
Menu of a glitulus diet

Menu of a glitulus diet
What is gluten, a list of prohibited and allowed products. Menu diet for a week, recipes, menu for children.

Literally 5-7 years ago, few people knew about the existence of such a substance in products as gluten and its impact on the human body. It contains in many products and can harm our health. For people, who is fundamentally important to eat right, it is necessary to learn more about the products in which gluten may be present to eliminate them from their diet.

What is gluten. Its benefit and harm

The gluten substance occurred from the word "glue." This if you translate the word from English into Russian. We have more familiar to another name - gluten. Why are many people who try to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right, increasingly adhered to a gluten-free diet? It turns out that this substance or gluten is able to harm our intestines. There are thousands of people with celiac diseases in the world, which are contraindicated gluten. For these people, a special diet was developed.

The problem of intolerance to gluten 10 years ago was not as widespread, as at present. If you study statistics, then 150 people are 1, whose body does not tolerate this substance.


If diet do not adhere to, then gluten affects the intestinal walls and even a fatal outcome is possible. Well, if you adhere to the right nutrition and eat products in which there is no gluten, then there will be no disease to progress. Products from which will have to completely abandon: it is wheat, oats, rye and barley.

How to determine if you suffer from gluten intolerance? Doctors recommend listening to themselves and their body if you are constantly disturbed by a chair, and there is a meteorism with a moderate use of holbo-bakery products, then perhaps a gluten-free diet will help to establish all processes.

Now you know the weak side of the gluten. But there is from this substance and benefit. Gluten is customary to belong to natural proteins, and even this substance in baking (bread and buns) is responsible for beauty: this is a pomp of the product and its fragrance.

In cooking, the amount of gluten is denoted by a variety of flour products. If this substance is not enough, the quality and properties of the finished product are reduced, and vice versa.

Another 10 years ago, no one paid attention to the percentage of gluten in the bilbo-bakery products and manna cereals (the exceptions are people who suffer from celiac disease or intolerance of gluten). For more than 98% of the population, this substance is absolutely harmless, but now it has become fashionable to refuse gluten. Therefore, most people deliberately adhere to a gluten-free diet for weight loss.

List of permitted products a glitulous diet

The list of permissible products with a gluten-free diet is quite extensive, but you do not have to keep yourself in a rigorous framework and starve.

What products are allowed:

  • all fruits and vegetables;
  • fish, fresh poultry meat, as well as pork and beef. The only exception is to panic the product in breadcrumbs and withstand in marinade;
  • eggs;
  • non-recycled legumes, beans (any varieties), as well as nuts and seeds;
  • milkproducts (exception - with additives);
  • buckwheat;
  • amaranth;
  • starch from potatoes;
  • flour obtained from corn, as well as starch;
  • flax seeds.

not really

On the shelves of shops other than wheat flour, you can meet rice, potato, corn, oatmeal and even almond, soy, buckwheat and coconut flour. There are no gluten in these products. In addition, in specialized stores you can purchase wheat flour without gluten.

There is no less than this adhesive in the corn cruel and the pended, so, as well as oatmeal (carefully study the packaging, if it is written "no gluten", you can buy).

Products containing gluten

An explicit high gluten content is in wheat, barley, rye and oats (this product has a high degree of contamination).


If you want to exclude this substance from a daily diet, then you need to completely abandon the following products:

  • bread, buns and any flour baking;
  • cookies, cakes, cupcakes, cakes;
  • exclude all types of test from the diet;
  • refuse crackers, pizza, pizza, pancakes, pasta and bran;
  • ceres "Artek" and "Hercules;
  • any dishes prepared with the addition of breadcrumbs.

We still need to try to exclude semi-finished products from the diet: all kinds of sausages (sausages, sausages, smoked sausage), cutlets, semi-finished products from soybeans (they also have this substance as an additive). If the manufacturer points on the package that there is no glutene in this product, then you can eat it in food and turn on the diet menu.


Learn to recognize hidden gluten in such products, where it is in principle (in your opinion) should not be.

The list of such products is not small:

  • this is ice cream;
  • candy (chocolate and even caramels);
  • fast breakfasts (fast food flakes). Exception: the mark on the package "does not contain gluten";
  • various sauces, mayonnaise and salad refills, FRI potatoes (if fritted at home, then you can);
  • crab sticks, chips, cubes of broths;
  • not distilled vodka, as well as beer.

there is

Separately, it is worth clarifying more, why in some products (where gluten should not be), this substance may be present in small quantities:

  • in potato starch may contain starch taken from solid millet;
  • table vinegar - it is obtained by distillation of cereal products. Replace the usual vinegar can be applene (even their own preparation), or rice, fits wine;
  • extracts and taste amplifiers are concentrated alcohol-containing fluids, which can contain wheat;
  • coffee (with flavors and additives), as well as without caffeine - in these products the presence of very small doses of gluten is possible.

An adhesive mixture may be contained in ordinary paper envelopes. The glue that is applied to paper is cooked with the addition of wheat. Therefore, it is undesirable to lick the tongue, it is better to use a sponge or tassel. Wheat starch may also be present in ordinary plasticine, so do not forget to wash your hands after working with plasticine.

