
How to find out the nature of the handwriting

How to find out the nature of the handwriting
Human handwriting is a reflection of his subconscious. The manner of placing words and letters on a sheet will tell about the inclinations and features of character.

Everything can tell about the character of a person: his appearance, manners, habits and even handwriting. Even without knowing a person, by the way he writes, the trained look of a specialist can determine with whom he is dealing. And the point is not what we write. All salt is how we do it. No matter how hard the person tried to write beautifully and correctly, everyone has their own characteristics of the drawing of letters, their own handwriting. This is due to the fact that our brain during the letter sends certain impulses to the “hand”.

How to determine the nature of the handwriting


Analyzing the handwriting and character of a person, we can say about self -esteem, emotionality, power power and much more. In order for the results of the test of handwriting to be the most reliable, a person must write in a calm state. It is advisable to use several records made at different times. It is convenient to use a diary for research. Although you can evaluate almost any record. The nature of the record will show in what emotional state a person was. On illinated paper, she will open more opportunities.

Handwriting character: graphology


The study of human handwriting is engaged in graphology. This science is not as young as it might seem. She explores the slope of the letters, the degree of their proximity to each other, location on paper. Grafological analysis allows us to identify not only the qualities that a person possesses, but also to determine personal prospects and inclinations.

The relationship of handwriting with character was spoke back in the Middle Ages. The Roman historian Suetonius at the beginning of the 16th century became the author of a book, which can be considered the basis of graphology. In the 19th century, data from various sources related to handwriting were systematized by J. Mishon. A considerable contribution to graphology was made by a biologist V. Preyer, who studied the connection of writing and physiology. He even conducted experiments under hypnosis, during which people were inspired, what character traits they possess. One and the same person, with different "characteristics" wrote in different handwriting.

R. The vizer conducted a study of the handwriting of criminals and confirmed the versions of its contemporaries that the handwriting can be judged by the inclinations of a person. She investigated the handwriting of more than 700 people who committed various crimes and made her conclusions how to determine the character of a person by handwriting.

The main directions of the study of the nature of the handwriting


Handwriting character: Line location

  1. The direction of the lines speaks of the confidence or uncertainty of a person in himself. If the lines are directed down, they will give a apathetic nature with pessimistic views on life. So they write sentimental personalities who do not show initiatives.
  2. The lines, the characters going up for courageous people who are accustomed to take a lot. They are determined, confident in themselves, ambitious.
  3. It happens that the lines are running up and down - this is a kind of “imprint” of resourcefulness.
  4. If the lines are lowered, and then rise, the person is used to bringing what has begun to the end. In the opposite situation, we can say that a person grabs everything in a row, but throws what he started halfway. Such people are unstable and experience patient problems.

The nature of the handwriting: connection between letters

  1. Often you can meet people who write letters in isolation from each other. The actions of such natures are difficult to give in logic, they live on a hunch, largely relying on their own intuition. The life of such people can hardly be called boring.
  2. The cursory handwriting in which the connections between the letters are present are absent, indicates that its owner is smart and ready to show the initiative.
  3. Assigned spelling of letters certificate of the ability to think critically and reason logically.
  4. The even handwriting speaks of calmness and harmony with himself, the calligraphic one can tell about the fulfill and accuracy, but such people are not too independent, it is difficult for them to make decisions, they are greatly dependent on someone else's opinion.
  5. Illegal handwriting is characteristic of energetic and nervous people.

Handwriting's nature: drawings of letters

  1. People with rounded handwriting are ready to compromise, they are born diplomats.
  2. The angular letters indicate the independence of character and selfishness. Pay attention to the size of the letters.
  3. Lightily write secretive and closed personalities, large letters are characteristic of sociable people who easily contact with others.
  4. The letters different in size indicate imbalance and inner anxiety.
  5. If the letters are located close to each other, the owner of such a handwriting is meticulus and lean.
  6. A large distance between letters speaks of a man of a wide soul.

