
How to determine the type of hair

How to determine the type of hair
How to determine your hair type and start correctly care for them

Hair type is determined by genetic factors, so each person has its own features of the shape, color and composition of the hair. In order to competently pick up the locomotive care products and make them irresistible, you need to understand their individual characteristics and needs. After all, shampoo or balm that came up with your mom or girlfriend, you can use not to bring and even harm.

How to determine the type of hair: how the hair works


The only thing that unites the strands of different types is the structure of the hair itself: it consists of root and rod. The rod is the visible part of the hair, just that we process the care facilities, feed with masks, torment staining and hot tongs. The root of the hair is located in the derm layer of the scalp, where it is in the hair bag - this is the hair follicle (hair bulb).


The hair follicle is a solid biological system: a nutrient elements come to it through blood vessels, a special muscle provides mobility, and the sebaceous glands produce a secret for lubricating the hair.

How the outer part of the hair will look, directly depends on the work of the sebaceous glands: if the amount of fat is normal, the hair will be elastic and shiny; If little is dry and dull; If in excess - too fat.

How to determine the type of hair: what depends on the thickness of the hair


The amount of hair on the skin of a man's head is programmed genetically, and there is no possibility to significantly affect this fact. Just imagine that the nature is laid 1 million follicles, but develop and turn into hair only 100-150 thousand (on one square centimeter of the scalp are from 18 to 320 hairs) - they constitute the mechanism of the person.

How many follicle will actively develop depends on gender, age and human nationality. Scientists have even the relationship between the amount of hair (density) and their natural color:

  • blondes - 150 thousand actively developing hair lows;
  • brunettes - 100 thousand;
  • redhead - only 80 thousand.

How to determine the type of hair: What affects hair growth


Hair has its own cycle of life. Every person has its own and directly depends on age, nutrition, care, ecology, metabolism and, of course, heredity. But the frequency of haircuts, contrary to popular belief, can not accelerate the intensity of hair growth.

  • active growth (children - 13 mm per month, in adults - 15 mm per month, in older people - 11 mm per month);
  • transition phase;
  • peace and loss.

If the head of the head of healthy and the hair onion gets all the necessary nutrient substances, the phase of the active growth of the hair continues from two to seven years. Then the nutrients stop coming to the hair, it stops its height and falls. Normal is the condition of the hair, when 85% are simultaneously growing, and only 1% falls. Therefore, if on the day you detect about 100-150 hairs on a comb - do not be scared, this is a normal phenomenon. But when a person loses a day much more than 100 hairs - this is a negative symptom and may indicate the start of baldness.

When the hair follicles are healthy, after falling out of the old hair, the development cycle of new and curls begins not losing their density. Such a process is repeated throughout life, but with age, the hair growth cycle is shortened, they become thinner and losing pigmentation. That is why people of middle and older age are very difficult to grow long hair. Every year hair care should become more carefully, only so you can save the natural luggage and hair quality.

Specialists Trichologists argue that hair growth is also associated with hormonal changes in the human body. For example, very often active hair loss occurs in women due to pregnancy. In men, which are subject to baldness at an early age, detect the genetically determined sensitivity of the follicle to the hormone testosterone. However, both in the first and in the second case, the hair growth can be resumed.

Structure Hair Types


The structure of the hair (i.e. its thickness) is determined by the size and shape of the hair follicles. It is caused by racial affiliation and genetic factors. A person with thin skin and hair is often thin and on the contrary. The direct dependence of the thickness of the hair and natural pigmentation is also established: the finest hair in blondes, whereas brunettes are the thick of. At the same time, the shape of hair (straight or curly) does not affect their thickness.

  1. Thick hair is very durable, look heavy and voluminous. Often you can hear complaints from the owners of thick hair that it is difficult for them to "subordinate" their strands: to put them as you want, and even more so twist. After all, under his own severity, such hair pretty quickly acquire their natural position - straighten. If you want to paint thick hair, they will need a long exposure to paint so that the chemicals have time to penetrate into the hair structure. But such curls easily carry staining, clarification and chemical curls - their structure allows them to maintain a healthy and well-groomed look.
  2. Middle Thick Hair is the most obedient and pleasant hair type in structure. They are the most common type of hair among European women. Main thickness hair is suitable for most haircuts, styling holds long. Hair is flexible and easily painted in the right color, worn to chemical envous and straightening.
  3. Thin hair often upsets their owners lack of volume. Even if the hair follicle is much, due to the fineness of the hair itself, the curls seem rare. Three hair, often prone to the cross section of the tips, need regular moisture. Experts recommend avoiding the use of hair dryers and irons for such hair so as not to fasten them even more. Staining such hair is good, but under its effects can be very injured and lose a healthy appearance.