Menu of a glitulus diet

Consider one of the options of the approximate diet menu without a gluten content for the day:

  • for breakfast, eat cottage cheese with the addition of fruit, 1-2 rice loaf, drink cocoa, you can eat 1 tsp. honey;
  • diettopians offer to prepare a slightly vegetable cauliflower soup, to fill it with a spoon of sour cream. Boiled fish and potato mashed potatoes, fresh greens salad. Can be powered by berry or fruit compote;
  • afternoon school: jam, a cup of green tea and a bun, baked from corn flour;
  • for dinner, welcome the millet porridge, add some nuts into it, pieces of dried fruits. Drink kefir, you can buy prokokvash or do yourself.

This is an approximate diet menu without gluten on 1 day. Variating these products, you can make a diet menu for several days.

What is the advantage: the minimum content of sweet and flour will help get rid of extra kilograms.

A glitulous diet. Recipes cooking useful dishes

At first it will be difficult to stick to the diet, because the body gets used to one products and food habits are saved for 1-2 weeks. With these recipes, you will not have to starve and deny yourself the pleasure to eat something delicious and sweet.

Stewed chicken with tomatoes


Chicken legs are more suitable for cooking this dish, but if you have a chicken whole, it can be cut into parts. The dish is considered dietary, with a high protein content. You can feed the chicken with buckwheat, stewed or boiled vegetables, you can cook millet or rice.


  • chicken parts or legs - 8 pcs.;
  • bulb - 2 pcs;
  • leek - 1 pc.;
  • red pepper - 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes - 6 pcs.;
  • garlic 5-6 poles;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp.;
  • spicy chili pepper - 0.5 pcs.;
  • chabret or thyme - 4 twigs;
  • fennel seeds - pinch;
  • black pepper ground and salt - to taste.

With chicken it is better to remove the skin if you do not plan to fry meat.

How to cook:

  1. Tomatoes need to be washed, cut into a sharp knife on top of the cross, put in a bowl.
  2. Pour the tomatoes with hot water, leave for 1 minute.
  3. Gently, not to burn, remove the skin.
  4. The pulp of tomatoes cut into a sharp knife, you can smoke for a fork or put in a blender.
  5. Pour 2 tbsp. Oils in a saucepan (deep), put the fennel and onions (chopped by semirings).
  6. Onions need to fry on the oil until it becomes transparent. Do not forget to add a little salt and pepper.
  7. If you use a chicken with a skin, then pre-meat fry in a frying pan in a small amount of oil. All wounded fat drain, and the meat shift into the pan.
  8. Cut the strips pepper (red and sharp), as well as garlic.
  9. Put peppers with garlic in a pan with tomatoes, add meat.
  10. Put in a spice pan, make some water. Do not forget to salt and slightly pepper.
  11. On low heat, bring the dish to a boil, continue to languish 60 minutes on very slow heat.

Schedule the finished dish if the sauce turned out to be sour, add some sugar - 1 tsp. or honey. Stir, leave in a saucepan for 15 minutes so that the dish is "reached".

Recipe curd cake


For the preparation of a cake on this recipe, you can use your own cooking cottage cheese, use any berries and fruits as a filling.


  • cottage cheese (soft) - 200 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • vanillin or sugar - 10 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon juice - 20 g;
  • zestra Lemon - 1 tsp;
  • bustyer (read on the packaging the mark "without gluten") - 1 bl.;
  • rice flour - 120 g;
  • butter creamy (to lubricate the baking sheet);
  • stuffing is canned peaches, pears or any other.

How to cook Pie:

  1. Lubricate immediately by a soft butter with soft butter.
  2. If you use canned filling, then before cooking the dough, you need to put it on a colander to the glasses excess fluid.
  3. Mix flour with a baking powder (all dry components must be pre-samped).
  4. In a separate bowl, lay out cottage cheese, add lemon juice, vanillin, zest, mix.
  5. In another bowl you need to beat eggs and sugar, add vanilla sugar and beat until the mass increases.
  6. Add to cottage cheese 3 tbsp. Egg-sugar mixture, mix. Must get a soft homogeneous mass.
  7. We mix the residue of cottage cheese to the egg-sugar mixture, add flour with a bundle, mix fast dough.
  8. In a warm baking sheet (send for 2 minutes to a preheated oven), you need to pour the dough, carefully dissolve the top.
  9. From above on the dough, lay out the stuffing so that the peaches literally drowned in it.
  10. Pie baking time - 30-35 minutes at 170 oC. Baking duration depends on the thickness of the walls of the bench and the oven itself. Do not forget that the availability of the product can be checked with a wooden stick. It should be dry, and the edges of the cake - a little bit from the walls of the opposite.
  11. Finished cake Turn over the grille and gently shift to the flat dish.
  12. Leave pastries for 5 minutes, then cut and apply for afternoon along with a glass of kefir.

Buckwheat Fritters


If in the morning there is no time to cook something special, try making pancakes on this recipe. You will need quite a bit of time. Breakfast will be satisfying and helpful.


