
Cooperoz on her face

Cooperoz on her face
Cooperoz on the face - an unpleasant skin defect. But you should not lose heart - there is a lot of ways to help you get rid of this ailment.

Teleangectasia - so in dermatology is called Cooperoz. The expansion of blood vessels of the skin due to blood circulation disorders, as a result of which the nets of extended capillaries appear on the skin and the vascular stars of red are called in cosmetology of Cooperoz - the photo located below, clearly demonstrates the manifestation of this disease.

What is Cooperoz


In most cases, such a disease, like Cuperoz arises on the face: on the chin, nose, cheeks, and on the forehead, which, however, happens much less frequently. The sections of the Kuperoz area are strongly distinguished against the background of healthy skin areas. Such "bodies" can be seized and inflamed. Holders of light skin suffer from Cuperoz more often, as they have capillaries are located to the surface of the face closer than that of dark people. The skin of women is inclined to Cooperose more than the skin of men.

Teleangiectasia arises due to a circulatory disorder in the skin, while the capillaries begin to expand and, having lost its elasticity, become weak and sluggish. If such a lesion is not common to large areas of the skin, and it is about single extended vessels, then this is most likely not a disease, but just a cosmetology defect and how serious the forecast in this case can only say a personal cosmetologist.

Cooperoz on the face and the causes of his appearance


The main causes of the occurrence of Cooperose on the face are:

  1. Dry skin with high sensitivity. But this does not mean that Cuperoz can not appear on the fat skin, it is possible that the appearance of cooper in the nose is particularly common.
  2. Hereditary predisposition. If someone from loved ones suffers from cocoperose of the skin, then the risk of vascular stars on the face of their relatives is quite large.
  3. Bad habits. Overbinding, smoking and drinking alcohol even in small quantities lead to the occurrence of diseases of the blood vessels and, as a result, the appearance of vascular meshes on the face.
  4. Hypertension, various liver disease and digestive system. Cuperoz skin can be one of the symptoms of the disease of the internal organs.
  5. Sharp drops of temperatures. A quick transition from a warm room in a cold or vice versa - negatively affects the condition of the tissue, as a result of which cuperose may occur on coarse skin.
  6. Ultraviolet irradiation. Too frequent and long staying in the Sun leads to the photoborine of the skin and the appearance of coperaosis.
  7. Wrong skin care. Aggressive cosmetology procedures are able to injure capillary network on the face.

Treatment of Cooperiz on the face


Before moving directly to the treatment of cooperosis, it is necessary to consult with specialists in the field of gynecology, endocrinology, dermatology and enterology, as well as to diagnose the organism for diseases that contribute to the appearance of copery symptoms.

Treatment of this disease requires an integrated approach. Depending on the stage of the disease, there are a number of methods for the treatment of cuckoo skin. These include: phototherapy, cooper treatment with laser, ozone therapy, chemical peeling, etc. Sometimes remove Cooperoz on the face can be cosmetology, such as creams, serums, tonic and masks or cosmetic salon treatments. Also in some cases, the cuperosis can be removed, containing rutines, silicon and vitamins C, R and K.

Cooperoz on the face: treatment at home

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Correct skin care and the use of special treatments will help in removing coperaosis. Cupperosis treatment at home without diagnostics and visits to the doctor may be ineffective, because the reason for the appearance of capillary meshes is the disease of the internal organs, the conduct of cosmetic, physiotherapeutic and other procedures from Cooperoz will not be saved.

What you need to know in case of cocoperosis of the skin of the face:

  1. With the appearance of extended vessels, it should be washed exclusively with warm water. Some try to get rid of Cooper, taking advantage of ice cubes. It is impossible to rub their face with telegangectasia in any case, because because of this, blood vessels begin to gradually lose their elasticity. After washing, you should not wipe the face with a towel, it is better to wait until the skin is driving.
  2. Shooting makeup at the end of the day is best cleansing milk, which does not contain oils and alcohol, and on the night to apply a special cream to restore the skin of the face.
  3. It is necessary daily by light movements of fingertips to lubricate the skin with a special nutritional cream from the cooperosis, creating a protective layer and the strengthening wall of the vessels, and apply masks from cuperosis that can be bought in a pharmacy or make themselves. The main thing is not to apply cosmetic products with sponges and tassels so as not to injure the skin even more.
  4. You need to use special cosmetics lines from Cooperosis.
  5. You can also implement the reception of the Vitamins R, K and C at home.
  6. With a long stay under direct solar rays, it is necessary to use sunscreens.
  7. Daily use silicon-containing products (Topinambur, buckwheat, beans, peas, oatmeal, corn, etc.).
  8. With a long stay under direct solar rays, it is necessary to use sunscreens.
  9. During the treatment of Cooperiz on the face, it is necessary to refrain from bad habits, such as alcohol, smoking, overeating, excessive use of coffee.
  10. Cleaning the face and peeling at Cooperose is unacceptable. Cosmetic scrubs are also impossible to use.

