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Exercises of Kegel

Exercises of Kegel
Kegel exercises help to preserve youth and sexual health.

Kegel's exercises received their name on behalf of the author. They were developed in the 20th century Professor of Medicine Arnold Kegel. Dr. Kegel's doctors strengthen and allow you to keep the pelvis muscles in the tone, which, in turn, hold internal organs.

As a result of the weakening of the muscles after pregnancy, as a result of excess weight or age changes, the internal organs are lowering. This leads to female diseases, problems with the bladder, to the deterioration of intimate life.

Kegel exercises can be done in any setting convenient for you. For this you do not need to go to the gym, sign up for the coach. You can start with the most short classes, literally for 3-5 minutes so that there are no unpleasant painful sensations. Gradually, the number of repetitions and time of training should be increased.

It is very convenient to do the exercises of Kegel in a home environment while watching television programs, working at a computer, doing household chores. Some perform exercises on the road to work, sitting in transport. It is absolutely unnoticed for others.

Kegel's exercises are not aimed at increasing a huge muscles, but to the ability to flexibly and smoothly own the muscles of the pelvic bottom.


How to perform kegel exercises

Before performing the exercises, it is necessary to determine where the muscles of the pelvic bottom are located. To feel them, try to suspend the started urination. At the same time, it is those muscles that train according to the method of Kegel.

Use constantly suspension of urination in the form of training is not recommended.

At first, Kegel exercises are better done lying. So you can control your feelings, understand whether the muscles are intense. To lie on the back, hands along the body, the legs bend a little in the knees. The initial position for performing the exercises of Kegel is in the photo. In order to monitor the correctness of the execution, take the abdominal muscles, they should not be tense.


Now you have to try to cut the muscles for a few seconds, then let go. The whole point of the exercise of Kegel consists in alternating voltage and relaxing muscles.

The efficiency of Kegel exercises will be higher if they are performed regularly.

Kegel's exercise complex

Kegel exercises for pregnant women


Exercises of Kegel for pregnant women are recommended to master and those who are only planning pregnancy. This will help improve the well-being during pregnancy, will prepare muscles to the process of childbirth, will help momugh easier to give birth without having received painful gaps. Elastic trained muscles will speed up the generation process and will remove pain.

Kegel's exercises for pregnant women are recommended to perform not only sitting on a chair or lying, but also lying on his side and sitting squatting.

The complex for pregnant women consists of 3 exercises.

  1. The main exercise of the Kegel technique is the delay. Strain the muscles of the pelvic bottom. Draw for 5 seconds, let go. Repeat several times.
  2. A complex exercise is called "Elevator". Alternately strain the "floors" of the vagina, ranging from the lower department and ending with the top. Then return from top to bottom, relaxing muscles.
  3. Exercise "Wave". First strain the muscles of the anus, then the vagina. Relax in reverse order as a wave.

Kegel exercises after childbirth

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During the pregnancy and childbirth, the muscles stretched out, became less elastic, it will now need time for their recovery. The use of Cherel exercises will make them elastic and strong. You can start doing exercises from the first day if there was no complications during the birth. This will speed up the process of bringing muscles into tone. It is advisable to consult with the doctor, he will tell in detail what exercises are useful to a young mommy. If unpleasant painful sensations arise, the exercises must be stopped.

Starting the execution of Kegel exercises to strengthen the muscles after childbirth follows from the crotch muscles voltage while holding in voltage 3-5 seconds.

Next, move to more complex exercises:

  1. The muscles of the perineum and the vagina are reduced alternately for 10 seconds. Then relax for the same time.
  2. Exercise "Elevator". Strain muscles at the bottom of the vagina, delay for a few seconds, gradually move to the next step, gradually climbing up, passing 4-5 stages, gradually move to muscle relaxation in reverse order.

Kegel Exercises for Men


Congestive phenomena in men in a small pelvis can cause prostatitis. The complex of the exercise of Kegel with a systematic implementation is an excellent tool for the prevention of this disease.

As a result of the exercises of Kegel, the Lobkovo-Corking Muscle is trained in men. To determine where this muscle is located, you need to delay urination. That muscle, which as a result strained, is called Lobkovo-Kopchikova. In a man who regularly performs the exercise of Kegel, an erection improves and the ability to extend the time of sexual intercourse.

Cegel's exercise complex for men consists of alternating the tension and relaxation of the pubic-coccular muscle. The number of such alternations gradually increases. The effect of Kegel's exercises occurs only with systematic classes.

Control over the muscle. Strain the lobkovo-cleaned muscle, then relax. Repeat several times, take 10 approaches a day.

  1. To improve endurance. Tension muscle, keep some time in a hard state. Gradually increase the time when the muscle is in voltage.
  2. To increase the muscle action zone. Think muscle slowly, for 5-7 seconds. Also slowly relax.
  3. To increase speed. As soon as possible strain and relax the muscle. Repeat at least 10 times.

Exercises of Kegel for the treatment and prevention of female diseases


With some female pathologies, for example, the omission of the uterus, with the help of simple exercises, it appears a real opportunity to avoid surgical intervention. Kegel exercises strengthen the muscles of the pelvic bottom. Therefore, they are recommended to women after surgery to remove the uterus to restore and strengthen muscle supporting internal organs.

Kegel exercise complex for the treatment and prevention of female diseases:

  1. Compression. Slowly squeeze the muscles, slowly count to 3, also slowly relax.
  2. Reduction. In a rapid pace strain and relax intimate muscles. Mimic the shields of the butterfly wings.
  3. Pushing. Imitation of the act of defecation or generic sweating. Do not apply excessive effort, to perform easily, rhythmic and fast.


Kegel exercises with simulator

The Kegel simulator is recommended for training the muscles of the pelvic floor, which is the prevention of inflammatory female diseases, to improve the sexual function and for training intimate muscles.

There are different simulators for performing the exercises of Kegel. Therefore, if you have already mastered the technique for some time and you want to improve it, you can choose and purchase the simulator.

The Kegel simulator with balls is the balls of different sizes that the woman independently puts into the vagina before exercising. Each woman simulator is selected individually.

Before use, the ball must be necessary to disinfect. Beginners are easier to perform exercises lying. In the future, the exercises are performed standing, it allows you to better control the muscle tension.

Cegel Exercise Reviews

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Practitioners doctors confirm the effectiveness of Kegel exercises. Currently, this technique has become applied to prepare a woman to childbirth, to restore the functions of the body after childbirth and gynecological operations.

Kegel exercises are practiced by the doctors of the whole world. This is a truly technique that all uses.

Women who are engaged in the exercises of Kegel speak only positively: the well-being improves, the mood rises, the sexual desire and quality of sex increases significantly. Well-trained intimate muscles make a woman more sensual and allow you to easily reach orgasm.

Contraindications for the exercise of Kegel a little, but they are.

  1. Inflammation of the urine-sex system.
  2. Postoperative period.
  3. Vascular diseases in the field of small pelvis and lower limbs.
  4. Tumors.

Kegel exercise. Video

How to do Kege's exercises with a trainer "Kegel Balls" can be viewed on the video:


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