
How to wash off henna from hair

How to wash off henna from hair
How to wash henna from the hair at home.

Perhaps the most ancient effective way to change the color of the hair is coloring with henna. Such paint is used to this day, allowing you to give the strands various shades of red color. The advantages of henna include its harmlessness, as well as resistance on her hair - thus, this dye is quite difficult to wash from the hair. If you are tired of the red color of the strands painted with henna, its resistance can turn into a real problem. With further clarification and staining using any chemical agents, there is a risk of obtaining strands of greenish or orange tones. To wash henna from the hair, you will have to work hard.

How to wash off henna from hair: Ways

Henna is a natural dye that gives the hair, depending on the original type and condition of the hair, saturated shades of copper and red color.

If you do not like the result of henna color, or you are tired of red color and want changes, most likely you are interested in the question of whether you can wash off henna, as well as how to repaint your hair after its use.


Given the resistance of this natural dye, the most reliable way to get rid of the redhead inherent in henna coloring is to grow hair and cut it. To achieve a noticeable result, you will need a long period. At the same time, growing roots will noticeably differ from the strands painted with henna. Given that all this time you will have to walk with multi -colored hair, and the hairstyle will not look too aesthetically pleasing, most women hardly have enough patience.

In addition, you can get rid of red hair with the following methods:

  • try to wash off henna at home - using folk remedies, extract a particle of a coloring pigment from strands. A variety of hair masks will help to gradually get rid of a shade of rust or carrots. It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely wash off henna from the hair at a time, but to muffle the red tone and get closer to the original color of the hair in this way is quite real;
  • tint or dye hair in a darker color. At the same time, you risk getting not a uniform color of strands - overgrown roots can paint more. The result of such staining is not always predictable. Before chemical staining, it is advisable to partially wash off henna from the hair. Before using dyes, it is recommended to consult a hairdresser.

How to wash off henna from hair: useful tips

It is believed that it is easiest to wash off henna shortly after staining. According to the instructions on henna packaging, it is not recommended to wash your hair within two to three days after it, since this dye first envelops the strands from above, over time penetrating the hair structure and saturating it with color pigment. This feature of the dye can be used if you are unhappy with the result of staining and want to quickly wash off henna. To do this, wash your head with shampoo several times or use washing hair masks.

After two weeks and later, getting rid of henna will be much more difficult. Over time, it steadily fixes on the hair, impregnating the strands and almost “akin to” with them, moreover, the accumulative effect will act with each subsequent coloring.

After such hair coloring, especially with the help of the so -called “black henna”, which is a henna with the addition of an indigo pigment, it will not work to quickly become a blonde. It will take several months to wash off black henna and begin to use any chemical effects on the hair.

How to wash off henna from hair: folk remedies

Currently, the use of natural dyes is gaining popularity again, many are quite satisfied with the effect of coloring henna (the hair is smoothed and flow, acquire deep color, strength and healthy shine). At the same time, some women note that this dye overdles and overloads hair, as a result of prolonged use, causing brittleness and loss. In addition, henna can lie differently on the hair, sometimes the resulting shade is trite to face. Despite its resistance, according to the numerous reviews presented on the Internet, it is quite possible to rinse henna from the hair at home. Moreover, the final result of the effort spent will be largely determined by the following factors:

  • the condition of the hair, their structure;
  • the quality of henna used by the concentration of the coloring mixture, as well as the duration of its effects;
  • the time of exposure to the mask and the concentration of the composition of the composition of the composition;
  • the duration of the henna use period.


If you are interested in the question of how you can wash off the henna from your hair, get acquainted with the recipes below to take it into service if necessary.

As folk remedies that use henna, they have proven themselves well:

  • sour -milk products - kefir, old sour cream;
  • various types of vegetable oils;
  • laundry soap;
  • cosmetic clay;
  • alcohol solution;
  • vinegar;
  • onion juice;
  • yeast.

How to wash off henna from hair: recipes

If you did not like the resulting result of the color, you can try to quickly wash off the henna from the hair.

With the help of tincture of red pepper pepper, you can achieve a tangible effect of washing the dye, for this, do the following procedure:

  1. Prepare a shower hat or food film, as well as a towel for the construction of the likeness of the turban, put on protective gloves.
  2. Distribute the tincture of red peppers on the hair, rubbing it with light massage movements.
  3. Dress the shower hat or insulate your hair with a baking film and towel.
  4. Leave the mixture for exposure for 20 minutes.
  5. Rinse your hair with warm water without using shampoo.


As a bonus of this procedure, it can be noted that the alcohol tincture of red pepper strengthens the hair and relieves it of dandruff. At the same time, this tool dries the strands, so it is suitable for oily hair.

