
How to clean the iron

How to clean the iron
The iron will serve for a long time if it is correctly cleaned.

Even with a very correct and accurate use of an iron on its sole, brown spots appear. These contaminants make an unpleasant odor when heated by the iron, stick to the fabric. There are several effective ways to clean the iron.

How to clean an iron from a car

Cleaning the iron with salt is the most popular, affordable and safe tool. But, so you can only clean metal or aluminum soles.

How to clean the sole of the iron

How to clean the iron with salt:

  1. Pour large salt on paper, put on a hard surface, can be on the ironing board. Heat the iron to maximum temperature, rub the sole on salt, repeat several times until completely cleaned. Wipe the iron with a damp cloth.
  2. Pour salt directly onto the sole of the iron, using a damp cloth, try to remove the soil from the surface. This method is suitable if the pollution is small and you just need to wipe a separate section.
  3. You can clean the iron with vinegar with salt. To do this, take 2 tbsp. l.  salt and 2 tbsp. l.  vinegar, heat the mixture until salt crystals dissolve. Wash the pollution soaked in a warm solution. This solution is very effective, but it should be used in rubber gloves.

Other ways to clean the iron:

  1. You can clean the sole of the iron with a mixture of vinegar from ammonia. To impregnate a dense fabric with this mixture, wash pollution from the cold sole of the iron. With severe pollution, you can heat the iron and iron the fabric moistened with a mixture of vinegar and ammonia. The composition has a sharp unpleasant odor, so it is recommended to clean by opening a window, or on the street.
  2. Peel the iron using a dry hydraitite tablet. Heat the iron a little, wipe the pollution with a hydraetite tablet, then clean the surface with a clean cloth.
  3. You can clean the sole of the iron with a special pencil. Grate the heated surface of the sole with a pencil, wipe the carbon fabric with a soft cloth. Repeat if necessary. A pencil for cleaning the iron is a very effective and safe tool, it can be purchased in household chemicals. He removes the soot that forms on the sole of the iron from the combustion of microparticles of tissues and starch. When cleaning an iron with a pencil, it should be avoided in the openings for steam.
  4. By applying a toothpaste on a warm surface of the sole, you can also clean the burnt iron. Hold the toothpaste for 10-15 minutes, rub with a brush, rinse with water. This method cannot be used to clean the irons with Teflon coating.
  5. The dishwashing tool sometimes helps to clean the iron at home. To do this, mix the detergent with soda, apply the resulting gruel to contaminated places. Leave for 10 minutes, rub slightly if necessary. Rinse with clean water.
  6. You can clean the very contaminated surface of the iron by smearing the soil. Pick up a shallow container where you can put an iron. Put the iron in the container so that the sole does not stand at the bottom of the container. You can put toothpicks. In 100 g of boiled water, dilute 1 tbsp. l.  citric acid. Pour hot solution into a container. The sole of the iron should be 0.5-1 cm covered with water. Leave the iron for several hours. Remove the remains of pollution using soft fabric. Rinse the sole of the iron, wipe with a dry cloth. Do not turn on until completely dry.

You can clean the coating of an iron from adhering polyethylene using acetone or varnish removal.

If the frog is formed from molten synthetic fabric, you need to use a wooden spatula. Gently removing the remaining fabric, apply one of the methods of cleansing the surface of the iron.


How to clean an iron from scale

It is necessary to clean the iron from the scale. Gathered over time lime deposits can disable the device. In some ironing, there is a scrap self -cleaning function. To do this, water is poured into the tank, the iron is installed on maximum heating. After the iron is heated, the self -cleaning option is turned on. Together with the steam from the iron, a scale will come out. Even without visible reasons, it is advisable to constantly include scrap self -cleaning for preventive purposes.

If the iron is not equipped with a self -cleaning function, you can remove the scale with verified means.

Clean the iron with citric acid


Dilute 20 g of citric acid in 200 g of boiled water, pour into a water container. Turn on the iron on the highest temperature when the iron heats up, turn on the pair function. To evaporate the entire liquid from the tank in several receptions. After removing the scrap, rinse the tank for the liquid with clean water.

Peel the iron vinegar

You can clean the steam iron by mixing 100 g of water and 100 g of vinegar. Pour this mixture into a water tank. Warm the iron, turn on the pair function. After cleaning the iron, rinse the container with clean water. You can use such a recipe only in a ventilated room.


Remove the scale with a cleaning agent

You can clean the iron inside with the help of household chemicals hoars. To do this, turn the iron upward upward, pour into holes for the output of steam a few drops of the scale to remove the scrap. After 15 minutes, take the iron by the handle, remove the liquid from the iron. Rinse the iron thoroughly inside and out with clean water.

There are situations when the holes clogged so much that no means help, then you can try to wipe the spaces output with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of citric acid or silver.

How to clean a Teflon iron

The irons with Teflon coating are very convenient to use, they do not require additional care. It is necessary to follow all the provisions of the instructions for using the iron:

  • observe the temperature regime when smoothing out different types of fabrics;
  • woolen fabrics containing small villi, iron through thin fabric or gauze;
  • wipe the sole of the iron after cooling with a soft cloth;
  • do not use hard, uncleaned water for the tank of the iron.

If, nevertheless, a soil has formed on the Teflon sole, it should be removed using a soft sponge or fabric, without using hard compounds for cleaning. You can not use metal washcloths for cleaning. You can clean the iron with an anti -stick coating with a special pencil for cleaning. Strong pollution can be removed with a soft cloth moistened in a washing agent with the addition of baking soda. To clean the Teflon coating of the iron, you can use a mixture of water and vinegar. Take 100 g of vinegar per 100 g of water, with a cotton pad or soft fabric, erase the incapacitance.


To clean fresh pollution, grate the warm iron with household soap. After cooling the iron, rinse the surface with a washcloth and warm water.

If, as a result of cleaning on the sole of the iron, small scratches appeared, you can wipe them with paraffin or wax. Then heat the iron and iron the paper cloth. The remains of paraffin will remain on the napkin. The surface of the sole will become smooth and shiny.

How to clean a ceramic iron

A ceramic coating iron is very practical and convenient to operate. It is easy for them to stroke, he has a beautiful sliding sole. Some difficulties appear only with the problem of surface cleaning. Classes very quickly appear on the ceramic coating, it cannot be cleaned with abrasive agents, salt, and rough washcloths. To clean the irons with a ceramic coating, it is recommended to use detergents and soft tissues or sponge.

It is better to start cleaning the iron with the removal of the scale. Most ceramic ironing irons have a self -cleaning function. But it may not work due to lime pollution in the holes for the steam. Therefore, first, the iron from the scale should be cleaned with water with water with citric acid or vinegar. Ceramic pollution is easy to remove, wiping the sole with a soft washcloth with a detergent for dishes. The fabric moistened in lemon juice and a few drops of ammonia is well removed. Yellow spots from the sole are removed using a 3%hydrogen peroxide solution.

How to clean the steam iron. Video



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