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How to get rid of constipation

How to get rid of constipation
According to statistics, 30-50% of the population suffer by constipation. What if such a problem arose?

Modern medicine believes that the intestine should empty once a day, preferably in the morning and at the same time. But there are such situations when there is a chairs for a day or two. What to do in cases if such a delicate problem arose?

Causes of constipation

More often with women, children and elderly faces the constipation problems. The latency of the chair is more than two days, accompanied by discomfort in the intestine and the deterioration of the overall condition of the person, is called constipation.

Symptoms of constipation:

  • feeling that the bowel is full, nausea may be present;
  • pressure at the bottom of the abdomen, in the rectum;
  • bloating, gas formation;


Carefully observing the body, you can find out the reasons why constipation has happened.

  1. Often the cause of constipation is repeated ignoring urges to empty the intestines due to employment or inability to visit the toilet.
  2. Low intestinal peristalsis associated with low fiber content in the diet. Food with soft carbohydrate products that do not force the intestines to work: white bread, oil, eggs, sandwiches, pies.
  3. Blind drinking mode. On a day you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of pure non-carbonated water.
  4. Low motor activity. Insufficient physical exertion and a sedentary lifestyle lead to a decrease in the intestinal tone.
  5. Beating on running. I need to chew food thoroughly, calmly, and not to collect large pieces.
  6. Diseases of the stomach, intestines, rectum.

If the constipation is chronic, it is worth consulting a doctor to eliminate serious diseases. If the problem with the chair occurs from time to time, you can try to get rid of the intestinal constipation, observing some recommendations.

Useful tips for constipation

  1. Drink more water and be sure to drink water on an empty stomach. A glass of warm water drunk after awakening, launch digestion. Water drunk during the day, stimulates the passage of food by intestines. Therefore, the use of 2 liters of water per day will save from constipation.
  2. Take food in a relaxed atmosphere, carefully chewing. The digestion begins in the mouth, so it is necessary to monitor the state of the teeth. The better the food is facing, the more enzymes allocated to recycle it, the better the intestines muscles work.
  3. Move more, engage in physical education, make a self-making belly. For those who are forced to spend a lot of time sitting, the intestines work slowly, food is stood. Try to walk more on foot, perform simple exercise. In the morning, lying in bed, make a stomach massage clockwise, slightly pressed with your fingers, for 5-7 minutes.
  4. To get rid of constipation, it is necessary to observe a diet that contains fresh vegetables and fruits: cabbage, carrots, apples, beets, plums. The base of the diet should not be boiled food, eat fresh salads and fermented dairy products. It is desirable to add olive oil to salads, it contributes to the production of bile and acceleration of food promotion.

Folk remedies from constipation


  1. Prepare the juice of the repfate onion. Drink at 1 tsp. Before eating 3 times a day, the course of 3 weeks.
  2. Mix 150 g of chopped aloe leaves and 300 g of honey, insist within 24 hours. Strain. Drink from morning over 1 dessert spoon before meals.
  3. Blueberry branches with leaves in the amount of 15 grams pour a glass of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes. Soaking 60 minutes. Take a decoction 3-4 times a day on a tablespoon.
  4. Help get rid of constipation fresh juice of aloe. Take 1 tsp 3 times a day, a course of treatment for one month.
  5. It has a mild laxative effect of fresh potato juice. Take 3 times a day for 1 \\ 2 cup 30 minutes before meals in the course of two weeks.
  6. Continuously taking tea from dried apples and cherries, it is possible to eliminate the problem of constipation.
  7. Effective folk remedy for constipation is to consume decoction of senna with prunes. To do this, 2 teaspoons dry grass senna and 100 g prunes pour 600 g of boiling water for 3 hours. Take opportunities every hour for 3 tbsp. l. to alleviate the condition. It operates smoothly and has no contraindications.
  8. Good remedy for constipation is receiving fasting one whole kiwi fruit. To this end, kiwi fruit thoroughly washed and eaten with the skin.

constipation treatment

Before you begin to treat constipation, it is necessary to ascertain whether the constipation is constantly repeated or episodic event that is associated with any of life changes: long drive, stress, hike. If constipation is chronic, that is constantly pursuing - it is better to consult a doctor. Perhaps this is due to any bowel disease. It is necessary to pass the examination and receive appropriate treatment. If the delay of a chair is a rare occurrence, it is possible to try to cope with constipation treatment at home.

Treatment of constipation in pregnancy

In pregnant uterus constipation caused by pressure on the intestine, decreased physical activity, certain medications: drugs iron or calcium.

What if constipation during pregnancy? Initially, it is recommended to review the diet and to include in the diet of fresh vegetables and fruits that contain crude fiber: beets, carrots, zucchini, apples, figs, prunes. It is recommended to take in food dairy products. If there are no contraindications, should drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day.


Perhaps a change in diet does not relieve the condition and relieve constipation. Then we'll take a laxative for constipation. It must be remembered that the rectal suppositories for constipation pregnant appointed in extreme cases. It is also not permitted drugs that increase intestinal motility: Guttalaks, dulkolaks, preparations based on buckthorn, senna.

