
How to strengthen nails at home

How to strengthen nails at home
Simple methods of strengthening nails at home will help you keep health and attract your hands for many years.

Healthy and strong nails are an important component of female beauty. If your nails leave and break, they can be strengthened at home, using folk recipes or advice of professional cosmetology.

How to strengthen your nails: what nails go and break

Before you start strengthening the nails, you need to understand the causes of problems with them:

  1. Household detergents and powders can disrupt the protective function of the nails.
  2. Acetone, contained in a liquid for removing varnish, cuts the nail plate. The lack of moisturgen's nails lose natural flexibility.
  3. Nail damage in mechanical exposure.
  4. With a long stay in the water, the nails are sprinkled with excessive moisture and become fragile.
  5. The water and air temperature changes also violate the defense of the nail and provoke their damage, in addition, dry and dehydrated becomes cuticle.
  6. Unbalanced nutrition can cause poor nail state. Nails suffer when the body lacks vitamins A, E, D and minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron.
  7. Smoking, in addition to the overall poisoning effect on the body, can destroy the nail plate, provoke its deformation and darkening.
  8. Sometimes the root causes of nail problems are diseases of the thyroid gland, violation of the hormonal background of women, diabetes, strong stress, fungal disease or long-term reception of drugs.

How to strengthen your nails: how to prevent nail stratification and lone

  1. When working with household chemicals, always wear protective rubber gloves.
  2. Do not wash your hands too hot or too cold water, as well as after washing dry, wipe your hands with a towel.
  3. Do not forget to wear gloves from natural materials, going out into the street in cold weather.
  4. Prefer the lacquer remover without acetone.
  5. Regularly use therapeutic reinforcement products for nails.
  6. Before applying varnish, use protective coatings.
  7. Follow balanced nutrition. Try to drink more clean water.
  8. Take vitamin complexes.
  9. Moisturize the skin and nails every day.
  10. Use masks and baths from natural ingredients.
  11. Make small breaks between extension procedures so that the nails have time to recover.

How to strengthen your nails: manicure secrets


Damage to the nail during a manicure can cause its brittleness or stratification. To avoid damage:

  1. Squeeze only dry nails.
  2. Do not use scissors or plugs for processing the free edge of the nail. Use a properly selected file: glass and ceramic sawmills are less injured by a thin nail than metallic.
  3. Squeeze nail from the edges to the center.
  4. Try to give up the edged manicure in favor of the unedged.
  5. Moisturize and fueled the cuticle and nails with oils and creams.

How to strengthen your nails if they walk


How to strengthen nails with nails

The nail polishing of the biovoyk is very popular, both among the visitor of the beauty salons and among those women who prefer to take care of the beauty of their nails at home. This drug has a wonderful property to strengthen and restore damaged nails, to give them an attractive appearance.

The biowos is created on the basis of natural beeswax and may have in its composition minerals, propolis, beta-carotene, resins and various vitamins.

Boyfly action:

  1. Restoration and strengthening of nails prone to resolving.
  2. Power and softening the cuticle.
  3. Anti-inflammatory action.
  4. Bactericidal action.
  5. Preservation of moisture inside the nail.
  6. Protection of nail and cuticles from exposure to external factors.
  7. Restoration of nails after the extension procedure.

How to polish the biovosk at home:

  1. Wrap wax in the nail and cuticle.
  2. Polish the nail to the most soft polishing pail for a few minutes. Special attention when polishing, pay the free edge of the nail, because it can begin to settle it.
  3. After polishing, apply nutrient oil on the cuticle - avocado, apricot bone or olive.
  4. It is recommended for some time after polishing the biovosk not to cover nails with varnish to give useful substances to affect the nail plate.
  5. The procedure can be repeated 1-2 times a week as needed.

How to strengthen nails gel


Gel varnish was created on the basis of ordinary varnish and special resins, with the addition of different nutrients. Gel lacquer has a lot of advantages over the usual nail polish:

  1. Gel varnish strengthens the nails and prevents them out.
  2. Protects from mechanical damage.
  3. Proteins that are part of the gel varnish give nail additional food.
  4. Eliminates the irregularities of the nail plate.
  5. Colored gel varnish chipping and keeps the shine for 2-3 weeks.

Apply a firming gel polish as usual varnish. The difference is that the gel varnish is dried under a special UV lamp. This coating can be either a master or at home by purchasing materials in a specialty store.

How to apply the gel varnish at home:

  1. Treat the free edge of the nail, giving it the desired shape.
  2. Remove the top layer of the nail plate keratin special grinding. Be careful to avoid the deep nail damage.
  3. Treat the nails with a degreasing solution or alcohol. It is necessary that the lacquer keeps well on the nails and did not give up.
  4. Apply the basic coating and let it dry under the UV lamp for about 10 seconds.
  5. Apply the color layer of gel varnish and also dry under UV lamp for 2 minutes.
  6. The final coating is withstanding under the UV lamp for about a minute.

After applying the gel varnish, you can be sure that the nails are securely protected, strengthened and look great.

How to strengthen nails with cream


Special creams are suitable for daily nail care. In addition to vitamins and minerals, collagen, panthenol, keratin, marine algae extracts and other elements can be included in the creams. Creams are easy to use and are quite effective when regular use. Applied to the clean surface of the nail and rubbed until complete absorption. Cream for strengthening nails can be applied and left to influence the night, putting thin cotton gloves.