  • buckwheat cereals - 1 cup;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.;
  • egg - 2 pcs;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • salt is a pinch.

How to cook fritters:

  1. Boil the croup, cool.
  2. Add eggs to buckwheat porridge and honey, mix.
  3. Form from the resulting pancakes, fry in a frying pan in oil.

You can feed warm buckwheat pancakes with a spoon of sour cream.

A glitulous diet. Menu for a week

The diet is designed so that the body does not suffer from lack of nutrients, minerals and vitamins.


Check out the approximate diet menu for 7 days:

  1. Monday. For breakfast: Rice porridge Plus Fresh (you can frozen berries), bread made from corn flour. Can be powered by tea or coffee. For lunch, prepare spinach soup, chicken baked breast, 2-3 potatoes (bake too), vegetable salad. To afternoon or as a snack, toasts (from corn flour) and cottage cheese plus fruit are suitable. For dinner - weld your porridge, add some nuts, drink yoghurt (without additives) or kefir.
  2. Tuesday - for breakfast cottage cheese and berries, loaf (rice), spoonful of honey, tea. On lunch soup (chicken) or pilaf, make a vegetable salad, drink a glass of tea. A banana and several little bites of bitter chocolate will fit as a snack. For dinner - baked potatoes with salmon, herbal tea.
  3. Wednesday - Omelet from 1 eggs plus some cheese, bread without gluten content, coffee or tea. For lunch, you can cook soup (fish or chicken) or boil the rice plus a cutlet (from chicken), make a vegetable salad, you can drink tea. A bun is suitable for a snack (from rice flour), a little jam and a glass of kefir. For dinner - prepare casserole from cottage cheese with the addition of rice flour, eat 2 apples.
  4. On Thursday, there will be a salad of carrots and nuts, fuel olive oil. Leave a piece of cheese to tea or coffee. You can eat a plate of vegetable soup at lunch, a bit of beans (in tomato), chop, drink a cup of green tea. To the snacks prepare in advance cottage cheese and fruit salad. For dinner - potato pancakes from rice flour, a piece of stewed fish, herbal tea.
  5. On Friday, for breakfast you have flakes (corn) plus yogurt, fruit. At lunch - borsch and a piece of boiled meat, pasta (only without gluten!), 3-4 meatballs and tea. At the snack prepare cheese and some fruit. Dinner is as follows: buckwheat and boiled chicken breast, tea with chamomile.
  6. Saturday - buckwheat fritters (from boiled buckwheat or buckwheat flour), a little honey and a glass of kefir. At lunch, weld the cabbage, eat a chicken cutlet with rice, drink a cup of green tea. Snack: any 2 fruit, some nuts. For dinner - stew vegetables with mushrooms, baked in foil fish.
  7. Sunday - for breakfast Cheesens (instead of flour - potato starch), some dried fruits, coffee or tea. At lunch - Fish baked, buckwheat porridge, tea. On the snack, prepare apples that best bake in the oven. Serve a dish with crushed nuts. For dinner - chicken boiled white meat, a little vegetable salad and a cup of kefir / yogurt.

The first results of a gluten-free diet are already after 3-4 days later, the body will gradually cleaned, stop disturbing the intestinal pain, you get rid of unpleasant sensations and bloom. Extra kilograms will be easily and irrevocably, if you continue to adhere to a gluten-free, as well as a lactose diet.

Gluten diet for a child

Products that can be used to children, where it is not contained gluten, a lot, so you can easily make a menu for the baby for every day.

Kids Eating A Healthy Meal in the Kitchen

Here is an example of one day a glitulous diet for a child from 3 years old:

  1. Breakfast is rice porridge, it is possible to put pieces of orange or mandarin. Compote from dried fruits, a piece of corn flour bread.
  2. Lunch - weld soup soup from such products: broccoli, chicken breast, 2 l. Water, carrots and onions, 1 celery stem, 2 potatoes. Ready soup need to pour blender, cool. A slightly sour cream sauce is allowed to serve a soup, add fresh greens to it, as well as loaf without gluten content.
  3. An afternoon person - casserole from cottage cheese with the addition of millet. A glass of kefira or compote from fresh berries or dried fruits.
  4. Dinner - carrot salad (fresh carrot on a shallow grater), seasoned with sour cream with small pieces of dried, corn porridge and chicken meatballs.

What are the pros and cons of diet without gluten

Consider the benefits of the diet:

  • food is useful;
  • adhere to the diet is not difficult;
  • establishes the purpose of the intestine;
  • displays toxins;
  • suitable for small children to get rid of gas formation and colic.

What are the disadvantages of a dieting without gluten:

  • if you constantly stick to the diet, you need to take vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • for those who love pasta, dumplings, dumplings, pies and fresh twigs, it is very difficult at first to abandon these products;
  • not always on store shelves, you can find the desired product without gluten content.

If you want to "sit" on a gluten-free diet with the purpose of weight loss, then nutritionists recommend doing this courses with interruptions. And in the intervals eat balanced and count calories. Proper nutrition will help you achieve good results, even if you eat products with gluten. Another thing, if your body is not tolerate this substance. Good luck!


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