
What is phytolaming

What is phytolaming
Therapeutic hair dyeing

Every girl knows: beautiful and well -groomed hair is the key to attractiveness. Beauties devote a lot of time to caring for their curls: home masks, expensive balms and sprays, massages and salon recovery. But sometimes all the efforts to improve the hair are nullified simply staining. The paint harms the hair: aggressive chemical components, such as ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, penetrate the hair, violating their integral structure - as a result, the curls become brittle, dull and lifeless. But to refuse staining at all - this is not a way out.

Japanese cosmetics manufacturers (Takara Belmont Corp) managed to develop a revolutionary tool that not only significantly reduces the risk of hair damage when dyeing, but also completely restores their structure.   Ammonia and other harmful chemical components are not contained in the product. The novelty entered the market under the Lebel trademark - Luquias hair facilities for hair.

What is phytolaming


Phytolamination is a hair procedure during which curls are stained in the selected color and simultaneous restoration of their keratin layer due to biologically active substances that are part of the drug. With the help of herbalism, after the first procedure, you can return shine and health even the most damaged hair - they become stronger, acquire an additional volume and uniform color.

Among the contraindications, only damage to the scalp can be noted: wounds, scratches, rashes. The skin should be treated, and then do hair and hair phytolam.

Most beauty salons offer their customers the procedure for herbalism. The favor of stylists deserved, first of all, the first original composition from TM Lebel. But in specialized stores of professional hair products, worthy analogues of Japanese “restoring coloring” - drugs of brands Shiseido (Japan), Shot (Italy), Paul Mitchell (USA) and Russia) also appeared.

Judging by the reviews of the girls who have already managed to pamper their curls with this useful procedure, its only drawback is the effect of the effect of an average of 1 month and the high cost of the procedure itself. But the beauty is worth it.

Differences in herbalism and simple hair dyeing


  1. Sparing exposure. The color that is familiar to everyone gives the hair color due to the penetration deeper into the hair: under the influence of chemical elements, the hair scales are revealed, the paint penetrates inside and destroys the natural pigment, which is replaced by coloring compounds. That is why the hair after dyeing becomes more porous and unprotected. Color phytolamination acts on the hair in a fundamentally different way: coloring substances, along with nutritional elements, create a dense uniform film around the hair. At the same time, the structure of the hair itself is not disturbed, but even restored, draining natural components.
  2. Phytolamination can be carried out immediately after a chemical curl or discoloration. After such aggressive procedures, stylists usually recommend giving the strands to relax and not color them for some time so as not to completely destroy the keratin layer of the hair. However, with herbalism, the opposite is true. The procedure will restore hair after chemical damage and give it shine and healthy appearance.
  3. Shine of hair for 8 weeks. At the end of the procedure of ordinary dyeing, special balms are applied to the hair, which give shine to the hair. Therefore, after the first washing of the head, you may notice that the color has become a little dull, and the radiance disappeared. During herbalism, the hair is restored under the influence of natural polymers, acquire a natural shine, which persists for several months, regardless of how often you wash your head.
  4. An overdose is impossible. The technology of herbalism itself involves saturation of hair with vitamins and microelements of natural origin. Each hair absorbs as many useful substances as he needs. Therefore, it is often impossible to harm your hair with the fact that the composition will remain on the curls a little longer than or that you want to carry out the procedure is often simply impossible. On the contrary, with each procedure, the hair will become stronger, more beautiful and obedient.

Hair phytolamism: what is part of the drug


It is not in vain in the name of the procedure that the leading place is occupied by the prefix "Fito". It means that drugs for the procedure consist of natural components, which often have no contraindications for use: these are plant extracts. Basic and essential oils. As well as various vitamins. Therefore, herbalism can be carried out for people prone to allergies, pregnant and lactating women, as well as those who have very sensitive scalp.

  1. Hydrolyzed proteins of natural silk. In composition and structure, this substance is close to the composition of the keratin layer of human hair. During the procedure, under the influence of a jet of warm air, protein molecules begin to split and easily penetrate the structure of the hair. The hair is filling out from the inside, the leveling of its surface, the restoration of the integrity of the keratin membrane and the formation of a protective film around the hair along the entire length. Curls become smooth, elastic, shiny and easily combed even immediately after washing.
  2. Extract of grape seeds is a natural antioxidant that can protect hair from the effects of negative environmental factors for a long time. Also, the extract of grape seeds restores the water balance of the hair and saturates it with vitamins.
  3. Corn proteins. They contribute to the saturation of hair with nutrients, stimulate growth, smooth the surface of the hair. They influence the scalp, normalizing the production of sebum.
  4. Sunflower seed extract. This substance creates an excellent protective barrier from negative UV radiation, sea and chlorinated water.
  5. Soybean beans extract. Promotes deep moisture and air conditioning.

