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Vitamins complibes - composition, benefits and harm, for which they are prescribed. Complibus - types of vitamins, instructions for use. How to take complovit for men, women, children, pregnant women

Vitamins complibes - composition, benefits and harm, for which they are prescribed. Complibus - types of vitamins, instructions for use. How to take complovit for men, women, children, pregnant women
In the article you will find all useful information about vitamins.

The vitamin complex KOLMENT appeared on the domestic market many years ago. It has a balanced combination of vitamins and minerals, affordable in price, rarely causes adverse reactions. But recently, this drug has more than a dozen varieties, and sometimes it is very difficult to understand which complibus to choose. To help you choose the right vitamin, we decided to examine all its varieties in detail.

Complivit: What do you know about this drug?

Complete - vitamins of a wide spectrum of action, which have a rational chemical composition and a high degree of digestibility in the body. The selected set of necessary substances is designed to support the normal functioning of systems and organs, as well as to eliminate existing violations.

The first vitamin-mineral product of the Russian Farmstandart-Ufavita OJSC was a classic complite. Its composition invariably contains 8 minerals and 11 vitamins.

The ratio of substances in complivitis was developed taking into account the general norms of Russian nutrition. The drug fully replenishes the deficiency of the necessary vitamins and minerals. And most importantly, the dosage of substances does not lead to an overdose and development of hypervitaminosis. This allows you to take complivitis with long courses.

An important advantage of complivitis is its production technology. The company uses a separate granulation method, which allows you to combine vitamins and minerals without losing their biological properties.

Since 2007, the tablets began to be made in the form of capsules with a film coating. This made the swallowing process more comfortable, made it possible to maintain the resistance of vitamins to gastric juice and reduced sugar content.

Note! Complivitis has a convenient release form, which contains 365 tablets. This allows you to maintain your health throughout the year.

In addition to the traditional form of release, the manufacturer significantly expanded the ruler. More than two dozen varieties were put on sale: compls for women, for general purpose, for children, for the treatment of specific pathologies.

Popular species of complivitis:

  • Complite radio antioxidants;
  • Khondro complite;
  • Complite an asset 3+;
  • Complovit asset 7+;
  • Complete iron;
  • Complite radiance;
  • Complite active mice;
  • Complovit healthy eyes;
  • Complovit fruit;
  • Complite anti -stress;
  • Complovit 1 trimester;
  • Complovit 2 trimester;
  • Complovit 3 trimester;
  • Complovit ophthalmo;
  • Calcium d3 complites;
  • Complite energy;
  • Complibes for women 45+;
  • Complete the selenium and others.

Each of these complexes has its own individually selected composition, indications and rules of use. But a common feature of all vitamins complibes is their exceptional benefit for the body and naturalness.

Complivit: Instructions for use

In chronic diseases, reduced immunity, scarce monotonous nutrition, our body is forced to suffer from a deficiency of nutrients. This, in turn, leads to various dysfunctions and poor health.

The complite is designed to normalize impaired functions, as well as prevent any complications. Therefore, it is often prescribed by short -term courses several times a year for preventive purposes. But even like any drug, complite should be taken clearly with the instructions in the instructions and preferably after the laboratory determination of the deficiency of certain vitamins. Below we consider what is shown and how to drink complibus.

The composition and properties of vitamins complibes

The therapeutic effect of classical complivitis is determined by its composition:

  • Vitamin A - a substance that maintains a visual center at the right level provides a good condition of the mucous membranes.
  • Vitamin B1 is an important element of carbohydrate metabolism, it is responsible for the full functioning of the nervous system.
  • Vitamin B2 is a catalyst for oxidative processes and visual perception.
  • Vitamin B6 - contributes to the formation of neurotransmitters, improves the performance of the muscle apparatus.
  • Vitamin B12 - takes part in the formation of nucleotides, affects blood formation, is extremely important for the absorption of folic acid.
  • Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, helps the active synthesis of collagen, is contained in the cartilage and dental tissues, takes part in the formation of hemoglobin.
  • Calcium Pantotenate - is responsible for high -quality construction and restoration of the epithelium.
  • Folic acid is an important component of amino acids and a number of nucleotides, necessary for the full functioning of the sex glands, helps to absorb iron.
  • Lipoic acid - stabilizes cholesterol, and also improves the liver and kidneys.
  • Vitamin E - supports youth, strengthens the reproductive function, prevents the appearance of skin diseases.
  • Iron - a mineral responsible for the movement of oxygen in the tissues takes part in erythropoiesis, is part of hemoglobin.
  • Copper-does not allow anemia, oxygen deficiency, is an excellent prevention of osteoporosis, and supports the cardiovascular system.
  • Calcium - strengthens bone tissue, helps blood to curtail, ensures the transmission of nerve impulses, supports myocardium, takes part in the reduction of muscles.
  • Cobalt - stimulates the immune function, present in metabolic processes.
  • Manganese - an important anti -inflammatory connection, provides the health of the skin, hair.
  • Zinc - immunomodulator, improves the hairline, shows regenerating properties.
  • Magnesium - supports blood pressure, nervous system, muscle apparatus, good drug against urolithiasis.
  • Phosphorus - a component of teeth and bones, provides cells with energy.

