
How to make cod fish cutlets. Step -by -step recipes of delicious cod cutlets with photo. How to cook meat cutlets in the oven in the oven, steamed, in a pan, in a slow cooker

How to make cod fish cutlets. Step -by -step recipes of delicious cod cutlets with photo. How to cook meat cutlets in the oven in the oven, steamed, in a pan, in a slow cooker
The article presents several step -by -step recipes for preparing delicious cod cutlets in various ways: by frying, baking and steaming.

Cod meat is often used for diet and children's menu. It is not fat, high -calorie, contains a large number of elements useful for the body. That is why the dish turns out not only useful, but also tasty. Most often, cutlets are prepared from this type of fish. There are several ways to prepare them, as well as recipes.

Cod cutlets - Features of cooking

  • Cod meat does not have a strong fish smell, so it is often prepared for children. It is served in the form of cutlets that are steamed. But also they can simply fry or bake in the oven.
  • You can prepare a dietary dish from the cod, since the fish meat is not oily. But at the same time, it has a greater calorie content. It goes well with most other products, even with cottage cheese.
  • The minced meat is elastic, so cutlets can not only be frying, but also baked in the oven. Adherents of a healthy eating are also preparing fish cutlets made of cod for steam and in a slow cooker.
  • The fish has only a drawback. Her meat becomes dry if you hold the dish for a few minutes longer than indicated in the recipe. Therefore, various ingredients that can give moisture are added to the minced meat.
  • The cod has large sizes and its cutting does not cause inconvenience. The fillet is easily removed from the carcass, there is practically no seeds, and the skin leaves no traces of meat. The minced meat can be chopped with a meat grinder or blender. Cutlets made of chopped meat are also delicious.
  • The cod has another feature, no matter how strange it sounds. To prepare fish cutlets, excess fluid should be drained, which is released from meat. She will not add juiciness to the minced meat.
  • There is no clear rule to use onions in cutlets made of minced meat. Some housewives pre -fry it and only then add to the fish mass. Others prefer only raw bow for additional juiciness of the dish.
  • In order for the minced meat to be dense, it is necessary to add a semolina or oatmeal. In this case, the mass is allowed to stand for about 30-40 minutes. So the product is entered with moisture, increase in size and additionally fasten the ingredients of minced meat.
  • Also, housewives often use white bread. You need to add it only in a softened state. For this, the roll is soaked in milk. But the liquid itself is not used in minced meat.
  • A conventional egg will help to provide additional adhesives of the mass. It is driven to the mass in raw form. After that, the minced meat should be thoroughly mixed.
  • Not only spices and seasonings will enhance the taste of the dish. You can diversify it with fresh herbs. Before adding it, the plant is thoroughly washed, dried and finely cut.
  • Most housewives like to use crackers based on crackers with eggs or flour. It is applied when frying or baking. When preparing a dish for a couple of breading is not needed.

Classic recipe for cod cutlets

If you are going to use fish for the first time, then start with this recipe. It is basic in order to understand the technology of cooking. If you clearly follow the step -by -step instructions, then the cod cutlets will turn out juicy with delicate taste.


  • cod fillet - 0.5 kg.;
  • white bread - 200 g.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • milk - 100 ml.;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • semolina - 50 g.;
  • black ground pepper, salt - to taste.

Step -by -step recipe for cod cutlets in a pan:

