
Why do fingers go numb - reasons? What to do if fingers go numb at night. Fingers go numb on the left and right hand - treatment

Why do fingers go numb - reasons? What to do if fingers go numb at night. Fingers go numb on the left and right hand - treatment
In the article we will analyze the reasons why the fingers are numb, what this means. What to do if the fingers go numb on the hands at night. How to treat the body if fingers go numb.

An unpleasant, but very common symptom that most of us faced - numbness of our fingers. Sometimes this does not cause any fears and in itself passes. And it happens that this is a bell of the body about a critical state. Therefore, in this article, the material will be given what preventive measures must be taken in order to protect yourself from this sensation, and we will also tell you when we should definitely seek medical help.

Why do fingers go numb on their hands?

The most banal and famous "culprit" is a wrong pose in a dream. There is nothing wrong with this, but frequent such symptoms are pushed to a speedy visit to the doctor. After all, such a state of fingers means the speed of the cardiovascular or nervous system. But there are other unpleasant or even dangerous ailments that appear in the same way.

Fingers numb - time matters

  • If the fingers are numb in the mornings, then this speaks of the most harmless symptom - you just put your hand in a dream. What is caused by an uncomfortable pose, and this was already reflected in normal blood circulation. A 10-minute gymnastics will help to cope with this. You need to squeeze a fist, then relax your hand. Do the exercise 5-10 times. Also do not forget about circular movements with a brush. After all, it is in this place that the “knot” of the nerve endings of all fingers is located.
  • If the fingers go numb at night, then the symptom gains a more significant and dangerous turn. Especially if such a condition is observed constantly or very often (by the way, in the morning, fingers should not become numb every day). Most often this is a signal about the presence of osteochondrosis or other disorders in the vertebra. If there are also such concomitant symptoms as pain in the neck or under the shoulder blade, and maybe in the other area of \u200b\u200bthe back, then the discharge of disks or intervertebral hernias of the cervical spine is possible. Keep in mind that in this case only one hand is numb!

Note! Problems with the back appear up to 35 years. After this line, numbness of the hands already speaks of problems with joints and heart, and also indicates endocrine or immune ailments.

Fingers go numb - which hand suffers?

  • Fingers on the right hand of those who have monotonous work are numb. According to statistics, 50% of young people suffer from this symptom. Moreover, more often fingers go numb at night. The category includes:
    • office workers;
    • programmers;
    • seamstresses;
    • knitters, etc.
  • If you spend a lot of time at the computer (this is the most common reason) or erase a lot with your hands, stroke, cut or embroider, then without fail take a break every half hour. Do not be lazy and conduct gymnastics of the hands for 5-10 minutes.

Important!  Prolonged numbness of the fingers, which does not pass after 30 minutes, increases the risk of tissue necrosis, and in frequent cases, even loss of limbs. Therefore, be sure to visit a doctor and pass the examination prescribed by him.

  • When the fingers are numb on the left hand, this is a direct signal about heart diseases or blockage of blood vessels. At the age of 45, the risk of heart attack or stroke almost doubles. As concomitant symptoms, shortness of breath and pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe heart or shoulder blades may appear. In the shortest possible time, visit a doctor or call an ambulance and pass the ECG examination.

Fingers go numb: reasons

The constitutive root that causes numbness of the fingers is cardiac, vascular and nervous ailments. Often there can only be a symptom of fatigue or uncomfortable posture. But can hide dangerous ailments. Therefore, pay attention to which area the sensations are localized.

  • When the fingertips on the hands are symmetrically numb, this indicates diabetes or pancreatitis, or the patient has a lack of iron in the body.
  • In many cases, the fingertips also go numbered due to constant and monotonous work. This indicates muscle strain, so they need a regular warm -up.
  • But it can also be a signal of malnutrition. Therefore, review your diet. Lack of vitamins and useful elements can also be expressed. This is especially true for those who are on a diet that does not take into account all the necessary needs of the body.
  • When the fingers are numb and hurt, this indicates systemic diseases. It is especially dangerous when it is also accompanied by a feeling of thirst. The pain is usually wandering and symmetrical in both hands. This indicates polyneuropathy and damage to the nerve fibers. Especially the situation is aggravated by the systematic use of alcohol.