Note! Complivitis, the composition of which is optimized for any person, can be prescribed during pregnancy, with a strong depletion of the body during a diet or poor nutrition, with prolonged psychological experiences, in the winter.

Complivit: indications and contraindications, side effects

The multivitamin preparation is recommended in such situations:

  • deficiency of certain minerals and vitamin substances;
  • uncontrolled physical, as well as mental stress;
  • rehabilitation period after operations, long diseases;
  • antibiotic therapy (as a source of energy and an immunity stimulator).

Advice! Classic complivitis is suitable for teenagers. It helps to establish a psycho -emotional state, to facilitate the process of hormonal restructuring.

There are very few contraindications of complivitis, it is well tolerated, complaints of patients are single. But according to the annotation to the vitamin, it is forbidden to take it if there are such problems:

  • Increased sensitivity to any vitamin or mineral from the composition.
  • Children under 12 years old

Note! If for some reason this drug has not come up, you can find a complex similar in composition with complivces. Analogs - Elevit, Supradin, Multitabs, Selmevit, Centrum, etc.

How to take complivitis

Vitamins are taken inside after eating at any time of the day. In order to prevent per day, it is recommended to take 1 complivitis capsule. If the purpose of prescribing the drug is the correction of vitamin deficiency in conditions requiring additional sources of vitamins, it is recommended to take 1 tablet twice a day.

The optimal treatment course is four weeks. If a person is in a state of chronic deficiency of vitamins and minerals (diet, therapeutic starvation, pregnancy, etc.), by decision of the doctor, the course of admission can be extended for an indefinite period.

Important! Before using vitamins, consult a doctor, especially if you decide to purchase a complite for babies, a pregnant woman or for a person with chronic diseases.

Side reactions after taking complivitis rarely occur. As a rule, their appearance is associated either with a violation of the rules of treatment, or with individual intolerance. In both cases, all manifestations are allergic in nature:

  • skin rashes;
  • severe itching of mucous membranes or skin;
  • redness and swelling of tissues;
  • anaphylactic shock.

In addition, the patient has a risk of encountering headache, nausea, stool disorders, dizziness.

Important! To cause a critical overdose of the drug, you need to drink more than a dozen vitamins. But if this still happened, the patient is shown to lace the stomach and the intake of sorbents.

Complivitis - types and forms of release

All varieties of complivitis are distinguished by their composition and indications. Separately, complovit is produced for children, pregnant women, elderly people, there are universal complexes and specialized (for a specific disease). Let us dwell in more detail on each of them.

Vitamins complite the general strengthening action

This group of vitamins includes mineral-vitamin complexes designed to strengthen human health as a whole without a specific effect on any system or organ. They can consist exclusively of vitamins and minerals, or plant extracts.

  • Calcium complites D3 - contains calcium (500 mg), as well as vitamin D3 (200 IU). Revolved for the elimination of vitamin deficiency or to prevent its appearance. Physiological daily norm is contained in two tablets. Vitamins are shown to people who do not use dairy products or constantly adhere to diets, as well as women in the gestational period, children during active growth. The new formula complites Calcium D3 Forte contains 1000 ml of calcium and 800 IU vitamin D. This complex is indicated at the risk of osteoporosis or complications that it causes.
  • The complivte radiance is a complex for beauty, youth and harmony. It contains a basic vitamin-mineral set (11 vitamins+8 minerals), as well as an extract of a green tea leaf. The drug has a comprehensive effect on the body: strengthens bones and teeth, rejuvenates the skin, and maintains harmony. In addition, it invigorates, improves appetite, triggers metabolism.
  • Complivitis anti -stress - dietary supplements with a high content of B vitamins, tocopherol, selenium and copper, flavonlycosides. An extract of ginkgo bilobe and motherwort is also in this type of complivitis, the use of which is appropriate with insufficient psycho -emotional stability, a tendency to stress and depression. The drug increases the adaptogenic reaction of the nervous system in conditions of chronic stress.

