
What means phosphates in the urine - causes, symptoms, diagnosis. Highlight phosphates in urine in adults, children, pregnant women. Treatment of phosphates in the urine. Features of the diet with phosphates in the urine

What means phosphates in the urine - causes, symptoms, diagnosis. Highlight phosphates in urine in adults, children, pregnant women. Treatment of phosphates in the urine. Features of the diet with phosphates in the urine
The phosphates in the kidneys are the main causes, diagnosis and tips on the treatment and prevention in children and adults.

WITH eachdy year increases number appeals v urban hospitals with problems various character, touching uroochenna diseases. Fight  with heavy cases can at aid modern methods, but simpler total their try warn, after reading with nuances nutrition. After all balanced food and enthusiasm sports demonstrates often at all not miracle, a real the rescue human body. V my queue, people, stinking with uroochenna ailment, observe diet regularly, are located under observation doctor, time from of time for rent analyzes on likely fact relapse. must be be curious w. relatives o family susceptibility to uroochenna diseases.

phosphates v urine —  causes and evidence

Fine acting bud not should contain increased quantity phosphate salts. Small level salts single analysis urine maybe talk o investigation use concrete products nutrition one species at normal functioning authority.

  • Often salt show w. children, so how they per day drink little liquids, their kidneys endowed with weak opportunities, targeted against dissolution salts.
  • Many different life factor affect on definition phosphates w. the average man, more often total,this disease exposed vegetarians, so how here expressed cutting transition with one species food on other.
  • Next factorpassion to phosphorus products.
  • Obesity and supercooling disposes to big least phosphates v urine. Everything must to be moderately, and hardening, and scale receipts nutritious element.

evidence phosphaturia:

  • cloudy urine,
  • deposit from flakes in the urine,
  • palpitations urination,
  • pain v waist,
  • inflation belly,
  • nausea.

authentically learn o diseases, renting material on general and detailed daily analysis urine.

General analysis: going in the morning after sleep. In the evening not eat carrot, beets, coloring urine v red, orange colors, not drink diuretics. At first wash sex bodies, to not distort values. V a clean and dry container with sealed lid (desirable disposable pharmacy capacity) gather average portion morning urine and v flow 2 hours deliver v health laboratory.

phosphates v urine, what this is means

It's time think o its health or the same close man. operational intervention usually not required, but and delay not costs. At phosphate uroliaze take softeners vegetable drugs scathing stones, further follow tampering with crushing (ultrasound). At kidney colic it is forbidden delay, this is painful and at all unflattering feel, on somehow stages comparable with generic contractions. Human not maybe calmly live, pain protracted, aching, distributed by on lower back, stomach. Not recommended save visit v hospital, preventing complications appearance stone.

amorphous phosphates v urine

it saline sediment, not transitory v condition crystals, but having possibility education stone. From amorphous phosphates they obtained enough rarely. main causes: disruptions v diet nutrition. W. pregnant such view phosphates is an sign hormonal change, but not disease, a w. children before 5 summer ageunformed systems exchange substances.

Also meet w. vegetarianians and lovers products with elevated percentage phosphora. Find amorphous phosphates at cystitis, rahita, renal phosphate diabetes. High content check on one's own: urine becomes motted. amorphous phosphates not concerned patient and reveal v random order.

phosphates v urine w. child

Non-deformed kidneys kid poorly filter products exchange substances.

Supposed unbalanced nutrition, violation v diet and some diseases, for example, inflammation urinary systems, rickets, violation functions channelian kidney (syndrome Fanfony), sugar diabetes, increased functioning parashydovoid glands.

Diagnosed disease, oblast urine, assign treatment, diet, that at right diagnosis gives normalization level phosphates. Vomit, fever too stimulate height salts. Data change after stabilization wellness patient.

phosphates v urine at pregnancy

it common phenomenon with reasons inflammatory processes v urogenital system, poor nutrition, insufficient drinking v normal mode and at diarrhea, vomit. At holding analyzes, detection phosphates and bacteria pregnant assign antibiotic, directed on celebration custitis. When analysis urine v order, then adjust ration, they say o fill reserves liquids. Indicators analyzes not must to be reason for panic women. Observing all regulations hygienes, for rent additional general analysis and bakposev. Revise drinking mode, diet. At detection stone v kidneys therapist appoints observation urologist diagnostic disease.

phosphates v urine —  treatment w. children

For children's variations phosphaturia fit folk fees grass. But follow to tell, before how to do treatment child on house on one's own, necessary consult w. childish pediatrician o expediency action.

V scroll included juniper (berries), sport, birch (leaves), feline mustache (synonym ortosif).

  • Ingredients grind and mix v equal portions.
  • Pour 300 ml boiling water 1 art.l.. obtained raw, insist 50 min.. v thermos.
  • Accept on 2 art.l.. 3 times v day.

Or toloknyanka, lamberry (leaves), nettle dwoom, joster pour 300 ml boiling water, insist 1 hour, accept on 2 art.l.. Those the same tampering conduct with dustwriter, drying bolotnaya and feline mustache.