Hair Types


To find out what your hair type is in form - just take a look at the mirror. The hair shape depends on the keratin structure in their composition, as well as on the location of the hair follicle in the skin of the head. For example, straight hair is perpendicular to the skin, curly - have an easy bending, and curly - S-shaped. Therefore, change the shape of your hair once and for life you will not be able to - you can apply only temporary measures.

  1. Straight hair (they are also called smooth) Lowly and without chances. Due to its level surface, they perfectly reflect the rays of light and therefore greatly shine.
  2. Wavy hair lay down a light wave, can form a spiral curl. To the touch, such hair is soft, it is easy to give the desired form: straighten or crush stronger.
  3. Curly hair form tight spirals. Watching very voluminous and thick. They are difficult to "tame" - they are easily returned to natural form.

Types of fatty hair

The fatty hair depends on the work of the sebaceous glands in the scalp. The intensity of the allocation by the secretion by fuel glands may vary throughout life, as well as under the influence of cosmetic drugs (shampoos, hair colors). In thickness, the hair is dry (when the work of the sebaceous glands is insufficient), normal, fatty (with the overhaul of the secret) and combined.

Normal hair type

The owner of normal hair is practically deprived of problems in care. However, the fact that the hair looks healthy and strong does not mean that they do not need care and attentive terms.

  • elastic;
  • are easily combed;
  • stacked without much effort;
  • the tips are not prone to a cross section, sometimes some dryness is possible;
  • the head of the head is well moistened and does not peel;
  • hair shine and have an attractive appearance;
  • after washing the head, a suitable shampoo does not have a feeling of skin strut;
  • easily restored after staining and other effects.

To care for the hair of a normal type wash your head is enough 2-3 times a week. Select shampoos and other cosmetics only for normal hair. To preserve hair health, it is recommended periodically (no more than 1 time per week) to apply nutritious and moisturizing masks (ready or home cooking). The wonderful effect has a rinsing chamomile decoction on normal hair (2 art. L. Chamomile pour a glass of boiling water and insist for 20 minutes). To prevent the cross-section of the tips, 1 times a few months a little clipping hair.

Dry hair type


Dry hair can be a real problem for their owner. Once the hair is dry, then the skin of the head too: peeling, itching, irritation and dry dandruff appears. Locks are very sensitive to hot styling, staining, wind and cold. They suffer from incorrectly selected cosmetics.

  • dull;
  • fragile and inelastic;
  • twisted, poorly combed, especially after washing the head;
  • hardly take the right form during the laying;
  • the cross section of the tips is expressed;
  • prone to falling out;
  • after washing the head, there is a strong sense of depth and discomfort.

Dry strands can be from nature (due to low-waste), to become such an influence of negative factors or with an approach of old age. If your hair began to show signs of dryness, first of all, you need to eliminate the reason for them to help your curls to recover.

  • refuse to regularly use hairdryers, hot iron and tongs;
  • do not wash your head too often;
  • be sure to use moisturizers for hair;
  • while staying in the Sun, you must use protective equipment for hair;
  • and in the cold, and in the hot season, do not neglect the wearing head of the head.
  • rinse the hair with clean fresh water after swimming in the sea or pool;
  • pick the cosmetics only for dry hair dry (they contain a large amount of nutrient and moisturizing components);
  • avoid chemical twigs and straightenings, as well as clarification - these procedures are too aggressive for dry hair type;
  • if possible, refuse to staining, and if it is impossible - choose gentle paints (for example, non-ammmonary);
  • top up the balance of vitamins in the body: eat more fruits and vegetables or take vitamin complexes;
  • combing the hair with a wooden ridge with rare teeth - metal combat can even more damage the hair;
  • do not brush wet hair;
  • apply to split ends and special serum oil after every shampooing;
  • try to do in the salon haircut hot scissors - this procedure solders tips of hair, preventing their further delamination;
  • in cold weather moisten the air in the room in which are (after all, the device heats the air is very dry, and with it, and your hair);
  • do not be lazy several times a week to make a homemade hair masks based on various basic and essential oils - extra food will speed up the recovery process of hair;
  • drink sufficient amount of pure water (full rate of about fifteen liters);
  • possible not wash head chlorinated water (boiled or may be used filtered water) - chloro deeply dries the hair;
  • vzbryzgivayte hair in thermal water throughout the day;
  • if no funds are not helping to revitalize dry hair, it is necessary to see a doctor - perhaps the cause dryness in the diseases of internal organs.

