
The nature of the eye color

The nature of the eye color
The article will help to understand how to determine by color of the eye the character of a person, what can be expected from people like behaving without knowing anything about him.

Getting acquainted with people, we would really like to know in advance what to expect from them. Of course, gestures, facial expressions, no doubt acts can say a lot, but there is something else. We all remember the ancient expression “eyes is a mirror of the soul”, but have you ever thought about how true it is. If you look into the eye, you can see a lot, understand a lot about him, of course, if you know how to look.

The effect of the color of the eye on the character of a person


The color of the eyes is what is given to us from birth and what can change when we change. Of course, it is much easier to change the eye color using contact lenses, but there are also changes in the native color of the eyes. This is mainly due to changes in the morals and processes of the psyche. Scientists came to the conclusion: the more intense the color of the eyes is expressed - the more expressed human passions, a person is filled with energy and occupies an active position in life. The lighter the color of the eyes, the more vulnerable and romantic a person has a soul. The color intensity in the iris - indicates a creative beginning in the personality. Warm eye shades are characteristic of delicate natures, and cold shades indicate a cold character. Let's consider in detail the meaning of a particular eye color.

Character in color of the eyes: black eyes


Energy, impulsiveness, initiative - character traits characteristic of the owners of black eyes. It is vital for them in the spotlight: with friends they are the soul of the company, and at work - an exemplary employee. These are optimists. They are reliable and responsible, but are characterized by a secretive character and mystery. In the event of serious problems and difficulties, they are prone to manifesting irritability and aggression. At the same time, they are fraught with resentment for a short time. People with black eyes are confident in themselves, fearless, have non -standard thinking, are often amorous. They have a hot temperament, sexuality and sensitivity are characteristic. They know how to like others, radiate charm and warmth, loves to be in the center of events. Black -eyed is characterized by selectivity in people. They are demanding on people around them in the same way as to themselves. Such people do not sit on the spot, they are gambling and enterprising.

Character in color of the eyes: brown eyes


The owners of this eye color are energetic and temperamental. Flirt for them is as natural as breathing. They love to be in the focus of the attention of others, their whole life is one big play, a mono performance, and those around them are only scenery. The brown -eyed need a continuous story of everyone around how amazing and unforgettable, bright and beautiful. Without this, people with brown eyes feel discomfort. These people crave power, they are aggressive, entrepreneurial and gambling. They are too touchy, but these insults are also easy to leave. Those who are near them do not leave the feeling that they live on a powder barrel. Owners of brown eyes have attractiveness, sensuality, wit and sociability. All of the above features are more pronounced, the more the shade of the eyes is shifted towards the dark.

Character in color of the eyes: light brown eyes


People with light brown eyes are not like their “dark” relatives.  They are more theorists than practices, lazy and passive, especially impressive, touchy, in some cases even closed. Such people are hardworking pragmatists, strive for isolation, do not tolerate advice. A typical occupation of people with light brown eyes is a reflection on the essence of being (and what would happen if).  Their tendency to Leni surpasses all conceivable and unthinkable frames. It is these people who have an extraordinary gift to quickly and easy to do the most difficult tasks with incredible productivity, with the view and voltage no more than from reading the newspaper. In appearance, people with this color of the eyes are soft, supple creatures, but in fact they more like to do everything in their own way, even if they agree with your thought.

Character in color of the eyes: yellow eyes


Quite rarely people with yellow eyes are found. They are characterized by special talents - wild artistry and charm, incredible ingenuity and cunning. Excellent friends - truly devoted and reliable, will not stop at any obstacle, if close to trouble. However, people with yellow eyes are mysterious and insidious, which makes them dangerous opponents. They do not accept situations when they impose their own rules, poorly control their own emotions, but they feel falsity and insincerity in the interlocutor’s emotions. The yellow -eyed will be a faithful comrade and a brave defender for his chosen one.

Tiger (tiger-yellow) eyes


The rarest in the world of human eyes is also known as snake eyes. People with this color of the eyes have an outstanding mind. They are original and unpredictable. It is assumed that people with this eye color boast of developed intuition. They are difficult to intimidate, they are their own owners, they are very wary of strangers. Flexibility and artistry allow them to get out of conflicts and unpleasant situations, without exposing themselves to risk. People with snake eyes are avenging and vindictive, extremely dangerous opponents.

