doctors call such a state of thoracalgia. Problems in the nervous system, violation of the heart of the heart, the pathology of the mammary glands in women, damage to the spine is only a small part of possible causes. You can accurately establish the nature of pain in the chest after studying the patient's complaints and the nature of the pain itself. Consider what are the most frequent causes of chest pain.

Why roll in chest right

Breast pain on the right side is often associated with inflammation of the respiratory organs, the tract and oncological processes. The doctor may establish the following causes of pain:

  • Pleurisy - Infectious defeat of pleura as a result of acute pneumonia or tuberculosis. The pain is stole, often accompanied by coughing and shortness of breath.
  • Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract - Influenza, bronchitis, tonsillitis. At the same time, a sharply roll in the chest, breathing makes it difficult, there are signs of malaise.
  • Oncology - Novoy formation in bronchi or light can provoke pain in the chest if it is localized on the right side. In women, stolen pain in the right breast may indicate an oncological process in the breast.
  • Pneumonia - It is often one-sided character, so it can cause pain in the chest only to the right or on the left. Often, pain in the chest remains the only symptom of pneumonia and only during the progression of the disease appears heat, cough, weakness.
  • Surgery of the spine - If you roll in the chest when inhaling, you can suspect the chest osteochondrosis, the curvature of the vertebra, the hernia. Often to pain joins stiffness of movements, breathing problems, headaches.

Why roll in chest on the left

Left-sided localization of pain immediately suggests the thought of heart disease. But quite often the cause becomes a variety of pathologies:

  • Hypertension - Increased pressure that causes discomfort on the left, which creates a feeling of pain in the heart.
  • Pulmonary embolism - Full or partial overlap of the artery thrombus. The pain may be barely noticeable or substantial.
  • Cardiac ischemia - Acute pain, gone, patient feeling that he is strongly rolled under the breast on the left, often lacking air.
  • Myocardial infarction - The pain is focused under the breast on the left, often irrades in hand.
  • Aneurysm Aorti - Pathological expansion of the aorta, creating rapidly increasing pain in the chest, cough is possible.
  • Intercostal neuralgia - There are cheering pain under the breasts, giving left side, back, shoulder. The pain that creates and shooting can limit the body movement.
  • Mitral valve prolapse - The pain on the left may slowly break throughout the chest, fainting is possible.
  • VD - The dysfunction of the vegetative nervous system is often accompanied by pain in the heart area, which can be described, like burning, wave-like, also panic attacks.

Cools between breasts - Possible causes

If the pain is concentrated in the middle of the chest, you need to exclude the following pathologies:

  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach or 12-two-day intestine "The pain resembles a hearty, it is localized in the middle, but often gives under the left blade.
  • Dyskinesia biliary tract - Disruption of the gallbladder, is accompanied by painful spasms that can irradiate in the zone between breasts or left.
  • Endocrine violations - Hypothyroidism, goiter, Ait and other thyroid disease often create a feeling that rolling in the chest, heart, neck.
  • Gastoezophagal reflux - Disruption of the operation of the GTI, causing pain in the epigastrium, which is often perceived as pain in the chest.
  • Osteochondrosis of the chest zone - pinching of nerve fibers. It feels a stupid pain, often recurring, it is difficult to breathe air.
  • Hernia Schorno - pinching of nerve tissues, causing pain in the middle of the sternum and discomfort in the muscles.
  • Bekhtereva's disease - The defeat of the spine, which causes pain in the chest when inhaled.

Why roll in breasts in a woman

Pain in women can occur for all reasons described above. But special attention should be paid to the pain, which is concentrated in lactic glands. First of all, it is necessary to understand whether the pain is physiological (it does not threaten the health of a woman) or pathological (may indicate a dangerous disease).

Physiological reasons for stabbing chest pain

Not always pain in the chest is a satellite of dangerous pathology. The dairy glands are closely interconnected with a hormonal background, a menstrual cycle, psycho-emotional setting. Therefore, if a woman has a chest or rolling from time to time, it may be a norm option.

Causes of physiological mastalgia (breast disease):

  • Gestational period. Women in an interesting position often note that the chest rolls with needles, there is a feeling of pinching and gravity in the lactic glands. Such sensations arise as a result of hormonal jumps and glands to lactation.
  • Lactation. Toddler brewing a lot of discomfort brings a lot of discomfort. During breastfeeding, the nipples are damaged, the nipples are damaged, the milk and inflammation occurs. Minor tingling, burning, swelling of the chest in front of the tide of milk is an absolute norm.
  • Menstruation. A sharp vibration of the hormonal background in front of menstruation often provokes the diseases of the mammary glands. They can harden, swallow, swell. The peculiarity of such pain lies in its cyclicity: it arises on the eve of menstruation, gradually subsides to 3-5 day cycles and never renewed in the middle of the cycle.

Important! If a closet in the left breast has a woman, it is important to exclude the pathology of the heart.

Pathological causes of stitching chest pain

The soreness of the breast, regardless of menstruation, indicates the development of the pathological condition. With characteristic complaints, it is necessary to appeal to a specialist to determine what can prick in the breast of a woman.

