
Care for teeth

Care for teeth
Daily steps to a charming smile

Everyone has been taught from childhood that the teeth should be brushed 2 times a day. And we all know very well that the beauty of our smile depends not only on whiteness of teeth, but also on lumpy oral cavity. If we know for sure that our gums are normal, and the teeth are healthy, we boldly and confidently smile, not afraid that someone will see a black dot on our teeth. The Americans are the most smiling nation, and it is really nice to look at their stars - beautiful snow -white smiles. But do not be upset, the Hollywood smile primarily depends on us, and visiting the dentist once every six months will allow you to maintain it in perfect condition.

Subtleties for teeth care

Do you take care of your teeth daily, and with a planned examination, the dentist supplements problem areas? Think about it, maybe you are doing something wrong.

  1. The cause of caries in bacteria, this was still talked about at school. And he, like any other bacterium, can be infected directly, for example, with a kiss. So if at every trip to the doctor, they tell you that you have caries, perhaps your second half has not visited the dentist for a long time.
  2. You can see for hours how to brush your teeth correctly, but how it is not, but this is only a theory, but practice is important. So we take your toothbrush and go to the gigienist dentist, he will tell and show how to brush your teeth correctly. The location of the teeth is different for everyone, so if there is no way to contact a professional, we begin to try to brush your teeth differently. The main thing is to remember that each cleaning should last at least 3 minutes and should start with the upper teeth.
  3. To date, various means (tablets or liquids) are sold in pharmacies, with which you can control the degree of oral cavity. After you brushed your teeth, rinse your mouth or make a tablet and the plaque that you have not removed will be painted (the color depends on the preferences of the manufacturer). Thus, you will be more confident in the degree of cleansing your own teeth.

Methods of teeth care

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Doctors strongly recommend brushing their teeth at least 2 times a day: after breakfast and before bedtime. But they also advise cleansing the oral cavity after each meal: there is no way to brush your teeth so often, make the habit of rinse your mouth with water after each meal.

And now a little about what methods of teeth to cleanse:

  1. Universal cleaning. Careful alternate cleansing of the teeth - 2. Having placed a toothbrush at an angle of 45 degrees to the teeth, we adhere to the direction from the gums to the cutting part of the tooth. To begin with, we cleanse the outside of the upper teeth, then go to the inside, do not forget to cleanse the chewing surface of the teeth. After the upper teeth have been cleansed, it proceeds to cleansing the lower teeth, following the same algorithm.
  2. Hard cleaning. This method is suitable for people with healthy gums. Cleaning is carried out in circular movements, so that the gum massage is carried out in parallel. Cleaning begins on the inside, then we go to the chewing surface and to the outside. First, the upper jaw is cleaned, then the lower.
  3. Breeding cleaning. In order not to damage the gums, the teeth are brushed at right angles from the gum to the cutting part of the tooth from the outside and inside. Do not forget about the chewing side either-it is cleared with the help of movements back and forth.

Care for children's teeth


Children are born with a full set of teeth hidden in the gums. It is very important to start leaving the child’s oral cavity even before the first tooth appears, because healthy teeth grow from healthy gums. The first teeth begin to cut through from the 6th month of age, and by the age of 3, the child has a full row of teeth. Starting from the age of 6, milk teeth begin to be replaced by constant.

How to avoid problems with a child from an early age:

  1. Before the appearance of the first teeth, do not forget to monitor the cleanliness of the child’s mouth, be sure to wipe the gums after each feeding. This will help to avoid the spread of bacteria in the oral cavity and gum inflammation.
  2. When the teeth appear, teach the child to clean them 2 times a day. The brush should be used with soft bristles.
  3. Starting from the age of 3, you can use a fluorine toothpaste, and make sure that the child spits it completely. At this age, doctors recommend starting to visit the dentist every six months.
  4. Until the child has a habit of brushing his teeth 2 times a day, it is best to do this with him. Children learn faster, watching a living example.
  5. In the adolescence, proper care for the oral cavity stimulates conversations about a beautiful smile. After all, it is much more pleasant to smile when you are sure that your teeth are healthy, which means they are beautiful.

Brectes and teeth care


Alas, not everyone gave the nature perfectly even teeth with smooth transitions, but do not despair, medicine has significantly advanced. Today, braces are able to give the child a beautiful smile. And so that after removing the braces, the appearance of the teeth looks better than the previous one, they need to be looked after, as for expensive shoes.

  1. When wearing braces, brush your teeth should be brushed after each meal, and especially carefully in the morning and evening.
  2. In addition to toothpaste, you should use the tooth thread to carefully remove the remains of food between the teeth.
  3. It is also necessary to use a brust ruff, it will help cleanse the surface between arc and teeth.
  4. The attending physician, depending on the indications, will help to choose toothpaste and the teeth.
  5. Wearing braces leads to compliance with the diet. In order to avoid damage in a bracket system, solid food (nuts, popcorn, large pieces of vegetables or hard fruits) should be avoided, coloring products (strong tea, coffee, wine, cigarettes) should also be avoided, and of course sharp temperature changes.
  6. It is also worth excluding sticky foods and chewing gums from the diet.

Care after tooth extraction

  1. Immediately after the tooth extraction in order to avoid bleeding of the hole, the doctor applies a pressing bandage to the place of removal - it must be kept for at least 20 minutes. If, upon returning home, bleeding has resumed, make a roller of sterile bandages and press tightly to the wound for 20 minutes. If the blood does not stop, consult a doctor.
  2. If, after the cessation of anesthesia, the pain continues to create discomfort, take an analgesic. The drug is selected individually and is used after or during meals with a sufficient amount of liquid.
  3. The first few days after tooth extraction, bad habits should be avoided. Both alcohol and nicotine adversely affect the healing of the holes.
  4. The next 24 hours after removal it is recommended to eat liquid and soft foods. After eating, rinsing the oral cavity is required so that the remains of food do not accumulate in the hole. During food chewing, make sure that this happens as far as possible from the damaged area, in order to avoid excess injuries.
  5. The brushing of the teeth in the immediate vicinity to the place of removal should be carried out carefully, light, not traumatic movements.

Cars for cermety teeth


Giving yourself an perfect smile, do not forget about her care. After the denture was set and adjusted by the doctor, all the care of his care lies on your shoulders. In fact, caring for cermety teeth is not very different from caring for native teeth, but there are small differences.

  1. The thoroughness of the cleansing of the oral cavity increases not only in the morning and evening, but also after eating (if there is no way to brush your teeth, be sure to rinse the oral cavity with water).
  2. Pay special attention to the marketing zone with a cermet prosthesis. Carefully clean the pieces of food, otherwise they can begin to decompose there and lead to gum inflammation.
  3. Despite the fact that dentists are trying to install a cermet prosthesis as close to neighboring teeth as possible, do not neglect the dental thread.

The more carefully you will engage in caring for cermety teeth, the longer they will last you.


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  1. Brush your teeth at least 2 times a day, and after eating, be sure to rinse the oral cavity with water.
  2. Use the dental thread at least 1 time a day before bedtime.
  3. Choose a toothbrush convenient for you (with different lengths of bristles - for thoroughness, and softness, which allows to cleanse the teeth and gums carefully).
  4. The duration of the process of teeth cleansing is at least 2-3 minutes.
  5. Do not forget to clean the soft tissues (the surface of the cheeks and tongue), this will remove all malicious microbes.
  6. Use rinses, they penetrate more thoroughly between the teeth and along the gums, and effectively fix the result after brushing the teeth.

Care for teeth. Video



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