Handwriting character: Tilt

Most people write with an inclination, also can identify character traits.

  1. The slope to the right will tell about determination. A small slope in the same direction will be given calm and balance, but at the same time, the owners of a small inclination in handwriting periodically love to be alone with themselves.
  2. People who write with an inclination to the left are individualists. They contrast their own interests by public, and are ready to go against everything if they require persuasion.
  3. Stubborn people write without inclination.
  4. The temper indicates a too strong slope in which the letters almost lie on the line. The slope in different directions indicates a capricious nature, the mind of which is constantly in the fight against feelings.

Handwriting character: pressure and fields

  1. Strong pressure is characteristic of strong egocentric personalities. They look optimistic at life and are decisive in business. In combination with a strong slope, a similar pressure speaks of severity in life views.
  2. Weak pressure of sensitive natures. Most often they are distinguished by frivolity and carefree.
  3. If a person leaves the fields on the left, he, with a high degree of probability, distinguishes pettyness. Such people do everything for their family.
  4. Fields on the right are set aside by generous natures. The more wide they are, the more generic the individual is capable of.

Handwriting character: signature


Not only handwriting can tell about the character and inclinations. Even a signature can tell a lot about his owner. The abundance of loops is characteristic of cunning people with high observation. If the signature is crossed out, this is a sign of impulsiveness and indefatigable vital energy.

Closed people are characterized by signatures circled in a circle. The simpler the signature, the more self -confidence it indicates.

Handwriting character: examples

The roundness of the letters says that the author of the note is ready to compromise.

The author of even, upward lines leads to the end.

Low letters characterize a person living in instincts.

Squeege spelling of letters indicates developed logic and clarity of thinking.


The nature of the handwriting. Test

Many are interested in how to determine the nature of the handwriting. This test will help to understand yourself or others without a specialist-graphologist. It consists of 5 stages, thanks to which it will be possible to find out the nature of the handwriting. So, let's start:

  1. It is necessary to quickly record a sentence of 6-7 words.
  2. The same sentence is recorded slowly.
  3. You need to draw a small animal.
  4. Without unnecessary thoughts, draw a geometric figure.
  5. Draw a road with a direction in the form of an arrow.

When interpreting the test, two text fragments are primarily compared. If the handwriting remains the same, regardless of the speed of writing, this indicates a person who quickly responds to a change of circumstances. Otherwise, we can talk about a tendency to change mood.

Rounded letters will indicate a person ready to compromise, with the predominant female principle. Angular - talk about rudeness and strength of character. Small letters will give out a person who is in a stress state, the letters with the "jewelry" will indicate creative unrealization. The handwriting can also be evaluated by other criteria specified above in this article.

In the figure of the animal, it is worth paying attention to emotions that can be considered by the patronage of the tested emotions. Additional details - bows, mustache, etc. They will say about infantility.

In the figure, pay attention to the presence of angles - their presence indicates dissatisfaction with the realization of desires, a circle or oval symbolize the developed power of will and the ability to bring to the end.

The road should be evaluated from the point of view of directness, the line shows the presence of clear goals, winding - suggests that a person says more than acts.

A little more about the nature of the handwriting


Human handwriting, despite studies of several centuries long, still presents a riddle for humanity. And although today it is popular to determine the nature of the handwriting, the results cannot be 100%confident. An independent study of your own handwriting can help to reveal your inclinations and know yourself. Surely in the future it will be possible to recognize the character of a person by handwriting with greater accuracy, and someday determining the character of a person by handwriting

Will be used when applying for work.

  5 ways to find out the nature of the handwriting. Video


Vladislav 20.04.2018 Answer

That is, all people who write as the chicken with paw are the same? What was the name of this science ... Handwriting seems to be. There, under a microscope, handwriting and tilt and pressure are investigated ... And then once a person writes with his left hand means he is immediately left) it turns out very subjectively. Even by blood type And then it would be more reliable to determine. If I knew the blood group of all people of course .... But I'm not a vampire
