
The benefits of mustard

The benefits of mustard
The benefits and harms of mustard. Its types and application

Mustard has a kind of burning flavor and is an indispensable seasoning for lovers of sharp dishes. In addition to piquant taste characteristics, the benefits of mustard for the human body are undeniable.

Mustard seasoning has been eaten by a person for more than one millennium. In most ancient peoples, plant grains are used as a symbol of energy and, in addition to the main use - for the preparation of sauces and useful oil. Folk and official medicine declare the healing properties of this medicinal plant.

Mustard occupies an important place in the culture of Christians, Buddhists and Muslims. So, for example, in the 18th century the German Order of the seed of mustard was founded, and the Roman Pope John and the English Queen Victoria introduced a special position of mustard man at the court. In Greece, the mustard mixture was the first to use hippocrates as an expectorant drug.


History of mustard use

Asia (black) and the Mediterranean countries (white) are considered the birthplace of the origin of mustard, and the plant itself belongs to the cabbage family. Her Latin term in the literal translation means "burning, plumping brain." Even in the Bible, mustard grains of small sizes are mentioned as a symbol of strength and greatness.

Already in the Middle Ages, European doctors widely used mustard in favor of the body and the treatment of pain, colds, digestive organs, and in France it has been released from the 17th century. The centuries -old traditions of the peoples of Germany are associated with these seeds, which were sewn up in the bride’s veil, and from the Danes it was customary to scatter the grains in the house from the "dark" forces. The plant was imported to Russia randomly with a minute and flax, and the widespread production of the saptic mustard began only in the 18th century.

The benefits of mustard: main types

The benefits of white mustard

The composition of white mustard seeds includes 35% fat and 1% essential oils, as well as potassium and synalbin. This species is widespread in European countries and is usually called “English mustard”, which has a soft and slightly sweet taste. In medicine, it is used to treat and prevent vascular diseases, liver, digestion, biliary tract, flatulence, rheumatism.

The benefits of black mustard

The main composition of the black variety includes fatty and essential oils, as well as potassium and glycoside. From the grains of this plant, a Dijon (city of Dijon in France) mustard is being prepared. Such French mustard is used in pharmacy for the production of galenic drugs and mustard plasters from rheumatism.

The benefits of the saptic mustard

Such a “Russian” and the most acute form of mustard contains the largest amount of fat oils (up to 50%), which have valuable taste and healing properties, and etheric about 3%, as well as a myrosine enzyme, synigrine, carotene, vitamin C, calcium and iron. This variety of mustard is used for the production of oil, powder and mustard plasters, with hypertension, neuralgia and with muscle spasms.

French Mustard Sauce in White Gravy Boat

Mustard's harm and benefit

Mustard benefits: product composition

The mustard plant is a valuable honey and oil culture, since it is based on unsaturated fatty acids, proteins, calcium, B vitamins and carotene, iron. Oil obtained from seeds is used for food, technical and cosmetic purposes. The plant has high bactericidal properties and a burning taste due to the chemical reactions of glycoside and a arbitrary enzyme of protein origin.


What is the benefit of a leaf mustard?

Plant sheets are widely used in folk medicine as mustard medicine in the treatment of colds. The salad type of mustard contains a large amount of vitamin K, which is used to strengthen the joints and bones, as well as as a preventive and therapeutic agent for Alzheimer's disease. The leaves of the plant are good for health when they are used in raw form and are considered an indispensable dietary product.

Mustard leaves are used as a side dish to the main dishes or added to salads, which allows you to activate the work of the gastrointestinal tract and increase appetite. A fresh plant is rich in vitamins, fiber and antioxidants, which helps to prevent the development of cancer. The product is also rich in glycosinolates and folic acid, which effectively lowers cholesterol in the body and protects the cardiovascular system.

Senf, Senfkörner

The benefits of mustard seeds

Among the healing properties of plant grains, the antiseptic and antibacterial effect can be distinguished, as well as a high content of vitamins and nutrients. The use of mustard seeds of the plant is recommended for people with increasing blood pressure and frequent migraines, magnesium and potassium reduce inflammation and acute attacks of rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis and asthma attacks. Also, mustard grains help in the fight against flatulence, liver diseases, biliary tract, blood vessels, in the absence of appetite and constipation.

The benefits of French mustard and its whole grains for weight loss are undoubted, as the product accelerates metabolic processes and burning calories to 25% with daily use of 3 teaspoons. Seeds are also widely used in cooking for the preparation of fragrant meat, fish and vegetable dishes, in the conservation of vegetables and mushrooms and even in the manufacture of bakery products. However, a large amount of mustard grains (no more than 5 teaspoons) should not be used daily to avoid burial burials.


The benefits and harms of mustard of the dining room

The store product is a favorite seasoning for many dishes for fans of spicy and piquant food. The table mustard is made of ground or whole grains of the plant with the addition of water, salt, sugar, vinegar and vegetable oils. Such a seasoning is recommended for fatty and heavy, simply digestible food.

Enzymes in the product contribute to the breakdown of fats and help the body digest dishes. Also, mustard seasoning is considered an excellent emulsifier used to baking meat or fish. If the product is coated with mustard before heat treatment, then the dish will turn out to be more juicy and fragrant.

The use of too acute mustard is contraindicated for people who are allergic to the plant, as well as in intestinal and stomach colitis, ulcerative diseases of the digestive organs, kidneys, heart and blood vessels, with tuberculosis, pneumonia, hypertension. When applying the product for cosmetic purposes, attention should be paid to the lack of skin damage and wounds, as well as avoid a direct hit of acute seasonings on the mucous membranes. With excessive or improper use of seasonings, tissue burns may occur.

