
What do phosphates in the urine mean - causes, symptoms, diagnosis. Phosphates in urine in adults, children, pregnant women are hung. Treatment of phosphates in the urine. Features of the diet for phosphates in the urine

What do phosphates in the urine mean - causes, symptoms, diagnosis. Phosphates in urine in adults, children, pregnant women are hung. Treatment of phosphates in the urine. Features of the diet for phosphates in the urine
PHOSFATES in the kidneys are the main causes, diagnosis and tips on treatment and prevention in children and adults.

WITH each year increases number calls v city hospitals with problems different character, related urolithiasis diseases. Fight  with heavy cases can at help modern methods, but easier all their try warn, feeling with nuances nutrition. After all balanced food and enthusiasm sports demonstrates often at all not miracle, a real salvation human bodies. IN my queue, people, parked with urolithiasis ailment, follow diet regularly, are located under observation doctor, time from time rent analyzes on likely fact relapse. Should to love u relatives o family predisposition to urolithiasis diseases.

Phosphates v urine —  reasons and signs

Fine acting bud not must contain increased quantities phosphate salts. Small level salts single analysis urine maybe speak o investigation use specific products nutrition one species at normal functioning organ.

  • Often salt discover u children, so how they for day drink a little liquids, their kids endowed weak opportunities, aimed against dissolution salts.
  • Many different life factors influences on definition phosphates u average man, more often all to this disease prostious vegetarians, so how here expressed cutting transition with one species food on another.
  • Next factorpassion to phosphorus -containing products.
  • Obesity and hypothermia passes to big meres phosphates v urine. All must be moderately, and hardening, and scale revenues nourishing elements.

Signs phosphaturia:

  • muddy urine,
  • sediment from clap in the urine,
  • far urination,
  • pain v the lower back,
  • bloating abdomen,
  • nausea.

Reliable learn o diseases, handing away material on general and detailed daily analysis urine.

General analysis: gathering in the morning after sleep. In the evening not eat carrot, beets, staining urin v red, orange colors, not drink diuretic. At first wash sexual organs, to not distort meanings. IN clean and dry tara with sealed lid (preferably one -time pharmacy capacity) collected average portion morning urins and v flow 2 hours delivered v medical laboratory.

Phosphates v urine, what this means

It's time think o your own health or the same close man. Operational intervention usually not required, but and slow down not costs. At phosphate uroliase accept softening vegetable drugs, destroying stones, next follow manipulations with crushing (ultrasound). At renal colic it is forbidden slow down, this painful and at all unenviable sensations, on someone stages comparable with generic fights. Human not maybe calmly live, pain protracted, aching, it spreads on law, stomach. Not recommended save visit v hospital, preventing complications appearance stones.

Amorphous phosphates v urine

This saline sediment, not crossing v state crystals, but having opportunity education stones. From amorphous phosphates they it turns out enough rarely. Basic reasons: malfunctions v the diet nutrition. U pregnant such view phosphates is a sign hormonal changes, but not disease, a u children to 5 summer agenon -formed systems exchange substances.

Also meet u vegetarians and lovers products with increased percentage phosphorus. Find amorphous phosphates at cystitis, rachita, renal phosphate diabetes. High content check on one's own: urine it becomes cloudy. Amorphous phosphates not worry patient and determined v random order.

Phosphates v urine u child

Unformed kids baby badly they filter products exchange substances.

Supposed unstable nutrition, violation v diet and some diseases, for example, inflammation urine systems, rickets, violation functions kanaltsev kidneys (syndrome Fanconi), sugar diabetes, increased functioning parachit -shaped glands.

Diagnosed disease, alkalizing urin, assigned treatment, diet, which at true diagnosis gives normalization level phosphates. Vomit, fever same stimulate height salts. Data change after stabilization well -being patient.

Phosphates v urine at pregnancy

This common phenomenon with reasons inflammatory processes v urogenital system, bad nutrition, insufficient drinking v normal mode and at diarrhea, vomiting. At conducting tests, detection phosphates and bacteria pregnant assign antibiotic, directed on cure cystitis. When analysis urine v order, that correctly diet, they say o replenishment stocks liquids. Indicators tests not should be reason for panic women. Following all rules hygiene, rent additional general analysis and bucks. Reviewed drinking mode, diet. At detection stones v kidneys therapist appoints observation urologist, diagnosing disease.

Phosphates v urine —  treatment u children

For children's variations phosphaturia suitable folk fees herbs. But should say, before how do treatment child on home on one's own, need to consult u children's pediatrician o expediency actions.

IN scroll enters juniper (berries), spores, birch (leaves), feline us (synonym ortosiphon).

  • Ingredients grind and mix v equal portions.
  • Pour 300 ml boiling water 1 art.l. obtained raw materials, insist 50 min. v thermos.
  • Accept by 2 art.l. 3 times v day.

