
How to become a bitch

How to become a bitch
What is the success of the bitch? What rules do she adhere to in life? What does a woman need to know to become a real bitch?

For some, the word “bitch” sounds like an insult, for others as praise. But no matter how the society relate to such women, everyone knows that the bitch is successful both in work and in relations with men. And even the most modest woman deep down dreams of being a real bitch.

Who is called a bitch?

Women with a selfish character, cynical and despising generally accepted conventions were always called bitch. These ladies came against the general opinion and established traditions. Insults and reproaches from women flew in their backs, and men tried to bypass such ladies. It seemed that the bitch would remain the outcasts of society. But this did not happen. The bitch have transformed and today began to cause admiration and envy. Now it is prestigious to be one of them and the word “bitch” is already associated with success.

The popularity of women are growing. Their behavior is studied, calling the theory of bitch. Books about these women are literally sweeping off the shelves of stores. Films beat records for the number of views.  The main characters are imitated, copying their behavior. For example, Miranda Prostli is the editor -in -chief of the fashionable glossy magazine from the film “The Devil wears Prada”. Confident, purposeful, owning his emotions, a successful woman. She can solve any problems. At the same time, Miranda is a caring mother, a wise mentor. Her appearance is always spectacular and impeccable.


Thanks to their character, the bitch really achieve great success in the professional sphere. In the world of men and big business, they feel like fish in water. Great leaders are obtained from the bitch.

How to become a bitch in the profession?

The bitchy character helps women to move along the career ladder faster than others. Not every man can achieve the same success at work. So, to become a bitch in your profession, remember some tips.

The working qualities of the bitch

  • The bitch is never stupid. Therefore, you always need to study and raise your professional level. Attend additional advanced training courses, go to expert meetings, start new successful friends of the same profession as yours.
  • The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad. Even if you are completely satisfied with your position, you should still strive to climb up the career ladder. Determine the goal for yourself and follow it. Show the authorities your skills and abilities, which are needed for the position higher than the one you occupy.
  • Initiative and creativity. Basically, people live in an 8-hour working day, technically perform tasks entrusted to them and do not think about how to change something around. Such gray everyday life is not for bitch! You should always be active and full of new ideas. After some time, colleagues will get used to that you are leading a team and are able to take responsibility. Therefore, when choosing a new head of the department, no one will have doubts, and you will be a candidate number one.

Portrait of a Female Executive

  • To become a bitch, you must always achieve what you want. Never give up the goals. Solve problems, overcoming even the most incredible difficulties. Believe me, when you come to the result, the feeling of victory will be stronger than fatigue and doubt.
  • In addition to professional activity, you must have hobbies or hobbies. This will make a person more interesting and versatile, and also opens up new opportunities in life.

How to become a bitch: communication strategy

Relations with colleagues and superiors at work, perhaps, is one of the most difficult tasks. And all because emotions that often control women enter the game here. It is because of them that many ladies cannot successfully move along the career ladder. The bitch, unlike such women, know how to control themselves and always look worthy in the most stressful situation.

  • Learn to manage your emotions. To do this, it is enough to do auto -training or yoga. Remember a few exercises and use them when you feel the state of panic or hysteria. First of all, breathe calmly and deeply. At the most difficult moment of emotional stress, try to speak slowly, confidently and calmly.
  • Do not conflict in vain. Try to avoid constant conflicts. Do not give in to the provocations of colleagues who cannot live without a scandal. If you were drawn into the dispute, behave with dignity and remember what the scandal lasts longer, the more it gets out of control.


  • To become a bitch, forget about the conflict immediately after its completion. Do not scroll through the situation in the head for a few more days, thinking about it. Make conclusions immediately after the conflict, cross and move on.
  • You should always have your own reasonable point of view. If you are confident in her, then be ready to defend her. Do not give in the influence of other people. A bitch is an independent person.
  • Do not take part in gossip, be above this. Gossip - the destiny of weak women. And do not think about what evil languages \u200b\u200babout you. By the way, men respect women who despise gossip and intrigues.
  • To become a bitch-leader, you must always seek the maximum return at work from your employees. Demand and encourage. If you only demand and put pressure on people, you are unlikely to deserve respect. If you only praise, then you risk destroying discipline. It is very important to be able to balance in the golden middle of these relations. Strict, but fairly respected in every team.
  • The bitch gets rid of its competitors easily and competently. It is not necessary to weave superfluous and vile intrigues. It is enough to study the enemy, understand his weaknesses and give a task that will show the failure of the competitor.

