
Lunar calendar of the gardener 2018

Lunar calendar of the gardener 2018
The lunar calendar of the gardener 2018: features of the lunar phases of the year, the dependence of the cycles and planting of plants, the calendar for a year.

Since ancient times, people were related to fertility and sowing with extreme caution. Each new lunar cycle and a month began the consistent part of the process of agriculture. Many customs and signs have survived to this day, but today for gardeners-Highodities, the process has become more controlled and understandable thanks to the laws of the lunar calendar for a month and year.

Lunar sowing calendar of the gardener 2018


The calendar of the gardener gardener for 2018 was compiled on the basis of some information about the earth's satellite. The lunar sowing calendar is a collection of information about the most suitable and inappropriate sowing dates and phases of the planet. In accordance with the presence of a satellite in any position and a zodiac sign, the most suitable numbers of months are determined to carry out a particular type of work.

The lunar calendar of the gardener 2018. The lunar phases and their influence

  1. Today, astrologers identify 8 lunar phases:
  • new Moon: during this period, a satellite in the sky is not visible at all;
  • the phase of the young moon is determined by the appearance of the planet in the sky in the form of a sickle;
  • the satellite is visible half and this entire period is in the 1st quarter;
  • the growing stage of the moon is characterized by its manifestation in the sky only in 2/3 of the part;
  • during the full moon, the satellite is observed in its entire end;
  • during periods of the waning moon, the planet is visible again only on 2/3 of its part, but this process is already taking place from left to right;
  • the other half of the satellite is observed in the sky for the entire period of its presence in the third quarter;
  • the old or falling moon looks like a sickle, but already deployed in the other direction.
  1. The best time for sowing plant seeds is the period that falls on the new moon. During such phases, the moon most of all helps to activate plant growth, especially when located in a certain fertile zodiac sign. It is recommended to pay more attention to the stay of the satellite in Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Capricorn and Taurus. Seeds sown in such intervals will bring the best result, since it is during this period that the activity of the juice in cultivated plants will increase.
  2. During the growing moon in the trees, a large amount of vital energy accumulates, which is needed for continuous growth and obtaining normal color in the future. However, if such a period coincides with the location of the satellite in the non -district zodiac signs, then he will not be able to exert the desired effect on the plants. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the coincidences of signs with the phases of the Earth's satellite, so that the plants develop correctly and well.
  3. The waning moon does not contribute to seed sowing and transplanting adult plants. Only tuberous cultures will be an exception. In such a period of time, it is recommended to pay more attention to caring for already sown crops, and the top dressing will not be unnecessary in any case. On such days, all accumulated energy passes into the roots, which is why planting or transplant can cause irreparable damage to the root system and the stem nutrition process.
  4. The cycle of the aging moon is most suitable for harvesting. It is the fruits obtained in this phase that will not spoil for a long time. During this period, you can engage in additional planting. Such a satellite phases are the most favorable for collecting fruits from all shrubs, as well as for circumcision of colors. At this time, it is best to start taking measures against insects, as well as to trim the trees and weeding the soil.
  5. During the full moon, protection against pests should be the most intense, since it is on such days that they are most actively attacking vegetation. Plants are the hardest tolerate insect attacks, which is why their subsequent death is possible.
  6. All lunar stages, except for the first, are not the best time for sowing seeds and the implementation of other varieties of work in gardens and gardens. The result of the efforts made most likely will not be a good result. Even in the case of the satellite in the fertile signs of the zodiac on such days, the growth of plants will not be so rapid.

Lunar calendar of the gardener-Ogorodnik 2018. Signs of the zodiac: Features of the location

The astrological sectors, which are divided into a star belt, have a special impact on garden and garden crops in themselves, being carriers of elements and energy related to them. Earth satellite supplemented by the cyclicality of the Earth, monthly phases can both increase its influence and almost reduce to nothing.

