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Perei MASH: properties, benefits and harm. Recipes made of germinated Masha, cooking dishes

Perei MASH: properties, benefits and harm. Recipes made of germinated Masha, cooking dishes
Bobs Mash: benefits and harm, energy value of the germinated Masha. Muscents Masha germinating at home. Recipes for cooking dishes made of sprouted Masha.

Mash beans in a germinated form are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Often instead of the classic name of the species of legumes, one can hear something else - “golden beans”. The similarity with beans can only be seen when the beans germinate and get rid of the green shell. In shape and color, they will resemble beans.

Mash in a germinated form is a very valuable product that many people have not even heard of. The seedlings have many valuable benefits for the human body.

A little story

The birthplace of Bobs is India. In Hindi, the ancient language of this country, this type of bean culture is called "mung" or beans of Mung. In this country, as well as the countries of the Asian region, Bobs Mung is the main product that is equated with bread in Russia. Mash is added to almost all ready -made dishes, the sprouts of beans are most appreciated, because they have a lot of protein and other beneficial substances.

Propheted Mash: Composition

Beans are oval, green, small. They are consumed both in the germinated and in boiled form. Masha is made starch for the preparation of noodles in cooking, in general, the beans are more used in a germinated form, because the nutritional value of this product increases significantly. So, there are 18 amino acids, 11 of the most important vitamins: group B vitamins, vitamins C, E and A, K, as well as beta-carotene. Microelements: iron, manganese, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, copper, calcium.

The food value of the product is high, 100 g of seedlings contain:

  • 23. 86 - proteins;
  • 1.15 - fats;
  • 62.62 - carbohydrates;
  • 16.3 - fiber.

The calorie content of the germinated Masha is 30 kcal in 100 g, in the thermally processed product of calories there is more - 105. When sprouting beans, not only the mass and volume several times, but also the content of nutrients increase. So, fiber will become more by 2%, vitamin C by 35, 97 mg/100 g, the number of antioxidants increases by 5.1 times!

Propheted Mash: Benefit and Harm

The benefits of the germinated Masha for the human body are huge, this plant product has antiseptic properties that cleanse, rejuvenate.

Properties of the germinated Masha:

  • it has a beneficial effect on the skin if you make masks for the face with seedlings: it has a mitigating effect, nutritious, lights up dark areas (pigment and freckles, traces of rashes), helps to reduce pores;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps to increase visual acuity;
  • contributes to the stabilization of blood cholesterol;
  • increases mental activity;
  • helps in the fight against cancer cells with an integrated approach;
  • supports the level of hormones in the female body during menopause, and also helps to improve the emotional state of a woman, facilitates the condition during tides;
  • contributes to the normalization of blood sugar and normalizes blood pressure;
  • neutralizes excess fat and absorbs toxins;
  • stimulates the production of its own collagen and hyaluronic acid - in general it is an anti -aging agent, gives the skin smoothness, improves tone;
  • powerful immunomodulator: increases not only mental activity, but also in general human performance;
  • in the heat, it helps to prevent thermal blow, adjusting the body temperature;
  • suppresses a desire to eat sweet food;
  • normalizes metabolic processes in the body;
  • inhibits the development of cancer cells in the mammary glands;
  • strengthens the joints;
  • helps in the fight against allergic manifestations;
  • normalizes the state of the nervous system;
  • normalizes the hemoglobin indicator in the blood;
  • is a diuretic, helps to normalize acidity;
  • with a complex approach, it helps in the treatment of asthma.

In the cosmetic industry, MASH takes a leading position because legumes are used to produce cosmetic products for mature skin care. There are coenzyms that have a beneficial effect on the condition of mature skin in the composition of the legumes: tighten, smooth wrinkles, and help to lighten pigmented areas.

The germinated Bobs of the Mung is a useful product for people of any age, bobs contain enough vegetable protein, so you can replace animal protein if there are beans 2-3 times a week. Such an alternative will help unload the digestive system.