  1. The most delicious dish is made of minced meat. Therefore, use fresh cod fillet in the recipe. It must be washed in running water and thoroughly dry with paper towels.
  2. Cut the meat in large pieces. Grind it in a meat grinder with a large net or chop it finely with a knife. Put the fish minced meat into a deep container so that it is convenient for you to interfere with the mass. Salt, season and mix it. Leave the fish to soak in spices up to 20 minutes at room temperature.
  3. Clean the onions and cut very finely. If you do not like pieces of a vegetable in a fish cutlet, then it must be chopped in a blender or twisted in a meat grinder. If desired, the amount of onion can be increased, but not more than half of the mass of minced meat.
  4. Some housewives are skeptical of adding bread to cutlets, believing that it is used only for volume. This is an erroneous opinion. Pieces of bread during cooking cutlets absorb the juice that the fish produces. Thus, it remains inside, which gives juiciness to the dish.
  5. Use stale bread. Cut the crust and soak it in warm milk. When the crumb swells, squeeze it, grind it with your hands and add to the minced meat.
  6. Raw eggs additionally connect the ingredients during frying cutlets. But their excess will make the mixture dense, as a result of which the dish will turn out to be hard. Therefore, do not exceed the specified number of eggs in the recipe.
  7. Break the eggs into a separate container, pour the semolina and beat the mixture well. Let stand for 10-15 minutes while the semolina swells. Then move to the minced meat and mix it with your hands. The uniformity of the mass will depend on how carefully you knead the minced meat.
  8. If the mixture turned out to be liquid, then add more bread or breadcrumbs. Then proceed to the formation of cutlets. Hand your hands with warm water, take a little minced meat and make a ball out of it. Transfer to a cutting board, press slightly.
  9. Use breading or not to solve only to you. But first, try cooking cutlets without it. Fry them in a pan with a thick bottom in well -hot vegetable oil. After each frying, remove the burnt parts of the meat, if necessary, replace the oil. Set the fire at a minimum mark.
  10. Fish cutlets will be slightly browned. Check the dishes by pressing the middle of the cutlets. When transparent fat appears from above, immediately remove the meat from the pan, otherwise it will become dry.

Tasty cod cutlets in the oven

Fish cutlets can be cooked not only in a pan. If you use the oven, then the dish will prepare evenly from all sides. There will still be a crust on the meat, but not as harmful as with frying. This recipe is suitable for making cutlets from already finished minced meat.

List of ingredients:

  • minced meat from cod - 1 kg.;
  • crumb of white bread - 200 g.;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc .;
  • any vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • fat mayonnaise - 5 tbsp. L.;
  • sugar - 30 g.;
  • any flour - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • garlic, greens, salt and other spices - to taste.

How to cook cod cutlets:

  1. Since only one egg is used in the recipe, minced meat must be repelled. Due to this, the mass does not break up during cooking. To do this, transfer the meat to the container, take a small part of it with your hands, raise up and throw it back into the bowl. Do this procedure 15-20 times with all the minced meat.
  2. Clean dry onions, chop finely. But do not grind in a blender, as it must be frying until golden. During frying, add spices and salt. Stir the vegetable, then remove it from heat and leave to cool in a pan. Do not pour oil at the same time.
  3. Soak bread without a crust in milk for 10-15 minutes, squeeze the crumb well and transfer it to a separate container. Squeeze the garlic to it, pour sugar and chopped greens. Change the mass in a meat grinder with the addition of fried onions. Then mix and add to the minced meat again. The oil that remains after the bow also pour to the fish.
  4. Mix the egg with mayonnaise and transfer to the cod. Now the minced meat must be thoroughly kneaded. It is most convenient to do this with your hands.
  5. From the fish mass, make cutlets and roll in flour. The indicated number of ingredients will be enough for you for 20 medium -sized cutlets. Cover the baking sheet with parchment, lay the cutlets on top of it. Make the distance between them at least 5 cm. It is necessary so that hot air can evenly prepare the dish.
  6. Heat the oven to 150 degrees. Put a baking sheet with cutlets in it and bake them for 40 minutes. The meat at the finished dish should be white without muddy juice at the fault.
  7. According to this recipe, you can prepare cod diet cutlets. But for this it is necessary to slightly change the technology of preparation of products. Add the onion in raw form, replace mayonnaise with fat cream. To avoid the formation of crust on cutlets, do not apply flour to raw meat.

