
How to clean a kettle from scale

How to clean a kettle from scale
Cleaning the kettle of scale. Methods

The kettle is an indispensable and obligatory attribute of the kitchen of any housewife. Accordingly, the correct cleaning of the kettle should be carried out regularly in order to avoid its breakdown, as well as for the preparation of high -quality hot drinks.

It is difficult to disagree that it is the kettle that is one of the most important components of kitchen life. Many simply cannot imagine their working morning without a cup of strong coffee or a cozy evening over a cup of aromatic tea with a book. And if the guests suddenly come, then you can always treat them with tea even for lack of anything else.

The offer to go to tea can allow you to extend your acquaintance or a pleasant conversation. What can we say that any official meeting, conference or seminar cannot do without tea drinking, during which employees and superiors can resolve important issues of the company in a more informal situation. For some peoples, for example, the British and Asians are generally customary to turn the procedure for tea drinking into extraordinary rituals and ceremonies.

How to clean the kettle of scale: scale is the main enemy

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No matter how kettle you use, it invariably overcame it over time like an attack as a scale. Unfortunately, no enameled, metal and even expensive electric device is not safe from this natural process. Of course, the quality of water purification will allow you to save your dishes for coating longer, but no one cannot avoid timely cleaning of the kettle from scale.

Such a fairly ordinary device as a kettle can become unusable due to water scale, which often leads to its breakdowns or damage to the taste of drinks. Then we are aware of all its value, and without a cup of hot drink, we already feel that the whole usual way of life has been violated. Therefore, it is necessary to know exactly how to prevent and easily remove this dangerous enemy.

How to clean the kettle of scale: reasons for the formation of scale

In all teapots, without exception, the scale is affected by the bottom and the internal walls of the device, and the heating element is also subjected to raids in electrical models. All these parts are directly in contact with water and spoil its composition when boiling. Therefore, it should be remembered that if the scale has already formed, then the quality of water and your health will suffer significantly from such a drink.

The composition of any water includes salts, which lead to the formation of scale and plaque. If the water is not purified, then the plaque will form faster due to the large salt content. However, no filter is able to completely clean the water, although with such a softer water your kettle will undoubtedly last longer than with a tap.

How to clean a kettle of scale: the consequences of salt scale

Do not postpone the procedure for cleaning the device from the scale, since first of all, it leads to breakdown of electric heaters (in electric) and the destruction of the walls and bottom of the device (in metal or enameled). Damage of this kind occur due to the heat -volume properties of the scale, which are the main factor in the overheating of the parts. The plaque prevents water from directly contact with heating elements, and they overheat from the temperature increase.

In addition to the failure of the device, Nabipa extremely negatively affects the health of our body. Polluting water with salts, the scale also settles in the body, which can lead to diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys. Just imagine that plaque from dishes will gradually move inside your body.

Clean the kettle from scale

Depending on the type of kettle, there are several ways to clean it with various tools for home use. Regardless of the method, what you decide to use in order to clean the kettle, it must be thoroughly washed after the procedure and boil water in it without its further use. All detergents must be washed so that they do not get to you with the drink and do not lead to poisoning.

Peel a metal kettle


There is vinegar in every house, and it is harmless to health even when it enters the body, and also has excellent properties cleansing dishes. Therefore, it is easy, simple and safe to clean the kettle with vinegar. This method is used for all metal models.

For each liter of water, it is necessary to add 150 ml of vinegar, it is better to pour such a solution with such a solution for the complete detachment of plaque from the walls. Water with vinegar must be boiled for about 20 minutes until completely cleaned. After cooling the device, the water should be drained and rinse the kettle from vinegar and residues of plaque with a detergent for dishes.

Clean an electric kettle


The previous method of vinegar cleaning from plaque is not recommended for electrical models, in this case it is necessary to clean the kettle with citric acid. We prepare a solution for cleaning the lemon with calculation of 1 tbsp. l. Funds to a liter of water and bring it to a boil. After cooling the device, it should be thoroughly washed with detergent and boil water once without consumption.

Clean a stainless steel kettle


The next method of cleaning from salt plaque can be safely called a folk remedy for all devices except electrical. To clean the kettle of Coca Baby is quite simple, and in addition, the drink cleanses of rust and burning. Before use, a bottle of drink should be kept open for more than an hour for gas output, and then pour the kettle with a drink half and just boil.

Having cleaned the kettle of the coal, it should be thoroughly washed from the drink. This method is quite effective, but has its drawback, since the drink leaves a brown color, and replacing the soda of another cleansing does not occur. Therefore, the method is not recommended for light enameled, ceramic and transparent glass devices.

Peel a glass kettle


Glass transparent ketrates or custards are most difficult to clean, therefore, in such cases, a method is used using vinegar, citric acid and soda. 1 tbsp is added per liter of water. l. soda, 1 tbsp. l. Lemon acids and 100 ml of vinegar. Such a solution should be boiled for about half an hour.

