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The rein is crunching their knees. What to do if the knees crunch and hurt. Knees crunch when bending - how to treat

The rein is crunching their knees. What to do if the knees crunch and hurt. Knees crunch when bending - how to treat
Why do your knees crunch in adults and children, what to do. The knee crunches during flexion and extension, squats - how to treat. The knee crunches and hurts - treatment, folk remedies.

Every day, a person is actively moving and happens that a feeling of crunch in the knees occurs. Cryst does not always indicate diseases, but in any case, it requires increased attention. If your knees are crunching, find out what to do, what to treat and to whom to contact.

The knee crunches: what does it mean

Joints are able to withstand the enormous load: running, long walking, squats. Under the pressure of body weight, they amortize due to a special fluid that prevents their spinning.

Normally, any crunch in the knees should be absent. If it arises, this is a sign of dysfunction. And only occasionally, crib is considered a variant of the norm. So, a light crunch is possible with:

  • weak congenital ligaments;
  • the formation of small bubbles in the knee bag;
  • intensive growth of bone tissue, which involves the ligament process.

Interesting! The noise in the knee is called crepiting.

In most cases, a crunch is a signal about the deficiency of nutrients in the knee joint, insufficient activity or degenerative processes. Consider all the possible causes of the crunch in the knees in more detail.

Why do your knees crunch - reasons

Discomfort and crunch in the knee joint often occur as a result of such anomalies:

  • obesity;
  • reboot against the background of weak physical activity;
  • weight lifting;
  • chronic stress;
  • gonarthrosis;
  • abuse of sharp and too salty dishes;
  • pathology of the Code of the foot;
  • loads;
  • rheumatism;
  • meniscus injury;
  • tumors;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • hypocalcemia;
  • hypovitaminosis.

Why crunch their knees when squatting

The noise in the joint at the time of squatting is a frequent phenomenon in the elderly, which is caused by age -related changes. But in young people a crunch is also observed, especially if there is a genetic predisposition, metabolism is disturbed or a person does not pay attention to sports. The environmental factor is not excluded.

With a crunch, such changes in the joint occur:

  • the inflammatory process is launched;
  • the friction force increases;
  • intracellular nutrition is disturbed;
  • the cartilage is destroyed;
  • pain and swelling may be present.

Important! A knee crunch at a young age is regarded as a pathology that requires dynamic observation and treatment.

Why crunches the knee when extending

If a crunch is disturbed without pain, most likely, the reason is the specific work of the knee bag. In the liquid, carbon dioxide is concentrated and a sound that resembles a crunch occurs during its release from the bubbles. Pathology causes such changes:

  • the pressure in the knee bag flies;
  • the number of gas bubbles increases sharply;
  • during extension, they burst loudly.

The joints in the knees are often crunching in the extension of the elderly who gave gymnastics all their lives. Also, such phenomena are found in people with congenital anomalies of connective tissue. There is no pain with such a crunch, but weakness in all joints is observed and ligaments are often damaged.

Why crunches the knee when bending

If the knees crunch when bending, the reason lies in inflammation or destruction of cartilage. Often there is pain, swelling, redness of the skin, especially after physical activity. This phenomenon is accompanied by pathological processes:

  • physical activity decreases;
  • friction in the joint is aggravated;
  • the knee bag loses moisture and inflams;
  • strain deformation occurs;
  • the concentration of the knee lubrication is reduced.

Why crunches the knee when walking

Often a crunch in the knee joint when walking occurs due to an overvoltage or slight stretching of the ligaments. In this case, a person has no pain and discomfort during movements.

If, while walking, the knee crunches and swells, there are serious reasons for this:

  • complications arose after the knee injury in the past;
  • the knee cup is susceptible to degenerative processes;
  • there was a rupture of the capsule membrane;
  • arthritis or other joint disease began.

Important! If the crunch and pain in the knee increase, you need to contact the doctor until the destruction of the cartilage has gone too far.

Why do a child crunch his knees

In children of different ages, a crunch in the knees is often observed. Most mothers at the doctor’s appointment hear that the reason is the gas bubbles that burst. But in rare cases, crunch causes diseases:

  • Dyplasia of connective tissue - in childhood, it is not yet strong, very elastic and poorly holds the joints. Over time, the ligaments are compacted, and the crunch passes. But in a small number of babies there is a congenital weakness of connective tissue, which consists in the incorrect structure of collagen. It is transmitted at the genetic level. With such a disease, a child crunches a knee without pain, but crepitus is observed in all joints.
  • A decrease in the secretion of the perioset bag is a deficiency of synovial fluid, leading to a crunch and creaking in the knees.
  • Arthritis - inflammation of the joint with the subsequent modification of cartilage fabric. Without the treatment of cartilage, it becomes thinner, crumple, deform, covered with growths. There is pain, stiffness of movements, swelling.