Steaming dietary cutlets recipe or in a slow cooker

Modern household appliances for the kitchen will not only facilitate the troubles for housewives, but also prepare a dietary dish. Do not think that the cod cutlets are tasteless for a couple. On the contrary, the meat turns out to be airy and juicy, and the taste is more tender. There is no harmful crust at all, since panning is not used for this method of preparation. Such a dish is also suitable for baby food.

List of necessary products:

  • cod carcass - 500 g.;
  • gray bread - 2 slices;
  • onions - 3 pcs.;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc .;
  • salt with garlic and seasonings - to your taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Put the carcass of fish on the fillet, remove the skin. Cut into pieces and chop the meat in any way convenient for you. Add spices, salt and garlic. Mix the mass so that the seasonings are evenly distributed along it.
  2. To make cod cutlets, you can use not only white bread. Gray and even rye are suitable. From its variety, the ability to maintain juiciness does not change. Only the taste of the finished dish acquires a slight shade. Soak bread in water and squeeze excess fluid.
  3. Pull the egg to the crumb, add finely chopped onions and mix the mass. Then shift it to the minced meat and knead it thoroughly. To keep the cutlets, put the fish in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  4. If you do not have a double boiler, then use a slow cooker to make cod cutlets. Pour the purified water to the bottom of the bowl, install the tray for steaming on top. Additionally, it does not need to be lubricated with vegetable or butter, since the shape will be wet all the time.
  5. With wet hands, give the minced meat the shape, transfer it to the multicooker tray. Do not have cutlets tightly together. Leave a place for steam. Close the cover of the technique, leave the valve open so that the extra steam goes out during cooking.
  6. Select the "steam" function, set the time - 25 minutes. After the sound signal, open the slow cooker, but do not lean over it. Otherwise, you will receive a burn. Let the dish cool for several minutes and serve.

Children's recipe for cooking cutlets from cod

Ordinary recipes for cooking fish are not suitable for baby food. They need a certain set of products and a special technology for making cod cutlets. But having mastered the recipe, you can easily prepare delicious dishes for your kids.

Prepare such products:

  • fish fillet - 0.5 kg.;
  • dry bow - 1 pc.;
  • raw carrots of medium size - 1 pc.;
  • white loaf - 2 pieces;
  • warm milk - 30 ml.;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc .;
  • salt, greens - to taste;
  • spices - according to the age of the child.

Description of cooking cutlets:

  1. Cod fillet is best used to be fresh. If you have a frozen fish, then it must be completely defrosted. Do this at room temperature or leave the meat in the refrigerator, but do not fill with hot water.
  2. After defrosting, rinse the cod thoroughly, squeeze and dry with paper towels. Then cut the fillet in large pieces. Clean onions of the husk, rinse in cold water and cut into 4-5 parts.
  3. From the slices of the loaf, cut the crust, soak in milk for 10 minutes. After that, squeeze the crumb from excess fluid. On a meat grinder, install a large grid and twist the fillet along with onions and bread. If the mass did not turn out to be homogeneous, then pass the minced meat through a meat grinder again.
  4. Wash the carrots, peel and grate on a fine grater. Drain the juice. Put the egg to the vegetable, add chopped greens and spices. Mix the mass thoroughly, then connect it with the cod and knead it with your hands. At the same time, make the movements from the bottom up.
  5. Form cutlets from minced meat. A total of the indicated number of ingredients will be enough 14-15 pieces. If you prepare them in a double boiler, then do not use a breading. When frying, you can roll in flour.
  6. Many mothers are interested in: how much you need to fry cutlets from cod for children. It is necessary to fry them until a light crust appears on the top of the meat, to bring cutlets to readiness you can with steaming. To do this, pour water to the bottom of the pots, shift the fried cutlets and turn on the minimum fire. Cover the dishes with a lid. When steam begins to appear, leave the dish for another 10-15 minutes.
  7. But mothers will have to think about the presentation, because children do not really like fish cutlets. If your child’s age allows you to eat bell pepper, then cut 3 triangles out of it. Boil pasta in the form of spirals, lay them on the top of the plates. Below them, lay the cutlet. Make your eyes out of halves of boiled eggs and olives. Make a bow on pasta and a smile from pepper. The cucumber will be ears.

