
How to cook Perlovka

How to cook Perlovka
Pearl cereal is very useful. Unfortunately, it is not everyone likes. And in vain. Thanks to the preparation options, you can noticeably diversify your desk.

Pearl cereal is, in fact, barley, which was polished and cleaned from bran. From a long time, it was believed that porridge from this grain can add strength, vigor and mind. With the development of technologies, which allowed to study in detail the chemical composition of this cereal, this was all confirmed. The barrid contains a large amount of vitamins, trace elements, macroelements, nutrients, as well as fiber. All this is so necessary to human body for biologically normal life and maintaining health, both physical and mental. Pearl porridge has long been introduced into their daily diet, people with overweight, as well as all those who want to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Such cereals are also useful for the digestive system, and for the intestine due to the enveloping effect and the ability to remove toxins from the body. Eating a spoonful of Parl Kashi, a person receives a dose of calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and other useful trace elements. In general, from the barn one use!

How to cook a barley: secrets of cooking

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  1. Before starting the preparation of pearl cereals, it must be soaked in cold water for several hours. Porridge during this time should swell and increase in size. Pre-soaking Crupes speeds up the cooking process.
  2. Best of all during cooking pour overlind with boiled water.
  3. The ratio of cereals and water should be 1: 3.
  4. How much time to cook a barley? Depending on the type and age of the cereals, as well as from the cooking method, it is boiled from 60 minutes to 2 hours. But the preliminary parser porridge is prepared on the stove approximately 1 hour on slow heat. Cooking overlind without soaking from 1.5 to 2 hours.
  5. The methods of preparation of pearl cereals Weight: you can cook a barley on water, on milk or on broth. In the process of cooking in porridge you can add butter, and meat, and mushrooms, and various vegetables.
  6. The readiness of the barley is determined by the increase in the size of the cereals and the degree of its softness.

How to cook barley: Best recipes

Recipes for cooking a great set. It can be prepared in a saucepan, in a slow cooker or even in the microwave. We offer several recipes for cooking pearl cereals - having studied them, everyone can choose the most comfortable and tasty. Bon Appetit!

Remissor Recipe with Perlovy

Vegetarian Cucumber Soup.

Nowadays, there are a wide variety of methods and methods for cooking such a classic dish, like a brideller. The brideller is boiled with rice, and with a barley, with the addition of chicken, mushrooms, beefs, lambs, ribs and stones, instead of traditional barrel cucumbers use pickled and others. Such a delicious and satisfying soup. Modern hostess can easily cook both on a kitchen stove, so And, for example, in a slow cooker.

Nevertheless, the most common and popular way to prepare such a kushan is an option with a pearl cereal. This recipe for preparing the brideller is considered traditional.

For cooking you will need:

  • beef (without bone) - 300 g;
  • perlovka - 50 g;
  • potatoes - 250 g;
  • barrel cucumbers - 100 g;
  • brine with cucumbers - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • carrot - 150 g;
  • bay sheet - 3 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, black peas pepper, greens - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. To begin with, rinse the barley and put it in cold water for several hours.
  2. Pour water into the pan and put meat beef in it.
  3. Put a saucepan on the stove and cook for 60 minutes.
  4. After the time expires, take out meat and, slightly cooling, cut into small pieces.
  5. In beef broth put a pearl barbell and cook half an hour.
  6. Potatoes clean, rinse and cut into approximately the same cubes. Add it to the soup.
  7. Bow clean and cut. Carrot to lose on a large grater. Fry vegetables in a frying pan, pre-lubricated vegetable oil, to golden color and put in a saucepan.
  8. Cut the cucumbers fine straw and swipe in a pan with 3 tbsp. l. Beef broth.
  9. Roasted onions and carrots, cucumbers and brines add to soup.
  10. Brideller bring to boil, salt, put the black pepper peas and bay leaf.
  11. A finished dish sprinkle with chopped greens and serve with sour cream.