What else is a germinated Mash? Beans can be eaten at any age, they will benefit as children, like adults. Bob's seedlings will help get rid of excess weight, cleanse the body of toxins, get rid of severity in the stomach, and feel lightness throughout the body. Since there are many trace elements, acids and vitamins in the sprouted beans, the Mash must be included in the daily diet in order to strengthen immunity, especially during mass diseases of SARS.

By the way, Bobs of Mash do not contribute to bloating and gas formation, this is just one of the features of Masha.

What are the contraindications? There are few of them, if you have poor intestinal motility, there are diseases of the digestive system, you need to refuse to take sprouted beans. Individual intolerance is no exception, and if you use mung beans in large quantities, this is fraught with dispersion and flatulence.

How to get germinated sprouts Masha

The germination of Bobs Mung is one of the easiest. If you set out to learn how to germinate legumes and grain crops, you need to start with Masha.

Propheted beans of the Mash, what do you need to know before the start of germination? Since the beans, along with the sprouts, will be eaten in raw form, it is necessary to create all the conditions for comfortable germination. It should be borne in mind that bobs need both light and darkness, so it is necessary to ensure all the conditions for the comfortable awakening of beans.

  1. Prepare legumes, they must first be sorted out to remove broken grains and garbage.
  2. Pour water temperature with water, rinse. Drain the water.
  3. Prepare a container for germination: it can be a special container or any food container. You can germinate a mash in a glass jar or on a plate with high sides.
  4. Pour the beans into the container, pour water at room temperature with water (it is better to take well or filtered). Leave Mash for the night.
  5. In the morning, you need to drain the water, rinse in fresh water and can be left in a container or pour the beans into a glass container. For example, in a jar.
  6. Cover the neck with gauze folded in several layers, fix it with an elastic band.
  7. Prepare a plate, pour water into it, turn the jar to the bottom down so that you get an angle equal to 45 degrees. This is necessary so that the grains are soaked with moisture.
  8. A plate with a jar must be placed in a warm but dark place. As necessary, you need to add water and rinse the mash.
  9. It is necessary to alternate the exposure of beans in a dark place and in the light. 4 hours a day is enough for the beans to be in the light, and the remaining time is in a dark place.
  10. After the 3rd day (and if the room is cool-5), the beans will be ready to use.
  11. When the sprouts are reached 1 cm, the mash can be eaten, in this form, beans are considered the most useful. No need to wait for the sprouts to grow up and instead of light ones, they become yellow or brown. They will not be so tasty and soft.

In the refrigerator, the seedlings of Masha can be stored for no more than 2 days, wrapping in a piece of pure gauze. But it is best to eat at once.

Another way to germinate beans for those to whom the first option may seem difficult:

  1. Take a jar of 0.5 l. Fill it on 1/3 with beans, rinse in warm water, remove damaged grains if necessary and get rid of garbage.
  2. Pour the beans with water, leave for 12 hours.
  3. If you want to immediately germinate a lot of Masha, then you need to take 4 cups of water on a cup of grain. Beans must swim in the water.
  4. In 12 hours, the first seedlings should be interpreted, you can watch how life in grains awakens: first they are drank with water, increasing in size. Then the first, barely noticeable, millimeter sprouts appear, which become more and more.
  5. Do not forget to rinse the beans every 10 hours, changing water. If you want to interrupt the process of germination, believing that it is already enough, you need to place the beans in a large container in order to rinse under a stream of running water. Thus, you can easily get rid of the green shell, which will only interfere and spoil the appearance of the finished dishes.

This is how Masha’s seedlings should look that can already be eaten:

Tip: Mash beans can be germinated in any container: in a dietary container or even in a deep plate. A prerequisite: rinse the beans every 10 hours, changing the water to the fresh and provide stay in the light for 4 hours. The rest of the time of the beans can be left on the table, covering with a lid or wet cloth.

Propheted Mash: Recipes for cooking

Mash sprouted, but what to do next? Try the seedlings, they are neutral taste, they can be eaten just like that, but it is better and tastier to add to ready -made dishes.