How to become a bitch: manners

To become a bitch, you need to raise the right manners in yourself. The general impression of you depends on them. The ability to keep themselves and the features of behavior are manifested in the first minutes of communication. And if they make a negative impression, then the degree of trust in a person is rapidly reduced. There are cases when an excellent professional did not receive an increase in service only because of his bad manners. The behavior of the bitch is the behavior of a lady from high society.

  • The bitch should be able to move gracefully, and not rush along the office corridors as crazy. Walk confidently with your head raised and straight back. Sit on chairs evenly.
  • Follow the speech. It should be competent and logical. Get rid of parasitic words. Do not scream and mumble something under your breath. Read more. Your speech should impress an educated and smart person.
  • Do not joke about religion, sex and politics. Do not try to attract attention to yourself with jokes or cheap phrases.
  • Know how to listen to the interlocutors. Do not interrupt to insert your comment. Show interest in other people.


  • Never be late for meetings. If this happens for objective reasons, then be sure to call and warn you delay. Do not forget to ask for forgiveness.
  • Do not complain about your problems. A real bitch is a strong person who does not like to talk about failures and failures.
  • Study the rules of etiquette. Read special literature and attend various courses. The knowledge gained will help you look worthy at official receptions and in restaurants.
  • Be restrained and welcoming in communication. Learn not to show a negative attitude towards business partners, especially when you need to work with them. If you have no obligations towards them, then politely apologize, referring to employment and leave. The bitch do not spend their precious time on unnecessary and stupid people.

How to become a bitch: the appearance of the bitch at work

If you want to become a real bitch, then remember that its appearance is a majority of success. There are no sloppy, unmarried and unexpected bitch. A strong woman is an example of an impeccable sense of style and taste. The bitch may not be a stunning beauty, but it always looks perfect and has charisma. So, if you decide to become a real bitch, then follow the following rules:

  • The bitch always monitors new fashion trends. Buy glossy magazines, visit mods. If there is no time for this, then find yourself a good stylist who will take care of your image.
  • At work, try to look better than others. It is on the bitch that other fashionistas are guided by in the team. Constantly update the wardrobe.
  • It is not necessary to wear only expensive brands. You can sew it to order by saving money, but at the same time getting an exclusive thing. But the accessories, thanks to which the image is created, should be known brands. Pay special attention to the bag.
  • Do not wear a lot of gold and jewelry - this is a bad tone. Be restrained in this matter. Not the quantity, but quality matters.
  • Forget about rhinestones, short skirts, clothes from the flea market. At work, dresses, costumes, blouses and skirts are acceptable.


  • Be sure to wear heeled shoes. You should always be on top. Leave the ballet shoes for walking on a day off.
  • Visit beauty salons. The presence of manicure, pedicure, well -groomed skin and body skin and body are not even discussed.
  • Buy a real perfume, which, like an expensive exquisite clothing, will envelop you and complete the image of a lady from high society.
  • And do not forget about sports in order to always be in great shape.

How to become a bitch for a man?

In relations with men, bitch never play the role of the victim. Such women always remain a mystery to the stronger sex and this attract attention. Only a weak and uncertain man is afraid of a bitch. The most daring, risky and courageous are ready to conquer her heart. To win a bitch is to get a jack. But not everyone can hold the prize. If a man has once met a woman, then he will remember this until the end of his days.

How to become a bitch: seduction of men

Why do men love the bitch? This question is asked by many ladies, without even realizing that the bitch skillfully own the skill of seduction. Neglecting such knowledge, women are not able to captivate a man. To solve the problem, you need to become a real bitch.

  • She never looks away when communicating with men. He looks straight into their eyes boldly and calmly, while smiling slightly.
  • The bitch always feels when men like. Choosing one of them, she begins to hunt. But this does not mean that you must arrange a telephone terror to the chosen one or go on the offensive using signs of attention. Be patient and restrained.
  • The bitch makes it clear to the man that he is interesting to her, but at the same time she does not run to him at the first call. She never agrees immediately to the meeting, but asks for time to think, warming the man’s interest even more.


  • The bitch knows how to keep the man at a distance. He feels she likes, but sees that she is in no hurry to belong to him. The desire to possess such a prize deprives a man of peace.
  • The bitch does not fall to the techniques of a cheap flirt - wink, a close languid look, jokes about sex. She is above all. Enough a fleeting gaze, a barely noticeable smile or light movement of the hand to fix the strand of hair.
  • Wanting to attract the attention of a man, the bitch will not wear a short skirt or blouse with a breathtaking neckline. Her choice is a dress that emphasizes the figure, a translucent blouse, a fitting skirt with a cut with a cut. This will be enough for a man to want to see more.