  • Fingers are numb and tingling due to a change in the weather. This is especially felt in old age. After injuries and bruises, similar can also be observed.
  • But do not forget that this can be a signal of the vertebral hernia or the result of osteoporosis. From dangerous symptoms, the brain tumor is so expressed.
  • Fingers in the case of cervical myelopathy are tingling and numb, when osteophytes and hernias of discs are squeezed the spinal cord. As a result, the brush becomes weak, and the vertebral brain is strongly pulled. Especially when bending the neck. By the way, this condition often leads to a heart attack.
  • Scleroderm is also expressed in a similar way. Muscle pain, heart failure, various hemorrhages and digestive disorders may occur. At risk, people are 35-55 years old, sometimes it can be given to their feet.
  • The palms and fingers go numb mainly in the elderly due to a sedentary lifestyle. Yes, and do not forget that at this age and excessive stresses are undesirable, because they can cause the same effect.
  • If the fingers are still constantly freezing or even blue, then this indicates Reino's disease. By the way, she is more often subject to those who do not wear mittens or workers in production in winter, where there is a lot of vibration. It can give more strongly to the thumbs.
  • Scattered sclerosis is sometimes manifested in this form. Young people with an affected nervous system suffer more often. Additional symptoms include frequent and sharp mood swings, fatigue, change of handwriting and walking. It occurs due to blockage of a blood clot in the brain or in the upper spine. And this is a harbinger of a stroke. It is often accompanied by a sharp jump in blood pressure and severe headaches.
  • Cervical spondylosis, compression of nerves or inflammation of the joints can give in one hand, some finger or have a symmetrical character.

  • The hand is numb from the elbow to the fingers as a result of pinching the nerve. Even the harmless at first glance the habit of relying on the elbows can cause such a sensation.
  • Sometimes it can be caused by a sharp weight loss or loss of muscle mass.
  • Tunnel syndrome can be localized not only in brushes, but to cover the elbow area. This is caused by the intense work of the hands. It may also be a result of injury. Additional symptoms include burning and tingling.

If your fingers are numb, what does this mean?

Everything is interconnected in our body, so even a separate finger will talk about its ailments and problems. Also pay attention to whether the same fingers are numb or they change.

  • The thumbs go numb on their hands often due to fatigue and overvoltage. Working for a computer mouse, jewelry or profession of a pianist, watchmaker is often accompanied by such consequences. Those actions that load the middle nerve.
  • Also, prolonged driving a car or wearing heavy bags cause the tension of the middle muscle ligaments, which is expressed by numbness of the thumbs.
  • But from dangerous causes - this can be a signal about the presence of tumors in the body, arthritis or arthrosis.

  • When the index fingers are numb, it is worth seriously considering this symptom. Especially if it does not pass within 5-10 minutes. Remember-this is a bell of the body about some malfunctions or even in hidden serious ailments.
    • The most harmless cause may be pinched the nerve in the forearm or elbow, as well as in damage to the radial nerve.
    • Strong stresses and high tension can cause a neurological disease, which will be expressed in numbness of the index finger. By the way, they can become numb together either separately, or in turn.
    • It can also talk about heart problems, as a harbinger of heart attack or stroke.
    • The index finger is associated with the work of the kidneys, therefore obstruction or malfunctions in their work are expressed in this symptom.
    • Polyneuropathic disorder, arthritis or arthrosis complement the list of possible diseases.
  • If the middle finger is numb on the arm, then it is simply unpleasant, and even hurts. Something resembles a cramp, it twists not only the finger itself, but the whole palm. By the way, often a finger completely loses its sensitivity.
    • In athletes or other representatives of intense activity, due to constant and strong loads or as a result of injury, the middle finger is numb.
    • Lack of vitamins in excessive quantities.
    • Excess cholesterol, blockage of blood vessels or other diseases of blood vessels and heart.
    • It also sets out inflammation or pinching of the nerve. The neck and forearm are especially distinguished.

  • If the ring fingers are numb in your hands, then you wear either too compressing clothes in the wrist, or excessively tight jewelry. This is especially true for women, but men need not to pull the strap on the clock.
    • But there are other possible problems. Nervous exhaustion or severe shock will necessarily affect your health.
    • It is especially dangerous when the patient is fond of alcohol! The ring fingers are also responsible for the state of blood vessels and indicate the position of the nerve endings.
    • On the right hand, the ring finger may indicate the wearing of a tight engagement ring. If any.
  • Pay attention when the little finger of the right hand is numb. This signals an overwhelming of the elbow joint. Most of us are right -handed, so almost all the work is performed with the right hand. Do not forget to do sometimes relaxing exercises and rest in time.
    • The little finger on the left hand is associated with the work of the heart. And if the problem affected both limbs, then this indicates a nervous exhaustion of the body or a failure in the work of blood vessels.

