
Does the essential oil of tea tree helps. The use of tea tree oil from acne on the face

Does the essential oil of tea tree helps. The use of tea tree oil from acne on the face
This article describes the beneficial properties of tea tree oil, how to apply it correctly and what contraindications exist for its use. You will also find several recipes for making acne masks and advice on their use.

Red spots on the face appeared again? The next cosmetic product from inflammation did not help? Then try to use a natural product, such as tea tree essential oil. This tool will save you from such "troubles" on the skin.

This cosmetic product is a real salvation for oily skin type. Due to the activity of the sebaceous glands, pores are clogging, which can lead to inflammation and abscesses. If you carry out regular cleaning of the face using an oil concentrate, then you can avoid them.

But for any other skin type, the cosmetic product will help relieve swelling and itching in the affected area and will contribute to its healing.

But in order for the oil to quickly act, it is necessary to apply it correctly. This article will indicate to you the beneficial qualities of the product, how it acts, what contraindications are for it and how to add to masks, scrubs for skin cleaning; And also how to apply in a pure form.

Useful properties of tea tree oil from acne

  • Pupils on the face can have a different cause of the disease. They arise due to the fungus, the life of harmful microorganisms and other pathogens. With such inflammations, a concentrated product is a universal means from the appearance of redness on the face. Since it removes inflammation, it is an antiseptic and treats from viruses.
  • In addition, the treatment of problem areas with tea tree oil will have a positive result, and also has a number of other unique properties.
  • This cosmetic product will help cure both numerous rashes on the skin and single. It will remove itching and redness on the skin, and also relieve inflammation.
  • The oil has a wound healing effect and removes the consequences of squeezed abscesses. The application of the product to the wound promotes rapid healing, which in turn contributes to their natural disappearance.
  • The tool can also be applied to insect bites, which are subsequently the cause of inflammation on the face. Oil extract will relieve an allergy to a bite and eliminate the consequences of it.
  • If you treat an abrasion on the face in time in time, then you will prevent infection and bacteria into it. What will protect you from possible inflammations and wounds on the face.
  • During the application of a tea tree concentrate, skin cells do not lose their natural protection. This is the main advantage of the product before other cosmetic oils.

How does tea tree oil work for inflammation and acne

When using the product, it is important to take into account that its concentration is quite high. Therefore, to obtain the therapeutic effect on the skin, use it correctly. To do this, it is important to know the principle of oil exposure on acne:

  • Once on the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, the cosmetic agent immediately stops the development of pathogenic bacteria and viruses. This action prevents the further spread of inflammation. That is why it is important to use oil at the first signs of infection on the skin.
  • After application, the concentrate cleanses the affected pores and regulates the secretions of the sebaceous glands, preventing the large formation of skin fat on the face.
  • When the inflamed area passed disinfection, the cosmetic product relieves swelling around the abscess and reduces itching. As a result, the defect on the skin becomes less noticeable.
  • The final stage of the product is the rejuvenation of skin cells. Oil stimulates the formation of new cells, which leads to rapid delaying the wound, prevents the formation of scars and traces after acne.
  • There is no need to be afraid that the concentrate will cause a number of skin viruses with bacteria. Therefore, use tea tree oil from acne every time they appear.

Does tea tree oil help from acne?

To get a positive result from the use of the product, it is important to correctly apply it and take into account the following recommendations. Only when they are performed, you can quickly remove the abscesses and other inflammations from your face.

  • First of all, carefully study the composition of the product. For processing inflammations, apply only a quality product that has 100% composition. A smaller percentage indicates oil with the content of additional impurities.

  • Also carefully study the expiration date of the fund. The expired product cannot be used categorically. Otherwise, you can harm the skin and only aggravate the situation.
  • Before applying oil, prepare the skin. Clean it from other cosmetics, apply a tonic. Only when the skin becomes completely dry, proceed with acne processing.

  • For point application of oil, use cotton sticks or discs. In extreme cases, an ordinary napkin, but not fingers! Drop a little concentrate on a cotton wool.

  • Use tea tree oil only at the site of inflammation, as shown in the photo. Try not to use the product in concentrated form in healthy skin. It is not removed after the procedure, but left until completely dry.

  • It is necessary to use the product not only on a new pimple, but also after the formation of a wound. With the help of tea tree oil, spots from abscesses go and healing accelerates.

How can you use tea tree oil from acne

If you think that the use of the product in concentrated form is very aggressive and too strong to eliminate acne, then apply it in diluted form. Add oil in a small amount to ready -made cosmetics. So the product of the product will carefully act on redness of the skin.

Natural mixture to eliminate inflammation from acne with tea tree oil

  • Aloe will soften the effect of concentrated tea tree oil. Grind the leaves of the plant into the gruel, add a couple of drops of the product and beat it well. This mixture should be smeared only in place of inflammation. After use, store the remaining home remedies in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

  • As a basis for a caring, instead of a pulp of aloe, use natural honey. It is also known for its anti -inflammatory effect with wound healing quality. Transfer a small amount of it into a jar or cream box, add concentrated oil and mix the components well with each other. Apply it only to the place of the abscess.