Why do your knees crunch in a teenager

In adolescence, the crunch in the knees should cause concern among parents. Intensive growth, puberty and restructuring of the hormonal background are provocateurs of joint overstrain. If the teenager grows rapidly, disproportionate growth of muscle and bone tissue, and sprains of the ligaments can be observed. To prevent injuries, it is necessary to normalize the loads on the legs, if necessary, provide the child with vitamin complexes.

Why do your knees hurt and crunch

When the crunch is accompanied by pain, you can confidently declare the disease of the joint. After examination, the doctor can diagnose one of these pathologies:

  • Arthritis is a reactive inflammation causing the destruction of the knee cartilage. The impetus can be hypothermia, any injury, an autoimmune factor. In addition to crunch, with arthritis there is pain, hyperthermia, red spots on the skin, severe edema.
  • Gonarthrosis is the gradual propagation of cartilage, which over time is completely destroyed. Related symptoms: sharp pain, growths on cartilage.
  • Calcinosis - the formation of calcinates on the surface of the cartilage. At the same time, a crunch in the knee, numbness, strong burning are felt.
  • Meniscopathy is an injury to the meniscus, which can be recognized by a sharp crunch and pain that has arisen. Often required surgery.
  • Subchondral sclerosis is cartilage degradation as a result of insufficient blood supply. The patient feels pain, stiffness of movements, crunch.

Crushes the knee: which doctor treats

With the initial appearance of a crunch in the knee, you need to visit the therapist. When diagnosing reactive arthritis or age -related joint lesions, it will be treated. If necessary, the therapist will give a referral to the doctors of a narrow profile:

  • rheumatologist - he will treat inflammation of the connective tissue;
  • traumatologist if the joint is discovered;
  • a nutritionalist for overweight.

Cryst in the knee - Diagnosis

To make the correct diagnosis, the doctor must interview the patient and find out important points:

  • are there any concomitant diseases;
  • is there a hereditary factor;
  • which preceded the appearance of a crunch.

If necessary, the doctor may appoint an additional examination:

  • x -ray;
  • Ultrasound;
  • arthroscopy of the joint;
  • MRI.

Then the doctor will give directions for tests and based on the results will make a diagnosis.

Crusting knees - treatment

With a crunch in the knee, comprehensive treatment is necessary. It consists of a diet selected taking into account the established disease, drug treatment and joint rehabilitation.

Cryst drugs in knees

Depending on the cause of the cryst, the patient may prescribe such medicines:

  • Anti -inflammatory drugs - relieve pain and inflammation, are used for arthritis. This is Diclobert, Nimesil, I have.
  • Carried out funds - chondroprotectors (ointments, pills) that restore weak cartilage fabric. This is chondroxide and rumalon.
  • Ointments - relieve pain and help to return the joint mobility. Often use finalgon, diclak-gel, anespol, voltaren.
  • Corticosteroids - hormonal drugs. This is prednisolone or hydrocartisone.
  • Vitamin-mineral complexes. It is necessary to take calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus.

Cryst massage in knees

Massage is indicated to improve blood flow and nutrition. It is advisable to entrust this matter to the massage therapist, but self -massage will also be useful. For the procedure, you can use a massage oil or a warming ointment. The movements are mild, the number of repetitions is from 5 to 7.

Cryst massage:

  • With your palms, make circular stroking around the joint in two directions.
  • Superficially tap on the skin with fingertips around the joint.
  • Pass the edge of the hand clockwise and back, do not massage the joint itself.

Physical education from crunch in the knees

To increase muscle tone and improve joint mobility, the doctor will prescribe physiotherapy exercises:

  • 30 seconds exercise "Bicycle";
  • squat with a chair 10 times;
  • rotation bent at the knees 9 times.

Important! Exercises are appointed by the doctor taking into account the condition of the joints.

Folk recipes from knee

If knees crunch, folk remedies will help:

  • Ointment: take iodine tincture, pharmacy glycerin, honey and alcohol in the same amount. Connect the ingredients and use the trim tool for the knee.
  • Compress: mix vegetable oil and lemon juice in a ratio of 5: 1. Put the mixture on a napkin and attach to the joint for 60 minutes.
  • Forest drink: plunge the spruce bump at night in 200 mg of water. Take the liquid twice a day.
  • Jelly: boil beef joints in water for 5 hours and use 300 g.
  • Application with oatmeal: 30 g of oatmeal, pour boiling water, attach the resulting porridge to the knee for an hour.

Cryst prevention in knees

Prevention will help to avoid unpleasant sensations in the knee:

  1. Follow your weight.
  2. Choose comfortable shoes.
  3. Alternate loads and rest.
  4. If you have a sedentary job, do short warm -ups.
  5. Do not allow hypothermia.
  6. Eat fully.
  7. Follow the state of the endocrine system.
  8. Drink a lot of water.
  9. Swim and walk.

If your knees crunch, what to do now you know. Lead a healthy lifestyle, turn to a doctor in a timely manner and treat. Remember, damage to the knee joint is easier to warn than to cure later.

Video "Crown in the joints: what to do?"



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