
What is co-watering

What is co-watering
Hair washing technology without shampoo, using air conditioning.

Currently, washing hair without shampoo (co-watering) is currently becoming increasingly popular. The name of this procedure (Condicioner only Washing) in English means "washing only air conditioning." By competently using such a newfangled trend, you can achieve a noticeable improvement in the condition of the hair.

What is co-watering: the principle of action

This technology of soft hair cleansing appeared in our country thanks to African American women who traditionally successfully use it to tame their curly naughty hair. With the help of such washing, you can slightly smoot it and make even the most naughty hair much more malleable. Gradually, listening to the enthusiastic reviews of the stars that adopted for themselves co-witching, so non-human air conditioners, which are not containing silicone, began to use ordinary girls non-compliance for the scalp.

It is believed that the co-wing method allows you to improve hair, overloaded with chemicals for washing and styling. The fact is that many shampoos include not perceived substances (sodium sulfates), which, accumulating during washing, provoke the irritation of the scalp and overload the body, negatively affecting the state of health in general. Frequent hair washing with shampoos involves in a vicious circle - over time, under the influence of aggressively acting chemicals, the sebaceous glands produce a larger amount of skin fat. Accordingly, the hair begins to get dirty faster, a vicious circle occurs - untidy dull strands require speedy washing, with an increase in its hair, the condition of the hair suffers. These problems can be avoided by reoriented to constant non -traumatic hair cleansing with air conditioners. In essence, in contrast to chemical washing with shampoos, co-watering is a physical cleaning of the scalp and strands using an emulsion consisting of air conditioning and water.


It is possible to achieve the accumulative effect of hair healing with the help of regular use of co-wing-gradually, at least within a month, the hair will cease to resemble a dried pacli, restore their structure, acquire a density and healthy splendor.

What is co-watering: applied tools

It is important to choose the right remedy for co-wing-it is not at all necessary to purchase expensive drugs from a professional line, you can use budget brands of air conditioners and balms. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that they do not contain a silicone insoluble in their composition.

Traditionally, many shampoos for the effect of “flowing strands” and giving a shine include silicone agents in their composition, which can be washed off only with the help of fairly aggressive chemicals. These substances that make up the hair care products over time largely weight and dry strands, depriving volume and making them dull and lifeless over time. Unlike shampoo washing, when using air conditioners, balms, as well as hair masks, the hydrolypid hair film is preserved. For co-watering, it is recommended to use such drugs with water-soluble silicones, or (optimally) without them at all.


When choosing a detergent for this procedure, it is worth considering the individual condition of the hair, as well as the following nuances:

  • air conditioners are distinguished by a balanced effect on the surface of the hair-facilitate combing, level the micro-cosubes of the strands, moisturize and give shine;
  • masks and hair balms are characterized by more intense hair effects (including deep moisturizing and nutrition, restoration of damaged hair). Accordingly, such funds in their composition contain a larger amount of active substances, with regular and frequent use, there is a risk of “overloading” the hair.

It is not difficult to choose the right air conditioner, including affordable budget brands. When buying, pay attention to the composition indicated on the label. If there are components such as Dimethicone Copoll or PEG Modofied Dimethicone (water -soluble silicones), this tool is suitable for this procedure. On sale, specially balanced systems intended for co-wing also appeared and gradually put into the trend. A properly selected tool can be used for frequent (including daily) washing.

What is co-watering: application technique

This procedure is simple to use. To cleanse the scalp and hair, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  • first, comb your hair thoroughly, and then wet it well with warm water;
  • next, you should get wet strands with your hands (so that the glass of excess moisture) and apply a certain amount of air conditioner to them - sufficient to treat the hair along the entire length of the strands, as well as the scalp. This will need a significant amount of cleansing agent-at least two or three handfuls; 16
  • divide the hair into several zones and process it sequentially, with massage movements by distributing the air conditioner through the hair. Start with the crown - distribute the product in the basal zone, carefully massaging various areas for several minutes with your fingertips - until the foam appears. Then process the following areas of the scalp and strands along the entire length by air conditioning;
  • gradually moisten your hair with water for better moisturizing and gently massage, rubbing the cleanser for 5-10 minutes. For high -quality hair washing, the air conditioner should not be saved;
  • using light massage, thoroughly rinse your hair for several minutes with a large amount of running water before the “creak” of clean strands; 29
  • further, if desired, it can be applied to the hair, excluding roots, a nutrient mask or oil for the tips of the strands;
  • at the end of the procedure, it is advisable to dry the hair in a natural way. At the same time, it is not recommended to squeeze the strands with a towel, wrap the turban on the head, use a comb (“comb” your hair with your fingers), as well as dry with a hairdryer. Moisture can be quickly removed by wetting the strands with a paper towel. If necessary, quickly dry the Diffushes nozzle and dry the hair in “cold blowing” mode;
  • after washing the hair with this method, you can use any suitable hair styling products.  At the same time, it is recommended not to abuse them, since the air conditioner, unlike shampoo, can not wash the hair completely with the next wash.