Character in color of the eyes: green eyes


Among the owners of green eyes there are many purposeful, assertive people, though sometimes this determination becomes ordinary stubbornness. It is very difficult to predict how mysterious green -eyed in one or another situation will behave, the roles that they have played out every day every time acquire a new color, and they are in their hearts. These people have perfectly developed intuition. The reliable confidence that its actions will take the effect is very important for them, will not be in vain, the opinion of people that the road occupies an honorary second place, and the point of view of the rest is gray, which surrounds us 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, 365 days a year, 365 days a year. They are absolutely indifferent. At the same time, green -eyed do not like openly declared confrontations and try to bypass sensitive situations. Green -eyed are often called adventurers, but this is a delusion. Often they do not use any actions until they carefully calculate everything.

Character in color of the eyes: gray-green eyes

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People with this eye color are characterized by an adequate point of view on what is happening around them. They have outstanding intuition, so in any situation they feel confident, "at ease." Patient and decisive pragmatists, hardworking and conscientious. With the chosen one, they are gentle and devoted, all forces are spent on his search, but he is chosen only once. In resolving important issues they show rigidity, but they can listen.

Character in eye color: gray-blue-green eyes


Holders of this eye color are different about love.  They talk a lot about dreams and romance. Distinctive features of character are whims and selfishness. At the same time, the blue color gives these people cold and stiffness.

Character in color of the eyes: gray eyes


Thoughtful, inquisitive, conscientious and reasonable - gray -eyed give preference to practicality and stand firmly on the ground with both legs. Such people do not tend to rush anywhere, while they are not late anywhere. They are quite secretive and do not take out the CRU from the hut, try to avoid demonstrating their feelings in public. Gray -eyed prefer cold calculation, and not on their own intuition. If we are talking about a task for a solution that intellect is needed, no one is compared with them. Dryness and restraint of character often leads to difficulties related to the emotional sphere. People with gray eyes are looking for inspiration in their environment, and they are happy if they find a person who can fill them with emotions. In love are true - the least shift to treason.

Claim of the eye of the eye: Blue eyes


Blue -eyed people are capable of strong feelings, if they fall in love, then without thinking they rush into love like a pool with their heads. Nevertheless, those who did not appeal to their liking, they will hate just as much. However, such people are unlikely to be limited to negative emotions, and will certainly go to some kind of fighting. The owners of blue eyes do not just like to argue, but enjoy it, it is very important for them to prove their case against everyone. Conflicts and disputes are their elements, the blue -eyed in them are very subjective because, first of all, they are guided by their sympathies and antipathies, and not common sense.

Character in color of the eyes: blue eyes


For people with blue eyes, dreaminess and romance are characteristic, they are sensual and emotional, so if they lack emotions in life, then they easily come up with them for themselves. Excessive sentimentality in character does not almost interfere with numerous novels and affairs, and sometimes because of this it is quite difficult for them to find the love of all their life. They are very sensitive and vulnerable, easily offended or lose their temper, in this regard, it is much more difficult to atone for their guilt in front of them. Blue -eyed even a few years later literally reproduce your offensive words and the intonation with which they were said. Their mood changes quite often, they are prone to strong experiences and at times fall into depression, not having the slightest reason. They often shine with diverse, sometimes unexpected talents. A distinctive feature of blue -eyed fast, almost instant adaptation to any new conditions.

Character in color of the eyes: the eyes of chameleons


Such a rare shade of eyes is not a certain color, rather this is a feature of a given person. The eyes of such people change their color for various reasons - this may be due to the mood, or it may depend on the environment or circumstances. The owners of the unstable eye color are characterized by sharp changes in mood and changeability in desires. Each shade makes its own adjustments in particular the personality. Such people easily pour into any life circumstances and adapt to any conditions. Such people are rarely characterized by organization and sequence in actions, most often they act spontaneously and impulsively.

The nature of the color of the eyes.  Video


Bolvinova Elizabeth 17.04.2016 Answer

i have gray-blue eyes, I wanted to know more about myself, but not a task, it is not written about my eye color

Salfair 18.10.2016

Elizabeth, you have one of the most remarkable options !!! This is an ideal harmony between the mind (gray) and imagination (blue)! Most likely, you are a very talented person! And also, in my opinion, this is a very thin, “aristocratic” eye color!