Mustard Selection

Mustard powder and its health benefits

For colds, myositis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, neuritis, neuralgia, rheumatism, radiculitis, tuberculosis, bone and skin diseases, for the treatment of poisoning, healing of wounds and bites of insects, folk medicine advises the use of hot mustard baths or the application of mixtures to the affected areas. Mustard powder (500 g) should be diluted with warm water until a homogeneous mass is formed and poured into a hot bath. This procedure for 10 minutes allows you to warm up the body and relieve pain, after which you need bed rest under a warm blanket.

With cancer of the respiratory organs, it is recommended to take a mustard-milk drink in proportions of 1 tsp. dry product for a glass of warm milk. With migraines 1 tbsp. l. Dry mustard, diluted in hot water, helps to relieve pain if you lower your hands on the wrist in such a bath. In case of gout, powder mustard is recommended to be mixed with salt and purified kerosene in equal proportions and applied to sore spots.

With colds, the powder can be filled into socks for warming the legs. For rheumatism, mustard powder is mixed with campara in equal shares (100 g), alcohol (20 g) and an egg, the mixture is applied for half an hour to sore zones. To get rid of hiccups, it is necessary to mix powder with vinegar and apply to the tongue for a minute.


The benefits of mustard oil

For the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, mustard oil is recommended. It is this product that contains fatty acids of polyunsaturated omega-zs, which provide elasticity and vascular strength. Also, omega fatty acids contribute to the growth of brain cells and eye retina, and are responsible for the health of the skin, bones and joints.


The benefits of mustard in cosmetology

As a cosmetic product, mustard is most often used for medicinal hair masks. For example, for fatty or prone to rapid hair pollution, the next mask can be prepared. Stir the powder of the plant (1 tsp) in warm water (250 ml) and apply such a composition to the roots of the hair and scalp for 3 minutes, and then thoroughly rinse with running warm water.

Daily application of a dining room on the roots of the hair and scalp for a month will make the hair grow more intensively. If the mixture starts a strong stove, then it should be washed off. With such frequent use on the skin, there should not be cracks and wounds so as not to expose a damaged place of burn.


For hair, a very dry structure is used a mask of mustard and oil. To 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise or sour cream and olive oil is added 1 tsp. powder mustard and butter. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to the scalp for half an hour, and then washed off with warm water.

Also, for hair growth, you can use a mask of 2 tbsp. l. onion juice, 1 tbsp. l. garlic juice, honey, aloe juice, mustard powder and chicken egg, the mixture is applied for an hour and then thoroughly washed off with shampoo. For hair volume, a mask with gelatin is recommended. An egg and 1 tsp are added to the swollen gelatin. mustard, the mixture is applied for half an hour and washed off with warm water without the use of shampoo.

A mustard compress for the face will improve blood flow and preserve the youth of the skin. The grated apple is thoroughly mix with 1 tsp. tea, mustard, egg. Distribute such a mixture according to the gauze and applied to the face greased with cream for 10 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

Also, mustard wraps are very effective for weight loss and as the prevention of varicose diseases. Mix honey and mustard powder in equal proportions and apply with massage movements to the problem areas, then, wrapping in the film spreading places, we dress warmly and hold a mixture of at least an hour. The effect will be noticeable with the daily use of wraps after a full 15-day course.


The benefits of grids: preparation of mustard at home

Russian mustard recipe

Such a seasoning is considered the strongest and burning. For 500 ml of boiled warm water, it is necessary to take 300 g of mustard powder, stir thoroughly and leave in a warm place overnight. 30 g of salt, 100 g of sugar, 50 ml of olive oil, 15 ml of food vinegar, black pepper and bay leaf to taste are added to a completely thickened mixture, and mixed to a homogeneous mass, and ground nuts can also be added for piquant aroma.


Soft mustard

300 g of the powder is brewed with boiling water until a homogeneous consistency of the thick mixture is formed, which is poured with 300 ml of boiling water and insisted during the day at room temperature. Next, 100 g of sugar, 15 g of salt, 10 ml of vegetable oil, 30 ml of vinegar are added to the mixture. You can add your favorite spices and other ingredients to taste.


Mustard sauce

Such a piquant sauce is suitable for gourmets and as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes. A mixture of 2 boiled grated chicken eggs, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, vinegar, lemon juice, 1 tbsp. l. Powder of mustard and sugar. For fish dishes, it is recommended to add to the capers sauce.


The benefits of mustard: how to choose mustard?

When buying a store seasoning, pay attention to the following important factors:

  1. Flavors. It is better to avoid such unnatural components in the product.
  2. Appearance. The color of the product should be dark, and the consistency is homogeneous.
  3. Conservatives. A quality product of this kind can be stored for no more than 1.5 months, but if the expiration date indicated on the packaging is greater, then harmful preservatives were used in the preparation.
  4. Country manufacturer. The Russian or Polish product will be more sharp compared to American and European analogues.
  5. Vinegar. Its antiquity depends on the amount of vinegar in the product, therefore, choose the seasoning with an indication of vinegar in the latter, since the ingredients are noted as the percentage ratio is in a descending manner.

Video about the benefits of mustard

Elena Malysheva and her colleagues will tell in their program “Live Great” about the benefits of mustard products:



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