
Does the essential oil of the tea tree from acne helps. Application of tea tree oil from acne on the face

Does the essential oil of the tea tree from acne helps. Application of tea tree oil from acne on the face
This article describes the beneficial properties of the tea tree oil, how to apply it correctly and which there are contraindications on its use. You will also find several recipes for the preparation of acne masks and tips on their use.

Again there were red spots on the face? The next cosmetics from inflammation did not help? Then try using a natural product, such as a tea tree essential oil. This tool will save you from such "troubles" on the skin.

This cosmetic product is a real rescue for a fatty skin of the face. Due to the activity of the sebaceous glands, the pores are clocked, which can lead to inflammation and glans. If you carry out regular cleaning of the face using oil concentrate, you can avoid them.

But for any other type of skin, the cosmetic means will help remove swelling and itching on the affected area and will contribute to his healing.

But so that the oil quickly affect the necessary to apply it correctly. This article will indicate you on the useful quality of the product, as it acts, which is there for him contraindications and how to add to masks, scrubs for skin cleaning; And also how to apply in pure form.

Useful acne oil oil properties

  • Gnove on the face can have a different cause of the disease. They arise due to fungus, the vital activity of harmful microorganisms and other pathogens. With such inflammation, the concentrated product is a universal means from the appearance of redness on the face. Since he removes inflammation, is an antiseptic and treats viruses.
  • In addition, the processing of problem places of tea tree oil will have a positive result, and also has a number of other unique properties.
  • This cosmetic product will help cure both numerous skin rashes and solitary. It will remove itching and redness on the skin, and also remove inflammation.
  • The oil has a wound healing effect and removes the consequences of extruded uluses. The application of the product in the wreck contributes to the rapid healing, which in turn contributes to the natural disappearance.
  • The tool can also be applied to insect bites, which are subsequently the cause of inflammation on the face. Oil extract will remove allergies on the bite and eliminate the consequences of it.
  • If in time to handle the use of abrasion on the face, then you will prevent infection and bacteria into it. What will save you from possible inflammation and wound on the face.
  • During applying a tea tree concentrate, skin cells do not lose their natural protection. This is the main advantage of the product in front of the rest of cosmetic oils.

How can tea tree oil on inflammation and acne

When using the means it is important to consider that its concentration is quite high. Therefore, to obtain the healing effect on the skin correctly use it. For this, it is important to know the principle of exposure to oil on acne:

  • Finding on the affected skin, the cosmetics immediately stops the development of pathogenic bacteria and viruses. This action prevents the further spread of inflammation. That is why it is important to use oil at the first signs of infection on the skin.
  • After applying, the concentrate purifies the affected pores and regulates the sewage of the sebaceous glands, preventing the large formation of the skin fat on the face.
  • When the inflamed site was disinfection, the cosmetic product removes the swelling around the uterus and reduces itching. As a result, the flaw on the skin becomes less noticeable.
  • The final stage of the action is the rejuvenation of skin cells. The oil stimulates the formation of new cells, which leads to a rapid tightening of the wound, prevents the formation of scars and traces after acne.
  • No need to be afraid that the concentrate will cause addictive to a row of skin viruses with bacteria. Therefore, tea tree oil apply from acne every time they appear.

Does the tea tree oil from acne helps?

To get a positive result from the use of the means, it is important to correctly apply it and take into account the following recommendations. Only when they are fulfilled, you can quickly remove the glands and other inflammations from the face.

  • First of all, carefully examine the composition of the product. For inflammation processing, apply only a quality product that has a 100% composition. A smaller percentage points to oil with an additional impurities.

  • Also carefully examine the shelf life of the means. It is categorically impossible to use an overdue product. Otherwise you can harm the skin and only aggravate the situation.
  • Prepare the skin before applying oil. Clean it from other cosmetics, apply tonic. Only when the skin becomes completely dry, proceed to the processing of acne.

  • Use cotton chopsticks or discs for point applying oil. As a last resort, the usual napkin, but not your fingers! Drip a little concentrate on the mob.

  • Use the tea tree oil only at the place of inflammation, as shown in the photo. Try not to use the product in concentrated form on healthy areas of leather. It is not removed after the procedure, but leave until complete drying.

  • Use the tool is needed not only to a new pimple, but also after the formation of the wound. With the help of tea tree oil, stains from uluses go and accelerates healing.

How can I apply from acne tea tree oil

If you think that the use of the product in concentrated form is very aggressive and too strong to eliminate acne, then apply it in a diluted form. Add oil in a small amount into ready-made cosmetics. So the product will be carefully operated on leather reddening.

Natural mixture to eliminate inflammation from acne with tea tree oil

  • Aloe will soften the effect of concentrated tea tree oil. The leaves of the plant are crushing into the kashitz, add a couple of drops of the tools and take it well. This mixture should be smeared only to the place of inflammation. After using the domestic residues, store not more than 3 days in the refrigerator.