Complete highly specialized purpose

The next assortment of vitamins is aimed at solving a specific problem. For example, to strengthen the nervous or immune system, to eliminate iron deficiency anemia, improve vision.

  • Complivit ophthalmo - the source of Luthein, 3 minerals and 9 vitamins. Supports vision at strong loads (reading, working at a computer), restores twilight vision. One tablet contains all the necessary substances for the visual center.
  • Diabetes complite - a complex of 14 vitamin compounds and 4 minerals, flavonoids of ginkgo biloba, lipoic acid. The drug is aimed at replenishing the missing substances in people with diabetes, as well as to improve metabolism and work of the cardiovascular system.
  • Complete for hair growth - shown with alopecia, slowed growth, weakness and dullness of the hairline. The hood of dwarf palm trees, the fruits of the creeping serenia, copper, inosite and other components restore, strengthen, update the curls.

Vitamins complite for men

There is no special complivite for representatives of the stronger sex. Men can choose for themselves the complex that is most suitable, given the lifestyle, nutrition, and health status.

  • Magnesium complites - perfectly relieves the symptoms of nervous stress, fatigue, muscle pain, cramps. The drug contains 50 ml of pure magnesium, as well as zinc, vitamins A, C, E, B. is suitable for men with increased irritability, aggression, excitability. Vitamins improve sleep, appetite, mood.
  • Complete super energy - hissing pills, which contain 15 important elements. These are vitamins of group B, biotin, magnesium, selenium, niacin, ascorbic acid, etc. The drug increases the endurance of the body, restores performance, normalizes the work of the central nervous system. In addition, this complite with ginseng has a beneficial effect on the immunity and increases life tone. The manufacturer claims that the course of 10 days will return strength and health.

Advice! Men also recommended a preventive technique of such types: calcium compli - complovit anti -stress, complivitis (regular).

Vitamins complite for women

Many women take complovit for losing weight, improving appearance and, of course, to extend youth. For these purposes, they pass 3-4 times a year a complivis radiation. In addition, women are recommended to receive such complexes:

  • The radiance of plant antioxidants is a biologically active additive, which is often called complite youth. The composition contains lycopines obtained from tomatoes, olive extract, red grape extract. This additive for food fills the body with plant antioxidants, which helps to delay the aging of the body.
  • Complete plus 45-the complex, in addition to the main vitamin-mineral set, is enriched with an extract of cimicifuga and motherwort. The drug is designed to help a woman without discomfort and complications to survive hormonal changes associated with the silence of the reproductive system.

Vitamins complite for pregnant women

A woman at the planning stage, and then for 9 months, needs vitamins and many minerals. To maintain his health, as well as endure and give birth to a strong baby, she needs to receive these substances from the outside. Such types of complivitis will help her perfectly in this:

  • Mom complibes - an optimal set of 11 vitamins and 7 minerals that a woman needs during pregnancy. Among them, folic acid, iodine, tocopherol and calcium are most important. This complex can be accepted throughout pregnancy.
  • Complete Trimestrum - an innovative line of vitamins, consisting of three separate drugs. Each of them is intended for one of three trimesters. Their composition and the number of nutrients corresponds to a certain gestational period.

Vitamins complibes for children

For babies, the deficiency of vitamins is very dangerous. Therefore, for children to grow active, smart and healthy, they recommend such types of complivitis:

  • Complete active bears - fragrant pastops in the form of funny cubs will help the kids grow rapidly, develop correctly, and study well. The drug has all the necessary elements for small fidgets.
  • Complete an asset 3+ - vitamins in the form of fruit chewing sweets. Enriched with all the vitamins that are needed for kids after three years. It is shown to children for the prevention of acute lack of nutrients, to raise immunity, with strong loads (study, sports), with unbalanced diet. There is also a formula for older children - complovit children 7+ with a high content of iodine and selenium.

The drug is complovit is a super means to maintain health, slowing down aging processes and good mood. Its unique composition allows vitamins to fully absorb and penetrate into all tissues of the body. Choose a complex suitable for you and begin to restore strength and youth.



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