
The basics of a beautiful gait

The basics of a beautiful gait
The basic principles of a beautiful gait. Tips, exercises.

A woman always seeks to be perfect. And this means to be always beautiful, graceful and elegant - impeccable. Classes of Pilates, aerobics and fitness keep the body in tone, but besides it there are other aspects that affect beauty. Inability to give yourself, stooped shoulders and a curved back, an ugly gait - all this nullifies impeccable makeup, a stylish onion and a radiant look. Mostly a spoiled posture and an incorrectly set step, they turn elegant ladies into walking men and shuffling old women. Contrary to the opinion that a woman by nature should walk beautifully on a hairpin, this is not laid down by nature. Such skills are not given to every representative of the fair sex, but even this can be learned if desired.

The basics of a beautiful gait


  1. The first thing you must start with is to create an impression of a relaxed, unreasonable, natural gait. In order for others to have the impression of such a harmonious image, it is necessary to work on some factors separately. A beautiful gait is primarily associated with exceptional posture, the art of holding the head, a flat back, synchronous movements of the hands, smooth turns of the case and comfortable shoes.
  2. Do not overdo it with a desire to keep your back evenly at all costs. Often in their desire to straighten, too much lift the shoulders. Or even worse, they take them back in such a way that they visually close. Remember, the most correct thing is to raise your shoulders up, straighten them to the sides, take them back and only return to its place, down.
  3. Pay special attention to the shoe selection process. Pay attention to the materials and quality of manufacturing you like the pair, its convenience for your foot and the usual load on your feet when walking. If you still can’t go to the stiletto heels, do not buy absolutely all the shoes on a flat sole - shoes without the slightest heel deform the foot and have a poor effect on the gait.
  4. Keep in mind if you have the correct posture - the chest is only slightly raised, the stomach is pulled, and the chin is slightly lifted. Visually, two triangles can be outlined relative to the head, shoulders and spine lying in the same vertical plane. At the same time, the neck and head should be strictly perpendicular to each other.
  5. To make a gait beautiful, mainly smooth and even, a straight spine and the correct ergonomics of the stop will help. Systematic care and heels helps to avoid not only flat feet, but also with clubfoot gait. In addition, it is also useful to maintain the tone of the calf and femoral muscle group from the point of view that this allows you to keep a figure in shape.
  6. Do not mislead yourself, believing that your gait is extremely graceful. Look at yourself from the side, there is definitely something to strive for. And learning to walk beautifully - just like doing your figure and posture - this is the main task not only for beauty, feminine sophistication and a spectacular image, but also for your health. All exercises for a beautiful gait are aimed at adjusting the physiological structure of the spine. Its correct bends should be deep and located in strict accordance with the muscles of the back, abdomen and shoulder girdle.
  7. Remember that your gait is truly irresistible, orient your gaze a little higher than the 2nd floor of the house within the visible horizon. Your chin should always be almost parallel to the floor or quite a bit raised. Control the angle of its inclination, do not raise your head too high - this gives your image a feeling of arrogance and pomp. At the same time, if the chin is too lowered, and the look is directed down, the impression of a sad, drooping facial expression is created.
  8. In order to determine the ideal posture to which it is necessary to strive, it is necessary to perform a number of simple manipulations. Fix the body in an even position, straighten and raise your shoulders as high as possible, then take them back and lower them in this position. Only after that you can see your correct posture and the order of its inconsistency at the moment. This will help to immediately determine the problem areas, including drawing up a schedule of exercises for posting posture and beautiful gait.
  9. Follow your gait when walking and do not tilt your head down to look at your feet. The lowered chin looks ugly and instinctively forces to stoop when walking. Look ahead and even from afar you can notice that you will need to get around the way.
  10. Remember, with the right gait, the first thing that should go ahead of you is the chest. In no case can it be a head, nose or chin. Your distinguishing feature is a bust, so bring it with dignity.