Advice. When preparing children's cod cutlets, you should not use a blender. Otherwise, the minced meat will become viscous and too adhesive. Also, when excess fluid appears in the fish, it must be drained.

Cod cutlets with spices from Julia Vysotskaya

Many housewives like to cook according to recipes from Julia Vysotskaya. They are simple in cooking technology, but at the same time, have an original taste.

Recipe components:

  • cod meat - 200 g.;
  • crackers of any bread - 100 g.;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc .;
  • chili pepper - 1 pc.;
  • snitt-Luk and Dill fresh-1 bunch;
  • vegetable oil for frying.;
  • any flour - 1 tbsp. L.;
  • fenhel (caraway seeds), coriander, turmeric - ¼ tsp;
  • salt of large grinding - to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. A cod on this recipe is obtained with a spicy taste. You can change the number of spices, also add caraway caraway seeds instead of phenhel seeds. There is a small feature of the preparation of the dish. If you fry cutlets at once, then roll them in flour. When storing raw blanks in the refrigerator until they are prepared, do not use panning.
  2. Wash the greens, dry and finely chop. Rinse fresh chili pepper, cut in half, remove the seeds, cut into half rings and combine with green onions and dill.
  3. Pour the seeds of seasoning to a mortar, add turmeric to them and rub it to a homogeneous consistency. Use sea salt in the recipe, as it has a more rich taste and is rich in useful elements for the body.
  4. You will need white bread in a dry state. You do not need to cut off the crust from it. Unlike most other methods of preparing cutlets, in this recipe, the bread is not soaked, but is crushed in a blender.
  5. Pour the crumbs into a deep container, add greens with spices. Beat the egg separately and pour in the bread. Prepare the cod fillet, then cut it with a small cube. Combine all the ingredients. Mix the minced meat thoroughly.
  6. Separate from mass 1 tbsp. l. Ranger, transfer to wet hands and roll the ball. Put the cutlet on the plate and press. To make a crust when frying, sprinkle the cutlets with flour.
  7. Heat the pan well, pour vegetable oil. When it warms up, reduce the fire to the minimum mark and fry the cutlets on both sides. Prepare them before the appearance of brown crust. In this case, it is important not to dry fish cutlets.
  8. After frying, use a paper towel to remove excess fat from the surface of the meat. In total, you will get about 8 pcs. Cutlets, which is enough for 3-4 portions.

Chopped cod cutlets

The method of preparing minced meat for this recipe differs from the traditional one in that the meat does not grind, but cuts. So it will keep juice in itself, because it does not choke on a meat grinder. The taste of the dish can be diversified by adding sour cream and hard cheese to minced meat.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • cod meat - 750 g.;
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs .;
  • green onions, parsley - 1 Puch.;
  • cleaned garlic - 3 tooth.;
  • fat sour cream - 3 tbsp. L.;
  • solid cheese - 50 g.;
  • corn flour and wheat - 1.5 tbsp. L.;
  • lemon juice - 3 tbsp. L.;
  • spices and sea salt - to taste.

Method of preparation:

  1. Gut the cod, rinse and wipe with napkins. Pay special attention to the inner part of the abdomen, as the black film on it will spoil the taste of the finished dish. Remove the meat from the bones.
  2. With a sharp knife, chop it into small pieces. Then transfer to the container, add lemon juice, spices and chopped garlic. Put in the refrigerator, let the meat with seasoning for 30-40 minutes. If the juice has stood out during this time, then drain it. To do this, put the minced meat in a colander and wait until the excess fluid is draining.
  3. Cut hard cheese with thin strips or rub on a grater. Add eggs and chopped greens to it. Beat the mixture well, add sour cream with flour to it. Mix the mass again.
  4. Pour the egg mixture into cold minced meat. Mix the ingredients with your hands, then again send it to the refrigerator for an hour. So the cod is nourished by spices. After the indicated time, take the minced meat, salt it and knead thoroughly.
  5. In order for the cutlets to keep the shape and keep the juice, they should be slightly beaten off. Separate a little minced meat with your wet hands and throw it to the other palm. Repeat the action 2-3 times, then form an oval and press it.
  6. Fry cutlets in hot vegetable oil. Use smell oil for this recipe so as not to interrupt the taste of fish. Serve to the table cod cutlets in warm form with mashed potatoes or rice.

