
How to achieve success

How to achieve success
Work on yourself on the way to success

They dream of a good life, financial independence - many achieve - only units. From the school bench, we are taught to think template, explain the rules for solving one problem, and then they give them a dozen similar ones. We look at the cube, but we see only a square, we do not allow ourselves to see the whole picture as a whole, see new facets, new opportunities. Everyone was taught by templates, but units managed to achieve success. So let's allow ourselves to look at the world with different eyes, take unusual actions for ourselves and get a new experience and a new result.

On the way to achieve success


Everyone says about success, how good it is and how tempting it is. And someday, you wondered what “success” is for you personally and for anyone else. After all, copying someone else's success takes a lot of strength, time and vital energy. So let's achieve our own successes. And for this you need to go, and here are the first few steps with which it is worth it:

  1. Make the right choice of life goals. Having set yourself a specific and clearly formulated goal, listen to your inner voice. If this is truly your goal, and not imposed by society, then your inner voice will respond with joy. Otherwise, think about whether it is worth spending your own strength on achieving other people's goals.
  2. The goal should be achievable and attractive. Coaching goals seem impossible and inspire uncertainty in their own forces. To achieve success, it is necessary to divide the goal into tasks and implement them step by step.
  3. Start acting. Lying on the couch cannot be successful. It is necessary to move every minute towards your own goal. Do not waste time on trifles, do not delay important matters and making important decisions. Only you are responsible for achieving your own success, it depends only on you.
  4. Control yourself. Not only on your words, but your life depends on your thoughts. A person is not worried about what is happening around him, but what he thinks about it. Start thinking positively and believe in the power of your thoughts. Even in the most unexpected and at first glance, unpleasant events can be found something good, let yourself look at the fat at what is happening in your life.
  5. Improve. It is necessary not only to collect new information from books, scientific research, someone else's experience, but also to analyze it carefully. You must clearly understand why this or that information for you, how exactly you can use it in your life. Do not strive to become a walking encyclopedia, learn to put this knowledge into practice to achieve your own success.
  6. Appreciate the time. Make yourself a useful habit of planning your own time. Awareness of clearly set tasks for the day will help in their implementation. You will clearly see what needs to be done and you will more consciously dispose of your time.
  7. Do not be afraid of failures. Even if something did not work out the first time, do not give up. Sitting and analyzing your own mistake in detail, you will see your own flaws. Learn in your mistakes, each failure makes you stronger and decisive.
  8. Choose the right circle of communication. Our values, priorities depend on which people surround us, and what is important - our thinking depends on them. Being in the company of victims and whiners it is almost impossible to think positively and make plans for a bright future. In turn, successful people talk about success, they think positively and believe in their strength. Think about what life you would like, and see who surrounds you.

How to achieve success: secrets of success


  1. Find your way. Only the intention that comes from the depths of your soul will allow you to achieve the desired. Intention is a readiness (internal readiness), to have what you dream about.  So far there is no this readiness - you will not achieve the desired results. Everyone wants a big house, a successful business, a vacation at sea, but think about what your soul wants. Maybe she is not at all interested in material benefits, maybe these are only beautiful fairy tales of society, maybe you want something more. Only having decided with yourself, you will begin to achieve success.
  2. Faith in their strength. Look around, look at the abundance of nature, how beautiful it is and knows no boundaries. Let go of the boundaries of your own mind, believe in your strength, in your success. Allow nature to help you in achieving success, study with it. The flower is able to germinate through the asphalt road, simply because it does not see the barriers.
  3. The world begins with you. Remember that everything that is happening around depends on your relationship. Love for oneself makes you move, try, achieve. If you do not love yourself, run past the mirrors and do not see anything special in yourself, then you are unlikely to be interested in success. Only for the sake of a loved one can you turn mountains and get stars from the sky, and this person is for you yourself.
  4. Fix your success. Each step towards realizing your goal is already a small success. The more such steps, the more success. Your goal is to learn a foreign language - write a step by step what you need and put every step executed - this is your little victory.

How to achieve success: Success in the field of business


To date, the financial situation plays an important role in the life of every person. Success is not only a sufficient amount of money, but also the ability to competently dispose of it.

  1. Financial planning. A clear idea of \u200b\u200btheir financial flows, knowledge where the money comes from, what they go to when the next receipt will help in achieving the goals. This will help to avoid useless waste.
  2. Work for yourself. Working for someone, you primarily enrich him. And such a policy leads you further and further from your own success. Find what you could earn for yourself is much more pleasant and more promising.
  3. Passive income. Active work even on itself, it is very good, but it completely and completely depends on you and in case of unforeseen circumstances can leave you without existence. All successful and rich people replenish their cash reserves with the help of passive income. Think about what can be passive income in your case.
  4. Thrift. Truly successful people are not trying to demonstrate their superiority, resorting to squandering. They clearly know the price of their money, and treat them with proper frugality. If you want to be a successful person - do not scatter the money down the wind.
  5. Reasonable risk. On the way to achieving success - the risk is inevitable, so it is necessary to relate to it reasonably. In order not to lose all your financial savings, do not invest them in everything at once. Remember, do not put all the eggs in one basket. Any risk should be justified.

How to achieve success: tips from successful people


  1. A clear understanding of the goal, awareness in the smallest details, the undertaking from a small one will allow you to confidently increase the results and avoid collapse. (Bill Gates).
  2. Talent and persistent efforts do not give an instant result, learn to be patient, even for the birth of a child it takes 9 months. (Waren Buffett).
  3. Improve your creativity and organizational abilities is the secret of a successful business. (Bernard Arno).
  4. It is not enough to have a dream, it is necessary to embody this place into reality. (Aik Batista).
  5. Do not be afraid of failures, trust your intuition, but do not forget to study research and surveys on the topics of interest to you. (Aik Batista).
  6. Your wage is compensation for your work today, but it is not related to your achievements in the past. (Michael Bloomberg).
  7. A reliable source of finance and strong nerves, here is the key to the successful implementation of new products. (Michael Bloomberg).
  8. The more you try something new, the more chances to find a gold mine. (Sergey Brin).
  9. To achieve something truly worthwhile, it is necessary to overcome the fear of failure. (Lary Page).
  10. It is important to remember that the business is focused on the needs of customers, and not to sink competitors. (Jeff Bezos).
  11. It is important not to satisfy the client, but to make him satisfied. (Michael Dell).
  12. Business is not a sport. Its main goal is not to bypass competitors, but to be professionals in their sector. (Carlos Slim El).
  13. Avoid excessive embezzlement of finances even in the easiest times, this will help you be confident in tomorrow, even under the most unfavorable circumstances. (Carlos Slim El).
  14. Do not hide your head in the sand, believe in yourself and your strength, with determination, meet any bad news. (Bill Gates).

What prevents succeeding. Video



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