Salad from the germinated Masha

The recipe for making a salad from a sprouted Masha, prepare products:

  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • bulgarian pepper - half;
  • green patch beans - 100 g;
  • sesame oil - 30 ml;
  • garlic - 1 or 2 cloves to taste;
  • masha's seedlings - 300 g;
  • lemon juice - 30 ml;
  • soy sauce - 30 ml.

Preparation of useful salad:

  1. Cucumber and pepper need to be washed, cut into strips.
  2. Rinse carefully a mash, drain the water.
  3. Pour boiling water on green beans, leave for 1 minute. Drain the water.
  4. Fold all the components in a bowl.
  5. We make a dressing for salad of chopped garlic (mix with sauce and add oil). If there is no sesame oil, we take any that at home. Add lemon juice, mix. If you are a spicy lover, then you need to add a pinch of chili powder to the gas station.
  6. Pour the vegetables and seedlings with refueling, mix. Serve such a salad to the table immediately.

How much per day can you have seedlings? This question is often asked beginners who have only discovered the beneficial properties of these legumes. Masha’s seedlings are morning food, because the sprouts saturate with energy. To begin with, it is enough to eat 1 or 2 tbsp of the seedlings, gradually increasing and bringing to the norm - 4 tbsp. per day. In the afternoon and at night, the seedlings are better not to eat, because they have a stimulating effect.

It is important to accustom yourself to energy food gradually. First add a teaspoon of seedlings to home yogurt or smoothie, make vegetable salads. It is important to chew the seedlings well. Avoid thermal processing of the seedlings, because the value of the product is significantly reduced.

Propheted Mash in Korean

Masha Korean salad is extremely useful, it contains many trace elements and vitamins, it is also very tasty! To taste such a salad called “Chirgum-cha”, there is no salad to go to your homeland, everything can be done independently, if you have all the components.

You need to prepare:

  • a glass of beans Mash;
  • large onion;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • any vegetable oil - 100 g;
  • classic soy sauce - 2 tbsp;
  • vinegar essence - a teaspoon;
  • seasoning - a tablespoon.

Cooking process:

  1. To prepare the salad, prepare a glass of beans, rinse, pour into a glass jar with a volume of 1 liter, pour water. Leave for 8 hours.
  2. In the morning, the water needs to be drained, prepared 2 terry towels: extend the bottom of the mold for baking with a wet towel, pour the beans, cover with a second wet towel. Make sure that both towels are always moist, prevent fluid evaporation.
  3. It is enough to water the Mash with water at room temperature 2 times a day. It is undesirable to fill in, as well as to leave in a half -dry state.
  4. After a day, the beans of the mung should open - sprouts will appear. If you see that the Mash does not burst, there are no sprouts, it means that the beans are not worth it to further germinate, because it means that the legumes were treated with chemicals in the process of growing or storage.
  5. After 48 hours, and possibly still plus 8 hours of soaking, Mash will let sprouts in which there will be the maximum amount of useful substances. It's time to stop there. Attention: Beans cannot be germinated for more than 5 days, since they lose beneficial substances.
  6. Further, the most important thing is to get rid of the green shell, it is edible, but it will constantly interfere in the process of cooking Korean salad. It is necessary to place the mash in a large bowl or pan, pour water, gently move the beans with your hands so as not to break delicate sprouts. A green shell will float to the surface. You need to drain the water and you can start cooking salad.
  7. According to the original recipe, a sprouted mash must be subjected to heat treatment. Some of the beneficial substances are lost, this must be borne in view. There are 2 ways to make salad. Consider both: first you need to rinse the beans, then put in boiling water, boil for 1.5 minutes, drain the water, throwing it on a sieve.
  8. The onion must be chopped with rings and fry in oil to a beautiful golden hue. Then the onion must be transferred to the plate, and soil sauce is added to the oil and warm with oil for 2 minutes on low heat.
  9. The seedlings need to be shifted in a deep bowl for salad, put on the onion, pour the sauce, through the press, squeeze the garlic, add vinegar and Korean seasoning for the preparation of carrots. You can simply put a pinch of salt, black, fragrant and red sharp pepper, coriander. Mix everything and immediately serve the salad to the table.
  10. The second option: thermal processing of beans, onion roasting - similarly, fill in the oil sauce, add garlic and juice squeezed from half of the lemon. Then in the salad we crumble feathers of green onions, fresh parsley, mix. We leave for a couple of hours so that the salad is infused. Before serving, mix, taste, add vinegar if necessary.