Healthy additional introduction vitamins A, WITH.

Diet at phosphate v urine w. adults and children

For patient important enter v his life full correction ration. No nic meaning forbid use phosphate products, so how organism needs in all substances for functioning. That's why regulated number portions phosphates per week v side reduce. Thanks to phosphorus musculing system not output from building. AND continuing logical chain can to conclude, what replenishment reserves of this microelement  necessary man.

Huge meaning factor will fragility nutrition. Not 3 times v day big portions, a 4-6 once little. Calorie on each day fluctuate v size 2500 kcal. Small volume make easily load and work organms. Malignant non-compliance diet at phosphaturia leads to appearance stone v kidneys, a also their further increase.

Allowed products in phosphates in the urine

List edible pripacious sufficient, to not bounce and diversify nutrition:

  • Kashi.rice, manna crup, pasta.
  • Non-fat meatlena beef, veal, chicken fillet, turkey, meat birds without skins, crolcatin.
  • Dairy productsbutter creamy (moderately).
  • A fishnon-fat views, a exactly carp, cod, bream, flounder, carp, pike, hake.
  • Vegetablesgreen polkah Deta, potato, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage belokochante, carrot, beet, zucchini., mushrooms, sorrel, onion, pumpkin.
  • Fruits, berriespears, sour apples, quince, dogwood, fruit cranberry, cowberry, plum, strawberry, watermelon, cherry, apricot, garnet.
  • Otherbutter vegetable, sugar bell, casseled, pudingi., eggs quail, chicken without yolk. (or with yolkom, but rarely), honey, bakery with minimal parts yolk. and milk, legumes (beans, nut., soy., lentils), orekhi.

Unwanted products in phosphates in the urine

  • Salt cookhold up water v organism. Add v minimum doses, about 2 g.
  • Kashi.buckwheat, hercules flakes, prenka., wheat.
  • Meatfat sorta (for example, pork), saturated meat broths, salo, smoked sausage, liver beega, fatty chicken meat.
  • A fishfatty horse mackerel, pink salmon, tuna, nautical bream, sOM., mackerel, beluga, salmon, sybas, sturgeon, not flow, eHA, smoked views fishes to beer, dried, salt a fish.
  • Bread, condrykafresh bread, buns, biscuits, cakes, pies, cupcakes, candies chocolate, marmalade, caramel.
  • Vegetablesmustard, horseradish, garlic.
  • Moommilk, yogurt, kefir, ryazhenka, cream, sour cream, other.
  • Otherany canned, roast, fast food (crisps, snacks, big Mac, potatoes fRI, semi-finished products, vermicelli fast cooking), ice cream, fruit juices, acute, spicy, marinade.

Exemplary option menu with phosphates in the urine

Day 1:

  • Breakfast 1: Pasta boiled with koskom baked v foil. fishes v sour cream, piece yesterday of bread, cranberry morse.
  • Breakfast 2: Great sour apple Antonovka or White pouring.
  • Dinner: Beef borsch, cutlets beoles steam with floral oil. Kissel with strawberry. and barbird.
  • Afternoon book: Tea from shipovnika, bakery from home lent dough.
  • Dinner 1: Satisfying brown rice (before 2-3 once v week), fillet chicken baked v oven, morse cherry.
  • Dinner 2: Compote from dried fruit (dried apricots, raisin, apples).

Day 2:

  • Breakfast 1: Buckwheat porridge, crolcatin v oven sO sour cream, green luk., tea from shipovnika.
  • Breakfast 2: Big pear, several plum.
  • Dinner: Macaronny soup with vegetables, rice boiled sO creamy oil sO cooked chicken egg, kissel from quince.
  • Afternoon book: Lean pie with apples, compote grape.
  • Dinner 1: Salad with green peas and cucumbers, meathetti on pair, tea from lamber sheet, rowan., shipovnika.
  • Dinner 2: pomegranate compote.

Phosphate fluid in urine

  • Water used regularly v volume 22,5 l. v day. Can prepare various compote on fruit, dried fruits (dried apricots, raisin, dried apples), OT. vary, mors.
  • Tea from leaves currant and grapes renders diuretic action.
  • Fruit shipovnika brew and use 3 times v day, how independent view tea.
  • Exclude coffee, cocoa, strong chai., hazedcoca Cola«, «fan«), alcohol beverages any fortress.

If human suspected w. myself availability phosphates v urine necessary v obligatory order contact to attending therapist., which the hAVE survey, assign all necessary analyzes, what and show cause painful state patient. No meaning hope, what the discomfort or pain pass dustily. Sand enough quickly turns v stones, a they v my queue become problem for vital activity the most important internal organs. Newest technologies v medicine, complexes proven drugs offer elimination obstacles on path to health and comfortable minigration. It is forbidden bypass side medical diet and gain activity movement. Sport wonderful helps cope with various difficulties, rising tone.


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