Such soup can be prepared with a pre-welded barley. This will reduce the time of the preparation of the spinner itself. How much do you cook a pearl for a brideller in that case? The cooking time depends on the magnitude of the grains and the method of cooking, and another of whether the barley was soaked before cooking or not. Thus, depending on all these components, this process can last from a few minutes to 1.5 hours.

Perlovka in Multivarka

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This recipe for cooking pearl cereals is simple and fast in execution, as the porridge is not prepared on a regular plate, but in a slow cooker. With such a wonderful adaptation, hostess is becoming easier to exercise their ideas in the field of cooking, because a multicooker always makes everything with a bang. It does not burn anything in it, and the dishes are derived delicious and appetizing. Here is a pearp porridge, cooked in a slow cooker, will delight relatives and close to their wonderful taste and aroma. In a multicooker, you can cook the barrier quickly and without applying special efforts.

For cooking you will need:

  • pearl cereals - 2 multistakan;
  • water - 4.5 multistakan;
  • creamy oil - 50 g;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak a breakfast in cold water for several hours, and even on the whole night. The proportions of cereals and water should be 1 to 3.
  2. After the cereals fall on and increase in the volume it is necessary to drain the water.
  3. Plind croup put into the thickness of a multicooker, pour water and salt.
  4. Put half the butter specified in the recipe.
  5. For many questions that interests, how much, the Multicooker itself will respond in a multicooker. You must enable the program "Rice" or "Pilaf" and time will be automatically displayed - 1 hour.
  6. When the barrid is ready, add the remaining half of the butter and mix thoroughly.

According to this recipe, you can cook the barley for both the garnish to meat and serve it with an independent dish.

Pearl barley and vegetables to Critz


Barley, chicken meat and vegetables - a perfect combination. This is both a very simple recipe and very tasty. This dish is not ashamed to Serve guests and pets at all will be delighted. Nourishing, gentle, diet and at the same time very useful dish can be and everyday and festive. In this recipe, you can experiment - to add, for example, chicken, and turkey, veal or pork. This will depend on the degree of fat content of the finished food, and, consequently, its calorie content.

For cooking you will need:

  • chicken - 0.5 kg;
  • barley - 200 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc .;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • herbs, salt and black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse well and for a few hours to soak the barley in water.
  2. Cut into small pieces of chicken.
  3. Grate carrots.
  4. Finely chop the onions.
  5. To mix everything.
  6. In a saucepan put all the prepared ingredients, add water, salt and pepper and cover with a tight lid.
  7. Put the pan on the plate and bring to the boil. After boiling, reduce the heat to low and wait 40 minutes. This time should be sufficient to ensure that the dish is completely cooked.
  8. The finished dish bring to the table with finely chopped greens.

Barley in bags with vegetables

Barley stew with carrots, mushrooms, onions and greens in a gray bowl

Very simple and convenient - that's what advantages has cooking pearl barley in special bags. Barley and prigorit not necessarily be crumbly. Ready porridge retains all the vitamins and minerals that are so necessary to the human body. And it is very tasty and quick!

For cooking you will need:

  • barley - 2-3 sachets of 80 g;
  • vegetable mix (can take frozen) of eggplant, peppers, zucchini, carrots and onions - 0.5 kg;
  • oil - sunflower for frying vegetables;
  • salt, ground black pepper and other spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. The pot boil the water, salt and immerse the packets barley. Cooking should be about 35 minutes, cooking time unless otherwise stated on the packaging.
  2. All vegetables cut into small cubes, salt, pepper, spices and sprinkled with the lid closed fry in the pan with the addition of sunflower oil about 10 minutes.
  3. Barley ready to remove from the pan, allow to drain fluid, incise bag and pour the pearl barley in a clean container.
  4. Add in a bowl of barley roasted vegetables. The dish is ready to eat.

How to cook barley: Video


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Valusha 27.02.2018 To answer

Now post, make with mushrooms and vegetables. It turns out very tasty.