Or tolknyanka, brusnik (leaves), nettle dioecious, joster pour 300 ml boiling water, insist 1 hour, accept by 2 art.l. Those the same manipulations conduct with motherwort, drying bolotnaya and cat mustache.

Healthy additional introduction vitamins A, WITH.

Diet at phosphates v urine u adults and children

For patient important introduce v his life full adjustment diet. No no meaning forbid use phosphate products, so how organism needs in all substances for functioning. That's why regulated quantity portions phosphates for a week v side reduction. Thanks to phosphorus, corruption system not it turns out from building. AND continuing logical chain, can to conclude, what replenishment stocks this trace element  necessary man.

Huge meaningful factor will fraud nutrition. Not 3 times v day big portions, a 4-6 once small. Calorie content on every day hesitates v size 2500 kcal. Small volumes facilitate load and work organs. Emergency non -compliance diets at phosphaturia leads to the appearance stones v kidneys, a also their further increase.

Allowed products for phosphates in the urine

List edible supplies sufficient, to not busting and diversify nutrition:

  • Porridgerice, semolina group, pasta.
  • Loof meatlenten beef, veal, kurin fillet, turkey, meat birds without skins, rabbit.
  • Dairy productsoil creamy (moderately).
  • Fishloof types, a exactly carp, cod, bream, flounder, carp, pike, hake.
  • Vegetablesgreen peas, potato, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage white, carrot, beet, zucchini, mushrooms, sorrel, onion, pumpkin.
  • Fruits, berriespear, sour apples, quince, dogwood, fruit cranberry, cowberry, plum, strawberry, watermelon, cherry, apricot, pomegranate.
  • Otheroil vegetable, sugar beetroot, casserole, puddings, eggs quail, chicken without yolk (or with yellow, but rarely), honey, bakery with minimal parts yolk and milk, legumes (beans, chickpeas, soy, lentils), nuts.

Undesirable products for phosphates in the urine

  • Salt soldereddelays water v body. Add v minimum doses, near 2 g.
  • Porridgebuckwheat, hercules flakes, fucked, wheat.
  • Meatfat varieties (for example, pork), saturated meat broths, salo, smoked sausage, liver beef, fat kurin meat.
  • Fishfat horse mackerel, pink salmon, tuna, nautical bream, som, mackerel, beluga, salmon, sibas, sturgeon, notothenia, ear, smoked types fish to beer, dried, salt fish.
  • Bread, confectioneryfresh bread, buns, cookie, cakes, pies, cakes, candies chocolate, marmalade, caramel.
  • Vegetablesmustard, horseradish, garlic.
  • Milkmilk, yogurts, kefir, ryazhenka, cream, sour cream, other.
  • Otherany canned food, roast, fast food (chips, snings, big-Mak, potato fri, semi -finished products, vermicelli quick preparations), ice cream, fruit juices, sharp, spices, marinade.

Exemplary option menu for phosphates in the urine

Day 1:

  • Breakfast 1: Pasta boiled with a piece baked v foil fish v sour cream, piece yesterday bread, cranberry morse.
  • Breakfast 2: Big sour apple Antonovka or White burning.
  • Dinner: Beef borsch, cutlets beans steam with vegetable oil. Kisel with strawberry and lingonberries.
  • Afternoon snack: Tea from rosehip, bakery from home lean dough.
  • Dinner 1: Satisfying brown rice (to 2-3 once v a week), fillet chicken baked v oven, morse cherry.
  • Dinner 2: Compote from dried fruits (dried apricots, raisin, apples).

Day 2:

  • Breakfast 1: Buckwheat porridge, rabbit v oven cO sour cream, green onions, tea from rosehip.
  • Breakfast 2: Big pear, some plum.
  • Dinner: Pasta soup with vegetables, rice boiled cO creamy oil cO cooked kurin egg, kisel from quince.
  • Afternoon snack: Lean pie with apples, compote grape.
  • Dinner 1: Salad with green peas and cucumbers, meattel on pair, tea from lingonberry sheet, mountain ash, rosehip.
  • Dinner 2: pomegranate compote.

Liquid for phosphates in the urine

  • Water used regularly v volume 22,5 l v day. Can prepare different compotes on fruits, dried fruits (dried apricots, raisin, dried apples), from vary, morses.
  • Tea from leaves currants and grapes provides diuretic action.
  • Fruit rosehip boil and use 3 times v day, how independent view tea.
  • Exclude coffee, cocoa, strong tea, sodacoca-Cola«, «fant«), alcohol drinks any fortresses.

If human suspected u myself availability phosphates v urine need to v mandatory order turn to for treating therapist, which speak examination, appoint all necessary analyzes, what and show reason painful states patient. No meaning hope, what discomfort or pain will pass without a trace. Sand enough fast it turns v stones, a they v my queue they will problem for life the most important internal organs. The latest technologies v medicine, complexes proven drugs offer elimination obstacles on ways to health and comfortable attitude. It is forbidden go around side therapeutic diets and gain activity movements. Sport wonderful helps cope with different difficulties, raising tone.



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