How to strengthen the nails with therapeutic varnishes


In pharmacies and specialized stores, you can pick up nail polishes. On the nails, such a varnish will not differ from the usual colorless. The composition of therapeutic varnishes includes vitamins and minerals penetrating to nail and strengthening its structure from the inside. Therapeutic varnishes will also help protect the nail from external influence, align the nail surface and make it more durable. The tool can be applied as the main coating or base under varnish.

Folk remedies for strengthening nails on hands


Vintage folk recipes for nail strengthening on the basis of natural components are available to every woman. Preparation of such compositions will take you a little time, and the result from their use will not wait a long time. Choose a suitable recipe with the individual tolerance of its components.

Masks to strengthen nails

  • For a few minutes, massage the nails lemon zest. Then wash your hands with cool water and apply the nutrient cream. Lemon juice will help whiten the nails and make them stronger.

Please note that due to the high activity of pure lemon juice, it is possible to use a strengthening agent with its application no more than 1 time per week.

  • Melt natural beeswax on the water bath. Lower your fingers into the mixture for a few seconds, and then plunge them into the bowl with cold water. Wax will freeze on your nails. Put the cotton gloves and leave a means for exposure to the whole night. Bee wax treats the nail plate, nourishes and restores damage.
  • Mix in equal proportions honey and lemon juice and apply the resulting mask to the nails. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. Your nails are full of nutritional elements and become more elastic.
  • Take the same amount of honey, cocoa butter and coconut oil, wrap the resulting composition in the nails and leave for exposure for 15 minutes. Removes remove the napkin.
  • In 1 tbsp. l. Sea salt add one drop of essential oils and a little water. To strengthen the nails, essential oils of lemon, Ilang-Ilanga, Bergamot, Rosemary, Eucalyptus are suitable. Gently rub the salt into the nails. Such a procedure can be repeated several times a week.
  • Apply olive oil on your nails and give it to absorb. Olive oil will help you to cope with the problem of smears of nails and dry the cuticle.
  • Wake up 2 egg yolks with 1 tbsp. l. Honey, then pour 4 tbsp. Spoons of heated milk. Apply a mask on the nails and after 10-15 minutes, rinse with water.
  • To prepare the composition of the oils, take 30 ml of therapy and 20 drops of lemon and rosemary essential oils, mix up to a uniform distribution. Keep the resulting composition of oils in a dark dry room. Several times a week lubricate the nails with a mixture of oils. Such a composition with regular use restores damaged nails, improves their color and prevents re-damage.

Baths to strengthen nails

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The positive effect of the bath in strengthening the nails is achieved when the procedure is repeated several times a week.

  • In 500 ml of warm water dissolve 1 tbsp. l. Sea salt. The total duration of the bath is 10 minutes. Nails will noticeably strengthen if you hold the course of the bath for 10 days.

The main component of the reinforcing baths for nails most often becomes the seaside salt. You can combine the ingredients and create your own recipes by adding your favorite essential oils or liquid vitamins to the saline.

  • Mix 3 st. l. Slightly heated honey (in a water bath) and the same amount of olive oil. To the resulting mixture add a whipped egg fork. Hand keep in such a bath 10-15 minutes.
  • Dissolve ½ tbsp. l. Gelatin in a glass of warm water. When the solution is slightly cool, lower your fingers for 15 minutes. Collagen, which is part of gelatin, perfectly strengthens the nails, and microelements (iron, magnesium, sodium, potassium and phosphorus) contribute to the acceleration of their growth.

How to strengthen nails iodine



With the competent application, iodine is able to save you from the problems of fragility and separation. But in the use of this drug it is worth observing some precaution. The fact is that iodine in pure form contains about 96% of medical alcohol. And alcohol, as is known, overcourses the nail and can aggravate his condition and even strengthen the stratification.

  1. It is not recommended to often apply a pure iodine solution to the surface of the nails. Turn on the drug into the bath and masks. Thus, you will get all the useful substances and harm your nails.
  2. To avoid staining the nail in yellow, do not exceed the amount of iodine in masks and baths. In the event that your nails still have purchased unwanted color, remove the remains of iodine using the lemon slicing.

Strengthening nails by iodine masks

  1. In the evening it is necessary to apply a solution of iodine on the nails with a thin layer. During the night, Iodine is fully absorbed. This method cannot be used more often than 1 time per month, due to the fact that the outer solution of alcohol.
  2. Heat 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. Add 3 drops of iodine solution and 4 drops of lemon juice. Then this mixture apply to your nails for 15 minutes. Remains flush with a napkin.

Strengthening nails by iodine baths

  1. Dissolve 1 tbsp. Salt spoon in 200 ml of warm water, add 5 drops of iodine there. Lower the fingers into the prepared solution for 15-20 minutes. This time is enough for nails to get the necessary trace elements.
  2. To 150 ml of warm water add the same amount of orange juice (better than freshly squeezed), add 2 h. Sea salts and 4 drops of iodine. Dip your fingers into the solution for 15-20 minutes.

How to strengthen your nails. Video


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