
Hair balm at home

Hair balm at home
Natural hair balms at home: Rules and recipes for cooking.

Hair is an important indicator of health and beauty. Therefore, they require careful care and high -quality care. Various shampoos, creams, masks, balms and therapeutic hair oils offer us the current cosmetology in such quantities that sometimes to decide on the right is difficult.

If everything is clear with shampoo, then all other hair products, such as a mask and balm, seem to perform the same roles: smooth the hair and make combing light. But not everything is so simple upon closer examination. In addition to the individual properties of each brand, the main task of the hair air conditioner is to smooth out the scales of the structure, nutrition and moisturizing along the length of the entire hair, the tradition of shine and removing static electricity from the tips. In addition, individual balsems protect the hair from the harmful effects of the environment, ultraviolet radiation, and also reduce water rigidity during washing. Buying quality hair care products is important and often it is better to make a home hair balm itself than to trust the composition of cosmetic brands. The correctly selected recipe for home hair balm will not only deprive you of worries and hassle about the beauty and health of hair, but also help to solve the problem of fat content, loss, growth and hair strength.

How to make home balms and hair air conditioners at home


If you think that by preparing one balm or mask you solved all the tasks of hair care, then everything is not so simple. In fact, these two means have not only a different consistency and a set of elements, but completely different tasks. The first is to give the hair a beautiful well -groomed look and the second - treatment and strengthening of the hair structure itself. Silicone components of hair cosmetic balms for hair air conditioners cosmetic balsems are perfectly coped with the first, but to solve the second problem, it is necessary to start oil and active natural elements prepared in a special way. And making home hair balm is not so difficult, knowing a good recipe. It is necessary to adhere to the basic rules of preparation and mixing.

  1. Water for the preparation of homemade hair balms must be cleaned. It is preferably not easy to boil, and filtered from iron and harmful impurities of ordinary running water. Drinking, distilled, mineral, melt is suitable - any that you prefer. You can also enhance the effect of using such a balm, making it in a decoction of herbs. In this case, it must be remembered that the decoction itself and products with its use must be stored no more than 2 days. Therefore, if you prepare a large volume, it is better not to use a decoction.
  2. The preparation takes place in three stages: steam, water and mixing phase. A steam bath is used to mix in the heated state of emulsifiers with oils in a separate container. Further, the water components in a heated state are mixed with the finished oil and active components. Everything is brought to a homogeneous state of mixing and cools.
  3. Whatever the recipe you prepare home hair balm using natural elements - the maximum shelf life of no more than a month. And it is better to put the jar in the refrigerator, warming in the palms before use.
  4. In order for homemade hair balm with oil to be stored longer, you can add about 0.15% of preservatives to the water phase of cooking. Such a tool will be stored longer, but in this case the very meaning of a home -made hair care product is lost.
  5. For the first time, you may have problems with the proportion of water, and, therefore, with the density of the product at the output. This is absolutely not a reason for grief - it is easy to rectify the situation. Before rushing to fix everything, just put the balm in the refrigerator - the mass thicken when cooling. If this is not enough, you can digest again, making the required adjustments for the consistency. To do this, install a container with water on a steam bath and add a little emulsifier to the eye so that after connecting with the already finished balm, get a large density. It is important in this case not to overheat the contents: withstand the temperature of only the dissolution of dry elements, otherwise ruin everything. Cool and add the finished balm. It is better to mix with a mixer.
  6. You can find homemade hair balm recipes using silicone. It is added to give shine and prevent tangling of the hair. In addition, in combination with silicone, the balm becomes less sticky and oily. Silicon Demiticon is very popular for home masks and balms.
  7. Very well suited for preparing an air conditioner balm - a gel former. Cosmetic guar - looks like a powder of white, gray or yellow and is used as a natural thickener in cosmetology. Its advantage is a slight dissolution in any liquid and the rapid formation of a thick transparent gel. It also has a moisturizing and mitigating effect, as well as the natural properties of the air conditioner. In addition, such a tool is very economical to use.
  8. Emulgators for the preparation of balm are used by individual preference, you can use the production of BTSM or Steramidopropyl Dimethylamine, for example. For better activation of the properties of natural emulsifiers, manufacturers recommend first “acidify” the product, and then proceed to mixing.
  9. If you make oil, then you need a fatter basis. Cold pressing olive oil is ideal in this case. If you make an air conditioning tool - use a dry ingredient, for example, coconut oil - get an excellent consistency and a chic smell.
  10. Add vitamins to home conditioners and hair masks, they can be bought at a pharmacy in a liquid state in ampoules.
    • vitamin C: will enhance the opposition of hair to the harmful influences of the environment;
    • vitamin B5: as an ambulance for damaged hair - restores the structure from the inside and updates the hairs of hair;
    • vitamin A: It affects the structure of the hair well and makes them smooth and elastic;
    • vitamin E: great for stimulating hair follicles and hair growth, as well as restoration of the scalp;
    • vitamin B6: It helps to normalize the sebaceous glands to control the fat content and the frequency of washing the head.
  11. Aloe, in general, one of the most useful plants in the everyday life of a woman. We will not bypass him in the matter of improving the condition of the hair. Its juice perfectly stimulates hair growth, nourishes vitamins and improves the silky hair, strengthens and makes it alive.
  12. Apple cider vinegar itself is used as a natural rinker, but can also be added to balms - contributes to bright brilliance and slight natural hair lightness.
  13. As you know, oils are poorly washed off. The use of home balms based on them will complicate washing with fat content, and even more so it will not give the hair the desired silkiness. To do this, when preparing, add a special lotion - polysorbate. It is used in cosmetic products as a natural solvent of the structure of essential oils. Observing the desired proportion - you will get an excellent low -fat homemade hair balm.
  14. Nettle juice is very useful to add to home hair balms. It activates blood flow to the hair follicles, which favorably affects their growth and effectively against hair loss. In addition, nettle juice contains natural keratin, which is widely advertised in cosmetics, and many useful organic acids.

