
As a guy, the girl look older. How to look older than your years

As a guy, the girl look older. How to look older than your years
In this article you will find ideas that will allow you to seem visually older.

Some adolescent are now difficult to distinguish from adults - with the help of fashionable clothes, makeup and confident behavior, a fourteen-year-old girl can look twenty. It happens that peers do not feel too comfortable in their background and try to find ways to look older than their years. And often adult guys and girls still look so young that they are confused with adolescents. What are the details of the image affect the perception of age? From this article you will learn how you can look older than your years.

Simple ways to look older

Looking older - it is not so difficult. There are a number of simple attributes that are associated with adults: minor changes in the image can help adolescents, as well as too young looking adults seem older.

Glasses to look older

Glasses you will look older and more serious. They allow you to look like an adult as guys and girls. If you encountered a problem that you look too young, be sure to try to wear glasses without diopters: except that they add age, now they are also a very fashionable accessory.

Now you can find a frame for every taste - shops offer a huge variety of forms and colors. However, if your goal is to look older, it is worth choosing more or less classic models.

Beard to look older

Beard is now in fashion, and the new image apply and adolescents, and adult men. Indeed, a well-groomed beard helps look even more courageously and seemed older than their years. It is necessary to repel from what you go - someone chooses a beard just, someone is beard and mustache, and others are limited to three-day bristles. Any these options will help seem older.

It is very important that the beard is well maintained. An unevenly shaved lines of the cheeks, cuts from a razor and irritation on the skin will not look too aesthetically and is unlikely to help look like an adult. It is also worth abandoning the beard if the hair grows with you not throughout the chin or if only a light cannon appears instead of the bristle.

Sports tightened body to look older

Fullness, excessive thin or disproportionally developed body is often associated with a teenage angular figure. To avoid this, it is worth playing sports and bring your figure to perfection. Penched shoulders, press and relief muscles of the legs will help look older than their years as guys and girls. Often, in pursuit of the perfect figure, the girl just sit on diet, but unnecessary thinness does not look attractive if you have weak muscles. Moreover, thin and not too sports body most often makes you visually younger.

Sports will allow you to look like an adult not only due to the fact that the figure becomes more embossed and touched. Regular fitness also affects the plastic of the body: your gait becomes more confident, and movements are more dynamic. If you feel that you want to work on the plastic, the lessons of the dance will also help you.

Care to look older

Teenager give out unbending skin, hair and nails. Perhaps this is the simplest thing you can do if you wish to seem older. Regular care does not take away a lot of time and effort, but definitely affects your image - no clothing and accessories will not allow you to look older if you have dirt under the nails and oily hair.

What can be done to achieve a well-kept appearance? The skin requires regular washing, cleansing masks and scrubics. It is also recommended to use moisturizing cream every day - this is especially true in the summer. To improve the skin condition, you can also take vitamin complexes or vitamin E separately. If you have serious skin problems, such as dermatitis or angry rash, best visit the specialist.

Hair is another detail of the image that immediately rushes into the eyes. First of all, the hair should be clean. If you suffer dandruff, it is easy to get rid of it with various shampoos and balms for the scalp. The hair also looks casually, so such tips are better cut and easily monitor hair in the future. To look older, make styling on elongated hair - curls visually make you younger.

Well-groomed nails are also a very important nuance that affects the perception of the image. Dirt under the nails, burgers and detached lacquers look childish and sloppy. If you want to seem older, you need to make a manicure to look neatly nails. Also do not cover the nails with a bright varnish to look older - the elegant French manicure and its variations are best for this purpose.

There are many other smaller details of appearance that will help you look older. For example, a well-kept line of eyebrows, smooth shaved skin on legs and arms and elegant miniature decorations.

Tidywear to look older

Clothes also plays an important role in the perception of age. If you want to seem older, it is better to change baggy T-shirts and short skirts to more elegant outfits. First of all, take a closer look. Guys to look older, it is worth changing bright T-shirts, sweatshirts and torn jeans on pants, shirts and jackets.

The jackets will also fit the girls - they emphasize the shape perfectly and allow them to seem older. Short skirts should be replaced by the middle-length skirts, and the pants on the hips on the model with a high planting. Such a style will not only seem older, it is also very relevant in the new season. Choosing a color gamut, better avoid abundance of bright colors, if you want to seem like an adult.