  • Such natural masks from simple components and a tea tree concentrate will also help remove stains after inflammation. Apply the mixture only to acne until their consequences are completely disappeared.

Face mask with tea tree oil from acne

  • A cosmetic product can be used in any mask depending on your skin type. Drill the oil into the mask, mix and use for the face the usual way for you. Then rinse through the specified time.

  • If you like to use cosmetic clay as a face mask, then it can be supplemented with tea tree extract in the form of oil. But add it only after breeding clay with water or green tea. Use the mask on a previously cleaned face, wait until the clay dries, then rinse.

  • For a refreshing and nutrient mask, use a tomato. Grind half the vegetable and cross in a blender. Pour a jojoba to mashed potatoes - 1 tsp. And the concentrate of tea tree - 5 drops, knead well. Apply the mixture to the abscesses with pathetic movements. Let her act for about 10 minutes, then get wet with a cotton pad, wash. Dry your face with a towel and smear the skin with a nourishing cream.

  • You can also apply such a sour -milk product as yogurt as the basis for the mask. Take 50 ml of sour -milk product, add up to 12 drops of oil to it, mix. Apply the mixture to the whole face along the massage lines and leave to act for about 15 minutes. Do not allow complete drying out the means. Rinse the mask with only warm water. Such a mixture will have a tonic and nutritious effect on the skin cells, and also relieve redness.

Home scrub with tea tree oil from acne and pustules

To remove acne on the face, many girls use home -made scrubs. The ingredients for him will be found in any kitchen.

  • Pour 100 g into a separate container. sugar, pour 50 g. olive oil, 1 tsp. Any honey and 7-15 drops of a concentrated product. Adjust the volume of tea tree oil depending on the size of inflammation and the number of abscesses.

  • Clean your face from the remnants of cosmetics and other contaminants. For 5 minutes, rub the home scrub into the skin. Make it in a circular movement, but do not press much on your face. Additionally, the scrub does not need to be left on the face, so rinse it right away. Next, you can apply a mask or moisturizer.

  • This composition of the scrub is suitable only for small redness on the face. But it cannot be used by owners of sensitive skin type and when allergies to the components of the product.
  • Store the remains of the scrub in the refrigerator until the next procedure. Tea tree essential oil and honey are natural preservatives, so you can cook such a scrub for several procedures at once.

How else can you remove acne oil

This cosmetic product can be used not only in masks and scrubs. A natural remedy can be used as an additional ingredient in facial skin care products.

  • Pour a small amount of essential oil into the gel to cleanse the skin. But do not use it daily, add to career cosmetics when pimples occur on your face. The amount of concentrate can be any, depending on the size and volume of inflammation. Gently use the gel so that it does not get into the eyes.

  • Most girls prefer to steam their face before cosmetic procedures. To remove small wounds and pustules on the face, add 5-6 drops of tea tree oil to boiling water.

  • For those who like to wash their own manufacturing soap and want to get rid of inflammation, add a concentrated tool to soapy basis. So you will get careful care for the affected areas of the skin.

Tea tree oil - photo of the result of use from acne

To obtain the desired effect of using the product, it is necessary to clearly follow the specified recommendations and continue the procedures until the face is completely eliminated. At the same time, do not forget about preventive measures using the etheric agent.

Many girls note a positive result during the use of tea tree oil in the fight against abscesses and from stains after squeezing them. With their visual reviews, they share with you. 

Who should not use tea tree oil and safe application measures

  • If you decide to use this concentrate for cosmetic purposes, then buy a quality product in a pharmacy or from trusted sellers. The smaller thing that will lead to the use of fake is the lack of treatment. But do not exclude the negative influence of a tool that can cause harm to health.
  • First of all, conduct an allergic test for the product. To do this, drop the product on the inner bend of the elbow, wait 20 minutes and carefully examine the skin. If it does not have irritation and rash, feel free to use a concentrate for face care masks. Even if you are not an allergic, but you have a sensitive skin type, this procedure is mandatory.
  • A cosmetic product is a very concentrated acne agent. Apply it in its purest form only to the area of \u200b\u200binflammation. Burns may appear on healthy skin. To treat a large amount of skin lesions, add it to masks or washing products.
  • Apply the oil carefully to exclude its ingress on the mucous membranes of the face and especially the eyes. It can cause irritation and swelling of the eyelids.
  • Although the product is very useful for the skin, it is toxic for receiving inside.
  • Do not apply a cosmetic product to burns and immediately after tanning, as well as a dry type of skin with peeling.
  • It is also strictly not recommended to use oil before going outside during the day, especially in sunny weather. The evening is the perfect time for cosmetic procedures.

To remove inflammation, like a rash on your face, use tea tree oil. But to achieve a positive result, apply it correctly. To do this, use the proposed tips and carry out cosmetic procedures regularly. Only then you will not have a trace of acne!

It is more clearly about how to properly use this product in the form of a masmeic clay mask. Watch the video:

And here is another use of essential oil in the form of a tonic for facial cleaning:



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