Fundamentals of a beautiful gait: high heel

  1. Undoubtedly, when a woman puts on a heel or a high stud, her image changes instantly and dramatically. Therefore, elegant lift shoes are indispensable for solemn events, business meetings, romantic evenings and just great days. Although, if you do not have the proper experience, you can also look like a cow on ice on the most beautiful stud in the world. All this comes from elementary inability to hold the back and the body evenly and, of course, to ease to balance in heels when walking. The elementary lessons of a beautiful gait will help get rid of the so -called motor disorders in unusual condition. Stand against the wall in a heeled shoes, which was chosen as a couple for the evening. Press her shoulders so that the spine becomes even as a straight line, and the shoulders are slightly allotted back. Fix this ideal situation for yourself and try to strive for it during the event.
  2. Another visual embarrassment that occurs in many women who do not know how to walk in heels is a clubfoot gait. It is necessary to tightly monitor the position of the socks when walking. They must definitely look apart, and not inside. It is easier to control this, starting from the knee. When you rearrange your leg, pay attention to the knee cup to look straight. When you put your leg, make sure that the heel always contacts the ground, and the sock only lifts slightly.
  3. Of course, there are much more advantages in the image of high heels compared to ordinary flat soles, but there is also another side of the coin. When you walk on a stiletto, each of your output is graceful and elegant. Your style is feminine, the figure is gorgeous, the stomach and the muscles of the buttocks are constantly in good shape and tightened, and the legs are slim and seem longer. But the good should also be a little.   If you do not alternate the load, then accumulating pressure on the lower back leads to negative consequences. Not only the spine and feet suffer, but also the calf muscles.

Exercises for a beautiful gait

Beaute Corporel et Soins

  1. Put your most beautiful high -heeled shoes and go to the wall without a protruding skirting board. Become close so that the back of the boat touches the wall, and level your back. Spread your shoulders by handing the chest forward, and slightly turning your shoulders back and to the sides. Fix the position and start moving forward along the visually shown straight line so that the heels become evenly, and the socks are slightly deployed in the outside. Repeat several times and do such an exercise for a week, or even a month.
  2. In order to adjust the gait, it is not enough just to walk in heels often, you also need to fight physiological disadvantages that can also be and should be corrected. For example, a little crooked legs are not a sentence at all.  With proper presentation, such a nuance can be almost invisible. Imagine or draw a straight line on the floor. Put on a hairpin or just a small heel and start to go. Go so that the whole foot from the toe to the heel is exactly on the line. Put your legs with socks and heels along the floor on the floor and try to keep your knees as smooth as possible. Repeat this exercise 2 to 3 times a day for a month, and you will feel a noticeable result.
  3. Recommendations for the location of the head and chin not only form a complete image of a graceful gait, but also contribute to the straightening of posture. Try to hold your head evenly, slightly raising your chin. For a landmark, take the line of earth and horizon. Direct your eyes a little higher than the horizontal axis, but hold your head parallel to the floor. Do not strain, trying to control everything at the same time. Relax, pull your stomach a little, do not strain your neck, back and shoulders. Your natural posture should be easy and relaxed, and not in a flat string, clamped from all sides. Free energy, liberate a little, but not too much, and forward with a light gait in heels.
  4. The exercise "Royal treasury" was created specifically for working on the state of calf muscles. To make it extremely easy and simple, and even if you are far from sports, this will not prevent you from fulfilling it productively. All you need is to scatter a trifle on the floor and collect it correctly. Tilt the body, leaning with one hand on the knee, with the other - raise the coins from the floor. It is important that the knees are not bent during the performance of this exercise.
  5. Exercise called "Royal Poster" speaks for itself. Performing it is also quite simple: press the buttocks, the back of the head, shoulders and ankles to the wall as much as possible, forming a straight line. In no case do not hold your breath, do not try to snap and raise your shoulders up. It will be very inconvenient for you, but it should be so. Then repeat the same thing, but already in heels. Now fix this position and begin to go in a straight line, maintaining balance.

Beautiful gait: video



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