The possible diseases provoking breast pain include:

  • Cyst - benign formation in the breast, which contains inside the liquid. In the early stages, pathology is not characterized by acute symptoms, but in the launched state there is a staging pain in the left (right) breast, the deformation of the affected gland.
  • Lactocele - Music neoplasm filled with breast milk. In fact, it is the blockage of milky duct during lactation, which is caused by a violation of milk outflow. The condition is accompanied by a sharp pain, heat, milk does not go out. Without treatment, the acute inflammatory process begins.
  • Fibroadoma - Mobile non-hazard tumor up to 5-6 cm in diameter. As a rule, only one milk iron is affected. Symptoms are scarce, sometimes completely absent. A woman notices a minor crossing pain in the right (left) chest or draws attention to the size asymmetry.
  • Lactostasis - Disease of nursing women who incorrectly apply kid to the chest. Milk stagnation provokes acute pain, inflammation, swelling, it is possible to increase body temperature.
  • Mastopathy - a benign disease of the mammary glands, accompanied by the formation of painful nodules.
  • Mastitis - Complication of inflammatory character after lactation. Characteristic signs: heat, redness and seal of the mammary glands, lymphadenitis, pain.
  • Karcinoma chest - The oncological process, which manifests itself in the later stages. In a woman, the pain focuses only on the one hand, for example, rolling under the right breast, gives the right hand, the lymph nodes are increasing on the right side.
  • Abscess - The accumulation of purulent exudate in the mammary gland, which is accompanied by fever, acute chest pain, skin hyperemia.

Why roll breasts during pregnancy

Painting in the chest often become the first messenger of what has happened. After fertilization, the level of hormones and the chest is actively changing, the chest begins to be transformed, so as soon as possible to perform its purpose - torture the baby.

In this period, pain may be barely noticeable or extremely acute, but after 2-3 weeks it passes. The second wave of pain falls in the last weeks of pregnancy, when the chest is prepared for the production of colosure. A woman feels like milk glands increase, tingle, may be released from nipples.

Cooling breasts - reasons for lactation

Tingling in the chest during lactation can be both a normal phenomenon and a sign of the disease. With the appearance of light discomfort, it is not worth the worry, because it is a clear symptom of a tide of milk. In the glands it can occur itching, burning, tingling. But if the pain becomes frequent, intolerant, the temperature rises, bleeding or rolling the nipple chest, you need to run to the doctor.

Advice! The lactation period is an important moment when you need to particularly carefully listen to the "alarming bells" and with any suspicions to contact the doctor.

Sharp stolen pain in chest and climax

Ladies of menopacteric age are more vulnerable to the pathologies of the mammary glands, so the appearance of discomfort in the chest should be regarded as alarm. But you do not need to perceive any tingling as a sign of oncology. There are a lot of explanation to what rolling under the breast or immediately in both lactic glands:

  • Changes in the structure of the mammary glands against the background of hormonal drops. When the climax may occur the swelling of the gland tissue, which causes pain and seal.
  • Lipid Sabalance: Violation of fatty acid ratios provokes sacrament of nipples, pain and burning in the chest.
  • Stress, emotional splash. With a climax, a woman is very watered and hyperborn. Any moral load can lead to depression or unmotivated aggression, which is displayed on well-being.

Why roll in breast in a child

Kids often complain about pain in the chest. It can be related both to cardiac pathology and with the problems of the gastrointestinal tract or lesion of bone-cartilaginous joints.

Bringing chest pain in a child may be the cause of such pathologies:

  • Costochondritis - Inflammation of bone tissue in the region of ribs. The pain shooting or nulling is intensified while driving.
  • Pneumonia - Breast pain, cough, ailments indicate inflammation of the lungs.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis - It arises not only to painful chest syndrome, but also the joints are inflamed.
  • Dysfunction GTC - The pain in the chest is often provoked by reflux-esophagitis, and enhances after meals. It is also possible to disrupt the anatomical structure of the intestine, jet pancreatitis, gastritis.
  • Arrhythmia - The child has a feeling of squeezing, rings under the left breast. In this case, it is important to exclude heart disease - ischemia, the attack of angina.
  • Separate aorta - Sudden, bursting painful syndrome. Pain can give in the neck or back. Pathology requires urgent medical care.
  • Psychoic chest pain - Often in children pain in the heart area are caused by sudden stress. There are also cases when children imitate heart pains that see someone from loved ones.
  • Tensile bale - As a result of severe physical activity, a child may have a stretch or muscle spasm in the ribs or vertebra. At the same time, the pain can give in the heart. If a child is put, the pain passes.

Important! If a child develops a strong chest pain against the background of the heat, cough, weakness, you need to immediately contact the doctor.

Chest pain - Diagnostic events

When pain in the chest, you need to contact the therapist. He will collect anamnesis and gives direction for analyzes and different diagnostic studies. This may be an ultrasound, ECG, EGDS and other surveys, depending on the reason for the pain. To clarify the diagnosis, the patient can be sent to a cardiologist, a neurologist, a mammologist or surgeon. And after an additional examination, the patient will be recommended suitable treatment.

Treatment of stitching chest pain

If moderate chest pain occurs, an anesthetic, for example, paracetamol or ibuprofen, can be accepted, and then contact the family doctor. If the pain resembles a heart attack, you need to call an ambulance.

After the diagnosis is established, the doctor will appoint appropriate treatment. With different pathologies, it differs, for example, in diseases of the heart, surgical treatment is often carried out, and with neuralgia, anti-inflammatory funds are shown. Therefore, the therapy must select the attending physician, and self-treatment in this situation should be excluded. Ignoring pain in the heart or the use of folk agents can only aggravate the disease.

Prevention of any breast pain is to strengthen immunity and regular preventive inspections. Do not neglect physical education, balanced nutrition and distract from negative thoughts, then the pain in the chest will not dare to disturb you.

Video "Breast pain: What does this mean?"


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