This method is not suitable for electric kettles, but for other models it is the most effective. Even if the scale does not completely exfoliate, then it can easily be washed after cooling the device with a detergent and sponge. However, with any pollution, metal objects and brushes should not be used to avoid damage to heating parts and coating.

Peel the clay kettle


You can effectively clean the kettle of soda if you have a clay model. A solution of 1 tbsp. l. Soda per liter of water must be boiled for at least half an hour. After its cooling is completely cool, my device using a detergent for dishes and a soft sponge. To completely remove the remains of soda, boil the water after cleaning and drain it without consumption for the first time.

Peel a ceramic kettle


You can clean the keramic kettle inside another folk method. Since the ceramic coating is very fragile and any physical cleaning can cause damage to the device, the scale can be exfoliated using a brine. This method can be used for other models, even electric ones.

Pour the vegetable brine into the kettle and boil, then let the device cool and wash the sew with a soft sponge using detergent for dishes. Cucumber brine also helps well in the fight against rust in metal products. To get rid of smell after cleaning, boil a kettle with lemon juice.

Peel the enameled kettle


Another folk remedy for cleaning dummies will help in the fight against thin white saline on enameled surfaces. Cleaning the peel from the fruits of apples and pears should be poured with water and boiled. After cooling the device, drain the water, and remove the fruit residues and rinse the dishes thoroughly with the detergent.

Peel the kettle from the outside

It is possible to clean the plaque on the outer surface of the metal or ceramic keratin. Heat the kettle and let cool to an acceptable warm temperature so that you do not burn. Taking a toothbrush and a little soda, clean the pollution, slightly wetting the stubble.

An electric kettle can not be heated for external cleaning. Take advantage of a toothbrush and a potent liquid or gel -like cleaning agent (for cleaning shells, baths or toilet). Apply the tool for pollution for several minutes and thoroughly rinse from the outer walls with running water.

Prevention from scale


For a very dense layer of scale, you can use special chemicals for cleaning teapots. Such radical measures are most effective, however, they contain a large amount of chemistry in the composition. Therefore, in order not to resort to the use of such tools, it is necessary to clean the kettle at least once a month and follow the simple rules of prevention from layering of scale.

In order for salts to not be overwhelmed on the walls of any type of instrument, several simple rules should be observed:

  • even if the plaque is not too thick, you should carry out preventive cleaning, since the thin layer will be easier for you to clean, and the dishes will last longer;
  • wash the kettle weekly inside and outside with a sponge and a detergent for dishes;
  • if all the boiled water was not used, do not leave it in the kettle;
  • use only the water cleaned by filters before boiling.

The benefits of tea for the body

A tea drink has a very beneficial effect on the entire human organism due to a rather complex combination in the composition. The unique composition of the beneficial substances of the drink is determined by its type, variety and method of brewing it. Studies show that properly brewed tea has a positive effect on all systems and individual organs of the human body.


A daily drink can have a positive preventive and therapeutic effect on health:

  1. Excretory systems. Stimulation of the kidneys, diuretic action, prevention of stone formation in the kidneys, liver and urinary organs, cleansing of harmful and radioactive substances, increases the accumulation of vitamin C in the body for immunity.
  2. Gastrointestinal tract. Normalization of digestion, bactericidal properties, gastrointestinal tract, excretion of harmful substances, normalization of the stomach, digestion of especially heavy food.
  3. Lungs. When using hot drinks, the inhaled and exhausted volume of oxygen increases, which stimulates respiratory activity. With colds and diseases of the respiratory organs, a hot drink is useful as a diaphoretic for general health promotion.
  4. Nervous system. The caffeine contained in small doses, allows you to tone and reduce the excitement of the central nervous system, relieve drowsiness and cramps of headaches, increase performance and thinking, eliminate fatigue from a sense of fatigue, and promote concentration and creative development. The essential oils that make up the composition provide aroma and taste that contribute to the calm of the nervous system.
  5. Metabolism. It stimulates the work of the digestive tract, the content of vitamins helps the overall strengthening of the state of health, the prevention of obesity, deposit of salts, gold, gout.
  6. It is used to treat burns and mucous membranes. Helps in the treatment of household, sunny, chemical and radiation burns due to the high content of vitamin R. is also used to treat mucous membranes, mouth and genitals, as it has tannical and astringent properties.
  7. Heart and blood vessels. Normalization of the circulatory organ, expanding blood vessels, relief of spasms, normalization of pressure, strengthening blood vessels, liver, saturation of blood vitamins, increasing its circulation, preventing thrombosis, reducing blood cholesterol.

Teapot cleaning video

Detailed video material allows you to verify the effectiveness of folk remedies of cleaning and ease of their independent use:



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