  1. Aries is usually considered a nonsense sign. However, it is with it that the entire zodiac cycle begins. The location of the moon in this zodiac sign is well affecting the growth of crops, so the crops during this period will be very successful. It is best to plant garden plants on such days, for example, radishes, greens or tomatoes. To stimulate the growth of garden crops, it is necessary to fertilize the soil from time to time and spray them with means against pests.
  2. Taurus is an extremely fertile zodiac sign. Plants that will plant in such periods often have a powerful root system and will tolerate temperature fluctuations well. Their fast run will pleasantly surprise the gardeners-hodgers.
  3. The twins consider it a rather mediocre sign in terms of effectiveness for agriculture. During the location of the satellite in this zodiac, it is better not to engage in crops and landing. During this period, it is recommended to devote time to the fighting and cutting the lawns, because if you mow the grass at such a time, it will grow for a very long time.
  4. Cancer is an excellent zodiac sign for the planting of stunted type crops. Gardeners should pay special attention to him, since the planting of grapes, raspberries and blackberries on such days will bring the best fruits. During the presence of the moon in cancer, gardeners are not recommended to engage in seed harvesting.
  5. Leo is not a very good sign for gardeners and gardeners. It is recommended to postpone sowing at such a time on a more transparent and contributing process. And in the days of Leo it is better to devote time to weeding the soil.
  6. Virgin, as a representative of the earthly element, is considered more than a suitable sign for working with plants. During the location of the satellite in this zodiac, you can safely engage in sowing and landing work of any plan.
  7. Libra - work with plants at this time will bring the best result.
  8. The scorpion sign is great for planting all types of seeds. Gardeners can also be engaged in planting and transplanting garden plants during this period.
  9. When Sagittarius intersects with any lunar phase, astrologers do not recommend planting and sowing. This zodiac is considered to be dry by nature, therefore, at this time, work is possible only with tuber plants, pepper, garlic and radishes.
  10. Capricorn is a completely different sign. Gardeners are recommended to care for plants more on such days, and gardeners - take care of tuberous plants.
  11. Aquarius is a favorable sign for working with garden crops. A slight influence on the growth and development of cultures in the garden, as well as in the garden, will benefit both plants and their fruits.
  12. On the fish ends the cycle of signs of the zodiac of the star belt. Fertility at such a time is considered the highest. Many types of garden and garden activities will be extremely effective.

Lunar planting calendar for 2018


  1. It is useful for all summer residents to know when and how to engage in cultures on their site. The lunar planting calendar will help determine the optimal time to plant plants. Not only gardeners, but also gardeners can use such astrological guidance. In the calendar, information about the most suitable dates for the landing of crops in accordance with the phases of the moon and its location in the zodiac signs is extremely carefully described.
  2. The lunar sowing calendar for 2018 there are two types. The first is the lunar sowing calendar of the gardener, which contains information about the most suitable dates for the implementation of sowing work. Each summer resident can study the information about the daily location in a certain sign and phase throughout the sowing season.
  3. The second astrological calendar is the lunar sowing calendar of the gardener. This type of leadership is intended for people who are engaged in gardening all year round. With it, it is very easy to choose a suitable date to plant a plant or culture.
  4. The planting lunar calendar of the gardener will talk about a favorable or, conversely, inappropriate time, to plant the relevant crops. Different plants should be planted at a strictly defined time, only then they will grow well and bring a large crop.
  5. When is it necessary to sow according to the lunar calendar in 2018? The wrong period can lead to the fact that the plants are likely and will not grow at all. In this schedule of the gardener, all information is scheduled for each month of the sowing season. The best time for the lunar and seasonal calendar is spring, summer and autumn. Some crops can be planted during the winter, but there are very few of them. The lunar calendar of planting plant seeds will tell you when it is best to do work on this or that type of work in the garden and in the garden.
  6. In 2018, the lunar calendar advises planting plant seedlings over three annual seasons. In the winter of this year, it is better not to even engage in the preparation of shoots for the upcoming season. An exception can only be a celery landing with salad pepper. These plants take root and grow perfectly if they are planted in February. All other cultures need to be planted only from March to October.

Lunar calendar of the gardener gardener for March 2018

On the first day of spring, you can already start sowing onions, as well as some types of greenery. It is allowed to even immediately carry out the landing in the ground. This period will also be suitable for planting potato culture. Also, do not forget to devote time to trimming trees, this will help to form the shape of their crowns in the next season.

Lunar calendar of the gardener gardener for April 2018

The second spring month is a suitable period for planting radishes. If you did not have time to do this in March, now you can also plant greens and onions. It is worth starting to organize a place for cabbage, but be sure to do this in a specially equipped greenhouse. At the same time, astrologers recommend planting this culture. If it is warm enough, then it can be planted immediately in open soil, but remember about the likely frosts of the end of April and even May, if you decide to take it so.

Lunar calendar of the gardener gardener for May 2018

The lunar calendar of the gardener in May of this year says that it is possible to start landing root crops. The most favorable for this will be the first days of the last spring month. In the period of May, you can also start planting potatoes. It is important to pay attention to reducing the percentage of moisture in the soil. This will help prevent the subsequent seasonal attacks of insects on your plants. The end of May is suitable for planting tomatoes and eggplant.

Lunar calendar of the gardener gardener for June 2018

The lunar calendar of the gardener for June advises to end sowing and landing types of work. This time is suitable for planting almost all types of cucumber varieties. During this month, many cultures begin to grow violently, because of which top dressing and thorough watering will not be superfluous in the garden. You can also consider mineral feeding in the garden. At this time, plants that have a not too strong root system will require more attention.

