
How to meet a guy

How to meet a guy
Useful tips to help find their man to meet him. You can find the answer to the question: how to meet a guy?

Every representative of the weak floor comes sooner or later such a moment when it finds his soul mate. But it happens that seeing a beautiful guy, the girl does not know how to behave how to make it so that the acquaintance took place.

How to get acquainted with the guy: Useful practical advice

Prepare yourself before familiarizing with a guy


Look, in what condition your hair is? The guy will not pay attention to you if you appear to him with the unwashed head. Try to visit the beauty salon more often - make sure that you always had a good haircut or hair were beautifully laid. Scientists have proven that the condition of the hair affects the image of a woman. The guy subconsciously draws attention to the girl with a luxurious chapel. You must be confident in yourself, like yourself - just so you can meet a guy and conquer his heart.

Your eyes should shine

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Tired eyes will not like anyone, so you need to give them to relax. Working for a long time at the computer, be sure to take half-hour breaks. Learn to smile. Seeing his dream guy, delay for a couple of seconds, then take a look at his eyes and smile.

How to get acquainted with a guy: do not wear too frank clothes

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It is unlikely that such an outfit helps you create a serious relationship with your chosen one. Of course, you do not need to wear and balachons. Choose a golden middle - Your outfit should emphasize the advantages of the shape and hide disadvantages.

How to get acquainted with a guy: Your movements should be smooth and feminine, not sharp

Portrait of Seductive Girl

Show your femininity, tenderness. Let your chosen one understand that you are a fragile creation, which means you need his support, protection.

Where can I get acquainted with a guy?

The answer is quite simple - where many strong sex representatives. You need to be bolder, and then fate will definitely smile to you, will make a real gift that you dream about. Take the initiative in your hands if you like the guy. Go to where there are men. Choose those places that will not work against you.

How to get acquainted with the guy: Acquaintance at work


If you are still looking for an answer to the question: where to get acquainted with the guy, then pay attention to your work colleagues - maybe someone do you like? Or maybe your heart conquered anyone from visitors or suppliers, business partners or representatives of the intrinsic organizations? Do not waste, believe me - after all, you are the most charming and attractive, smart and tricky, which means that you will definitely work out.

How to get acquainted with a guy on the Internet

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If you decide to get acquainted with a guy on the Internet, then use useful tips.

  1. It is important to remember safety. After the meeting, you may appoint a criminal or a maniac. During the correspondence it seems to you that it was he - your significant other, and when the meeting is absolutely not so.
  2. Do not just give your phone or address. Try not to talk on the subject or walk away from the answer.
  3. Do not trust the photos on the pages of social networking. In fact, your partner may look quite different.
  4. If you decide to meet with a guy for the sex, the Internet for this - one of the best. A lot of men that way find themselves partners for sex.
  5. Very easy to meet with a girl in contact. In this social network very many are trying to find a soul mate. The main thing - do not make the wrong choice. To meet with a girl in the VC, try to put on his page the best your photo. And then success is guaranteed - very soon you get a friend request from many of the stronger sex.

How to get acquainted with the guy on the phone

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Where else can you meet a girl with a guy? If you call from a stranger with a pleasant voice, wrong number, do not rush to pick the phone conversation. Maybe it is your destiny. Try to continue the conversation if you are that person is pleasant, if you like the timbre of his voice. Most likely, very soon you will meet with him and to get to know. Fate sometimes presents a real surprise, and therefore need to use your chance. If you meet a guy on the phone, it does not mean that the relationship will be serious. Perhaps quite the opposite.

How to get acquainted with a guy on the street

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Yes, and on the street it is possible to get acquainted with the guy. Sometimes this leads to familiarity marriage strong and happy. The main thing - to find a soul mate. Imagine: on the street rain, without an umbrella you. And suddenly you fit handsome young man offers to hide from the rain under his umbrella. You see, that is the one about whom you have been dreaming. So, do not get lost, take the situation into their own hands and do everything possible to this your first date has not ended. Start a conversation, try to find out how interested your savior, and then offer to take you home.

Other places to explore Man

You can meet your soul mate, anywhere - at the university or sports club, and maybe in the store or by going on a journey. The main thing is to understand that this is he is the best, most beloved, your fate. The one who will always be near in a difficult moment who will love and protect you who you can create a beautiful family in which love and mutual understanding will reign.

If the girl met at once with several guys, she will have to make a choice. No need to keep a cavalier just in case. After all, it is possible that your fans can meet one day, and then you will remain alone.

You got acquainted with the guy: how to evaluate the new fan?

Every girl when choosing the very same, very often getting acquainted at all with that guy who would like to see next to him. But what to do to choose to choose it to find the real, most courageous?