Cooperoz on the face: treatment of folk remedies


The most productive folk methods and treatment with cooperosis with positive feedback are the following recipes.

  1. 2-3 tbsp. l. Chamomile pour a glass of boiling water. After a complete cooling, the infusion needs to be strained through the gauze, moisten a piece of fabric and put on the affected place for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Very effective tool: Fresh potatoes clean from the peel and rub on the grater. To impose a potato mask on the redneed vessels literally for 10 minutes. Then remove it with the infusion of chamomile from the point specified above.
  3. The recipe for a medical mask against Cooperosis: mix potato starch (1 tsp.) And fresh berries lingers, sea buckthorn, raspberries, strawberries. Clear skin from cosmetics, apply a mask for 20 minutes, then washed off with warm water.
  4. Oil from Cooperosis: take 1 tsp. Grape seed oils, 1 tsp. Avocado oils and 1 tsp germ wheat. All mix and apply to problem areas of the skin. This is pretty effective tool in the treatment of vascular stars and nets.

Cooperoz on face: treatment with cosmetic preparations, ointments and serums

In this section, it will be about Cuckoo and how to treat cosmetics, serum and ointments.

Ointment from Cooper Plan on the face


Mazi for the treatment of cooperosis is applied in rare cases, since the light shapes of vascular meshes can be much reduced by special medical cosmetics, and heavier forms of disease are treated with complex methods or with a laser, ozone, electrical exposure.

Antique ointment must appoint a attending physician, but not a friend who has experienced it, as they say, "on himself." Most likely, the dermatologist will prescribe a trekxesin treatment, heparin ointment or ointment with calendula oil.

Troksevazin - ointment containing rutine and ascorbic acid. For the treatment of Cooperosis, a universal ointment of this series is applied on the face.

The heparin ointment is used to prevent the formation of blood clots and resorption already available. Excellent remedy against cooperosis.

Ointment with oil calendula treats cooperose meshes on the face and on the legs, it is also used in varicose veins.

Cream "Bark" from Cooperosis


CapillaryRotector "Cora" - one of the most effective skin care products that has a tendency to cooperose. Contains a complex of special ingredients that have capillaryfactory properties. These include:

  1. Phytoeextracts, Vitamin C, Rutin, Natural Vegetable Oils - protect the skin from ultraviolet rays and other negative external factors, and also have a direct effect on irritated cocheroz skin, significantly reducing its redness and sensitivity.
  2. Verbena, betaine and panthenol - moisturize and feed the skin of the face, reduce the depth of wrinkles and enhance the protective function of the skin.
  3. Thermal water containing useful trace elements - soothes skin irritation and restores its mineral balance.

Method of application: Apply in the morning or in the evening a little cream on the pure-humidized skin of the face patting light movements.


Serum from Cooperiz "Devita RX Rosacea RX, Evening"

Professional Cosmetics Line "Devita RX" is a facial care facility. Serum "Devita RX Rosacea RX, Evening" is famous for its effective in the fight against Cooperose composition, where all the elements are designed to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve blood microcirculation, remove redness, burning, peeling and to align the complexion and in general to get rid of the visible vascular drawing on face.

Method of application: In the evening, apply a thin layer on the peeled face with pressed massage movements. You can wait 15 minutes and apply the cream on your face.

Cuperoz on his face. Video


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Albin 15.07.2016 To answer

+++++ a lot! He opened himself this cream literally a month ago, but literally after 4, the vascular meshes became barely noticeable. My eyes did not believe. I sit in the Internet reading (I bought a doctor on the recommendation), it turns out to help many.

Tursunay. 16.07.2017

Hello, you can say what the cream from Cooperosis and where you can buy I suffer from this disease

Tatiana 27.08.2017

what kind of cream?

Anya 13.08.2016 To answer

Those who agree to remove Cooperoz surgical path, I would first advise you to try to get rid of copeosis with cosmetics.