Lunar calendar of the gardener gardener for July 2018

At this time, it is better to suspend any kind of landing and sowing. Experts say that it is necessary to protect culture more from the influence of weeds and engage in watering them. The fruits that have appeared in July begin to grow up intensively, which is why they need additional top dressing. This month will be more favorable for gardeners when working with flowers and shrubs than for gardeners with their fruitful crops. In July, apple and pear trees, according to the lunar calendar, will need to support the branches in order to avoid their breakdown.

The lunar calendar of the gardener gardener for August and September 2018

In the last summer month, astrologers recommend reducing sowing excavation work to a minimum and devote all the time to harvesting. The collected crops must be prepared for conservation in the fall and winter. According to the lunar calendar of the gardener, the same must be done in September.

The lunar-postal calendar of the gardener gardener for October 2018

In October, work with parsley, carrot and sorrel will be favorable. Gardeners can also plant several new trees, the moon will be favorable to this. In the period of October, already in full swing you can begin preparing the soil for the new season. The application of nutrients and digging the site will not be superfluous. By the end of this month and at the beginning of November, the satellite phases are recommended to finish all the active activity on the site.

The lunar calendar of the gardener-Ogorodnik for 2018 in tables


The table of the lunar sowing calendar 2018 will talk about the most suitable time for the landing of certain crops:

  • the watermelon is best to plant 8, 9, 20, 27 or 30, as well as on May 5, 8, 9 and 10, and June 6, 10 or 11;
  • eggplant should be prepared for landing 9, 10, 12, 23 and 26, as well as on March 1, 10, 31, 7, 10, 10, 22 and 30, or May 8, 16, 17 and 20;
  • peas must be sown on 23, 26, 29, 30, 7, 9, 9, 10, on April 9 and 11;
  • it is recommended to plant zucchini on March 30, 2, from 7 to 10, 19 or 22, as well as on May 9, 11, 12, 5, 11, 13 or 15;
  • for cabbage, time will come on 15, 26, 30, 2, from 7 to 10, 19 or 22, as well as 4, 9, 10, 13, 27 and 29;
  • potatoes can be planted 1, 9, 11, 26 and 29, 2, 5, from April 7 to 10 and 22, as well as from May 9 to May 11 or 13;
  • the carrots are most favorable to plant 24, 26, 29 or 30, as well as from 2 to 4, from 7 to 10, 22, 30 and 4, from 9 to 11, 22;
  • cucumbers will give good fruits if they are planted in the ground 26, 29, 30, 7, 8, 11, 22, 23, from May 9 to 11 and 22, as well as on June 5, 11 or 12;
  • it is important to plant pepper on the lunar calendar on March 26, 29, 30, from 7 to 12, 29, 30, or from May 9 to 11 and 22;
  • radis in the garden needs to be sowed on 20, 23, 30 or 31, 2, 3, from 7 to 12, 19, 22, as well as from 9 to 11, 22, 28 or May 29;
  • beets should be planted in 2018 either on March 24, or 3, from April 7 to 12 and 29;
  • for pumpkin, you can take from 9 to 12, 23, 19, 22, 29 or 30, as well as from 9 to 11, 13 and in the period from June 5 to 11;
  • the beans will require the attention of gardeners from 7 to 12, as well as April 22 and from May 9 to 11;
  • garlic on lunar cycles should be planted on 11, 12, 30 or 31, as well as April 9, 11, 22 and 29;
  • dill can be engaged in 1, 11, 20, 23, 28, 30 and 31, 2, 3, 7, in the period from 10 to 12, 22 and 30, from 9 to 11, 22, 28 and 29, from 5, from 5 to June 11, as well as July 16 or 22.

Gardeners are recommended to plant crops at any time, except for 8, 20, 21 and 22, 7, 8, 8, 21 and 22, 1, 6, 6, 14 and 15, May 1, 6, 6, 21, 30 and 31, May June 4, 19, 20 and 30, including July 3, 4 and 19. At this time, the location of the satellite is not favorable for the active growth and development of new life. The landing performed at this time may not bring any result at all or the plants will become problematic and painful.

Planting a tomato on the lunar calendar of the 2018 gardener gardener


  1. The tomato - the vegetable is quite capricious, because the ideal conditions for its growth are the presence of heat and a large amount of light, the absence of excess moisture in the soil and almost a calm climate.
  2. Planting tomato in 2018 is best done on March 30 and 31, in the period from 7 to 12, 22 and 23, 4, from May 9 to 11, as well as throughout June a month.
  3. A particularly good result can be obtained if you plant tomatoes during the location of the moon in the Aries in the growing phase.
  4. A week before the fact of planting tomatoes, you need to prepare the soil well so that the plants can take root normally.
  5. Astrologers advise after planting this culture to water it every 10 days. You can add a little potassium permanganate to the liquid so that the tomatoes are not severely exposed to ultraviolet radiation.



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