How to become a bitch: a date

In communication with the men of the bitch, it looks like a predator, who understands why she needs prey, evaluates the distance to the victim, makes several accurate movements and with his teeth no longer let it out. She refuses a man only when she understands that she does not need him. Therefore, a date is part of the plan. And if you decide to become a bitch, you should know about the following:

  • On the date of the bitch, it will not be incessantly to talk about his female affairs or, wanting to like the partner to talk about football, politics, and cars. She will have a calm conversation about travel, vivid impressions, music. Also, a bitch with genuine attention will listen to a man, drawing conclusions about him for himself.
  • To become a bitch, remember that she does not tell a man about her past relationships. He will not open the soul and complain about failures in love, causing pity. Everything that was in her life before this meeting will remain a mystery to the man forever.

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  • On a date, the bitch does not eat much and is not fond of alcohol. Everything is restrained and cultural.
  • The bitch will never agree to go to the man after the first and even second date. This woman is not easily accessible.
  • The day after the meeting, the woman will not call the man first. She has the strength and patience to wait until he does it himself.
  • When the bitch already has a relationship with a man, she will not limit his freedom. This wise woman understands that for a man the sensation of a loop on her neck is simply unbearable.
  • If you want to become a bitch, then do not arrange scandals to your man, do not read messages on his phone, do not follow the chosen one. If there are doubts about the fidelity of the man, the bitch speaks directly with him, making it clear that he will not endure such an attitude and is ready to leave.
  • It never shows all the emotions and resentment that appear in the bitch during an unsuccessful relationship with a man. Tears in the pillow at night, a confident smiling face in the afternoon. For others, she is a bitch.

How to become a bitch: sex

Even if you do not want to conquer the world or make a career like many bitch, in bed you are simply obliged to know and be able to do everything that the bitchy woman owns. Otherwise, over time, your intimate relationship with men will become boring and extremely rare. Therefore, in bed, every woman should become a bitch.

  • The bitch likes itself and does not shy of his body. She knows that the main thing is the art of love.
  • The bitch always wears beautiful and sexy linen. It should not be vulgar, but exquisite.
  • The bitch is interested in the sexual side of life - reads literature, studies oriental practices. As a rule, these are good lovers.
  • Nothing romantic bitch is alien. She appreciates candles in the sleeping, rose petals in the bathroom, a hot kiss on the seashore.
  • The bitch perfectly knows his body and male features. This helps her get the maximum of vivid impressions of sex.
  • To become a bitch, do not be passive in bed. Do everything to enjoy yourself and deliver it to a man.
  • The bitch does not refuse sexual games, trying on various images. She understands that this always brings novelty to intimate relationships.
  • The bitch is not afraid to be dissolved and bold in the pastel. The monotony and monotony is not for her. But if a man wants, a bitch can become a meek and tender.


  • Do not think that the bitch should bite, scratch or scream selfless during sex - these cheap tricks are not for her. A real bitch will be able to impress other methods.
  • The bitch always makes it clear to the man that she has a large sexual arsenal of various tricks. This excites a new desire in the partner.

Bitch in the family

Oddly enough, but it is the bitch who manages to save the family when it is on the verge of decay. These wise women are able to subtly feel the situation and manage to take all the necessary measures to solve it in their favor. In the family, bitch differ from others in that they have their own behaviors with which men have to reckon with. To become a bitch in family relationships is not to humiliate a partner, but to be able to influence him in such a way as to benefit for yourself and the whole family.

  • The bitch will never dissolve in her husband, devote itself to only home trouble. She can skillfully combine her career and house. And if the man does not agree with this state of affairs, the bitch will choose the work.
  • The bitch always has its own money and will not wait for handouts from her husband. Even in the family, she demonstrates independence and freedom.
  • To become a bitch in the family, accustom your relatives to the fact that you should have personal time. Go to meetings with friends, walk around the shops, visit beauty salons and gyms.
  • The bitch will not live with a weak man. And with a strong partner, she will be able to create the image of a soft and obedient wife. But imperceptibly for her husband, the bitch will be able to influence the adoption of the decisions she needed. The man will be sure that it was he who made such an important decision for the family and will not even guess that he acted according to his wife's script.

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  • The bitch even at home looks attractive and will never allow itself to walk in a tracksuit, without makeup and dirty hair.
  • The bitch has always order in the house. She knows how to accustom a man to fulfill house duties and will never take everything exclusively on her shoulders.
  • The bitch will do everything so that her family lives in abundance and does not need anything. This woman is programmed to success her children.