Balmage rinses for hair at home


Most of the products called "Balm Rinoster" for hair, which can be found in household and cosmetology stores in a wide variety, make up funds with a light cream structure. But in fact, they belong to the category of balms, but by real rinsers they usually mean liquid agents for the final rinse of hair cooked at home. And the main goal of such funds is to cleanse the hair from the remains of detergents, air conditioners, balms and masks, as well as for softening, strengthening, growth, and sometimes even tinting.

The difference between home hair balms and rinses are that they are aimed at deeper and long -term work with a hair structure. The purpose of their use is high -quality moisture and nutrition of hair, restoration of the structure of scales and preventing confusion. Depending on the set of components, home balms also improve the shine of the hair, strengthen the ends and prevent their cross section, give liveliness and elasticity along the entire length.

Nourishing hair recipes for hair at home


The first sign of moisture of your hair is confusion and electricalization. This happens because the hair loses natural moisture from the isolation of the secret produced by the sebaceous glands. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to moisturize the hair with a home balm for dry hair. In addition, such a balm will give the hair a well -groomed and healthy look, beautiful shine and color. It is enough to use home balm for dry hair at least 4 times a week, paying special attention to roots and tips.

  1. Egg nutritious balms against dry hair.

    • depending on the length of the hair, take the yolks of the chicken eggs, beat to the white foam and evenly apply over the entire length of the hair - rinse with warm water;
    • in a water bath, mix chicken yolk and ampoule of liquid vitamin A - apply 15 to 20 minutes to hair and rinse with warm water;
    • Mix 2 chicken yolks with 2 tbsp. spoon of oily mayonnaise - apply to the hair, wash off with warm running water.
  2. Oil homemade hair balms.

    • melt home butter and mix with a corolla with fat cream in a 1: 1 proportion - grease your hair, rinse with warm water with the addition of a polysorbate lotion;
    • 2 tbsp. Sleals of olive oil mix with 1 tbsp. A spoon of lemon juice and evenly apply over the entire length of the hair - be sure to rinse with warm water with a degreasing lotion or vinegar.
  3. Fruit homemade balms for dry hair.

    • in a blender, mix 1 banana, 1 yolk of chicken eggs and 10 drops of burdock essential oil - apply to the hair from the roots to the ends, rinse with barely warm running water;
    • grind the avocado pulp into small porridge, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of fat homemade sour cream (it is important that not store) - use for hair prone to dryness at least 4 times a week.

Home hair balm from falling out. Video



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