
Causes of scarce menstruation. Why they went very scanty periods. Instead of monthly scarce discharge - diagnosis and treatment

Causes of scarce menstruation. Why they went very scanty periods. Instead of monthly scarce discharge - diagnosis and treatment
The article discusses the causes of scarce periods in women and the treatment options for pathology. Causes of scanty menstruation and what they mean.

Women always scares such a phenomenon as scarce periods. Many thoughts arise immediately about this: a sign of pregnancy, a hormonal failure, a dangerous disease. Let's deal with why scarce periods are going on how dangerous is such a state and what to do.

Scanty menses. The concept of "gipomenoreya" What is this?

Menstruation in healthy women is different cycles, so it is easy to know when it happens. Color selections are normal dark red, without any admixture of large clots. The average blood loss is from 50 to 150 ml, which depends on the individual woman.

Considered meager monthly, if the amount of blood lost by less than two tablespoons. This status is often accompanied by a sharp shortening of menstruation (menses come 1-2 days). In medicine, this deviation is called gipomenoreey.

Scanty menses often precede menopause or are physiologically normal puberty in girls. However, the reasons why are scanty menses set. Therefore, to find out the root cause must be a gynecologist.

Meager monthly allocation instead: accompanying symptoms

Scanty menses can be a normal appearance and does not cause any sensations. But the presence of pathology, may join a variety of symptoms. If the monthly turn brown, with an unpleasant odor, a woman may feel such symptoms:

  • cramping pain in the abdomen or in the lumbar region;
  • migraine;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • general weakness;
  • feel tight in the chest;
  • breast tenderness;

On a note! Color scanty menses may be different: scarlet, black, brown, beige.

Scanty menses - Causes

Meager allocation of normal color, which come on schedule, and the complete absence of complaints gynecologists regard as a variant of the norm, and the treatment is not administered. Otherwise, the reasons for the meager monthly should be regarded as a sign of illness. Depending on the color selections and time of their appearance, can be suspected of a variety of abnormalities in women's health.

Among the main reasons for the meager monthly release:

  • Thyroid disease. Thyroxine is produced by a gland, it promotes the synthesis of female hormones. If there is thyroid dysfunction, the woman is disturbed ovulatory cycle, the endometrium grows defective, there gipominoreya.
  • Obesity or leanness. The lipid layer takes part in the synthesis of estrogens. If the weight is excessive, there is an excess of hormones, but if a woman is too thin, estrogens are sorely lacking. Against the background of anorexia or starvation periods may disappear completely.
  • Anemia, vitamin deficiency. Without vitamin and mineral substances, the depression of hormone production occurs, and the pronounced shortage of hemoglobin leads to a violation of metabolism. As a result, a woman has scarce periods, pains developing in infertility.
  • Damage to endometrial during childbirth, field of scraping, gynecological operations. The instrumental impact on the inner walls of the uterus often causes the inferiority of the endometrium. It ceases to actively grow, and monthly becomes scarce.
  • Anomalies of the structure of the uterus, resection of the uterus. If the organ has a defective structure, menstruation is often moderate or may be completely absent.

On a note! Often scarce periods, it is a sign of neuropsychic shocks and unfavorable ecology.

Why are scarce brown monthly

The reasons provoking scarce browns are diverse and depend on:

  • age category;
  • character of sexual life;
  • pregnancy;
  • gynecological surgical intervention in history;
  • infectious processes in the organs of a small pelvis.

Causes of brown monthly in small quantity:

  • Scooty monthly brown color before full-fledged menstruation in gynecology is regarded as a sign of progesterone deficiency. The hormone deficit provokes premature rejection of the uterine mucosa. In essence, scanty periods, it is an endometrium, which is the cause of brown "Mazni".
  • In the girls in the pubertal period of allocation of weak, often light brown, and are the norm. Menstruation can be installed during the first year.
  • In the menopacteric period, the brown color of menstrual discharge testifies to the extrusion of ovaries.
  • Very meager monthly, which were replaced by abundant menstruation, may arise due to unsuccessful implantation of a fetal egg. Often women do not even guess that they were pregnant. This phenomenon happens with a hormonal imbalance.
  • Scarce periods in the gestation period speak about the threat of miscarriage and progesterone deficiency.
  • The formidable reason for scanty monthly brown color is an ectopic pregnancy. In this situation, a pregnancy test will be positive.
  • Light brown monthly, which go into bleeding, occur during adenomyosis.
  • Another reason for scanty periods - STDs (Gonorrhea, Trichomoniasis, Ureaplasmosis). If a woman has scarce periods, pulls the belly, there are uncharacteristic allocations, it is necessary to donate strokes to determine the causative agent of the disease.

