
How to wash white socks at home. How to easily whiten white socks

How to wash white socks at home. How to easily whiten white socks
How to wash and whiten white socks at home. Means for washing white male, female and children's socks with hands and machinery.

White things, after several styrics, fill up and become a grayish or yellow shade. White socks are subject to particularly complex pollution. This part of the wardrobe is often in contact with dust and mud, so socks after the first wearing are often sent to the garbage bin. Do not hurry to throw out dull socks, because we have prepared a whole selection of methods that are able to bring them whiteness and tidy look. In today's article, we will describe how to wash white socks to the pristine state.

How to wash white socks: General Recommendations for washing

Dirty white socks are very difficult to wash the first time, but still, you can try. This kind of underwear is worn as adult men and women and children. In fact, white socks are stuck equally both in adults and at the defers. The thing is that the socks are in contact with a shoe insole contaminated with dust and dirt. Agree, even the most sophisticated cleansers cannot avoid contamination of the insoles, but to clean it is quite problematic enough. In addition, if you pass in white socks even by the most pure floor, there are a couple of dust, which will fall deep into the pile and sweep the type of linen.

Just throw socks in a washing machine and "scrolling" in the usual mode is not enough, and wrong. It is important to stick to the basic rules of the care and washing of white socks. These recommendations can be allocated:

  • do not wear white socks more than a day. Even if you wear socks and looked at them very long - send underwear to washing. In addition to elementary hygienic standards, a new dust and dirt is clogged during the re-wearing of white socks. At the same time, the accumulated mud residues "absorb" in the vault, which significantly complicates the process of whitening things;
  • erase white socks as much as possible. Even if it seems clear white socks hit you at hand, do not be afraid to wash them again - it will only benefit the things;
  • adhere to the rules of sorting linen. Even if white socks are very dirty, they can not be "stuffed" into a typewriter with colored or black linen. You can pre-inspire the socks, and then send them to wee together with white things;
  • choose a washing method recommended by the manufacturer. In addition to cotton white socks, today are popular, for example, knitted. Failure to comply with the rules of washing can not only affect dim color, but spoil the pile and "break" threads. White caproic socks that are so loved by fashionista are absolutely not intended for machine washing. Capron socks need to be washed solely manually;
  • a widespread misconception that the better to lose socks, those whiter they will become at all right. The more you rub the underwear, the stronger the thread will be cleaned. This is especially true of cotton white socks;
  • do not erase white socks in hot water. When using hot water, the dirt literally "baked" in the pile and subsequent manipulations on the return of the primary species are practically unrealistic;
  • strongly polluted socks are better soaked or stupid before washing. This procedure will take a little time, but at times will increase the chance to get a snow-white product from washing drum.

White socks: Photo

White men's socks

White female socks

White baby socks

Short white socks

Long white socks

How to wash white socks: laundry preparation

In order to wash white socks from dirt just "scrolling" them in the washing machine is not enough. To achieve the perfect effect, you need to prepare underwear to washing. Under preparation, there is a manual soaking or stuffing.

How to soak white socks

  1. Deep capacity fill to half with warm water. To do this, it may be a pelvis, bowl or bucket. You can also use a clean sink, after plugging the plum of the plug.
  2. Add the means to soak. Read about the appropriate means below.
  3. Socks shake, removing visible excess dirt. If necessary, remove large mud pieces with your hands.
  4. Place the socks in the container so that they are completely in water.
  5. Leave socks in the container for 20-30 minutes.
  6. At the end of soaking a little shown underwear. Then press the moisture out of it and comprehend in a suitable way.

How to stupid white socks

  1. Dead socks from mud clusters.
  2. Water socks with warm water.
  3. On plots with stains apply a washbasin or soaking on your choice. Read about the tools below.
  4. Watch especially dirty areas. At this stage, it is important not to overdo it in order not to damage the fiber fabric.
  5. Rinse socks in warm water.
  6. Capture underwear in the usual way.

How to wash white socks at home: tools for soaking

As already noted above, before washing the white socks, they are recommended to soak. You can soak socks with the help of special means of factory production and through folk methods.

Factory tools for soaking of white socks

A list of specialized factory facilities for soaking white socks is reduced to a single name - a stain remover. In addition, the label must be specified "for white".

Among the effective specialized means for washing the White can be noted:

  • pERWOL gel for white;
  • vanish Oxi Action liquid stain remover for white;
  • dR bleach Beckmann;
  • sky Style stain remover;
  • bio oxygen stain remover;
  • faberlic pencil, etc.

You need to use the above funds according to the instructions. It is especially important to observe the time of soaking up the linen in the stains. These funds are strong enough and can damage fabric. Therefore, the general recommendations on the time of soaking at 20-30 minutes here is not quoted - soak socks you need as much as written in the instructions for the means.

Folk remedies for soaking of white socks

Showed their effectiveness in whitening socks and folk remedies for soaking. For the most part, they are no less effective than factory, however, more converging to fabric.

Boric acid solution for washing white socks

Boric acid copes quite well with the mission of whitening socks. The advantage of this fund is low cost. In any pharmacy you can buy boric acid for almost a penny.

  1. Boric acid powder dissolve in water. Proportions: 1 tbsp. L powder on 1 liter of water.
  2. In the solution, send socks so that they are completely in water.
  3. Leave socks for 2 hours.
  4. After soaking, post socks in the washing machine in the usual mode.

