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Otitis the middle ear - symptoms, diagnosis. Treatment of otitis of the middle ear in adults and children at home

Otitis the middle ear - symptoms, diagnosis. Treatment of otitis of the middle ear in adults and children at home
The article discusses the treatment of otitis of the middle ear, as well as the characteristics and types and symptoms of this disease in adults and children.

Otitis is a fairly common Lor pathology, which is striking both children and adults. It is characterized by the presence of pain, the congestion of the ear, a decrease in hearing sharpness and many other symptoms. Very often, the middle ear manifests itself in the infants, then the kids cry at night, causing anxiety from their parents. It is important to begin treatment of this disease in time to reduce not only unpleasant symptoms, but also prevent the development of complications, which is particularly dangerous in childhood. Next, we will consider in more detail the characteristics of this pathology, as well as what to do when otitis the middle ear.

Otitis Middle Ear: Symptoms

The otitis of the middle ear is characterized by the presence of the inflammatory process, which is most often developing as a result of the penetration of various malicious bacteria and infections into the Ear cavity. The disease develops pretty quickly and rapidly. Paints in this case arise both in the field of temporal bone and in the zone of the auditory passage. Often the inflammatory process from the region of the middle ear is distributed on Eustachiyev pipe.

Diagnose this disease in 25-30% of all patients coming for help from ENT doctors. In addition, about 60% of all kids aged from 1 month to 3 years suffer from this ailment.

Symptoms of otitis of the middle ear in adults and children are as follows:

  • Painfulness in the temporal area and in the hearing aid zone. The pain may be different - a pulsating, shooting or noctive character. Sometimes unpleasant sensations can be given to the backbone area, as well as when otitis, teeth can hurt, located on the other side where the patient's ear.
  • Reduced hearing acuity. The rumor in patients can deteriorate both at the very beginning of the occurrence of the disease and in the case of its progression.

  • Feeling eared ear. Often the patient is experiencing an unpleasant feeling of congestion in the middle ear.
  • Sometimes the patient may complain that he hears the resonation (echo) of his own voice in his ear during the conversation. This symptom was called in medical practice as an autophonia.
  • The presence of noise and extraneous sounds in the ear.
  • Inflammation of lymph nodes located closest to the affected ear.
  • The presence of discharge from a hearing aid having purulent or serous character.
  • Sometimes the patient has an edema in the existence of an existence.
  • In patient otitis, there is often an increase in temperature above 38 degrees.

  • Total weakness, drowsiness. Since the pain when Otitis has a pronounced character, the patient breaks a dream, irritability appears, the appetite decreases.

Otitis Middle Ear: Causes

There are many reasons that can provoke the beginning of this serious illness:

  • Most often (in 70% of cases) the disease arises as a result of the action of malicious bacteria and microorganisms, for example, such as streptococci and staphylococci.
  • Sometimes the cause of the development of the disease is the incorrect blowinghouse, in which the pressure of the air on the hearing pass is unevenly distributed.
  • Nose diseases (for example, adenoids, curvature of the nasal partition, catarrhal rhinitis).
  • The abnormal structure of the nasal shells, in which their rear edge prevents the normal disclosure of the hearing tube.
  • Infectious diseases of the nasopharynx.
  • Evstarchy tube injury, eardrum, auditory passage.
  • Various tumor formations located in the nasopharynx.
  • Walled diseases caused by the supercooling of the body (angina, influenza, etc.).

Acute otitis of the middle ear

There are chronic and sharp otitis of the middle ear. The acute inflammatory process takes place in several stages:

  • The initial degree of the disease. In medical practice, this stage was called doparph. At this stage, the disease proceeds rapidly, the general symptoms of illness increase and become pronounced. It is noted the presence of severe pain in the ear. Pain is often pulsating and acute. Paints are applied to the ear and occipital area. This stage can last as 1-2 hours and a few days. It all depends on the action of the body's immune system, as well as on how much the infection of the middle ear has happened. At the initial stage, purulent releases are intensively accumulated and focusing in the area of \u200b\u200bthe auditory pass. This stage of the disease can diagnose the ENT doctor with the help of a visual inspection of the patient's auditory passage. Usually in this case there is a thickening of the eardrum.
  • Perforative degree. This stage of the disease is very serious, since in this case the accumulated purulent discharges are able to break through the eardrum. At the same time, painses are brightly pronounced and spread not only to the ear region, but also on the temporal, the occipital part, and also fill in the upper and lower jaw (the patient is beginning to hurt their teeth). At this stage, there is an increase in the body temperature of the patient up to 38 degrees. The duration of this phase of the disease is from 1 to 8 days.

  • Reparative stage. The final stage of the disease. In the case of proper and adequate treatment, the scarring of the broken membrane of the drumpoint, the amount of the extracted purulent content is reduced, recovery of the patient's hearing.

Chronic otitis middle ear

Chronic otitis of the middle ear flows sluggishly and slowly. Very often, this disease develops as a complication after improper treatment of an acute infectious process. At the same time, the mucous membrane swells in the rumor passage and in the drum cavity swells.

The chronic process is characterized by the presence of the following symptoms in the patient:

  • First of all, the quality of hearing is worse.
  • Patients note the presence of periodic noise and buzz in the ears.
  • Headaches wearing periodic character.
  • Dizziness.
  • Periodically possible, the presence of serous discharge from the auditory passage.