  • As the basis for a caring means, instead of the pulp of Aloe, use natural honey. It is also known for its anti-inflammatory effect with wound-healing quality. Put a small amount of its quantity in a jar or a box from under the cream, add concentrated oil and mix well components with each other. Apply it only to the place of the gland.

  • Such natural masks of simple components and concentrate of tea tree will also help to remove stains after inflammation. Apply the mixture only for acne until their effects disappear.

Face mask with tea tree oil from acne

  • Cosmetic product can be used in any mask depending on your skin type. Drip oil in a mask, mix and use for your face familiar to you. Then rinse after the specified time.

  • If you like to apply cosmetic clay as a face mask, it can be supplemented with an extract of tea tree as an oil. But add it only after clay dilution with water or green tea. Use the mask to the pre-purified face, wait until the clamp gets up, then wash.

  • For refreshing and nutritious masks, use a tomato. Half vegetable grind and overload in a blender. To the puree, pour the jojoba oil - 1 tsp. And the tea tree concentrate is 5 drops, breathe well. Apply a mixture into umnuts with patting movements. Let it affect about 10 minutes, then blocked the woven disk, come up. Towel to dry the face and spread the skin with a nutrient cream.

  • Such an acidiform product like yogurt you can also apply as a basis for a mask. Take 50 ml of fermented milk product, add to it up to 12 drops of oil, mix. Apply the mixture to the entire face on massage lines and leave for about 15 minutes. Do not fully dry the means. Wash out the mask only with warm water. Such a mixture will be tonic and nutrient action on skin cells, as well as remove redness.

Homemade scrub with tea tree oil from acne and guns

To remove acne on the face. Many girls use homemade scrubs. Ingredients for it will be found in any kitchen.

  • In a separate container, pour 100 gr. Sugar sand, pour 50 gr. Olive oil, 1 tsp. Any honey and 7-15 drops of a concentrated product. The volume of tea tree oil is adjustable depending on the size of inflammation and the number of glasses.

  • Clean the face from the remains of cosmetics and other contaminants. For 5 minutes, rub the home scrub into the skin. Do it with circular movements, but at the same time do not press the face. Additionally, the scrub does not need to be left on the face, so immediately wash it out. Next you can apply a mask or moisturizer.

  • This scraper is suitable for small redness on the face. But it cannot be used by the owners of a sensitive skin type and with allergies to the components of the means.
  • Store the remains in the refrigerator until the next procedure. The essential oil of tea tree and honey are natural preservatives, so you can prepare such a scrub at once to several procedures.

How else is tea tree oil you can remove acne

This cosmetic product can be applied not only in masks and scrubs. The natural agent can be used as an additional ingredient in facial skin care products.

  • A small amount of essential oil pour into a gel for skin cleansing. But do not use it daily, add to care-cosmetics when pimples on the face occurs. The amount of concentrate can be any, depending on the size and volume of inflammation. Carefully use the gel so that he does not get into the eyes.

  • Most girls prefer to break the face in front of cosmetic procedures. To remove small wounds and guns on the face, add 5-6 drops of tea tree oil to boiling water.

  • For those who like to wash their own manufacturers of their own manufacture and want to get rid of inflammation, add a concentrated tool to a soap-based basis. So you will get careful care of the affected skin.

Tea tree oil - photo result of acne

To obtain the desired effect from the use of the product, it is necessary to clearly execute the recommendations and continue the procedures until full of deliverance on the face of the face. At the same time, do not forget about preventive measures using the essential agent.

Many girls celebrate a positive result during the use of tea tree oil in the fight against glasses and from spots after their extrusion. They share their visual reviews with you.

Who can not use tea tree oil and safe application measures

  • If you decide to use this concentrate for cosmetic purposes, then buy a quality product in the pharmacy or from proven sellers. Most less, which will lead to the use of fakes - the absence of treatment. But it is not necessary to eliminate the negative impact of the means that can harm health.
  • First of all, perform an allergic product trial. To do this, drip the means to the inner bending of the elbow, wait 20 minutes and carefully inspect the skin. If there is no irritation and raw on it, boldly apply a concentrate for face care masks. Even if you are not allergic, but you have a sensitive skin type, this procedure is mandatory.
  • Cosmetic product - very concentrated acne remedy. Apply it in pure form only to the inflammation area. Burns may appear on healthy skin. For processing a large amount of lesions of the skin, add it to a mask or means for washing.
  • Apply the oil carefully to eliminate it to enter the mucous membranes of the face and especially eyes. It can cause irritation and edema.
  • Although the product is very useful for the skin, it is toxic to receive inside.
  • Do not apply a cosmetic to burn and immediately after tanning, as well as on dry skin type with peeling.
  • It is also categorically not recommended to use oil, before going to the street, especially in sunny weather. The evening is the ideal time for cosmetic procedures.

To remove inflammation, like a rash on your face, use the tea tree oil. But to achieve a positive result, apply it correctly. To do this, take advantage of the proposed advice and spend cosmetic procedures regularly. Only then you will not have a trace of acne!

More clearly about how to properly use the product in the form of a mask of cosmetic clay look at the video:

Here's another use of essential oils as a tonic to clean your face:


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