Table vinegar for washing white socks

No less effective in combating dirty white socks and table vinegar. This is an inexpensive means in addition to cleaning pollution helps to remove an unpleasant smell from the fabric.

  1. Heat the water to a temperature of 40 degrees.
  2. Dissolve in a liter of water a tablespoon of 9% vinegar.
  3. Soak in solution socks.
  4. After half an hour, remove the product and post the usual way.

Lemon juice for washing white socks

The lemon juice solution seems not so effective, but this is an error. It perfectly removes pollution from white things. No exception and socks.

  1. Cut the lemon into two parts.
  2. In the pelvis with water, squeeze the juice from the halves of lemon.
  3. Soak in solution socks.
  4. After three hours, remove the product.
  5. Lubricate the stains that remained lemon juice and sprinkle with a washing powder.
  6. Send socks into a washing machine and "scroll" in normal mode.

Soda for washing white socks

Soda solution is not as effective along with the above-mentioned means, however, many hostesses use them for disrupting socks. The thing is that this method is very gentle and does not damage the fiber fabric.

  1. In 200 ml of warm water, dissolve 1 t. L of food soda.
  2. Soak in solution socks.
  3. After 2 hours, remove the socks and post in the usual way.

Economic soap for washing white socks

The economic soap has long been famous for its properties in disrupting difficult spots. This simple tool helped many owners save white socks from sad fate.

  1. Socks in mo in warm water.
  2. Machine socks on both sides by economic soap so that the impressive layer of soap remains.
  3. Tightly twist the socks with tubes.
  4. Socks fold into a plastic bag and leave for the night.
  5. In the morning rinse your socks, removing the soap excess and comprehend the usual way.

Summer alcohol for washing white socks

The ammonia alcohol helps to return to the mask white socks. Magnify white socks in this agent before each washing and they will shine cleanliness.

  1. In the pelvis of warm water, we split 2 hours of ammonia.
  2. Send socks in a pelvis with water.
  3. Leave the underwear to dull over 2 hours.
  4. Carefully rinse the socks under running water.
  5. Put socks with the usual way.

How to wash white socks in a washing machine

How to wash white socks properly - with hands or in a washing machine? Most hostesses are sure that it is manual washing that is more effective in this matter. We are ready to argue. Hands are not always able to evenly wash the sock, and even more so, if it comes to complex pollution. In addition, with prolonged friction, the likelihood of damage to the tissue fibers is high. But the washing machine canceled changes with the task of washing white socks. Of course, if we take into account the washing rules described on the laundry label and resort to preliminary preparation.

How to wash white socks in a washing machine:

  1. Install the washing mode for cotton things. The washing temperature is 40-60 degrees.
  2. Remove all socks inside out to alleviate the dissolution and removal of dirt.
  3. Socks place in the drum washing machine.
  4. Put several tennis balls into the drum.
  5. Close the machine.
  6. In the washing powder compartment, place the appropriate means. Remember, when using tennis balls, the dosage of the washing powder must be reduced by 1.5-2 times.
  7. Put 2-3 spoons of food soda in the ringer compartment.
  8. Run the washing machine.

It is important to comply with not only the washing recommendations, but also adhere to the basic rules of washing socks. Remember, the more often you erase white socks, the more they are restred.

How to wash white socks with hands

If you are accustomed to erase fine underwear with your hands, then you will certainly handle the task of disrupting the socks. For this you need to follow a few simple recommendations:

  • be sure to soak white socks in front of manual washing. This will not only save your time and keep the handles, but also prevents the fading of fabric and deformation of the fibers;
  • do not dwell. Long friction of fabric about fabric is very detrimental for fibers;
  • do not use hot water. Ideal temperature mode for manual washing of white socks - 40-50 degrees.

White socks

Also known manual method for washing white socks - digestion. This old fashion and today is popular, due to its effectiveness.

How to digest white socks:

  1. Pour water into the saucepan.
  2. Add the juice of half of the lemon and chips into the water.
  3. Send to the saucepan socks.
  4. Put a saucepan on fire.
  5. After boiling "Tomit" socks in boiling water for another 15-20 minutes.
  6. After the water cools up to the temperature of the temperature, remove the socks and rinse them with their hands in a large amount of cold water.

How to whiten white socks

Socks with empty stains wash very difficult. Only aggressive bleaching can help here. Unfortunately, after such a hard whitening of white socks, the products will not last long, since the fabric will be more susceptible to wear. However, for one-time "salvation" this method is quite suitable.

Chlorine for whitening white socks

To wash the yellowed or gray socks at home with the help of chlorine-containing means. Such will rise:

  • white;
  • liquid for processing toilet bowls.

How to produce a whitening procedure:

  1. 2 spoons of the selected means dissolve in a pair of liters of water.
  2. Add 100 grams of washing powder to liquid.
  3. Socks soak in solution and leave for several hours.
  4. After whitening, wash your socks in the usual way.
  5. Sew the socks after such bleaching is needed in a well-ventilated place, away from sunlight and heating appliances.

Skipidar for whitening white socks

A solution with a turpentine can return to life even the most launched socks, white color in which only guess.

How to whiten socks in the turpidar.

  1. In 10 liters of water dissolve 3 tbsp. l washing powder and 3 tbsp. l chipidar.
  2. Send into solution socks.
  3. Leave the product to soap over the night.
  4. Wash socks in the usual way.

How to wash white socks. Video


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