Guy Evaluation Tests

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Each of you can have their own tests, with the help of which you will evaluate your new fan. For example, you can make a special calendar, where you will celebrate those days when you were happy with your boyfriend, and those days when you were just bored with him. If, when counting at the end of the month, you will find that happy days are more, then you feel free to meet on, but if more unhappy days, then it is better to break up with such a guy.

You got acquainted with a guy: the original way to check it

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When you meet with a guy, you can try to try this way with which you want to check it out: if he asks what you want: tea or coffee, then answer him that you love sunflower oil with bread and salt. And then ... Your man either creaks and says that it is not tasty, it's just an abomination, or join you or remain indifferent to your phrase. With such a man who grows in response to your statement, it is best not to meet. But the second, most likely, will become a great friend for you and an excellent lover. After all, for him, the main thing is not what he loves or does not love, he listens to you and your desires.

An experienced and loving man always understands that the main thing in female happiness is to understand that it is better to do as a woman wants, not because it is so right, but because she wants so much. Only in this case can you give up each other, take each other as you are.

You got acquainted with a guy: scandal check

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You can still arrange a scandal. If a man stands out, then this is the one who you need. It is very important that at that moment a man came correctly, hugged you, kissed, tried to calm you, and did not begin to scream and blame you in response.

You got acquainted with the guy: checking the wheel of the car

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It is very good to appreciate the man when it is driving and leads the car. If he does not shout on drivers passing past, does not swear on women driving, but confidently and calmly leads the car, then this is your man. This means that in the family it will always be supporting and support for you, it will be the most courageous and reliable.

Did you meet a guy: Check, how does a man dancing?

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By the way, very often women pay attention to the way a man is dancing. If he dances well, then most likely in sex will be all in perfect order.

Use your tricks and tricks in order to experience your fan, fantasize. You can calculate how many times your man fulfilled his promises, it will also give you a certain assessment of your fan.

Woman's wise woman will always be able to find a reason to meet the guy who she likes.

You got acquainted with the guy: an interesting test about the nature of how a man sleeps

If you know how you like to sleep a man who you like, you can learn a lot about him. Men are divided into several types depending on how they are sleeping.

If your chosen one is sensitive and wakes up from every rustle and movement, then you have a sensitive man with a thin soulful organization. You are lucky. Such a man will always be directly involved in your life, will always be support for you and support. He will always listen to you, tell me how to do in a particular situation, will always support you in a difficult moment. But in sex with such a man it is best to show the initiative and tell you what you like most.

If your man sleeps, not paying attention to anything, then such a man is carefree. Even if you turn the music loudly, it will sleep sweetly, not paying any attention to everything that happens around him. He knows how to cope with stress, even in very difficult situations such a man knows how to behave and always retains calm. With such a carefree man you will always be happy. He is ready for a conversation about family relationships, not afraid of nothing in sex - just an unsurpassed partner.

A man who in the morning wakes up confusing in its own sheets, sleeps very restless. Most often, such a restless man and in life can not find himself. He may be an egoist by nature. In the foreground, such a man he himself. He can tell all day about his victories, about the events that happened to him during the day, and even words will not say about you. And in bed, he also does not carefully take you. Therefore, with such a man it is best to talk to change my behavior and become more attentive to you.

Finally, a wakeful man is a man who can not sleep. Such a man is ambitious, he is accustomed to all 100% in everything, at the maximum. In order to win you, such a man is ready for everything. He will do everything for you to win your location. But very often such men also quickly burn out, as flashed. Do not worry. As soon as the energy fill it again, this man will always be pleasantly surprising you.

What type of men did not include your chosen one, in your power to make it love only you, was gentle and gentle.

Useful tips to help meet a guy and win his heart

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  1. Try to find out where the guy often happens, which you like, intersect with him, as if accidentally, and talk in a relaxed atmosphere. The main thing is that he does not understand that you want to lure him into your networks. Be sincere, try to communicate freely. You must show that you are interested in what your interlocutor says. It is important to be able to listen to him.
  2. Eye contact is a strong tool in the fight for the heart of the lover. If you at a party or somewhere else in another place I got acquainted with a guy, then in conversation, be sure to smalle him into my eyes. Listen to what he is talking about. You must be an ideal interlocutor, while not losing eye contact. But again, know the measure - do not closely look into the eyes of a man.
  3. There should be no single answers. You are an interesting interlocutor, which means you need to be able to show it to your man. Find out as much as possible about the guy - what is he wondering where he lives? It should not be like interrogation. Do not be afraid to express my opinion about the addies of a man, but at the same time your opinion should not be offended. Show yourself from the best side.

How to get acquainted with a guy. Video


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