Greasy hair type


  • shine appears on the first day after washing;
  • strands stick together;
  • hair never flogged;
  • it appears oily dandruff and itchy scalp;
  • hair appears unkempt;
  • after shampooing feeling of tightness never appears;
  • after blow-drying the hair does not become fluffy.

Greasy hair type - the most problematic. Greasy hair are, if the scalp sebaceous glands produce too much of a secret. Treat oily hair problem must be very careful, because it's not just an aesthetic component, but also the possible health problems. Also on the scalp with greasy actively breed harmful bacteria that cause skin diseases and hair loss. Among the most common causes of hair fat are:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • nervous system problems;
  • stress;
  • medication;
  • excessive sweating;
  • improper diet: eating too much fat and carbohydrates;
  • excessive scratching.

To help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and hair restore fat balance is necessary:

  • be sure to make adjustments to your diet: Reduce consumption of fatty, fried and spicy foods, sweet; Add more fruits, vegetables and cereals;
  • drink plenty of clean water;
  • for washing the hair using water at room temperature;
  • regularly wash your hair, not to allow harmful bacteria to develop rapidly;
  • to reduce the frequency of cleaning, the experts recommend to make permanent to the hair roots;
  • use the technique of "dry" cleaning of the head;
  • use cosmetics for oily hair - they help to prolong the feeling of freshness.

Combined type of hair

Portrait of blond girl checking hair ends

  • scalp becomes oily after a couple of days after the wash;
  • the tips of the hair whipped and broken.

This type of hair is the most difficult to care for due to the fact that combines just two opposite quality - dryness and oiliness. Often, this problem attains owners of long hair, when the sebum is not evenly distributed along the entire length curls. Often hair showing signs of mixed type in the spring, when, after a season of warm hats roots become greasy, and the tips have suffered from the cold, wind and dry air of heated space. Sometimes it can affect abnormal coloring, frequent exposure dryer or ironing. A lot of stress for the hair - is the impact of chlorinated tap water.

The main rule of hair care mixed type - avoid the use of funds for oily hair (so you desiccate the tips even more), but also for dry hair (this will cause the sebaceous glands to work more actively). Pick the shampoo composition in which no active substances such as silicon, sulfur, acid tar. Well, if at the facility will be present silk proteins, jojoba oil or ceramides. Special products for hair mixed type there are in almost every line of professional hair cosmetics. You can also use a mild detergent suitable for daily care of any type of hair. You can also treat your strands with special reducing agents for tips and homemade masks.

How to determine your type of hair on the fat content


Type of hair for health

If the hair shine and fall silky wave on the shoulders, the sebaceous glands produce enough secretions to protect, but do not glue the hair - you're lucky, your hair healthy. But with the exhausted and damaged hair is almost all on the contrary: they are porous, brittle, dull and brittle. Very often, the girls themselves take away health of your hair, exposing them to chemical attack substandard hair dyes.

Paint can cause significant damage to the curls of any type: it reveals the hair scales and destroys their natural pigment. Therefore, if you want to change your hair color - contact a specialist who will help make this process less traumatic and more efficient. But even with a specialist, do not conduct a chemical twist and staining at the same time.

To care for exhausted as a result of staining or curl, we need delicate shampoos. Hairdressers are recommended after staining to go to the use of shampoos of the same brand as paint. It is believed that the manufacturer selects the optimal combination of substances to speed up hair restoration after changing the color.

  • several times a week, use special masks for painted hair, which will be delivered to the bulk of the nutrient elements;
  • try to refuse to use a hair dryer;
  • comb hair since the ends, gradually approaching the skin of the head;
  • after washing, rinse your hair with braverains;
  • do not wash your head too often, the most optimal option is 2 times a week;
  • as much as possible, color hair in the summer, because the impact of ultraviolet and is already very large stress for them;
  • never unscrew the hair after washing, it will be enough to squeeze them with a towel;
  • use natural vegetable oils to restore hair health.


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