During pregnancy, drugs are prescribed, which reduce the absorption of water from the intestine, increase its contents. These drugs are recommended pregnant women and mommies during breastfeeding period: Duhalak, Forlax. It is possible to use drugs that contribute to the softening of powerful masses, for example, a fitting, plantain seeds.

Treatment of constipation in a newborn

Publiking constipation is manifested in the form of anxiety, crying with tightening the legs to the body, the loss of appetite, strong outlining during defecation, low weight gain, lack of stool. If the child is on breastfeeding, you should pay attention to the nutrition of mommies. Provocate constipation in newborns can be products consumed by mom:

  • white bread and buns from the dough;
  • fatty meat and milk;
  • strong coffee and black tea;
  • some drugs.

What if constipation in a child who is on artificial feeding? Attention should be paid to whether the milk mixture is suitable and whether the child's drinking mode is adjusted. Children on artificial feeding need to drink.

You can get rid of constipation in infants with:

  • abdominal massage;
  • mom's power changes or baby, if it is powered by a mixture;
  • use of drugs: Espumizan, Duffolac;
  • applications of candlets from constipation.


Empting when the baffle is constipation is an extreme means of combating stool delay.

Treatment of constipation in children

In the life of a child after a year, critical periods arise when constipation may occur.

  1. When teaching diapers. When the need arises to use the pot, the child often cannot understand what is required of it, and can restrain the act of defecation. Constant hold of the chair leads to constipation.
  2. At the age of 3, when the child begins to attend kindergarten. The child may have psychological problems resulting in defecation delay.


What if the child happened to constipate? First you need to find out the reason. Carefully treat the child's nutrition to include fresh fruits and salads from vegetables, porridge from buckwheat and pearl cereals, bread from coarse grinding. It is necessary to monitor the drinking mode.

If these events do not help normalize the chair, prescribe medicines:

  1. Candles with glycerin.
  2. Duphalac or its analogs.
  3. Domperidone.

Get rid of constipation in children and help folk remedies of them told above. It is better to use traditional recipes that will please children: broths and paste of dried fruits, tea made from dried apples and cherries.

Treatment of constipation in adults

There are several ways of treating constipation in adults.

  1. Abide by the rules of a balanced diet. Include eating enough fruits and vegetables. Consume 1.5-2 liters of water per day.
  2. Increase motor activity. You need to walk more, dance, swim, run, perform the exercises.
  3. Apply laxatives.
  4. Treat bowel disease, if they exist.


For adults, drugs for constipation are divided into 5 groups.

  1. The drugs that are based on lactulose. This group includes drugs that are irritating to the colon receptors and enhance peristalsis. These include Guttalaks, Slabilen. They act only in the large intestine. Currently, these drugs are considered the most safe and effective.
  2. Laxatives that retain water in the intestine and thereby contribute to the softening of stool that leads to defecation painless. This group includes Duphalac, Laktusan, Prelaks, Normase.
  3. Formulations bulking feces due to the ability to adsorb water. These include: methylcellulose, agar-agar, wheat bran and flax seed.
  4. Oil laxative for constipation. These include preparations containing castor and almond oil. They are natural, does not cause intestinal radrazheny. Act gently, increasing the secretion of bile and improves intestinal peristalsis. Laxatives are contraindicated in oil gallstones. Preparations based laxatives oils prescribed for constipation in the elderly, which is associated with a reduction in bowel tone.
  5. Laxatives probiotics. These drugs increase the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora. These include Linex, Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin.

In pharmacies sold huge selection of medicines for constipation without a prescription, but self-medication and the abuse of these drugs can be harmful to health. Therefore, treatment is better to start with a healthy diet and increasing physical activity. If this does not alleviate the condition, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

How to get rid of constipation. Video

In this video, a well-known TV presenter Elena Malysheva tell you how to get rid of constipation without harm to health.


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Rimma 05.04.2016 To answer

Publishes for me familiar topics. They began to appear as soon as the diet became Dukan to observe. I understand, the lack of fiber and carbohydrates in food so influenced my intestines. And now what do I do not know now? Maybe who will tell me?

Anonymous 11.04.2016 To answer

Rimma, you know, not only one with this diet suffer from constipation. And they had them, until I had to drink a laxative lavale. It is not disgusting it, because it looks like the mineral wool. It is very effective cleans the intestines, and you need, then only one bag dilute with one glass of water. In the packaging of their 15 pieces, these bags. And he has nothing expensive, any Lavacam will be affordable.

Svetlana 06.02.2017 To answer

Will not be addictive to Lavacola? I also have such a problem, you need to somehow solve ....

Irina 08.02.2017 To answer

Svetlana, no addiction, I can say Lavacolla not absorbed and works only in the lumen of the intestine, so its beneficial microflora it does not break. We have a problem having a bowel movement and helps Lavacolla well.

Anonymous 08.02.2017 To answer

Svetlana, no addiction, I can say Lavacolla not absorbed and works only in the lumen of the intestine, so its beneficial microflora it does not break. We have a problem having a bowel movement and helps Lavacolla well.
