
Hair plasmolifting

Hair plasmolifting
Injection methodology for combating hair loss and baldness

Hair disease is a common problem for both men and women. Due to poor ecology, incorrect care, age-related changes and hormonal disorders, the hair sees, lose strength and fall out. As a result, bald patches may form, from which, of course, I want to get rid of. Modern cosmetology allows you to cope with the problem using an injecting technique - hair plasmolifting.

What is hair plasmolifting


Plasmolifting activates the work of mechanisms that are responsible for the health of hair in the human body. Injections are introduced under the scalp that completely restore hair follicles and sebaceous glands. As a result, the patient becomes the owner of a thick and healthy hair.

In therapeutic case, doctors have long been using blood plasma drugs for the effective treatment of various diseases. In recent years, leading cosmetologists adopted this experience of successful activation of the body's own reserves.

The main active substance of the drug for hair plasmolifting is the patient’s blood plasma containing platelets, vitamins, proteins and amino acids. In order to get the drug, a fence of the desired amount of blood from the patient’s vein is made. Then the substance is subjected to processing in conditions of absolute sterility: the blood in the test tube is placed in a special centrifuga, where in the absence of pressure rotates at high speed - thus plasma is released from the blood. Then the doctor introduces the received plasma under the skin of the patient's head.

  • the production of collagen and elastin in the scalp is restored;
  • cells are saturated with oxygen;
  • “Sleeping” hair follicles awaken;
  • the scalp is enriched with trace elements and amino acids;
  • cells begin to actively share;
  • the sebaceous glands begin to work correctly, avoiding dryness or excessive production of sebum.

Advantages of hair plasmolifting


  • injection preparations do not contain chemical components and cannot harm the health of the patient;
  • the rehabilitation period after the procedure is no more than a day;
  • due to the fact that the patient’s own blood is used to prepare the drug, the composition cannot cause an allergic reaction;
  • absolutely excluded viruses and bacteria;
  • the procedure is absolutely painless, but at the request of the patient, painkillers may be superimposed;
  • the technique works taking into account the natural processes of the human body;
  • in 70% of cases, the maximum result is achieved, in the remaining 30% - a significant improvement in the condition of the hair;
  • the own head reserves of the scalp are activated;
  • hair loss ceases;
  • the accelerated growth of new hair begins;
  • dandruff disappears;
  • the scalp becomes healthy;
  • the structure of the hair is strengthened - the curls grow more thick and elastic;
  • thanks to the strengthening of hair follicles, every hair becomes thicker;
  • the hair is well moistened: they cease to be shit and fluff;
  • using the plasmolifting procedure, you can restore hair after a chemical curling or discoloration;
  • are good to laying;
  • easily combed.

Hair plasmolifting: where and by whom the procedure is carried out


Plasma injections can be carried out in clinics of aesthetic medicine or in beauty salons, which are equipped with everything necessary for this. In any case, this is a separate room in which sterility should be observed.

When choosing the place of the procedure, study the reviews of clients of salons and clinics, find the names of doctors who cope with the procedure most successfully. Pay attention to the photo “Before and after” on the official offices of the cabinets: if there are no such photos, think about why the plasmolifting procedure is not in demand in this office.

Only a doctor who has a special certificate and permission for such activities has the right to conduct injections. At a preliminary meeting with a specialist, do not hesitate to ask for his certificates, and also ask how many patients have already addressed him with problems like yours, and what result was possible to achieve treatment. Do not be too lazy to spend time on a preliminary study of the clinic, because the point is not only that the price of the procedure is quite high. The main thing is that the procedure should not damage your health.

When a session is held, pay attention to the condition of the tools (they should be disposable, sterile and open directly in your presence) whether the doctor and medical personnel treat the hands with antiseptic agents.

Hair plasmolifting: duration of the course of treatment

Already after the first session, improvements in the state of the scalp will be noticeable: tightness, dryness and discomfort will disappear. In the epidermis, the active processes of “awakening” and the restoration of hair follicles will begin, blood circulation will increase. In order for the effect of treatment to be maximum, trichologists prescribe from 2 to 5 sessions, depending on the condition of the patient’s hair and a specific problem.   There should be about 2 weeks between the procedures, and the effect will persist for more than 2 years. If such a need arises, then the course of treatment can be repeated after 24 months.

Hair plasmolifting: Indications and contraindications


It should be understood that plasmolifting is a rather serious therapeutic procedure, which, like any medical intervention, is a microstress for the body. Therefore, if you are concerned about slight hair loss against the background of vitamin deficiency or stress, try to use less radical measures for starters: for example, take vitamins and minerals, go through the course of strengthening hair masks based on plant components, look like scalp massage.

Indications for the procedure:

  • strong thinning of hair, which occurs with weakness of hair follicles due to their insufficient nutrition;
  • baldness (alopecia);
  • significant decrease in hair density;
  • serving and lifeless hair;
  • dandruff.