Holders of dry hair and normal type in order to wash off henna, it is recommended to apply the following recipe:

  1. Add 1 tbsp to egg yolk. castor oil, 50 g of cognac or rum, mix thoroughly.
  2. Apply the mixture to the hairy part of the head and strands along the entire length. The exposure time of the mask is about 30 minutes.
  3. After the specified time, rinse the composition with warm water.

You can muffle the red tint of henna or get rid of it as follows:

  • by applying staining with basma - in this way you can quickly change the hair color, receiving various shades of chestnut, brown and black on the strands (the final result will depend on the time of exposure of the basma on the hair);
  • with the help of coffee, it is easy to give the hair a brown tint. To do this, take 4 tbsp. natural ground coffee, mix it with 2 tbsp. colorless or coloring henna. Pour the mixture with hot boiled water - to the cream -shaped consistency. Apply the resulting mass to the hair for 20-30 minutes.

In addition, to wash off henna from the hair with improvised means, use the following proven recipes:

  1. Oil masks do an excellent job of stretching the coloring particles of henna from strands. For this procedure, various types of vegetable oils are suitable, including olive, almond, linen, burdock or castor. To wash off henna with butter, heat a small amount of product in a water bath slightly, apply to the hair and distribute along the entire length of the strands. To activate the mask, warm your hair for 5 minutes with a hairdryer, and then insulate it, putting on a shower hat and building a semblance of a cup from a towel on your head. The current composition must be left on the hair for 1-2 hours, and then washed off using a detergent. As a shampoo, rinsing henna and the remaining oil mixture, it is recommended to use a tool for deep cleaning or for oily hair.                  20
  2. With the help of kefir-gear mixture for several procedures, you can wash off henna for a month, as well as stimulate further hair growth. For the procedure, you will need to mix 200 g of live kefir or homemade yogurt with the contents of the bag of high yeast, and put in a warm place. After the yeast rises, it is necessary to add 1 tbsp. honey and sugar, as well as 1 tsp Powders mustard. Apply the resulting composition to the hair, the required exposure time is 2-3 hours. Such a mask can be used 1-2 times a week.
  3. Distribute on the hair so that the strands are saturated, 70%alcohol-and leave for exposure for 5 minutes, then apply vegetable or mineral oil on top. Put on a shower hat and wrap your head with a towel, periodically heat your hair with a hair dryer. The exposure time of this composition is about 30 minutes. Alcohol effectively reveals hair scales, preparing them for the effect of oil, which washed out particles of a coloring pigment. For dry hair, alcohol solution can be replaced with hot water.
  4. You can reduce the amount of henna's coloring pigment using laundry soap (its alkaline composition helps to open the micro-checkerels of the hair). Try to apply the following ways to wash off henna:
  • apply kefir slightly heated in a water bath to wet hair, leave for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse it with laundry soap;
  • wet your hair and soap with household soap until thick foam is obtained, and then rinse thoroughly and squeeze the wet strands with a towel. Apply vegetable oil on them at your choice for an hour, and then wash your head with shampoo.
  1. Add 50 g of table vinegar to the basin with warm water. The strands colored with henna must be rinsed in the resulting solution for 10-15 minutes. After such a rinse, wash your hair with shampoo and air conditioning. Using this method, you can get a noticeable result in the form of a weakening of the intensity of a red shade.
  2. Effectively copes with leaching henna from the hair of the old sour cream. With its help, you can significantly muffle the brightness of the red color. Sour cream needs to be distributed on the hair and left for exposure for an hour, and then rinse.
  3. Some varieties of cosmetic clay (white and blue) can be used as cleansing hair masks dyed with henna. Thanks to the absorbing properties of clay, which coloring the henna pigment will gradually be washed out of the hair. Mix 3-4 tbsp. Clay powder with yogurt, kefir or pour it with an insisted teaspoon and apply it to the hair, distributing the composition along the entire length of the strands. The exposure time of such a clay mask is 2 hours. This composition is suitable for oily hair, add 1 tsp for dry strands to a mixture. vegetable oil is your choice. After the specified time, it is necessary to wash off the mask with shampoo, and then use the air conditioner.
  4. You can get rid of the red hair with onion juice. This tool must be applied for an hour, and then rinse the strands thoroughly. According to reviews, it is not difficult to wash off henna from the hair with this way.  It should be borne in mind that onions have a fairly sharp caustic smell that will accompany you after using such a mask for a sufficiently long period.

These procedures can be repeated several times - until a noticeable result is obtained.  If the above methods are not effective enough, you can try more aggressive methods of exposure - on the Internet you can read the recommendations to “wash” the strands of hair by rinseing them into a basin with a solution of washing powder or bleach. You should not seriously count on such methods - it should be borne in mind that trying to get rid of henna in a similar way, there is a risk of getting rid of a significant part of the hair.

How to wash off henna from hair - video



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