Fingers numb during pregnancy

Pregnant women often encounter various changes in the body, which can cause simply discomfort, or can cause serious fear.

  • Tunnel syndrome in expectant mothers is in the first place. A weight gain, and sometimes swelling in combination with monotonous work leads to such results. By the way, it may not always be working at a computer or playing musical instruments. Even ordinary household chores can cause severe fatigue.
    • In this case, you do not need to worry, just be sure to rest in a timely manner and do gymnastics. Not only hands, but the overall set of exercises will not become superfluous.

Important! Do not let any symptom by itself. Be sure to inform your attending physician. Especially, this applies to those women who have severe swelling during pregnancy. And the most danger is the first period of pregnancy.

  • During sleep, fingers are numb due to an uncomfortable posture that is so difficult to find. This leads to the clamping of nerves, joints or muscles. By the way, the whole hand can often go numb.
  • If fingers swell closer in the evening, and even tingling, then this indicates the accumulation of fluid in the body. Yes, swelling can be reflected in the condition of the legs and arms.

  • Osteochondrosis, osteoporosis or arthrosis. In such a wonderful period, all old ailments begin to remind themselves of themselves. Immunity and stability are half. The little fingers and ring fingers go numb. This is observed after a long walk or excessive stay on the legs, as well as after a long sitting position.
  • Excessive weight gain is not in the best way reflected in the health of the future mother, metabolism is disturbed and hormones are surfaced, which is sometimes the cause of numbness of the fingers.
  • Review your diet, during this period, your body needs elements such as calcium, magnesium, iron and other vitamins. After all, the body gives its “reserves” to the future baby. And if they do not act outside, then such unpleasant symptoms arise, as the body's signal about the need of important components.
  • By the way, sometimes numbness can occur after childbirth. This is a signal that heart problems have arisen. And I aggravated the situation with a nervous or tense pregnancy.

Fingers numb: treatment and prevention

If you notice similar sensations, albeit rarely, then begin to engage in your health immediately!

  • Review the diet. Very often this is a signal about the deficiency of vitamin B 12. Increase the consumption of fish and meat, begin to take beer yeast. Sometimes this is a lack of vitamin A, so use nuts and grain crops.
  • Be sure to do gymnastics. If you sit a lot and do monotonous or hard work, then take breaks regularly. And select 10-15 minutes. to gymnastics. Circular movements of the hands, squeezing of the fists.

  • If you have problems with your back, then do not forget about gymnastics, which is aimed at the spinal department. Very beneficial are the turns or slopes to the side. Or, for example, grab your hands in the “castle” behind, lean forward, reaching your hands as much as possible to the floor.
  • Those who suffer from poor blood circulation or clogging of blood clots take 4 tbsp. Parsley with honey. Previously, they need to be ground or wiped to a homogeneous state. 1 kg of greens requires 1 cup of honey.
  • For vessels, it is necessary to take ascorbic acid. She is a real storehouse of necessary minerals and elements.
  • If numbness is caused by an uncomfortable posture, then in the morning it is worth carrying out easy charging. It is enough to raise, lower your hands in several approaches, make circular movements in the shoulder, elbow and cystic sections.

Treatment consists in taking special drugs that only a doctor can prescribe. After all, only he will make an accurate diagnosis. Sometimes surgical intervention may also be required, for example, with vertebrates.

  • Be sure to take a massage course, especially if there are problems with the back. Physiotherapy can also be prescribed. These procedures improve blood flow to the tissues and in the vessels, develop muscles.
  • If the nerve is pinched, then gymnastics must be carried out at home, the examples of which are indicated above. Also, the doctor can advise the exercise.
  • If there is an exhaustion of the nervous system or you work in stressful conditions, then it is necessary to take a course of sedatives.

  • But the most important thing:
    • abandon bad habits;
    • eat only healthy food;
    • lead an active lifestyle;
    • make sports or do morning gymnastics.

Do not believe that numbness of the fingers is a frivolous symptom. Carefully monitor the frequency and location in order to find out and eliminate the cause of such an unpleasant sensation. Do not put off a trip to the doctor and be healthy.

Video: 3 reasons for numbness of the hands



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