Smoothies with prolonged Mash

We continue to master the recipes from the sprouted Masha. We offer to cook the simplest is the morning vitamin smoothie.

Prepare the such ingredients:

  • 500 ml of purified water;
  • a small bunch of salad;
  • dill and parsley - several branches;
  • propheted Bobs Mung - 2 tbsp;
  • ripe bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • honey - a teaspoon or 3 dates to choose from.

How to cook a healthy cocktail:

  1. Salad and greens must be rinse under a stream of water, shake off excess fluid, put in a blender.
  2. Add a banana, honey or dates to the blender bowl (soak first for 15 minutes to remove a thin film), as well as Masha's seedlings.
  3. Pour water, grind until a homogeneous state.
  4. If desired, the salad can be replaced with spinach.

Result: the cocktail should turn out to be thick, homogeneous. You need to drink such an energy drink in the morning.

Vinaigrette with the seedlings of Masha

We cook vitamin vinaigrette from these products:

  • propheted Mash - 200 g;
  • big beets - 2 pcs.;
  • boiled potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • pickled mushrooms - 200 g;
  • boiled carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.;
  • onions - head;
  • fresh lemon juice - 2 tbsp;
  • celery, parsley fresh - for decoration;
  • salad leaves - for serving for each portion.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the vegetables, boil. It will be easier and more useful, make it true: wrap each vegetable: beets, carrots and potatoes in foil, put on a baking sheet, pour some water. Bake in the oven until readiness. As a result, all beneficial substances are preserved to the maximum.
  2. Cool vegetables, clean, cut into cubes.
  3. Cut the mushrooms finely, cucumbers - also cubes, chop the onion.
  4. Mix all vegetables in a bowl, add a sprouted mash (without thermal treatment).
  5. Make a gas station: mix oil with lemon juice, season the vinaigrette.
  6. Rinse the leaves of the salad under the tap, shake off excess water, lay out the vinaigrette on the salad, decorate with parsley and a sprig of celery.

Propheted Mash: reviews

Tatiana: " I was carried away by germination of grains, I buy Uzbek peas in the market, where dried fruits are sold. I like to germinate wheat, but now I will talk about golden beans. Mash is the best that I tried from the seedlings, the sprouts are delicate, sweetish, the peas are also becoming a soft, neutral taste. I germinate on a plate using cotton fabric (without dyes), pour mash with drinking water, leave it at night, drain, wash, cover with cloth. I follow so that the fabric does not dry out. The grain has the maximum value at the beginning of the germination, when the sprout only appears, reaching a size of 5 mm. In fact, the visible part of the sprout has a smaller length (up to 3 mm), the remaining 2 are hidden inside. I do not advise you to germinate longer, since part of the beneficial energy loses the grain, but it acquires more vitamins. Therefore, decide what is better for you. You can take part of the sprouted grains at this stage, using the rest, leave the rest to grow up. For the germination of Masha, I distinguish 16 hours, taking into account the first washing. I like this result the most, because the beans are the most delicate and tasty. If the time is lost, green sprouts have appeared - it is forbidden to eat such seedlings, since they appear poisonous for the human body, substances».

Marina: "" Recently I discovered germination, I really liked Mash, because it is not capricious, it is growing quickly, it is easy to get a portion of energetically useful grains. I do not adhere to the recipes of cooking, I put the seedlings in any salads. Most of all I like fresh cabbage, onions, carrots, sweet pepper salad. After refueling the salad with oil, I put a handful of Masha’s seedlings in a plate and enjoy the taste. I cook such a salad in the morning, I really like it!»



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