Important! The occurrence of extraordinary menstruation of brown color indicates endometritis, salpingitis, cervical tumors. Therefore, if you do not accept COC, contact a gynecologist for prophylactic inspection.

Scarce bloody short periods

The appearance of moderate bloody discharge in women does not always talk about gynecological pathology. In most cases, this is a single phenomenon that is not provoked by anything. But there are cases when the doctor's help is simply necessary.

  • It should be worried if the bleeding occurs in the middle of the cycle. There may be a lot of reasons. This is the mioma of the uterus, and different malignant tumors, and the usual follicular cyst.
  • Often, contraceptive provoke scarce periods. Especially often such a phenomenon is observed in the first months of receiving contraceptives. If after 4 months the picture does not change, it is necessary to revise the tablet reception scheme to prevent the critical extinction of the ovarian function.
  • The highlighting of red in small quantities is characteristic of girls who have just begun to menstruate. Also, monthly can go irregularly, sometimes 2 times a month.
  • The cause of scanty periods with bunches can be a violation of a hormonal background. There is an imbalance of both sex hormones and thyroid hormones. In such a situation, hypothyroidism, estrogen or progesterone deficiency, should be eliminated.

Can there be scarce monthly pink

Pink selection color occurs often. The woman has such menstruals for such reasons:

  • fertilization of the egg;
  • progesterone lack;
  • anomalies of the cervix;
  • thrush;
  • mechanical injuries of cervical or vagina;
  • the presence of contraceptive helix.

Important! Scanty pink monthly periods are there in the presence of erosion, polypa, ectropio cervix. Also possible vagina trauma.

Scooty monthly and pregnancy

After the conception of conception, the hormonal background changes: the concentration of estrogen falls, and progesterone rises. Such changes affect the structure of the endometrium and prevent its rejection. Therefore, after fertilization, menstruation is always absent.

However, in some cases, scanty periods arise in the early periods of gestation, which does not give a woman in time to discover pregnancy. There are several reasons for this:

  • Physiological deficit of progesterone. If the female organism is unable to provide themselves with progesterone, partial rejection of the endometrium occurs. This may cause abortion.
  • Implantation of egg cell. In the middle of the cycle, when conception occurred, the fruit egg migrates into the uterine cavity and is embedded in the endometrium layer. At this moment, a woman can notice scarce monthly 1 day. Allocations should be bright, mucous, minor and last no more than 36 hours.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. When the endometrium is defective, the implantation of the fetus occurs in the uterine tube. At the same time, physiological rejection of the mucous membrane occurs and the woman has scarce periods and hurts the chest. There may also be pain in the abdomen, nausea and other signs of pregnancy.
  • Deviations in the development of the fetus. If the embryo is defective, the body turns it away. At first, scarce periods occur, which are soon replaced by minor bleeding.
  • Excess Androgen. Pathological high level of men's hormones provokes meager monthly, abortion.
  • Fertilization of two eggs. Scaret blood discharge appear when one of the egg leaves the uterus.

Important! If you suspect pregnancy because you have scarce periods, but the test is negative, you need to turn to the doctor and pass the blood for determining the level of hCG. Only this method can eliminate or confirm the conception.

Climax and scant monthly

Climax is a period of firing function. The hormonal background is rebuilt, and together with him a female organism begins to work in a new way. The menstrual cycle is also modified. A woman begins to notice the first scarce periods after 40 years. Sometimes they are replaced by abundant menstrual bleeding. Options are ordinary red or darker.

Important! The appearance of meager sequels should not immediately write off to the climax. There is always the risk of developing dangerous pathologies, which are also manifested by hymenoores.

Scarce red monthly after childbirth

The first 2-3 weeks after childbirth, a woman comes in human discominations that resemble menstruation. In this way, the uterus is cleared of blood clots, mucous layer, placenta residues. If the expiration of this period resumes weak monthly, you need to contact the doctor. This can happen if the uterus infection occurred or soft tissues were damaged.

If the woman feeds the baby after childbirth, it does not renew menstrual cycle. This prevents the production of prolactin, which is responsible for the tide of milk. If a nursing mother has scarce periods after childbirth, it indicates problems in the hormonal system. Without the correction of this state, it can have a disappearance of milk and a full-fledged menstruation is restored.

What are the meager monthly after abortion

After an abortion, it does not matter, drugs it was either surgical, the woman has minor monthly periods for 3-10 days. Scooty periods of abortion are caused by purification of the uterus from the mucous membrane and blood from the affected vessels.