It is recommended to start your acquaintance with this technology with infrequent use-try co-wound once a week. After several procedures, evaluate subjective sensations from the use of this hair washing technology. If the result will please you, you can proceed to its more frequent use, and eventually choose the optimal mode for yourself. The co-wing procedure can be completely replaced by washing hair with shampoo, or you can use it as an alternative to the usual washing method, with a frequency once or twice a week. These procedures can be alternated-for example, conduct two or three sessions of washing air conditioning, and then (for the third time) use shampoo.


The technology of co-wing is quite simple, although a little unusual, but as a result of its use, the hair will delight you with its softness, natural beauty and ease of styling.

What is co-watering: the advantages and disadvantages of this method

Having familiarized with the reviews of Co-Voshinka presented on the Internet, we can conclude that many women successfully use this type of hair washing for a long time-and at the same time boasts healthy, beautiful and strong, as well as obedient hair.


It is believed that this low -traumatic type of washing is most suitable for owners of sensitive scalp and dry hair, as well as for strands damaged by hot styling and frequent staining. Using this method of hair cleansing, you can achieve their significant moisture, as well as normalize the condition of the skin of the scalp. For naughty hard, curly, as well as for curly hair, co-wound is the best type of care, as it copes with their local problems perfectly.

Co-witching before and after-photo:



As the advantages of the use of co-wing technology, one can note:

  • a visible improvement in the structure of the hair - they become strong and elastic, smooth, acquire a healthy shine. In addition, the strands washed with the help of air conditioner are much easier to combing and further styling. As a result of the use of co-wing, the hair ceases to fluff and do not split;
  • the massage of the scalp used during the procedure improves blood circulation, saturating the skin with oxygen - as a result, hair follicles are strengthened. Some women as a bonus of the use of co-wing mention getting rid of headaches and migraines;
  • many note the effect of smoothing strands similar to stretching strands with an iron;
  • the use for hair care of funds that do not contain aggressive chemicals that are part of the shampoos, in particular lauryl sulfates, positively affects the operation of the sebaceous glands - the release of skin fat is normalized. With the help of co-watering, it is possible to minimize the harmful effects on the body of aggressive chemicals that make up traditional detergents;
  • co-water carefully cares for dyed hair-their coloring pigment is fixed on the hair for a long time, while its oxidation and further leaching occur.


The disadvantages of this method of washing hair include the following:

  • to wash off the air conditioner and high -quality hair washing, a considerable time and efforts will be required, which some may seem unnecessary;
  • after this type of washing, you may feel that the strands are not washed enough. As a result of the use of co-watering for oily hair, the release of sebum may increase. However, there is an opposite opinion - unlike shampoo, the air conditioner used to wash carefully cleanses the hair, without drying it, while the operation of the sebaceous glands is normalized and the release of skin fat decreases;
  • co-water eliminates fluffiness-the strands are smoothed, as a result, individual hairs are more tightly adjacent to each other, which affects the picture as a whole. In this case, thin hair will probably be lacking volume. If your hairstyle is a haircut that requires laying with volume in the basal zone, co-wound is likely not to do;
  • in the case of using a significant amount of way-ash products, it will be quite difficult to rinse your hair with a co-wing. In this case, it is recommended to use cleansing shampoo;
  • with insufficiently thoroughly washing the detergent, the hair is overloaded with nutrients and weighted. At the same time, they do not look too fresh and get dirty faster, become tough and brittle. For the prevention of such an effect, it is worth alternating various types of air conditioners, as well as rinse your hair thoroughly after their use.


The use of co-wing-video



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