How to look like a senior girl

Usually the question, how to look older than your years, are concerned about the girls. It is believed that the bright makeup helps in this, but it can very often look childishly - especially if this is the only thing you do for a more adult look. Tips for working on the right make-up, gestures and facial expressions can help girls seem older.

Makeup, allowing a girl to look older

Makeup is the most popular tool to which girls are resorted to seem older. However, bright lipstick and arrows at the adolescent person will rather look theatrically than indeed an adult. Makeup, especially daytime, should be not too bright, but competent. To make your face visually more adults, take advantage of the following tips:

  • It is impossible to distinguish both eyes and lips with makeup. It will look either vulgar, or in childish. You can select either eyes with the help of arrows and bright shadows, or lips with lipstick.
  • No need to apply decorative cosmetics on unsembly skin. Acne, covered with a tonal cream, will not still be unnoticed, and bright lipstick or mascara will look inappropriate on their background.

  • The clear contour of the face and the dedicated cheeks will allow you to seem older. To make such makeup, to start, apply the basis and tone cream tone in the current to the skin. Then make a clearer bottom contour of the face: for this apply a darker tone along the chin and cheeks line. In order to competently designate the cheekbones, fold the lips into the tube: apply a lighter tone on the protruding parts, and there are darker on the flowing.
  • Applying makeup on face, do not forget about the neck. It should also cause the basis and tone cream so that it does not stand out.
  • The lips should be healthy and well-groomed - to moisturize them and avoid cracks, use lip balsam. Applying a bright lipstick, do not forget to periodically correct the contours, especially this is relevant after meals - always carry a mirror and lipstick with you.
  • If you can't paint smooth arrows, it is better to give up this idea at all. Cleverly drawn arrows are associated with teenage inept makeup.

  • Dark eyebrows also allow you to look older. However, eyebrows should be worked out - either independently or with the help of a specialist. Delicate neglected eyebrows, covered with paint, will not look at an adult.
  • Important detail - well-groomed nails. At the same time, it is better to give preference to the classic manicure and avoid bright colors.
  • If you want to look older, it is better to paint your hair into a darker, but natural hue and wearing styling on straight hair. It is also worth choosing modern haircuts of medium length: short haircuts will look too much in a boyish, and smoothly cropped long hair - in childish.

Clothes that allows you to look like a girl older

With the help of proper clothes, it is easy to look older than your years. It is only worth replacing bright colors and frankly sexy styles on clothes, weathered in a classic causal style. If you do not like strict suits, you can easily do without them. Simple casual wear, selected correctly and tastefully, will also be able to give you age.

  • Exclude shapeless T-shirts, T-shirts and sweatshirts from the wardrobe. It is better to replace them with shirts and blouses.
  • Jackets and cardigans perfectly complement the image, making it more complex and adults. If you want to seem older, you are suitable for a lot of clothing. The combination of different colors and textures will not look boring, but let you look like an adult.
  • If you want to look older, it is worth abandoning short skirts. Choose the length until the middle of the knee and below - it is these styles that will be in Trend this summer.

  • Less often wear jeans - they are usually associated with a teenage potatile style. It is worth replacing them on trousers. This summer in fashion will be tight skinnie pants, direct models and culwood. Choose what you want to taste.
  • No need to underestimate accessories and decorations - it is they who make an image completed and more adults.

Gestures and facial expressions allowing a girl to look older

This is perhaps the most difficult, but the most effective way to look older. If you keep quietly and confidently, the gait will be easy and smooth movements, then you will look older than your years even without makeup and in the simplest clothes. Nevertheless, unlike clothes, hairstyles and makeup, you will not be able to change your behavior in one day. This is a long work on yourself - at first it will have to control the facial expressions and gestures, and then they will go into habit. What useful habits should be purchased to look like an adult?