Contraindications should be treated very carefully so that the intervention does not go to the detriment of other organs and systems of the body:

  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding, the procedure is not carried out;
  • various mental diseases are a serious contraindication;
  • a significant decrease in immunity (immunosuppressive condition);
  • oncological diseases both in the acute stage and in the stage of remission;
  • acute inflammatory diseases of internal organs;
  • chronic skin diseases;
  • leukemia, leukemia and other systemic diseases of the blood;
  • women are not recommended to carry out the procedure during menstruation;
  • an allergic reaction to anticoagulants (they are added to a test tube for blood fence so that it does not turn off).

Hair plasmolifting: how to prepare


It is very important not to be based on guesses about the state of your health, but to undergo a general medical examination before the plasmolifting procedure in order to identify possible contraindications. To do this, contact your therapist. You will be prescribed a blood test (general, HIV and hepatitis), as well as an analysis of urine. Be sure to go through a fluorographic study.

It is also advisable to consult an endocrinologist to identify whether there are hormonal failures in the body - often they are the cause of hair loss. If such a problem is revealed, you must first undergo a special treatment course, and only then return to the issue of the procedure of hair plasmolifting.

When you come to a preliminary consultation at the clinic of aesthetic medicine, inform about the state of your health, a trichologist who will conduct the procedure.

Start preparing for a session in a few days:

  • exclude the use of drugs that reduce the density of blood (anticoagulants), such drugs include, for example, aspirin and heparin;
  • refrain from taking alcohol;
  • if you are undergoing other cosmetic procedures for skin or hair, make sure that they are not assigned on the day of hair plasmolifting;
  • drink more clean water a few days before the session;
  • exclude fatty and fried food;
  • come to the procedure on an empty stomach.

Hair plasmolifting: phased procedure


  • the doctor makes a selection of venous blood with a disposable syringe (an average of 8-16 ml, depending on which surface of the scalp must be treated);
  • the test tube with blood is placed in a special centrifuge - in this way the plasma separation occurs;
  • plasma administration are treated with an antiseptic;
  • as local anesthesia, injection or ointment can be used;
  • in the hairy part of the head, microinjections are made with a special syringe with a thin needle;
  • the depth of the drug is 1 mm;
  • during the procedure, the doctor changes the needle so that they always remain acute - this significantly reduces discomfort;
  • the procedure lasts an average of about 30 minutes.

Hair plasmolifting: after the procedure


The procedure, if it is carried out correctly, has no side effects. In some patients with sensitive skin, redness, mild swelling or the appearance of hematomas in the places of administration of the drug can be observed. Such a skin reaction remains within normal limits. After 3 days, the discomfort will completely disappear.

To give the skin to recover and relax, do not wash your head (and do not urinate it at all) within a day after injection. Also avoid overheating: do not visit the sauna and bathhouse for the next 3 days, it is advisable to refuse to swim in the pool. For hairdressing services, you can contact the 4th and 5th day.

So that the effect of the procedure will last as long as possible, properly care for your hair and scalp:

  • make nutritious masks based on natural plant components;
  • take vitamin complexes;
  • if possible, give up the frequent use of hairdries and ironing;
  • try not to overheat the sun;
  • in the cold season, wear a headdress;
  • moisturize your hair with cosmetic products or home masks.

The difference between plasmolifting and other injection methods of hair restoration


Among cosmetic clinic customers, another injection technique of hair restoration is quite common - mesotherapy. There are several fundamental differences between these methods:

  1. For mesotherapy, special cocktails are used, which are based on hyaluronic acid, capable of delaying water in skin cells. Also, vitamins, minerals and plant components are introduced into the preparations for mesotherapy. It is because of the composition of the drugs that mesotherapy may not be suitable for some patients prone to allergic reaction. The drug for plasmolifting is prepared directly from the blood of the patient himself, so there can be no rejection of the substance, as well as the negative consequences of its use.
  2. The duration of the effect. The effect of mesotherapy must be constantly maintained with new injections - periodically undergoing glorification courses (every 6 months). This is due to the fact that hyaluronic acid introduced under the skin is gradually split, and, giving the beneficial properties of the human body, is excreted from it. Plasmolifting has a prolonged effect due to the fact that the mechanism of self -healing the scalp is launched, which continues without regular administration of the drug.

ACR also includes injection techniques. This is a way of cell rejuvenation of the scalp invented by Swiss scientists. As with hair plasmolifting, the patient is administered a drug consisting of plasma of his blood enriched with platelets. Such a drug is called "AutoGel". The ACR technique differs from plasmolifting hair in the main method of blood sampling: it is carried out using special vacuum test tubes that do not allow air to enter the drug and the death of blood cells.

L`REAL specialists have developed drugs for the “Faybercytik” injection, which have become quite popular by the media visits of beauty salons. During the session, an intra-sylain molecule is introduced into the hairy part of the patient’s head. As you know, the main difference between such a methodology and plasmalifting is the artificial origin of the molecule. In addition, the product is designed to improve the quality of the hair, but not to treat serious problems of exhaustion or falling out.

Hair plasmolifting: photo before and after

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Hair plasmolifting: video



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