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How to tasty fry potatoes

How to tasty fry potatoes
How to cook delicious fried potatoes. Useful tips and recipes.

At first glance, it seems that frying potatoes is completely easy. Indeed, this is what it is, if you get acquainted with the rules for preparing this appetizing, also very tasty dish. Some love potatoes with a golden crisp, others - less fried, soft and crumbly, abundantly seasoned with herbs. Many housewives over time accumulate several ways and secrets of frying potatoes.

How to fry potatoes: useful tips

Most children love fried potatoes, as well as many adults. This dish can become a delicious side dish, as well as act as lunch or dinner. According to your tastes and preferences, it can be prepared in various ways. If you want to learn how to fry potatoes deliciously, then first you need to master some secrets of cooking this dish.


To choose the right and prepare potatoes for frying, as well as prepare a delicious and tasty dish, try to consider the following:

  • for frying, choose dense and solid potato tubers, with a flat and smooth peel. Put it to the side or thoroughly cut the greenish potatoes - this color indicates an increased content of solanine, which is formed with prolonged occurring tubers under straight sunlight. The green potatoes can spoil the taste of the dish and even in some cases cause poisoning;
  • different varieties of potatoes differ in the content of starch. For frying, it is recommended to choose potatoes with the average content of starch, white or golden varieties. In the process of cooking, such a potato preserves the shape better;
  • in order for pieces of potatoes to be crispy, you need to get rid of the frying of excess starch. To do this, the cleaned potatoes must be washed well and pour water so that it completely covers the tubers. Experienced cooks recommend washing potatoes before frying 2-3 times;
  • the optimal for the preparation of fried potatoes is traditionally considered an old cast -iron pan, which our grandmothers also used - or steel with a thickened bottom, as well as a container with anti -stick coating;
  • to fry potatoes in a pan, put it on medium heat and pour several tablespoons of vegetable oil. While the frying container is heated, it is necessary to drain the water covering the potatoes, and then cut the tubers with slices, straws or cubes of the same thickness (optimally-about 0.6-0.8 cm, pieces of more than 1 cm thick may not be fried);
  • rinse the chopped potatoes with a corsher, drain water and put on a paper or fabric towel to dry;
  • it is necessary to heat the oil to the state of light hissing (make sure that it does not overheat and does not suck);
  • to fry potatoes on the fat, cut it with cubes (about 1.5 cm high) and fry in a pan until a sufficient amount of fat isolated. After that, the resulting slopes can be removed or left, and chopped potatoes are added to the pan;
  • put the prepared potatoes in a preheated pan. To fry potatoes with a crisp, it is necessary to lay out a small layer of potatoes in the pan - this will be much more convenient to monitor the degree of frying and turning the pieces. A large amount of chopped potatoes can be distributed into two pans;
  • they salt the potatoes at the end of the frying, a couple of minutes before the readiness, when the pieces were already browned - otherwise the advanced potato will let the juice and soften;
  • it is recommended to mix potatoes during cooking several times - with a special wide spatula, starting from the moment when the lower layer in contact with the surface of the pan was browned. It does not need accuracy in time, it is important to catch the moment when an appetizing golden crust appears. Try to mix confidently and carefully, layers, without violating the integrity of pieces of potatoes;
  • to correctly fry the potatoes, check her readiness for the most fat and not fed piece. If the potatoes are slightly damp, mix again and wait a bit until it is ready. Frown potatoes is recommended on low heat;
  • small -sized greens (dill, parsley, green onions, leaf celery, basil) to taste, just like chopped garlic, it is recommended to add fried potatoes at the end of cooking - either immediately before serving it on the table.

How to fry potatoes: preparation

There are many recipes on how to fry potatoes with onions, mushrooms, cheese, etc., as well as various cooking options. In addition to traditional frying in a pan, you can fry potatoes in the oven, as well as cook it in a slow cooker.

How to fry potatoes traditionally

If you want to learn how to fry delicious potatoes, you will have to practice a little. No special knowledge and skills will be required, only time and desire are needed.