Original cod cutlets with cottage cheese

Cod has a delicate taste that can be strengthened with original ingredients. These include cottage cheese. In the recipe, it is necessary with high fat content, so the fish will remain juicy. In addition, add celery greens. He, too, will not let the meat become dry during cooking.

List of necessary products:

  • fresh cod - 0.5 kg.;
  • juice of one lemon;
  • fat cottage cheese - 205;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • flour or crackers for breading;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc .;
  • seasonings and spices for fish;
  • warm milk - 3 tbsp. L.;
  • celery and basil greens;
  • frying oil;
  • salt without additives;
  • the pulp of bread.

How to cook fish cutlets with cottage cheese:

  1. Rinse the cod fillet in cold water, then put it on a kitchen towel. So excess fish liquid is absorbed into it. Then remove the skin from the meat and remove the small seeds.
  2. Grind cod in minced meat, squeeze the juice of one lemon to it. This fruit helps the meat get rid of the fish smell. Leave the minced meat pickle in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  3. Break the pulp of bread into pieces and lower it into milk. When she swells, squeeze. Transfer bread into a separate container. Greens must be washed. Cut it as smaller and add to the bread.
  4. Peel onions, finely cut into a cube. Fry the vegetable until golden crust appears. Make sure that the bow does not burn. Otherwise, you will have to throw it away, as it will ruin the taste of the dish. Cool the fried onion to room temperature and add to the fish.
  5. If you have home cottage cheese, then grind it through a sieve. Then connect with all other ingredients. Pull the egg to the mass, salt and season.
  6. Before forming, the meatballs should have a homogeneous consistency. Therefore, mix it with your hands for about 10 minutes. Make cutlets from the mass and pan them with flour. Instead, you can use breadcrumbs.
  7. The frying method also differs from other recipes. Heat the pan well, reduce the fire. Put fish cutlets on hot oil, fry until a light crust, turn them over. After a minute, pour warm water, immediately cover with a lid and put out the cutlets for 5 minutes. The finished dish can be served with vegetables.

Tasty cod cutlets - advice and recommendations

  • It is mistaken to believe that meat for cutlets should be used only in frozen form. Fresh fish will significantly improve the taste. Therefore, carefully approach the choice of a carcass when buying.
  • You can increase the juiciness of the dish using various ingredients. Such vegetables are well given moisture: tomatoes, sweet pepper and especially celery. If you do not want to use vegetables in minced meat, then add fatty sour cream or mayonnaise to it.
  • When mixing different types of fish for minced meat, cutlets are no less tasty. It is best to use oily fish in addition to dry cod.
  • To get a sophisticated taste of the dish, first marinate the meat in white wine. Spices choose those that will be combined not only with fish, but also with a new taste.
  • If you add a small piece of butter to the middle of the raw cutlets, then the dish will turn out to be more delicate. But you should not fry the minced meat on it. The butter burns quickly.
  • It is best to form cutlets with your hands. To obtain a flat surface of the palm should be wetted. Do this procedure in front of each new cutlet.
  • In addition to cod cutlets, use potatoes, rice or grilled vegetables. Also, the dish goes well with any creamy sauce.

The cod is so universal fish that even cutlets are tasty from it. A variety of ways to prepare it makes it possible to use meat not only in the dietary and children's menu. Bon appetit!

An unusual recipe for cod cutlets with potatoes and herbs watch the video:



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