Books of bitch

Being a real bitch is an art. Of course, you can possess some features from birth. But much needs to be brought up in yourself. In fact, the bitch is a woman who created herself. Today you can buy many books in which you will open the secrets of a real bitch and teach many tricks. Among the huge choice there are authors recognized around the world.

Sherry args about bitch

The writer from New York is the author of the bestsellers “I want to become a bitch!”, “Why do men love the bitch?”, “Why do men marry the bitch?”. Sherry Argov is a regular participant in television programs dedicated to women. In the book “I want to become a bitch! A manual for real women ”Sherry offers readers more than 100 principles of irresistibility.   The author talks about what a bitch should be, what is its advantages over rivals. Sherry believes that a woman should be free, independent, interesting, spectacular. A bitch is not a scandalous tantrum, but a smart and very wise woman. The book has become instructions for many modern girls in more than 25 countries.

Evgenia Shatskaya about bitch

The Russian writer and psychologist Evgenia Shatskaya constantly writes about the bitch. The author’s personality remains a mystery to the readers. Some say that she is a secular lioness, others call her a successful psychologist. Shatskaya is considered the creator of sternology. Nobody has already written in such detail about the bitch. Among the books of Evgenia Shatsky, the most famous became the “Course of a real bitch”, “The Bible of the bitch. The rules by which real women play ”,“ The magic of the bitch. A witch or a sorceress? ”,“ The bitch conquers a big city. ” These books help modern women believe in their own strengths, discover new opportunities for themselves and understand that a bitch is one who knows how to set goals and achieve them.

The secrets of the famous bitch

How to become a bitch woman knew at all times.  The list of famous bitch of the world can be started with the Queen of Egypt Cleopatra.

Secrets of Cleopatra

Not at all, the beauty and the inexperienced ruler Cleopatra very quickly was able to conquer the world with her attractiveness, education and adventurism. This woman was able to gather an army and fight for the throne along with men. Many of them simply did not notice her protruding chin, a big nose with a hump and dreamed of spending at least one night with Cleopatra. The queen was known as a skilled mistress and knew how to captivate the opposite sex. Her manners, a voice, grace delighted entire nations. Cleopatra was constantly studying and engaged in self -improvement. Legends were composed of her inventions in cosmetology and the ability to take care of themselves. This is a real bitch who realized that the woman’s power is not so much in beauty as in the ability to present herself.


The secrets of the Madonna

Modern bitch also triumphantly go through life. They are not afraid of what people will say, make mistakes and overcome difficulties, cause pain to others and suffer themselves. And contrary to all these women love and admire them. A striking example is Madonna. She always challenges society and does not exchange for small scandals. If you cause a storm of emotions, then the largest and most loud. A smart American realized to make a career quickly, I needed talent and scandal. The cold calculation helped the beauty to follow this conviction and achieve world recognition. In her life there were also ups and falls, but thanks to the borey character, Madonna always remained in demand. She was able to become not only a singer, but also an actress, director, writer. Men are afraid of her bitchy nature as much as they want to get this woman.

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Secrets Naomi Kempbel

Speaking about celebrities who became bitch, one cannot fail to mention the British super model Naomi Kempbel. Perhaps this diva alone costs three. A professional in the world of fashion is very scandalous. Screaming, throwing a mobile phone into the head of an assistant Naomi can no doubt. Because of the super model, the airliner was delayed for 40 minutes, and then they sorted out the reasons for its attack on the airport employees. Perhaps it is not easy for someone to live with such a character, but he helps to be at the peak of popularity to the bitchy cambrapel. She is always in demand and concludes contracts for very impressive amounts. In personal life, a super model is not lonely. The choice of applicants for her hand and heart is great. The sexuality of this woman manifests itself in every movement. Thanks to this, it is often compared with a predatory panther. But in addition to loud success, there is Naomi in life and a place for charity. She collaborates with the Dalai Lama and through UNESCO helps to collect money for the poorest kindergartens in the world.

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Secrets Paris Hilton

Peris Hilton also confidently holds the first positions in the list of bitch known to the whole world. Her scandalous secular life began with an elite school, from where Paris was expelled. Due to the fact that the girl led a rampant lifestyle, she was deprived of a huge inheritance of the hotel empire. The character of Hilton has not changed even after that. Continuing to challenge all the foundations of society, she went to conquer the world to the Donald Trump modeling agency and succeeded. Constantly falling into scandalous stories, Paris became not only a fashion model, but also an actress, a singer and even a clothing designer. Failures and failures could not break the character of this girl. She did not pay attention to criticism, ridicule and evil hissing behind her, and studied the new and tried to achieve success.


If you decide to become a bitch, then be prepared to keep any blow of fate and at the same time look one hundred percent!

How to become a bitch (video)



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