In order to fry potatoes, use the traditional preparation recipe:

  • to fry the potatoes in a classic way, take 3-4 large potatoes (or 5 medium-sized), clean and cut them with small beams or slices (for this, cut the potatoes along in half, and then cut into slices);
  • put the pan on medium heat, pour 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil for frying. While the pan heats up, rinse the chopped potatoes, drain the water. Dry the potatoes - for this, put it on a paper or fabric towel;
  • put the prepared potatoes in hot oil, leave to fry for about 5 minutes over medium heat - a golden crust will begin to form below. Cut the small onion in half rings or small pieces;
  • reduce the fire a little and gently with a few movements with the help of the shoulder blade turn the potatoes, put on the onion on top of it. Fry for another 3-4 minutes and then mix;
  • to determine how much to fry potatoes, check the degree of her readiness - try a couple of pieces. If they are slightly damp, leave the potatoes a little fry a little over low heat;
  • salt, pepper to taste, add chopped greens.

How to fry potatoes with mushrooms

In order to fry potatoes with mushrooms, champignons or forest mushrooms are suitable (preliminary heat treatment is required for them, so they must first be boiled). Peel the potatoes, cut with cubes and fry over low heat.


In parallel in another pan, fry the mushrooms. After they are a little brown, add chopped onions, salt and fry until cooked. When the potato is almost ready, pour mushrooms with onions into it. Mix everything carefully, salt and pepper, add chopped greens.

How to fry potatoes in the oven

For a variety, you can fry potatoes in the oven. The preparation process in this case is facilitated by the fact that the potatoes will be evenly baked, and do not have to mix it often.


Turn on the oven for heating - set a temperature of 220 ° C. Clean 3-4 large potatoes, cut into thick long slices and put on a baking sheet lubricated with vegetable oil. Add spices - dry fragrant herbs, salt, pepper the potatoes and send it to the oven for 15 minutes, then mix and leave to fry until cooked (another 10 minutes).

If you want to fry potatoes with meat, try the following way:

  • put a layer of meat beaten with a hammer seasoned with salt seasoned in a vegetable oil seasoned with salt and pepper. Lubricate it with mayonnaise or pour soy sauce;
  • put the slices of chopped potatoes on top, sprinkle with seasonings, salt;
  • bake potatoes in the oven for half an hour;
  • grate hard cheese on a coarse grater, sprinkle the potatoes with them and send the baking sheet to the oven for another 5-10 minutes;
  • garnish the finished potatoes with meat with chopped herbs.


How to fry the potato free

From potatoes, you can prepare an uncomplicated and very tasty dish that loved many, especially children - potatoes of free. Due to the frying in a large amount of vegetable oil, pieces of potatoes are golden, appetizing crisp, as well as very high -calorie.


You can fry the potatoes as follows:

  • clean the potatoes, wash and carefully dry with a tissue cloth or towel;
  • cut it into strips of uniform thickness (0.5-1 cm). The length of the bar will be equal to the length of the potato tuber;
  • in a pan or thick-walled cast iron pan of small diameter, pour vegetable oil for frying (1 kg of potatoes may be needed 0.3-0.5 l) and heat it over medium heat. For the preparation of potatoes, FRI will need significantly more oil than for ordinary fried potatoes - the cubes are absorbed exactly as much oil as it is necessary for uniform frying and the formation of golden crispy crust;
  • cook potatoes in small portions on medium or high heat, mixing periodically;
  • remove the browned potatoes and throw it off in a colander to run out excess oil, salt. At this time, the next portion of frying potatoes can be loaded into hot oil.

How to fry potatoes in a slow cooker

Frying potatoes in a slow cooker is convenient and easy. The potato prepared by this method is uniformly fried and the taste is the same as in a pan.


We need potatoes (700 g), sunflower oil (40 g), salt and spices to taste. Pour oil for frying into a multicooker bowl. Add the potatoes cleaned, washed and sliced \u200b\u200bwith slices or cubes, if desired, spices (fragrant herbs), salt slightly. Turn on the "baking" mode for 40 minutes. After half an hour, you need to open the slow cooker, mix the potatoes, salt a little more - and then fry for 10 minutes, then pepper. Appetizing, fried and tasty potatoes in a slow cooker are ready!


How to fry potatoes - video


Alexander 21.07.2019 Answer

Thanks for the useful and interesting article!

Fried potatoes in some families are the most beloved and popular dish. There are many men who are ready to eat it every day (and even without meat):