Otitis - inflammation of the middle ear: types of illness and their diagnosis

Exuditive otitis of the middle ear

Exudative otitis of the middle ear is characterized by the presence of serous discharge in the auditory passage. This type of disease is more difficult to identify the patient, since with an exudative otitis there are no pain in the ear and temporal area. In this case, the patient does not increase the temperature, and the integrity of the eardrum is preserved. Most often, this type of otitis is a consequence of the flow of various inflammatory ENT diseases.

Catarial Otitis Middle Ear

Catarial otitis of the middle ear proceeds rapidly. With this form, a person in person has the presence of pronounced pain, and the auditory passage and the chicoid process is inflamed. If the sharp catarrhal otitis of the middle ear cannot be cured in a timely manner, then the patient can completely lose his hearing. The causes of the development of the disease in this case is the presence of adenoids, curved nasal partition. In addition, this type of otita can develop with a general decrease in immunity, insufficient consumption of vitamins with food.

Purulent otitis of the middle ear

Purulent otitis of the middle ear is an acute inflammatory process. In this case, the patient observes the presence of pain not only in the zone of the auditory pass, but also in the temporal, as well as in the ear region. Pain may be given in the head, lower jaw. There is an increase in body temperature to 39 degrees. If this pathology is not treated, the patient, as in the case of catarrhal otitis, can completely lose hearing. Complications after this form otitis can be sepsis of the brain, meningitis.

Serous Otitis Middle Ear

Serous otitis of the middle ear is an inflammatory process that has weak symptoms. In this case, liquid accumulates without impurities in the rumor passage. Because of the abundance of savings, the patient may feel the feeling of pressure in the middle ear. The rumor decreases slightly. The body temperature rises moderately, not more than 38 degrees.

Adhesive middle Otitis

Adhesive Middle Otitis - shape of chronic otitis. In this case, the symptoms of the disease in the patient is poorly pronounced. The only thing patients noted is a significant decrease in hearing.

Otitis the middle ear in children

As mentioned above, most often this disease is diagnosed in infants, as well as in children under 3 years. The main reasons for the occurrence of otitis in children can be the following factors:

  • Walled diseases, flu.
  • The presence of a long runny nose, as a result of which infection with the nasal sinuses goes to the middle ear.
  • Precooling the body.
  • Penetration of infection directly into the cavity of the ear when bathing a child.

The main symptoms of otitis of the middle ear in children:

  • The presence of high temperature up to 39 degrees.
  • Throwing the head in the baby during crying.
  • The presence of pain in the ear and in the temporal area.
  • Failure to eat, lack of appetite.
  • Vomit.
  • Reducing the quality of hearing, a sense of stagnation in the ears.

How to treat otitis middle ear in kids:

  • First of all, you need to remove pain in babies. For this, such drugs like "Nurofen", "Ibuprofen", "Feat", "Panadol", "Calpol".
  • Next, it is necessary to gradually remove the inflammatory process in the middle ear with the help of droplets such as OtIpaks, "Otinum" (1 droplet twice a day). You can dig in the baby's ear of 3% boric alcohol.
  • In addition, you should constantly clean the nasal moves of the baby from the selection.
  • The swelling in the nasal cavity can be removed with the help of droplets - "Nazivin", "Nazol", "Nokspray", "Vibratocil".

Otitis Middle Ear: Treatment

Antibiotics when otitis the middle ear

In the treatment of this disease, first of all, the reason should be eliminated that caused the otitis of the middle ear. And since most often the disease arises due to the impact of harmful bacteria and microorganisms, the patients require the appointment of antibiotics.

Antibiotics when otitis the middle ear:

  • Levomycetin. Applied with purulent otitis. In the patient, the ear should be buried 2 drops.
  • Amoxicillin. It is used for 3-3.2 grams per day.
  • Augmentin. He is prescribed both adults and children. Adults 350 mg 2 times a day.
  • Ceftriakson. Applies 1 time per day.
  • Amoxicillin. Applied 2 times a day.
  • Amoxiclav. Applied 2 times a day.

Otitis Middle Ear: Drops

Most often, when otitis the middle ear use drops. Their action is directed to the removal of the inflammatory process in the auditory passage. In addition, some drugs are able to significantly reduce pain syndrome.

So, when otitis the middle ear use the following drops:

  • Otipax. I bury 1-2 drops in each ear.
  • Otinum. For children, enough 1 drops in a patient ear. Adults will need 2 drops twice a day.
  • Anaran. This drug bury 1-2 drops in the affected ear.

In addition, when otitis, it should be used to use drops for the nose, which are inflamed in the nose passage and improving its permeability. These drugs include:

  • Tizin.
  • Otrivin.
  • Nazivin.

Otitis the middle ear: folk remedies

Consider how to treat Otitis of the middle ear at home with the help of funds of traditional medicine. These recipes include the following:

  • Juice onion and garlic. In this case, only freshly squeezed juice is used. It should be diluted with clean boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 1, and then bury 1 droplet into a patient's ear.
  • Aloe. It has intense anti-inflammatory properties. When otitis in the juice juice wet your cotton swab and lay it into the affected ear on 5 minutes 1 time per day.
  • Kalanchoe. The juice of this plant has the same amazing properties as aloe juice. At the same time, a cotton swab is used similarly, which is wetted in a freshly squeezed juice, and then placed in a patient's ear.
  • Propolis tincture. It can be used similarly as boring alcohol. In this case, the tincture of propolis bury 1-2 drops into each ear.

Otitis Middle Ear: Video


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