Hair phytolamism: Advantages


  • the hair acquires a well -groomed appearance after the first procedure;
  • an additional volume appears (up to 10%);
  • the curls are obedient and easily lend themselves to laying;
  • smooth hair along the entire length;
  • the ended ends are healed (you can not cut them);
  • protection against all kinds of negative influences: hot styling, solar radiation, sea water;
  • the water and lipid balance is normalized;
  • suitable for all types and structures of hair;
  • the procedure has practically no contraindications;
  • laminating agent is safe for pregnant women;
  • the composition has no unpleasant odor;
  • the procedure lasts only 1-1.5 hours;
  • phytolamination does not have a harmful effect on the hair;
  • hair is strengthened under the influence of natural components;
  • with the help of color phytolamation, you can easily paint over gray hair;
  • a variety of palette for color phytolaming;
  • if you want to maintain natural hair color, you can apply a transparent tool;
  • after herbalism, the hair ceases to be electrified;
  • hair color looks natural;
  • uniform tinting and also uniform washing;
  • persistent effect;
  • the composition can be used for hair of any length.

Hair phytolamism: how the procedure is carried out


  1. Hair condition diagnosis. Before the master begins the phytolamination procedure, he must definitely determine the state of your hair. This is necessary in order to correctly choose the components of the composition and prepare you for the procedure.
  2. The hair is thoroughly washed and slightly dried with a hairdryer.
  3. The basic composition is applied to wet hair, the function of which is to ensure the best interaction of the main drug with hair.
  4. The laminate is drawn by a strand behind the strand, while 2-3 mm must retreat from the roots.
  5. When the product is evenly distributed through the hair, the clients of the client are removed under a plastic cap. So the product is withstanded for 30 minutes. In this case, the constant flow of warm air to the hair is necessary. Therefore, the master blows them with a hairdryer. Just during drying, under the influence of temperature, the biologically active components of the composition begin to penetrate the structure of the hair and restore it.
  6. When the due time came out, the remains of the laminate are washed off with running water.
  7. A special balm is applied, which fixes the effect of herbalism.
  8. The hair is dried with a hairdryer and, if necessary, styling is done.

The total duration of the procedure is about 1-1.5 hours. Little by little, the composition will begin to be washed off only after 2 weeks, but the visible result will remain at least 5-8 weeks. Thanks to the harmlessness of the procedure, you can repeat it when you yourself wish it - your hair will only be grateful to you.

After the phytolamination procedure, hair should not be dyed with ordinary paint (in principle, you are unlikely to have a need for this).

Hair phytolamism: species


  1. Transparent herbalism. If you do not want to abandon the natural color of your hair, you can save it. In this case, the implementation of the phytolamination procedure will give you the opportunity to increase the volume of hair, give it shine, protect from the negative effects of the environment and emphasize the depth of the natural shade of hair. Another important fact will be a relief of hair styling and its stability.
  2. Color phytolaming. This is careful staining without the use of chemicals, which will allow your hair to give the desired natural shade. The coloring products have an ionic structure (like a crystal lattice), thanks to this, the components are attracted to the hair and are held around it for a long time in the form of a film. In the palette of the most popular drug for phytolaming Luquias from TM Lebel, thirty natural shades based on brown tone and 7 bright shades, to give an accent of color. The master receives the chosen color thanks to the mixing of the main tone (basic) and bright accentuate.
  • gives brightness and rich shade to already colored hair;
  • fully paints the gray hair;
  • paints out bleached hair;
  • envals the color of the hair after highlighting.

Color and shine stored on the hair for up to 8 weeks, washed evenly without visible boundaries. Thus, color phytolamination is also healing (both with colorless) and staining.

  1. Fitolamination with treatment. The master before the phytolamination procedure can conduct additional therapeutic hair procedures. Hair treatment should resort to the owners of thin and lifeless hair, curls after a chemical curling or bleaching, as well as those girls whose hair is weakened by the regular use of devices for hot styling (forceps, ironing).

Hair phytolamism at home


Some girls carry out the procedure for herbalism at home. Mixing dyes without special preparation is a very difficult task, the color will most likely turn out not as you imagined it. Therefore, we recommend that you carry out only hair healing at home - colorless herbalism.

First of all, for this it is necessary to purchase a set of drugs for the procedure itself and subsequent hair care. It is worth noting here how important it is to buy cosmetics from trusted sellers: you will not get the desired effect from a fake.

The LEBEL Luquias lamination kit includes three means: shampoo, herbalism gel and mask. The procedure itself should take place as in a beauty salon:

  • wash your head with a special shampoo;
  • with the help of a brush, apply a laminating gel to the strands (avoid getting on the skin);
  • put on a plastic cap;
  • dry your hair with a hairdryer (Kol 15 minutes);
  • remove the hat and let your hair cool;
  • rinse the composition thoroughly without the use of shampoo;
  • apply the mask for a couple of minutes (if the hair is too damaged, the mask can not be washed off).

For the effect to last as long as possible, refuse to use conventional shampoos and use only a special one. The result of home herbalism will be good, but it will last slightly less than after the salon procedure.

Hair phytolamism. Photo before and after

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Hair phytolamism. Video



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