  • Keep your face. Involuntarily shifted eyebrows, pursed lips, half-open mouth or excess emotions on the face of any occasion. The expression of the face must be calm and benevolent, and Mimica is thoughtful.
  • Before the mirror, find your successful angles and think about how to hide your weaknesses. Learn to smile beautifully and keep your head in the position that emphasizes your beauty.
  • Keep your hands. You can not look in an adult if you do not know where to do your hands, squeeze your palms in fists or constantly move your fingers. Keep hands in a free relaxed position.
  • Your pose should demonstrate calm and confidence. Open poses are best suited. No need to move every second - too frequent small movements give out anxiety, and from this you seem younger.

  • Work over your gait. Too severe, careless or fast gait is associated with teenage sharp movements. To learn a beautiful feminine gait, work over it in front of the mirror. If you do not work confidently walking in high heels, it is better not to do this - you will look older in sneakers, but with feminine gait.
  • The voice is another important thing that affects the perception of age. Work up that your timbre sound confidently and feminine. Lexicon can also issue age - if you want to seem older, you should get rid of words-parasites and minimize the use of slang.

How to look older guy

Guys are often no less concerned about their age than girls, because the opposite sex is often interested in young people older. It is believed that guys grow up later than girls. In appearance, this is often due to the fact that the guys are worse for themselves and do not care about the image. However, in the modern world it is very important to produce the right first impression. There are many different ways to seem older, but only their harmonious combination will allow you to look really adult.

Details of the image allowing you to look like a boyfriend

Although guys do not use makeup, care for a male image is no less important than for female. The image consists of trifles, and it is the little things that others make others consider you older or younger than their years.

  • Men's hands are what looks close attention. Often, guys believe that they do not need to do a manicure, however, exactly trimmed nails without burrs and dirt look much more adult than the boy's unclean palms.
  • Pick up the stylish haircut with which you will look like an adult. Long hair sending to the style of rockers and bikers can make you visually younger. A similar effect can give haircuts with bangs. To find the right haircut, you can consult with a hairdresser.
  • Well-groomed face and lips for men are no less important than for girls.
  • Beard and mustache usually make a man visually much older. This option is suitable only if you have a thick beard, which grows evenly. Easy cannon or uneven growing hair will not make a proper impression. Behind the beard you also need to take care and give her shape, almost daily swaying too much.

  • Men have not so many accessories as women, however, stylish clocks on well-groomed hands will also seem to seem older than their years.

Clothes allowing you to look like a boyfriend

The perception of age largely depends on the clothes. It is not necessary to wear classic office suits to look like an adult, but it is better to abandon teenage bags.

  • The main thing in the male image is pure shoes. It is she who often distinguishes a teenage boy from a stylish young man. It doesn't matter what you wear are classic shoes or sneakers, you need to clean them before each outdoor outdoor to look neat.
  • If you want to look like an adult man, stop wearing shorts - especially in the city. Shorts for men are appropriate only on the beach or on vacation in nature. In the remaining cases, light linen pants may well replace this element of the wardrobe.
  • To seem like an adult, get rid of bright colors in clothes. Instead, give preference to deep dark colors or pastel colors.

  • Choose clothes that sits well at you. Things that are obviously small or great to you will look slightly.
  • Layout in clothes will make your style more thoughtful, and, therefore, it will help to look at an adult. To do this, wear vests, jackets, cardigans, coats and scarves.
  • If you want to look older than your years, give up backpacks. It is better to replace them with a leather men's bag.

Gestures and facial expressions to look older guy

Gestures and facial expressions are very important in a male image. No clothes and external details will help you seem an adult if you do not feel independent and confident. Your inner sensation will always be expressed in behavior.

  • To look older, you should not be overly emotional. The expression of the face must be confident and calm.
  • Heavy and negligent sports gait is associated with teenage angular angling. Work up to walk easy and not too fast.
  • Try not to keep your hands on the face - such gesticulation in men is most often associated with uncertainty.

  • Sit and stand in open poses. So you will not only look more confident and older, but also you can arrange the interlocutor.
  • Follow the posture. To look older, you need to keep your back smoothly, and the shoulders are straightened. Try not to slouch, but also not to fold back too much.

These tips will help you look visually older. Some of these ideas are very easy to implement in a couple of hours, while others require a long work on themselves. Anyway, it is Sasha that self-adequate affects the perception of you under or older than its years. If you feel calm, confidently and independently, it will definitely reflect in appearance.


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