But there are pathological causes of meant menstruation after an abortion:

  • pregnancy was not completely interrupted;
  • hormonal failure occurred;
  • there was an overlap of the cervix as a result of injury.

Advice! If there is more than two weeks after abortion after an abortion, it turned out to be very scarce, you need to visit the gynecologist.

Scooty monthly and tablets

In women who take hormonal drugs, scant menstruation are not uncommon. Preparations such as duphaston and estrogen-containing COCs affect the process of growth and rejection of the endometrium, which causes the selection of the cycle in the middle, insignificant blood loss, the cycle impairment and even breakthrough bleeding.

Duphaston is a synthetic analogue of a female hormone, which is necessary for ovulation, conception and subsequent toe of the baby. It is often prescribed when infertility caused by an annevulatory cycle. The drug aligns the menstrual schedule, and fills the physiological deficit of progesterone. But quite often, women appear scarce periods after Duphaston. This happens if:

  • this is the first course of duphaston;
  • there is a violation of the prescribed treatment regimen;
  • the appointment of Duphaston without confirming the deficit of progesterone;
  • there was an acute deficit of estrogen;
  • there is an ectopic pregnancy;
  • violated pituitary work.

Another reason for the hymenoresis is the reception of contraceptives. Gynecologists immediately warn about such a reaction of the body for hormone therapy, so there are no reasons for concern. However, the meager monthly normally observed only for the first few months. And then the abundance of allocations is restored. If this did not happen, a woman can have:

  • incorrectly selected dose of hormones;
  • sharp change of hormonal background;
  • the offensive of pregnancy;
  • intolerance to the prescribed drug;
  • gynecological diseases.

On a note! Contraceptive pills must appoint a gynecologist after checking the hormonal status of a woman.

Scooty periods for diseases of the reproductive system

Weak periods, especially if they are pathological color, indicate the diseases of the reproductive system:

  • Endometriosis - Pathology of mucosa, which leads to its rapid growth in the vagina, on the neck, in the abdominal cavity.
  • Endometritis - Inflammation inside the uterus.
  • Endometrial hyperplasia - Pathological growth of the endometrium layer.
  • Ovarian dysfunction - Hormone-dependent violation of the ovarian work, which causes the menstrual cycle failure.
  • Polycystic - Defeat of ovarian small cysts.
  • Polyps of the uterus or her neck -flood on the leg of a benign nature.
  • Sex infections - chlamydia, thrush, gonorrhea, etc.
  • Tuberculosis of internal genital organs - causes endometritis, pain.

Scooty monthly: what to do?

With the appearance of regular scarce menstruals, it is reasonable to turn to the gynecologist. It will certify the gynecological examination and will give direction for surveys:

  • general analysis of blood / urine;
  • test manta;
  • analysis on the definition of STDs;
  • cytology;
  • definition of the hormonal panel;

Additionally, instrumental diagnostics can be carried out:

  • Ultrasound;
  • diagnostic intercom;
  • colposcopy;
  • laparoscopy;
  • hysteroscopy;
  • pipel biopsy;
  • MRI.

Scooty monthly treatment

Scooty monthly therapy is appointed according to the results of the survey. Depending on the reason for the pathology, the doctor prescribes suitable drugs and physiotherapeutic procedures.

  • If the hymenoneva emerged against the background of hormonal dysfunction, the woman shows hormone therapy - oral contraceptives, drugs for the restoration of the ovarian function, vitamins (tocopherol, B9).
  • With inflammation or STD, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, immunomodulators, physiotherapy events.
  • If scanty periods are accompanied by pain, a woman is prescribed anesthetic - Nosz-Pa, Ibuprofen, Spasmalgon.
  • In neoplasms, surgical intervention is carried out.
  • When the endocrine factor is detected, the treatment of the gynecologist-endocrinologist is engaged using hormonal correction.
  • The lesion of the genital organs of tuberculosis requires access to the phthisiatra, which will prescribe the necessary drugs.

Scooty monthly - reviews

In women, the causes of scarce allocations are different. More often there are reviews that the cause of the problem was the hormonal surge, stress, overwork. But soon the selection was normalized, and difficult treatment was required.

But there are not such optimistic cases. Scooty allocations often foreshadow serious pathologies that require solid treatment and even operations. In the network you can find women's stories that such discharges turned out to be the result of the ovarian cyst, fibromes, infectious diseases.

If you have come scarce monthly, do not be discouraged. Most likely, there is nothing terrible in this, but you need to visit the gynecologist for your soothing.

Video "Scooty monthly: reasons"


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